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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190720 00:30:00

>> thanks. that's our report. appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama daetz. tonight, the heat emergencies. and it's now turned deadly. more than 30 states, the oppressive heat. it will feel like 115 degrees in some places. tonight, the nursing home. the air conditioning failing. the emergency evacuations. the former pro football player dying of heat stroke. the electrical explosion leaving thousands without power. and in new york city, the new warning after the blackout just days ago. ginger zee times it out. president trump says he is no longer upset with those who chanted "send her back." what he is saying now. and first lady michelle obama not directly references the headlines but tweeting late today. breaking news at this hour. the u.s. military monitoring a u.s. ship traveling through the strait of hormuz after word of two more shipped seized by iran. martha raddatz at this hour. the american woman and her boyfriend on a road trip discovered dead. authorities before the cameras moments ago and what they have . newly ithe ocean. the computer warning the two pilots they were too low. >> theripe under arrest overseas. president trump is tonight. first lady melania trump, too. the rapper, asap rocky, claiming self-defense and what the video shows. a missing wife. 69 years old. her husband breaking down, insisting the police are looking at him as a suspect. and if the heat is getting to you, try the yankees manager who lost it. his choice words and the punishment tonight. good evening. great to have you with us on a friday night. m brutal heat and tonight it's turned deadly now. authorities declaring heat emergencies in communities across the country, 34 states. more than 20n americans io0 llm. look at mbnue fos er the heat index, feel like -- 111 in d.c. 110 in philadelphia. 108 in new york .tycieeing numbers that high. tonight, the former pro football player who died of heat stroke leading thousands without power. ansesubway lines shut down just moments ago here in new york city. gio benitez leading us off. >> reporter: tonight, the life-threatening heat has first responders on high alert. who at risk? >> anyone is at t risk.isos m >> reporter: we spent the day with paramedics in the philadelphia suburbs. they tell us there's a reason parents need to watch their kids. when you're talking about children, you're talking about their body temperature rising three or five times faster than us. >> correct. because they're smaller, they cannot regulate the temperature like you or i can. >> reporter: not far away. some elderly residents forced to evacuate when they lost power. >> describe what it's like in the apartment? >> it's 95 degrees. and getting hotter. >> we have medic units on scene monitoring the patients who need it. >> reporter: in chicago -- >> the heat will be so intense today, it could be life threatening. >> reporter: a heat index of at least 105 degrees, pushing the limits of infrastructure. stephanie ramos is there. >> these crews are inspecting roads threatened by the intense heat. officials say the extremely high temperatures could cause pavement blow outs and roads to buckle. >> reporter: inanrk a fs,saror offensive lineman mitch petrus dying after working outside all day. he was just 32. new york city canceling the triathlon. the city under a heat emergency. power officials confident the power grid will hold after last weekend's blackout. >> we expect demand this is weekend to rival all-time weekend peaks. >> reporter: new york's mayor is asking the residents to turn the thermostat up to 78 degrees to help save power. here in philly we are looking at a top heat index of 104. that number could grow to 113 over the weekend. and again, we just learned in new york city, several subway lines have been shut down. we don't know if that is heat related. but, david, of course, there are major concerns over infrastructure. >> thank you. you heard gio mention the real concern in new york after the black out days ago. warning on the strain and the power grids. well, in madison, wisconsin tonight, look at this. a state of emergency after an explosion at the city's main power center there. it felt like 109 in madison today. that explosion triggering a fire. the flames shooting 150 feet into the air, knocking out power to thousands. here is abc's steve osunsami now. >> reporter: the timing of this explosion at a power station in madison, wisconsin, was so terrible, the state's governor had to declare a state of emergency as thousands were having to get through the miserable heat without power. >> there was an explosion. explosion and a large fire, now. >> reporter: there's an excessive heat warning in the area. today it felt like 109 degrees. >> you think those flames are, 50, 60 feet? >> reporter: government employees at the state capital were told to leave their hot and humid offices and head home. >> we're checking in with any place that we think have young people, have seniors, have folks that are likely to be without air conditioning in this heat. >> reporter: adding insult to injury, a second substation