senator rand paul, who says he has a plan for axing obamacare and actually implementing a cheaper, more free market approach health care. senator paul joins us. thanks for having me.e. ed: i want to start bye. diagnosing the problem. this other news, the extraordinary press conference president trump had, the ceo of aetna said that obamacare is in a death spiral. that is dramatic. the death spiral is this. basically in order for the insurance companies to make money and in order for the insurance model to work, people have to buyhe insurance that are a lot of them. inea order to pay for the people who get sick when they have insurance. right now, many young, healthy people are not buying insurance because obamacare told them that you could buy after you get sick. butyo it doesn t work if everyby waits to buy insurance after they are sick. the other problem that all, care did is that a lawn care all these mandates. 10-11 things that every insurance has to cover. whether