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Transcripts For DW DW News 20190330 16:00:00

the science of i.r.s. starts april eleventh on d. w. . this is deja vu news live from berlin fears of a cholera epidemic in mozambique hundreds of people contract the contagious disease following a devastating sight phone with vast numbers of displaced people at risk relief workers are warning of a second disaster also coming up. thousands of palestinians mark the anniversary of the weekly gaza protest the event has turned deadly with two palestinians killed and more than one hundred injured in clashes with israeli forces. and the boxer dealt a legal blow female reporter takes action against heavyweight who brought to live after he forcibly kisses her during a post match interview. next peiser welcome to the program. in mozambique the number of cholera cases has risen dramatically from five to nearly three hundred just two days the world health organization is warning of a second disaster if cholera spreads among survivors of the deadly that hit two weeks ago the water borne disease causes acute and can kill within days treated hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes in the cycle that hit mozambique and zimbabwe one of the worst affected areas is the city on the indian ocean. and many settlements such as here in the flooding hasn't completely receded and many people are waiting for help. there is no even though i live here. every extra day in the mud increases the risk of severe diarrhea or even of cholera outbreaks in rural districts the situation is even worse large areas of land are still under water we visit a small clinic in the village of one go or what the storm left of it there is only one doctor who treats one hundred fifty patients a day testing them for malaria another looming danger he would be powerless against a cholera outbreak. yes the numbers are increasing we can't do much we hand out chlorine tablets to disinfect the drinking water and we tell people to wash for it before eating it and especially to wash their hands if. anyone with diarrhea is being treated as though they had cholera the world health organization plans to provide nine hundred thousand vaccine doses next week but fear of cholera is not the only concern many locals have lost everything their houses and huts were destroyed as was their harvest. even though it's been more than two weeks people are still suffering the after effects of the cycle. there has been no color epidemic nevertheless it will be months before things are back to normal. joining us now on the phone from the show is robert holden he's the incident manager for the emergency response to psych loan with the world health organization robert thanks for joining us tell us the number of cases of cholera among cyclon survivors has jumped into the hundreds now how much more do we have to fear. our good afternoon and i think we need to be cautious with the figures we certain have come for color of the ministry of health confirmed that on wednesday or we're seeing as you said an increase in the number of cases of people treat diarrhea. you know cheering to be expected that that's not uncommon and in the event margaret we're trying to move quickly to ensure that one we understand the scale of the problem not just in my book beyond there but all sorts of stand up a significant distance so that one we can try and minimize the spread of it your goal to dock diarrhea or cholera but those that do become sake that we can get the treatment services to where it's needed rocket like this is a major public health threat to those people that lost everything that you're setting the standard you're in this is one of those most significant threats we say is wrong. and just looking to the weeks and months ahead psych loney to destroy big parts of mozambique's water and santa fe sanitation infrastructure as we know what can be done to improve safe access to water is next for nickel. well it is indeed absolutely one of the most critical components in terms of ensuring that people don't become sick. and as you say the this scale of devastation is significant so you know it's going to take some time a lot is happening here in our service apportions cordon from our malls and being i think it's fair to say that you know the mozambique authorities are more than big government. and of state opening practically spawns equate to a call for international system is funny and it's good to see that the international community has responded quickly and riposte course as as your. as your reporter indicated on the introduction we're still not able to get to some areas now on a daily basis the water is receding so every day we can get through to places that were previously inaccessible but we don't underestimate the scale of the cost for the first. those that have lost everything you know there we minimized the fresh return the suffering that we now and europe but it's a monumental task that we have we have ahead of us ok robert holden of the world health organization thank you for that tens of thousands of palestinians are demonstrating to mark one year since the start of the weekly gaza protests there held to demand the right to return to israel and an end to israel's blockade of the gaza strip but today's event billed as the million man march has turned deadly two palestinians have been killed in clashes with israeli forces the palestinian red crescent says more than one hundred people have been injured there's also been violence in the city of ramallah in the west bank. our correspondent tenure came a is in jerusalem she gave us this update on the casualties from today's clashes. yes that's right one young man succumbed acces injuries he sustained last night in protest on friday night he died early this morning and another seventeen year old teenager was hit during the afternoon directly in the states it's unclear whether it was by sniper fire or by teargas canister and died from his injuries. also the machine red crescent has said that over one hundred people where injured most of them however nightly which is what you've seen over the past yeah demonstrations of this scale it's farther. lower number than what you seen now where there have been reports said it out in some kind of unofficial and understanding procrit by an egyptian delegation has been shuttling between gaza and israel over the past week between hamas and israel and to calm down the situation the organizers of these protests have asked protesters to stay away from the sense that the israeli army has put out a statement said there had been some young protesters approaching defense as throwing some stones and some devices but most of the protesters have actually said further away from the fence and out of some of the other stories making news around the world. british lawmakers yesterday dealt prime minister theresa may another big blow on the day britain was supposed to leave the european union the british parliament rejected the withdrawal deal she's been negotiating with brussels for the third time britain could now crash out of the e.u. without a deal on april twelfth. voters in slovakia are selecting a new head of state in the second round of the country's presidential election runoff it's environmental activist susanna against european commission vice president. up until about one forty percent in the first round she could become the first woman in a largely ceremonial post. and the rolling stones are postponing a tour of north