caught fire. authorities believe both were caused by mechanical issues. the power is back on tonight, but power companies from madison wisconsin all the way up to east coast are watching out for these kind of breakdowns in this heat. david? >> steve osunsami and gio benitez, thank you. let's go to ginger zee live tonight along the parkway. tracking it all for us. hi, ginger. >> reporter: hi. some of the numbers as far as heat indices go, blowing our minds. sheldon, iowa, the highest i have seen all day -- 121. and look at the excessive heat warnings and advisories from oklahoma to vermont and maine. the core of the heat, 115. iowa city, 117 over omaha. that is right now. the core, watch as it slides east. it's going to make its way and settle into the northeast on saturday. that's the hottest day. philadelphia to norfolk feels like 110. 111 washington, d.c., and hartford, connecticut. now, when you have this much heat and humidity, it's inevitable you have severe storms. a severe thunderstorm watch from cleveland to binghamton, new york. tornado watch in wisconsin and minnesota. >> we are thinking about the millions in the path of the heat this weekend. ginger, thanks to you again tonight. the president late today no longer saying he is unhappy with the crowds chanting "send her back," calling them incredible patriots. earlier this week, the president, with out rage, when asked about it said i am joining in the fight. and what he is saying now. and michelle obama who did not mention the news directly, though she did weigh in today with a tweet. here is abc's kyra philips tonight. >> reporter: tonight, president trump defending his north carolina supporters who chanted this about minnesota congresswoman ilhan omar, who came to the u.s. as a child refugee from somalia. [ crowd chanting "send her back" ] >> reporter: the chant was inspired by the president's racist tweet suggesting four democratic congresswomen go back to the countries they came from, even though all are american citizens and three of them were born here. under pressure from his own party, the president said he felt "a bit badly" about the chant and was not happy. today, a different tune. >> you know what i'm unhappy with? i'm unhappy with the fact that a congresswoman can hate our country. those people in north carolina, that stadium was packed. it was a record crowd, and i could have filled it ten times, as you know. those are incredible people. those are incredible patriots. >> reporter: later, i asked him -- the chant, "send her home," is it racist to you? >> say it? >> reporter: the chant, "send her home" -- >> no, you know what's racist to me? when somebody goes out and says the horrible things about our country, the people of our country. i think to me that's a disgrace, and we should never forget it. we're dealing with people that hate our country. >> reporter: tonight, michelle obama speaking out. the former first lady doesn't mention the president by name, but her aim is clear, tweeting, what truly makes our country great is its diversity. whether we are born here or seek refuge here, there's a place for us all. we must remember it's not my america or your america -- it's our america. >> let's get right to kyra phillips life at the white house tonight. world leaders are watching this from afar and now weighing in on the chants and how the president is handling this? >> reporter: indeed. strong words, too, referencing the president's racist tweet, canadian prime minister justin trudeau saying the comments were hurtful, wrong, and completely unacceptable. german prime minster angela merkel also weighing in, saying she stands in solidarity with the four congresswomen. >> thank you. we are also watching rising tensions with iran tonight. the u.s. military is monitoring a container ship traveling through the strait of hormuz after word iran seized two more ships there. let's go to martha raddatz. what do we know about the seized ships? >> reporter: the iranians seized a british flagged tanker with 23 crew members in the strait of hormuz claiming it violated international rules. a liberian tanker also seized. the british foreign secretary saying he is extremely concerned about the seizure, calling it unacceptable. president trump showing today it says iran is nothing but trouble. david, it is a serious escalation. >> martha, in the meantime, the iran denying -- u.s. saying it destroyed an iranian drone, and iran is showing video they claim proves it. >> reporter: that's right. iranian state tv, they aired video they claim came from the drone the u.s. says it destroyed. the video has a time stamp that would be after the hour the u.s. said the drone went down. but there is no proof that the time stamp is accurate, and the white house today said there is very clear evidence the iranian drone was destroyed by the u.s. military, david. >> all right, escalation indeed. martha, all right, thank you. tonight, an american man accused of being an isis fighter is in federal custody facing terror charges now. prosecutors say a 42-year-old naturalized citizen born in kazakhstan left brooklyn in 2013 where he joined isis and became a sniper of trainer of new recruits. he try toad recruit owe