america while singer mick jagger receives medical treatment the seventy five year old tweeted regrets to fans and said he would be back on stage as soon as he could a spokesperson did not elaborate on the serious condition. pope francis has arrived in the moroccan capital for a visit and at furthering dialogue between religions francis was invited to morocco by king mohammad during the two day trip the pontiff will meet muslim leaders and lead a mass for the country's minority catholic community interfaith dialogue is a priority for francis. joining me now in the studio for a discussion on this is our religious affairs correspondent martin jack this is the second visit by this pope in as many months two months to a muslim country he was in the united arab emirates before all for interfaith dialogue any possible report card at present well in the sense i think that it's really just the bow and the vatican more generally trying to arrange for stadia that islam is an integral part of. so world view off the got the lake church as well it's an important player geopolitically and in this sense it is very important for about to see that he's very much committed to geopolitical geopolitical operations at the very same time the fact is an important player in terms of into religious relations i mean the jewish community of morocco has been historically a very integrated community yes have different christian communities. at a time in which you can seize christian communities around the world and around muslim countries more generally in a in a situation of recovery of snow as it takes every opportunity the vatican takes every opportunity to underscore success stories i think that that's essentially the overall thing that we are actually seeing the relations that are forged in the brus of corps can be very powerful and can have political impact ok so the post meeting with religious leaders he's also meeting with migrants why is he doing that how is that likely to be perceived by the people of iraq i mean i think that the statement itself which was that no you know no concrete. or no no solid no solid boundary no wall will actually stop or solve the immigration problem in many ways it's a very you know fourth expression of what the position is which is essentially that moses's question concerning a bridge immigration stopping immigration both in the u.s. and in europe especially coming from the more conservative a right wing political frames it's one that essentially and rejects and takes a position that in fact integration or the well being of the people that ultimately because of the conditions in which they are the great is something that actually has to be taken care of obviously more ocus an important spot any sort of movement of people from africa into europe so it's also very telling that talking to the moroccans disposed actually chooses to underscore this essentially pointing out you know once you actually participate in the solution of the problem it will not be enough to help him for say the border there with spain that said cetera et cetera political political solutions will need to be felt ok thank you very much says martin. religious affairs correspondent a heavyweight boxer who kissed a female reporter during a t.v. interview is refusing to apologize and has been suspended from the sport in california who brought poor leftist the reporter after defeating romania's bogged down in a fight last saturday. jennifer rivaldo also known as jenny sushi was conducting post match interview with cooper but instead of throwing a question the bulgarian box of did this you know what. i thank you thank you. if you have the right. moments later she says he grabbed her again this time off camera. next i walked to a table to put my items and i thought pat he grabbed both of my buttocks and squeezed with both of his hands and he walked away without saying anything to me and laughed. it made me feel uncomfortable and frustrated that cooped up with that would treat me in such an unprofessional manner. i did not encourage or consent to mr pull out of grabbing my face kissing me or grabbing my backside i was there at the event covering the boxing match as a professional member of the press. keeping a woman on her lips without her consent and grabbing her is not acceptable rivaldo said she would take legal action against pool of hiring high profile women's rights lawyer gloria all read the vegas sports daily report to said she had only met the books a day earlier but in a statement posted on twitter who have claims they were friends and says quote i was so elated i gave her a kiss there was really nothing more to this the heavyweight boxer is jude to appear in front of california's boxing regulator in may one of the all. in the world rally championship welsh driver elfin evans leads the tour of corsica after the first day of racing evans won it three of friday's sixty agents to take a strong lead into the weekend's action is currently four and a half seconds ahead of his closest challenger toyota driver tonic stone ian is the leader in the overall overall championship standings. shifting gears now to say happy birthday to the cape crusader cartoon onscreen superhero bet and turns eighty today he made his debut in detective comics in one nine hundred thirty nine and since then he moved on to his own t.v. series followed by a decades long career in movie theaters multiple actors have played the dark superhero over the years and even non-human actors have put on the old batteries enough for everyone to have a theme. and a reminder the top stories we're following for you. mozambique number of cholera cases has risen dramatically from five to nearly three hundred just two days the


Transcripts For DW Business 20190821 03:02:00

argentina's new treasury minister acts fast to stabilize the beleaguered peso selling dollar reserves in a much welcomed move but can he solve the country's underlying problems including its massive pile of debt. also coming up its legal bills are mounting now german heavyweight buyer is selling its animal health unit to free up cash. and fasten your seat belts singapore is getting ready to launch a trial itself driving buses. this is your business report i'm stephen bears in berlin thanks for joining us argentina welcome to new treasury minister on tuesday and on the coon's it wasted no time in dealing with the country's fragile economy argentina's central bank auction $112000000000.00 u.s. dollars from its reserves to stop the country's peso from falling markets welcomed the move but more remains to be done. it's looking increasingly likely that the presidential palace in buenos aires will have a new resident in the near future although the current president mary snow mccree has just appointed the 4th treasury minister of his tenure if you expect the president to be around long enough to see how the new man performs the election is coming and everything points to a big defeat for mockery just over a week ago he suffered a crushing defeat to left wing opposition candidate out battle fernandez in a national primary a key bellwether ahead of the main presidential vote on october 27th in the aftermath the argentine stock markets suffered one of the biggest falls of its history while the peso fell sharply against the us dollar it was all too much for outgoing treasury minister nicole last to hold any who promptly resigned and. he says he wants to make the most of the 2 months left to polling day. when the next administration arrives. whoever the voters choose the important thing is that the starting point for the next president is a solid and robust platform to recover growth. but argentina is buried in debt the i.m.f. gave my crease government a $57000000000.00 loan last year on the provision that it implemented strict austerity measures to attract foreign investment the investment has not come the economy is struggling and the i.m.f. are due for a visit. just yesterday i spoke with representatives of the i.m.f. by telephone. in the coming days they will visit to make a review of the goals that were set out. but who cares about abstract budgetary targets when ordinary people are running out of money with price increases of more than 50 percent already recorded in 2019 it looks like there are more difficult times ahead for argentina. over in north america now where u.s. steel says it's laying off up to $200.00 workers for at least 6 months at its plant in the state of michigan back in june the company warned that softening demand and lower steel prices would lead to the closing of 2 blast furnaces at the great lakes facility layoffs call into question claims by u.s. president trump that he's reviving the domestic steel industry. and let's go to our financial correspondent in new york he ends korda so again some dark clouds over the steel industry what's really behind this. now well i mean when the current administration started to impose tariffs on steel and dollar minium in march of $28000.00 we saw a little bit of a production increase here in the united states but at the same time we saw prices for steel starting to decline and pays basically also between of the trade disputes between china and the united states let china to buy less steel and china pretty much is the biggest buyer of steel so steel prices started to stumble at the same is true for stock prices if you take the stock price of unite of u.s. steel that's basically in a freefall since march of $80.00 and the stock is down by a good 70 percent so just last week u.s. president donald trump claimed in the steel industry of pennsylvania that he actually. turned a dense business into a thriving and to apprise well those numbers actually tell a different story they insist more talk today in us about economic stimulus to ward off for a session what's in the sky. that actually seems to be the big new idea here in the united states but we heard similar arguments over in germany for instance so the central banks overall seem to basically got rid of all their dry powder so now. we see the turn to fiscal politics so there is the idea for example here in the u.s. to come to payroll taxes but that is very unlikely to happen even if us president donald trump on tuesday said that he's toying around with this idea but we're in the face of elections and it's basically impossible that there will be a majority for such plans but it's interesting to see even if we for example 2 full employment here in the united states every body seems to drive whatever is possible to keep economic growth going or a quarter there for us in new york thank you yes german conglomerate buyer hoped its takeover of us for months and so would turn it into a heavyweight in the promising sector of crops instead the purchases put buyer in a very difficult position the legal costs for months santos rounds up weed killer are climbing and buyer needs cash now it's sold its animal health unit man's best friend is trending with incomes rising worldwide the demand for animal health products is also increasing now german pharmaceutical giant buyer is selling its animal health unit to u.s. based drug firm a langkow for $7600000000.00 the move will create the 2nd largest company of its kind for buyer animal health is only a small part of the group's business and 20 again it brought in revenue of around one and a half 1000000000 euros it's larger units include consumer health with $5400000000.00 euros crop science with just over $14000000000.00 and pharmaceuticals with almost $17000000000.00 euros. selling the animal health division will allow a buyer to bring in some urgently needed cash the company has had a few rough months with multi-billion dollar lawsuits over the weekend a roundup and its active ingredient to life was saved with funds dwindling and share prices dropping fire has recently moved to sell units not directly related to its core business of life sciences most recently it on loaded some time lotion brand coppertone as well as its dr scholl's foot care unit buyers planning to focus more on its traditional divisions including pharmaceuticals and consumer health british prime minister boris johnson has asked the e.u. to renegotiate its spec brags that agreement threatening his country will otherwise leave without a deal on october 31st whatever the likelihood of a renegotiation more businesses in the u.k. are realising how difficult it could be. the trucks are still rolling swiftly through the port of dover but soon there could be long traffic jams at the end of october britain intends to leave the e.u. with or without a deal prime minister boris johnson never tires of stressing but of brakes it without a deal would definitely mean customs controls in ports like dover and long waiting times $10000.00 trucks 220030000 very can you imagine it's going to be hell for everybody and it's going to bankrupt the british economy fears of serious economic consequences in the event of a no deal briggs's are growing not only here in dover last weekend secret government documents were revealed they warned shortages of food medicines and petrol in the event of a no deal brigs it. the fears are not exaggerated when you consider the formalities that are common for goods and customs clearance with countries outside the e.u. internal market. everybody doing papers like me. for bio is not our job but that too much time meanwhile the bricks of supporters in the new british government still hope to renegotiate the divorce agreement they don't seem to have a plan b. you appear to be putting up a battery isn't saying they don't want to talk i'm sure they will change their mind i had hoped they will change their mind but we are ready to the top of the 51st deal new deal in a 4 page letter boris johnson has just made demands on the e.u. but demands are not it doesn't look like new negotiations are on the horizon. commuters take age driverless bus to work that's what officials in singapore hope to find out as they prepare a trial of self driving buses. his days are numbered at least if the trial goes well this driverless bus is one of several vehicles that singapore is trying out next week as part of a scheme to promote autonomous truck force if you've ever wondered how the technology works here is your explanation. for those of us. you know using a wall or. using the braces off the street all senses like these. and the fuse that. follows us where. we. train. passengers can use an app on their phone to book the shuttles the destinations on our fridge or in the test phase include a golf club the beach and a historic force. to scheme is just one example to illustrate what's becoming a growing interest in the south driving sector the global autonomous vehicle market is a ready worth an estimated $54000000000.00 annually a figure that's expected to increase tenfold in the next decade competition is ready stiff back in 2016 u.s. software firm new to know me launched driverless taxi trials in singapore basing viable by a matter of weeks the company behind the current trial is hoping that betting on self driving buses will push ahead of the curve. and that's it for me in the business team. thanks for watching. earth. for saving. those tell stories of creative people and to innovate as projects around the world. protect the climate and boost green energy solutions by global mean by a series of global 3 goals and. welcome to the what is the game here for development the flames to talk about since. the salt coverage. 3 more. slowly have passed let's have a look at some economists believe look so you don't want to miss this. if you. don't believe. i'm not laughing at that well i guess sometimes i am but i said nothing which is that the german thinks the printer jemma culture of looking at the stereotype question in here think the