person to join isis, that person turned out to be a nypd informant. an american woman and her boyfriend discovered on the side of the road in canada. chynna deekes and her boyfriend lucas fowler were found on the side of a remote canadian highway, in fact, they believe the couple was murdered. here is matt gutman. >> reporter: tonight, canadian police know that this young couple's road trip ended violently on a lonely stretch of the alaskan highway. what the don't know is who murdered 24-year-old american chynna deese and her boyfriend lucas fowler. >> it's not yet clear whether lucas and chynna were targeted or if this was a crime of opportunity. >> reporter: without revealing how they were killed, police recovered the couple and that blue van on the side of the road in picturesque british columbia sometime between sunday and monday night. >> we are trying to comb through the evidence that is at the scene at this point. >> reporter: family members tell us they believe their van broke down. chynna deese, who was from north carolina, met fowler in croatia. he is the son of an australian police chief inspector. the couple was taking a road trip heading to national parks and alaska. tonight, deese's mother telling abc news, this southern girl meets this wonderful australian man. they were just so in love and both loved traveling. the couple was found near a the couple was found near a popular tourist site. right now police are working with a 28-hour window in which they think the crime occurred. they are asking motorists with dash cam video to come forward to narrow down the time line. david. >> matt gutman reporting in tonight, thank you, matt. there is new cockpit video showing the final moments of a 737 crashing into the ocean. the pilots were warned by computers they were too low before slamming into the water. we reported on this when the u.s. navy team rushed in to help save the passengers. abc's david kerley with the new video emerging with the terrifying crash near guam. >> reporter: in the september crash, short of a runway -- >> hey! >> reporter: we saw u.s. sailors racing to the 737 jetliner to pull passengers out of the aircraft. >> 14 over there. >> reporter: tonight, a highly unusual recording inside the cockpit. >> approaching minimums. >> reporter: as the jet was trying to land in bad weather near guam -- >> minimums. >> reporter: that is the computer warning the two pilots that they're too low. >> sink rate, sink rate. >> reporter: and their flight path means they will not make the runway. investigators say the pilots ignored the warnings and had done so in the past. but on this day, the weather meant they couldn't see the runway. the last warning -- they're 1 one feet above the water. >> 100. >> reporter: the jetliner bounced on the water of the lagoon several times before settling and filling with water. originally, it was thought that everyone survived the crash. 35 people were rescued. but three days later, divers found the body of a passenger inside the fuselage. investigators had harsh words for both pilots in this incident. >> david, thank you. mounting calls tonight for the release of an american rapper being held in a swedish jail. from some famous names. even the president and first lady are involved in it. the rapper asap rocky is under investigation for alleged assault. he says it was self-defense. tonight what the video shows. here is erielle reshef. >> reporter: tonight mounting anger after swedish prosecutors announce that rapper asap rocky must remain behind bars while their investigation into this fight continues. tmz obtaining the video showing the 30-year-old performer, whose real name is rakim meyers and members of his entourage, fighting in the streets of stockholm on june 30th. but the rapper posting this video allegedly of the moments just before. >> we don't want no problems with these boys. they keep following us. >> reporter: two men can be seen arguing with his bodyguard, throwing headphones at the group and following them as they try to walk away. >> they came into a situation where he acted in self-defense. >> reporter: the grammy-nominated artist and two backup performers now beginning their third week in a swedish jail. asap deemed a flight risk. their detention sparking outrage and today, president trump said many including the first lady have asked him to intervene. >> i have been called by so many people asking me to help asap rocky. >> reporter: david, the man seen fighting with the rapper while under investigation remains free. after speaking with kanye west, president trump says he plans to call the swedish prime minster. david? >> thank you. there is still more ahead. the urgent search for a missing wife, 69 years old. her husband breaking down in front of the camera saying she vanished in the desert. and tonight, he insists police are now looking at him. the daring high-rise escape. you may have seen the pictures. the man who climbed down 15 stories to get out of a burning building. tonight it turns out there is more to the story, and what we've learned now. if the heat is getting to you tonight, and it probably is, try the yankees manager who lost it. some very choice words. we have to bleep about half of them. and now the punishment tonight. a lot more news ahead. stay tuned. bleep half of them. and the punishment. a lot more news ahead. stay here. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. 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(vo) cascade platinum. let's see, aleve is than tylenol extra strength. and last longer with fewer pills. so why am i still thinking about this? i'll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain. we turn next tonight to the search of a missing wife i we turn next tonight to the search of a missing wife in the mojave desert. her husband breaking down, pleading for her return. here is will carr. >> reporter: tonight authorities are scouring one of the hottest places on earth with k-9s after 69-year-old barbara thomas vanished a week ago. according to her husband, she vanished in the mojave desert wearing only a black bikini and a red hat with a beer in hand. he says he stopped to take a picture, and when he looked, she was gone. >> she rounded the corner and i lost sight of her. >> reporter: he believes someone kidnapped her. >> whoever has her, please release her. no questions asked. >> reporter: he also tells "inside edition" police consider him a suspect and he was deceptive on a polygraph test. police won't comment on if they have any suspects in this case. they say they are treating this as a missing persons david. when we come back what was found in "apollo 11's" mission control when they lifted up the consoles decades later. so many tonight talking about that man climbing down 15 stories to get out of a fire. turns out there is more to it, in a moment. t there is more to it in a moment. moment. the fiber. month after month, and i still have belly pain and recurring constipation. so i asked my doctor what else i could do, and i said yesss to linzess. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. linzess is not a laxative, it works differently. it helps relieve belly pain and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. do not give linzess to children less than 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. i'm still doing it all. the water. the exercise. the fiber. and i said yesss to linzess for help with belly pain and recurring constipation. ask your doctor. you only talk about your insurancet, when you complain about it. 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>> i do. you can feel it. >> reporter: this week, they allowed us to broadcast from that room, a first. sandra tetley was charged with restoring "apollo 11" mission control. >> you see the lights, what's on the screens, and just realize something big happened here. >> reporter: they took out the consoles and sent them to hutchinson, kansas, to be restored at the space museum, cosmosphere. underneath the consoles, they found cigarettes from that time. they used photographs to place items right where they were 50 years ago. the rc cola, the winstons, the "apollo 11" flight plan. and when you search you archives, you see it, the miniature "apollo 11" spacecraft, then and now. right where it once sat. and remember this week, they even showed us the heartbeat. they were monitoring the astronauts. they had neil armstrong's vital signs right in from of them the entire time? >> absolutely. >> reporter: and all of those images of the flight director, gene krantz. 50 years later, history still being made. now two women in the top roles, the chief flight director and the deputy flight director, emily nelson, already looking ahead to the moon again, and then mars. >> getting to put boots back on another surface away from earth, again, that will be incredible. >> they hope to launch that mission in 2024 from florida, where there is another woman, regina spelman, helping to lead the way. >> they started with a blank piece of paper, and how they were able to do that is awe-inspiring, what people can really do when they put their mind to it. >> reporter: and until the next mission, preserving that other mission 50 years ago. the woman and the team who saw what was left here and thought we should save it. most people would say, what a mess. but you thought, i've got history. >> oh, it's treasure. it was treasure. it was history. ab new at 6:00 a south bay jail commander that lost her job tells her side of the story to the abc 7 news i team and makes a revolutielation about her workplace. >> i feel like a failure because i can't provide for my kids. >> a battle for bigger paychecks, more about money. you'll meet the people for whom this is personal. this 14-year-old is building a better bay area. she saw a problem and step in to solve it hundreds of times over. >> announcer: now news to build a better bay area. from abc 7. >> new at 6:00, the commander of santa clara county's elmwood jail is telling her side of the story after being walked off the job supposedly over a barbecue grill. i'm ama daetz. >> i'm dan ashley. she says there is much more to this story. that commander has given her first television interview. >> this is a story you'll only see here on 7. you've been following this for sometime now. >> i have. i have been talking to the staff


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