Transcripts For DW Arts And Culture 20190919 06:45:00

we begin here in berlin at the annual literature festival which is a platform for presenting contemporary developments in all full names of the written word right as an academic from around the world come to the festival as well as of course the literature loving public the nigerian author chimamanda ngozi adichie is one of the top african writers around today and we met up with her at the festival. their presence is enough to feel the holes like here with the literature festival in the early chimamanda ngozi adichie is greeted like a pop star as one of the great voices of world literature is also a feminist icon. and really just a writer you know i want to stay home and write poetry and dream but there are things about the wall that make me so angry that i then want to try and make a difference in her books a deal she deals with racism and sexism at 19 she left nigeria to study in the us and it was there that she learned for the 1st time what it means to be black she talks about this in her novel americanah in a teaching analyzes the punishes and pervasive problems of racism that continue to this day the breakthrough novel became a huge international success. i grew up thinking that there are certain things that happened in nigeria that would never happen in america that i grew up something if the government did something i would think to myself but of course never in america and now it's happening in america and there's a sense in which america has become ordinary. and a morning i mean grief rage drives her on in her online ted talk we should all be feminists deep she talks about the patriarchy as an outdated for our society that video is a viral hit with millions of clicks the person more likely to lead is not the physically stronger person it is the more creative person the more intelligent person the more innovative person we have evolved but it seems to me that ideas of gender have not evolved she's also part of pop culture senior beyond say featured her speech in a song. exception to the way that. the social and economic policy of this is in many ways a teacher has. captured today's zeitgeist she's currently on the cover of british vogue but she doesn't see herself as an activist it's more important for gigi to tell stories because it's stories that bind society together especially in difficult times. i think now more than ever it's important for storytellers to continue this is what has kept human beings going throughout our time on earth it's you know we've gone from sort of sitting round the campfire and now we're writing books but it's fundamentally the same thing i think it's that idea of remembering that you're not a loon the human emotions are universal the kind of the. she's also passing on this storytelling tradition to the next generation in nigeria through workshops like here in lagos she listens to the young authors and encourages them to raise their voices. young men writing about how the kind of shift in gender is confusing to them because you have young men who don't know who they want to do the right thing but they're not sure what it is anymore because things and shift and i find young people grappling with these things and i think i really find that i learn from them in his workshops. chimamanda ngozi adichie using words to find the women's rights and equality whether that be in the us in africa and in the world. germans love bread and for good reason it is fantastic believe me there's even a myth that when there are more than $100.00 germans living in a community anywhere in the world the chances are you'll find a german star bakery nearby that why am i telling you all this because our series breaking bread is back where our baker extraordinary europe correspondent gail. matters is baking bread from every e.u. country he'll be with me after this 1st new episode. this recipe starts with something we germans enough to do recycling. if you want to bake the german can help meaning literally grey bread take 60 grams of old stale bread grind it in the meat mincer and soak it in 150 millimeters of water overnight. this article and that is why it will take some time that's what i can't predict meanwhile prepare your salad oh. makes 20 grams of sourdough starter and 130000000 liters of water with 80 grams of rye flour and leave it to stand covering it with a tea towel. now for something very close to drown in people's hearts thus out. of the car. is what i'm talking about. it's a technique whereby you gently mix 780 grams of brown bread flour with 500 milliliters of water then leave it all to rest. it saves you needing time and let me tell you. to say. the route is the heavyweight amongst europe's no drama any is not only the richest member state in the e.u. it's also the one that has the biggest population and this bread is just as rich. it contains 3 separate stones. 390 grams of rye flour 60000000 liters of water 15 grams of fresh yeast. 20 grams of honey. and 15 grams of butter. not to forget 25. rahm's of salt and no less mess the strong tradition at your peril lesson learned by brussels the commission is not prohibiting any bread and has no intention to regulate the salt level in bread neither in germany nor elsewhere in the e.u. but one thing you can really relate to is your blood pressure. not with the less salt but more exercise you have to meet to do without for a good 15 to 20 minutes. tell us what it takes time i had a good thing is worth waiting for then that would prove and use that time to ponder the quiet rise of my compatriot who was a laugh on the line to the e.u. stop job all of us in this room live in a europe that has grown up matured and grown strong that out of all the news right from the start for the line put a stamp on the e.u. institutions and just as well. if you press the strawman bret's them into the fold too late it will collapse so to stay in control in politics as it baking you need razor sharp instincts. and when it comes to dealing with crises in the e.u. no one has more experience than uncle america the german chancellor so let's carve in her signature gesture the triangle of power. now place the bread in the oven that's $210.00 degrees celsius for about an hour. yeah it does was male in a nutshell that's what took us along all these hours. if you have any leftovers don't worry all you need is a meat mincer fresh from hell board is on its. way. and the old mathis is here himself with me in the studio we've missed you kyoko and you remember that i said you wouldn't be allowed back in the studio and unless you came bearing gifts you have come bearing gifts what's this i did indeed so last night i spend in the kitchen and i've brought you the hunk darian potatoes sourdough bread with caraway seeds ok i'm going to try a bit of a if i may while you are so my next question we've just seen the episode job of bread bread is important to everybody around the world but right really very much very especially to here in germany why there's a number of reasons really and i'll make it a longish answer so you can enjoy the bread no. so there's climate there's culture and there's history history because germany was split into many small kingdoms 100 years ago and so every small political entity had their own brett. climates because in the north of germany we have roy in the south we have spelt and in the center of germany there's a lot of wheat so there's a huge variety where some countries in the north of europe only have rice and then there is culture and that is something close to our drums is is i've been poured so every evening we have a cold dinner that tradition that's something to dish and that's something i've grown up with you just have a slice of bread cheese a slice of sausage butter that's it. literally evening bread and i've never thought of that that's very true actually this is by the way very delicious it really is yeah. it's so nice now you mix it has to be said what should the series you mix baking bread series with amusing anecdotes from your job as your your serious job as your correspondent. and i believe word is getting around in brussels that you're a bit of a baker i what it is indeed for instance i got from the european competition commissioner mike investigate she gave me her recipe for her ripe bread she's actually quite a baker making regularly a fantastic recipe then i made bread for cyprus the clue re doc to law which is of wheat bread covered in sesame seeds so lovely bread and of course i went for a tasting to meet the cypriot commissioner for he's the commissioner for humanitarian aid currently and he loved it so much that he offered that we could start a business together baking bread fresh one of the ok now you've been so successful there's a book tell us about the book basically in the book basically combining all the puns and buns all the fun and all the great recipes so it really the book has a whole variety 28 excellent loaves and 28 insights and ideas about what europe is all about wonderful now you made it all world's great bread as you described it but put you on the spot here what show favorite german bread and why well my favorite german bread is the bread i've learned to bake 1st and that's the it's called i'm going it's this which in german means it's covered with water and when you put it in the often it's really practically what that's the bread my grandma made and that recipe is not in the book and it remains a secret. as always great to see your girl keep baking off of red cross thanks very much for being with us a lot smaller of course on the website data dot com slash culture also lots on the literature festival as well that's all for this edition of arts and culture are going to try a bit more of this delicious fred thanks for watching babai. their reindeer are their life movement minutes people of the russian are not moving like climate change and mining are threatening their nomadic way of life. so no it's children are now preparing for a different future. a life without reindeer. you 30 minutes till you. enter the conflict zone confronting the powerful late last year don't assume awarded the jewel of u.s. forces from syria my guest this week in the states abundance of food is the boss of the james just for a few special representatives of the us for a serious gage lutes any of the measures policies of the country to move to a successful outcome of conflict so from optimists on the diet books. what's the connection between bread flour and the european union dinos guild not to be w correspondent and i haven't begun or can stretch this 2nd line with the words sex by be deleted. cots. sniffing recipes for success the strategies that make a difference. baking bread on d w. this


Transcripts For DW DocFilm 20190912 09:15:00

live from berlin up next turning toxic and t w documentary film about the merger of the chemical groups by air and monsanto for the latest news don't forget you can always get it on our website at the t w dot com and you can follow news and myself on social media mining sarah cali thanks for watching have a great day. and i'm dave i'm with the brand new delusions on the spokes person device of the topics that affect us all water pollution climate change in the return of. only dream fans check it out. they are a german corporate heavyweight under pressure and $21000.00 its blockbuster merger with u.s. rival monsanto has seemingly backfired it's facing one of the deepest crises in its 155 year history. of bowman's unfortunates christabel mon and his colleagues on the board miscalculated the risks they should have said no the deal is off to do research on that at the center of the controversy the weed killer roundup and its active ingredient life a sick did monsanto conceal the health risks as lawsuits maintained monsanto's effectively made a business out of poisoning people and getting away with it. although u.s. courts have already ruled against bayer ordering it to pay more than $2000000000.00 in damages it insists life is safe to say roundup does not cause cancer. beyers annual shareholders meeting in april $2900.00 a day of reckoning for c.e.o. and supervisory board chairman v. on a venue they are stock price has fallen nearly 50 percent since its acquisition of seed and chemical giant monsanto shareholders are going ballistic. the board takes cover. in his opening speech the nobel months tony's defensive team because the market reaction has been exaggerated in our opinions the current stock price does not reflect the true value of our company rules but we understand the prevailing sense of uncertainty. well mom is unapologetic finding fault neither his own actions nor in those of the board as in previous years environmental activists are making noise outside beyers meeting but i thank i to them that they are is as bad as monsanto arguably the company with the worst image in the world to speak of i said i feel as if the board absolutely made a mistake and it totally misjudged the risks that monsanto was bringing into the marriage especially in view of the lawsuits that have begun piling up. under normal circumstances a top manager would be accused of blatant failure and says dance classes are thinking funny for me i'm very concerned for my family my son works in a department that bears liquidating he has 3 daughters so also in this regard the future doesn't look good. and he said life is saved and how it's evaluated scientifically is one thing but i'm here today as a shareholder who is horrified by the plunge and buyers share price i want to hear what they have to say that. i'm here to see the face of a man who was idiotic enough to buy a poison manufacturer but still made so much money in the process of. a man whose day of reckoning has calmed shareholders take the unprecedented step of backing a no confidence motion in belmont and the management board the censure has no legal consequences but it's a stinging rebuke it makes me on obama the 1st serving chief executive of a deck solicit company to lose a vote of no confidence all because of monsanto. today or buy a pig in the poke with its acquisition of the company in st louis was it aware of the legal risks or did the german giant take them on board expecting profits to outweigh potential legal damages profits from genetically modified seeds engineered to be used in conjunction with monsanto's flagship product around the. no problem to grace is removed soon or with a shot of the round up for grabs. around. a groundbreaking verdict in the 1st trial against monsanto alleging roundup causes cancer the jury awards $289000000.00 to do wayne johnson a former school grounds keeper from san francisco subsequently a judge will reduce the award to. 78000000 but johnson's a lawyer feels vindicated on thing he was using a 8 through her pressure hose sprayer so he was sprang 150 gallons every morning and so he is exposure was pretty extreme and prior to his exposure eskin was perfect she was healthy you had no other chemical exposures but with in 2 years after starting us sort of and massive sprang she develop this incredibly aggressive cancer that you know ultimately is going take is life johnson suffers from than on hodgkin lymphoma a malignant cancer but forms in the lymphatic system he wants is case to serve as a precedent you know i'm glad to be here to be able to help with a clause is way bigger to me so whole free this they will start to get the attention did it needs to do reisa foes can make a good shores baier has appealed this and every subsequent court ruling that's found roundup caused cancer it maintains of the decisions reached by the jury so failed to acknowledge scientific research that supports gleick to say use if i buy for i feel story for mr johnson tie have tremendous sympathy for what he and his family are going through a when i look at the jury verdict the decision it's it's wrong and it doesn't change the science it doesn't change those the 40 years of say fused the 800 tests to the agricultural health study it doesn't change the science obviously the science didn't resonate with a jury we want to understand why because we need we need to do a better job explaining the science will people understand their collector say pace products are safe so debate has been raging for a years over the safety of gleick a city opinion is divided and the science is not settled. internal corporate communications reveal monsanto has employed deceptive tactics to try to win the debate the so-called monsanto papers were released to the public through civil trials of 2017 journalist kerry gilham examined the documents. these are discovery documents that monsanto was forced to turn over to the plaintiffs in the litigation and so far monsanto itself says that it's turned over about $10000000.00 pages of documents and this is really been eyeopening because we've seen so much evidence of how the company has worked to hide the risks of its products. roundup and its active ingredient life a. few substances have been the subject of so many clinical trials tests on animals laboratory studies and analyses but revelations on that once confidential monsanto papers called the objective of the of these studies into serious question. when monsanto says there are $800.00 studies showing that it is safe we have no idea how many of those studies might be authentic independent scientific studies we know that the scientific literature has been corrupted. monsanto's p.r. strategists work just busy in the united states from their headquarters in st louis to devise global campaigns for their top selling chemical like to sit. the unsealed internal documents show how early on monsanto would sort of pressure to even get federal approval for the use of life at sea for example from the u.s. environmental protection agency the e.p.a. . in the 190990 s. the e.p.a. decided to just go along with monsanto and overruled. toxicologist and it was very controversial and in the final decision and which e.p.a. determined they would classify glyphosate as not likely to be carcinogenic some of their own scientists refused to sign off on that. so they're free lead eliminations thanks to roundup so it's a sure shot here as long ago as 996 ads like this one were branded misleading by the new york state attorney general. by a metal concern was you know the broad advertising claims that months on to was advanced in those days that somehow the roundup product was entirely safe biodegradable. you know safe for pets and children. and you know less dangerous than table salt we knew otherwise frankly they were pretty admitted under federal law for making claims like that they knew the dangers of roundup but yet they were trying to sell to consumers in new york and in other states a different story. ridgeway illinois. while monsanto was forced to alter advertising in new york it's continued to market roundup is entirely safe in other u.s. states. across the country roundup remains a mainstay of agricultural production like here at the local farmer and cooperated . in the hot summer months no one wears protective clothing and there's little concern about skin contact with the herbicide. little usually if i guess i'm on me on my stuff but i'm there and i go wash it off because sometimes it will start burning or. some of it can hurt you but i don't think it would be necessarily why frightening. it appears most farmers are unperturbed by the debate over the safety of their weed killer over the decades monsanto and its products have made their work less labor intensive and help them secure. higher living standards thanks to advances in the technology and chemical property farming is no longer back breaking work. and bayer holds out the promise of further improvements for example at the farm progress show in boone iowa in august 28th. billed as the world's largest open air agricultural trade fair it's the place to showcase the latest farm technology. many here are baffled by the 1st round of trials for the. kids to be expected coming out of california where they've got a world of tree huggers and people that do not understand business while the better judge than a jury out there would render a catastrophic award. and house the world a better place i'm very worried yes we need this product and we do not need over 200000000 dollar lawsuits against monsanto are you know it's they are now but. i mean somebody has to pay that. this is home turf for the former bond santorum ploy and their new colleagues from bayer. damage limitation is the name of the game here. they talk of individual cases and studies that exonerate like to say. i would look at that is one case doesn't change 800 scientific studies it doesn't change 40 years or years and were thoroughly supportive of the product but roundup does not cause cancer. but just how many of those studies were actually independent german toxicologists are among those who question the figure cited by bayer. by your name by decent size. when it quotes this figure buyer is referring to all of the pesticide action network studies carried out in some relation to the effects of life to say. but the debate on whether or not to ban it centers on whether it's carcinogenic and that is the subject of 12 studies. the law says a pesticide must be considered carcinogenic if it's found to be such by 2 studies in the case of life is safe there are 5 independent studies that confirm a significantly higher cancer incidence in mice. so there is more than enough evidence to meet the legal criteria. for how. they are maintains that humans are never exposed to such high concentrations of animals and lab tests for a long time management said 3000 studies showed that life is safe it was safe. then they revised that figure to $800.00 today the company only refers to $107.00 studies a cornerstone of its claims rests on the findings of the agricultural health study conducted in the u.s. it examined 45000 people who used life regularly over a period of 20 years and it found no link with non hodgkin lymphoma. but since the release of the monsanto papers bayer has had to defend itself in the face of compromising evidence. in an e-mail dating from 2003 the company's leading toxicologist says. you cannot say that roundup is not a carcinogen we have not done the necessary testing on the formulation to make that statement. when monsanto's chief toxicologist says we can't say rounded does not cause cancer because we haven't done the testing on it there's no multiple interpretations of that that is their own toxicologist saying yeah we actually haven't tested the formulated product so we can't say it doesn't cost cancer because we don't know. what does bayer make of monsanto's evaluation today but no one from management or the supervisory board is willing to grant us an interview and they sent us a man with the title of president of agricultural affairs who tells us that to date he's had nothing to do with the monsanto merger. beyond the sphere to beat we based our evaluation on the documentation we received and on licensing documentation from around the world the ingredient has been licensed internationally for 40 years it has its merits and advantages and we didn't see a problem has to do with 100 and it will be missing. but monsanto evidently did in 2014 its leading toxicologist raised another red flag. what we have long been concerned about has happened. to say it is on for an eye arc review. why concerned the international agency for research on cancer is totally independent its verdict carries weight. i ark is part of the world health organization which in turn is a specialized agency of the united nations australian professor than fritchey was on the panel of experts who study galactus and ever since she's been targeted with harsh criticism from the agricultural industry. people can trust are iraqis is a institution that has been doing this for a long time there are transparent procedures as to what. the groups need to do the groups are the best people in the world in this area they have no conflicts of interest and they look at their literature that available publicly that spirit viewed that quality and come up with a decision i are classified life or so it was probably carcinogenic to humans and yet life was it has remained on the market. lynne fritchey says monsanto's response to the findings was highly derogatory you know how that seems to imply that we did this on purpose that we were out to get more lifecycle monsanto and that's not the case we were there to follow i aks procedures to do jus a fair assessment of what the scientific evidence was and that's what we did and so it's not it's not right to say that we've this much something we looked at the evidence and we came up with a conclusion that we thought fitted the evidence based. shortly after iraq's classification of life states license was up for renewal at the us environmental protection agency. just before its experts convened one outspoken critic was excluded from the review. no i mean i was shocked in november you know but the week or so after the presidential election i was informed you know i was being removed from the panel. the agro chemical industries and. one lobby group claimed he was biased and i agree with the international agency for research on cancers review that concluded that there was evidence some evidence that clovis a was seeded with hodgkin's lymphoma in people exposed to life to say. without their formal panel consultant peter infante the e.p.a. renewed life a state's license despite negative classification which bayer continues to dispute . there's going to be a mischaracterization of remarkable tool that needs to stay in farm hands it was going to be dispersed in a fashion that was inappropriate and we're preparing to make sure the public understand understands the safety of life straight i think there are extreme we've reached to do that. yeah i. would do. 2 with their marriage to monsanto managers at bayers headquarters and leave a commission didn't just acquire roundup and it's estimated annual sales of some 3500000000 euros they also adopted monsanto's defense of the main ingredient. the isn't enough before we remain convinced that glyphosate is a safe product based on all this information the board of management consider the liability risk in connection with life's a fate to be low at the same time we're also aware of the tremendous importance of life estate for the global food supply and. bayer has battled fierce criticism from environmentalists but its deal with monsanto has also been denounced in german boardrooms like here in frankfurt at the asset management group of us its main shareholder is deutsche bank. yeah i'm suzy i go for it they wanted it too badly and if you invest a lot of time on something this deal was more than 2 years in the making then there's often a tendency to say we've spent so much time and money so even if it's all not perfect now we have to go ahead with it. christiane speaks for many bayer shareholders. one out of t.x. and the other the shareholders weren't given enough information yet and above all they weren't consulted on whether they approved of such a change to the company. plans for. this after all shifted the company focus from pharmaceuticals to agro chemicals in the shareholders should have had a say in that transformations it's by no means clear whether that was legal or not . do you financial oman mr obama on thought he could transplant buyers good reputation over to monsanto by covering up its name with buyers but it wasn't that easy and now unfortunately monsanto has arrived in europe and germany. they are stock price and image have been weighed down by the negative media coverage in the us but its head office insists that's not clouding business. of us all of us look we can all read about what's happening out there but i can tell you that in the house we know business is doing very well the 1st quarter of 21000 went very well naturally the stock price isn't cause for celebration and that is primarily driven by the uncertainties arising from the legal disputes we're facing in the us. and d.v.r. in was of course we were aware that there was a problem with monsanto reputation and image we knew them well as our competitor but we also felt that we could handle that via to justice and you can. bayer believed that buying monsanto would boost its balance sheets the creating synergies and saving costs would generate higher profits but nobody knows how much us legal costs and potential compensation payments will dent those profits there appears to be little appetite among bayer employees to voice open criticism a former top tier employee does consent to speak anonymously. i'm afraid they haven't measured the pulse of workers inside the company and that employees are afraid of speaking their minds instead they keep telling each other that the science is on our side we are right and we need to grit our teeth because it's just a matter of time until we're proven right but that won't work management has obviously underestimated just how severe the criticism is and how long it's continued and just how badly it can shake the company to its core. before its monsanto takeover bayer actually enjoyed a good reputation in the agricultural sector one of its leading divisions was its vegetable seat business under the brand in the netherlands. and here they are cultivated vegetables from high quality seeds without any help from the controversial technology of genetic engineering. like cucumbers bigger than average and very tasty from seeds that fetch maximum market prices but amid beyers quest to acquire monsanto some 30 antitrust regulators worldwide spent 2 years examining the proposed union to see where it might reduce competition. and they gave faiers vegetable seeds production a thumbs down there was forced to divest this profitable business it sold it to be a set for 7600000000 euros a bargain market analysts say. no no mccann's can no longer carry the bayer logo. quite apart from the merger bayer still has problems in the pharmaceutical sector. in 4 talo the works council fears for 750 jobs in the whole of germany 4 and a half 1000 jobs are this. worldwide the figure is at $12000.00. the head of the works council in photog voices cautious criticism. as to timashev to hear your thoughts and it really hurts the employees here to have to stand by and watch the gradual erosion of the company's good reputation 1st of all the voice within this is their home so it's important to let the dust settle and focus on the facts and ultimately this kind of interview only serves to reignite debate and stir up tempers and that's exactly what i'd like to avoid in the nation no matter whom we ask employees say the merger is a hot topic and house but no one will go on the record. buyer generally tends to view criticism as disloyalty it shuts the gates and withdraws from view but now would actually be the time to open up to listen and demonstrate a willingness to admit it's very obvious mistakes to learn from them and allow the dialogue that says it seeks with opponents to actually take place. dialogue on beyers terms in february 21000 its communications department invited the press minus their cameras to the bay arena home to premier league soccer club bayer leverkusen. with a view on to the chemically fertilized pitch the aim was to convince journalists about the advantages of life est as an introduction they were shown a 6 minute film. sri lanka home of cylon t.v. worldwide this t. is valued for its unique qualities its sri lanka's fertile soil and perfect climate offers the ideal conditions for the production of the finest aromas and good yields . dots my toes and for the elaborately produced videos takes us to sri lanka according to the film's narrative the exotic paradise came under serious threat 4 years ago the government banned the use of life to save food exempt in until chuffed in sri lanka suddenly we'd sprung up everywhere. on cold best of the rice and corn year olds collapse. in father selection in india who dies in this sound bites from plantation managers scientists and politicians underscore the severity of the situation but then there's a turning point in the citing a misguided decision based on dubious studies that the government lives the life of . the film dismisses these studies as unscientific but a line of. internet sites. but now all will be well again life estate will soon make up for the massive crop failures sri lanka has say. the recent like to say it was banned in the 1st place is only mentioned in passing and not illustrated in the film. over 2 decades a mysterious a chronic kidney disease has killed more than 20000 people in sri lanka. almost all of those affected worked on farms or plantations where they were exposed to large quantities of life seed. in belgium we meet 2 of the researchers who've been working to uncover the causes of this endemic that is affected tens of thousands of people and rule 3 long. china is a doctor and toxicologist he's arrived here and look at him from sri lanka to discuss the latest findings with the belgian kidney specialist mark dobro. although dobro is retired he's continued his research and it was through his work that the 2 physicians met. early doors named as. one shared no one no nuclear energy and many people died and more than 70 caution people have been 120 to have the disease so now we just the media. actually we did they did anybody milledgeville the study and we found it has a very high. updating from dr julius amount of believes the source of the disease lies in the groundwater. in the affected areas it contains various heavy metals when these bond with pesticides or herbicides such as life is sick they form highly toxic compounds. dr jaya some mana has found such toxins in drinking water the researchers believe these could well be causing kidney damage in farm workers it's a hypothesis that sri lanka's agricultural lobby has fought hard to refute. then they started it what campaign against the economics who did the studies. think they're leading. scientists looking for 110th he came to sri lanka and he didn't believe it's a religious needs. and he named any association between the sheets and they're not going to get much they didn't. we don't need any study. but dr james somalia has the backing of professor dobro an internationally renowned kidney specialist. that their findings correspond to studies in india and central america where agricultural workers have been afflicted by a very similar epidemic. while we are both in front of just specialists and they know that he said and i'm a specialist in need for books and defects so i met him in the coverts in south africa he was even a lecturer and i said this is the bed i want to have a collaboration with because it was extremely different to find the cause of the disease because it's killing so many people and nobody knows what is that he's in there but he was telling that it was this and the vision and never believed that. so we start the collaboration and thanks to his own doctor called the g.b. to pay them opened the front of the truck and he has to know we've got it go to us and we have that absolute evidence that this disease is a toxic effect but. we showed dr jaya some on his bayer video on the life of said bannon sri lanka and the alleged damage it caused to farmers yields. or they didn't and that's fine and we asked beyers representatives about those claims that the life estate ban really lead to crop losses and found yet. the glyphosate band left farmers with annual losses of 100000000 euros of tough emotions you also have you fact check the claims made about the effects of the. years we wouldn't make them if we hadn't known this is some light. least loss in that the production. was basically due to bad with it it was not due to play. we then challenge the impartiality of the our allegedly independent expert in the video. agriculture professor. positive side of the story for him it serves as a lesson to the whole world when this is a joke i mean and this person. he is a problem is it in akron cutting the bit i think the university at the same time he was so bored to take off the chemical industries the company would use the lead in industry intra and use the sole agent all. and said they came because in truth there were found to talk an impartial viewer would conclude that this individual is an independent expert with objective judgment our research shows he's on the board of a major chemical distributors and should be caught in part 2 of his mind i mean if it didn't make sense you wouldn't say it there are advantages to using life estate and that's the message this video is trying to get across about a very high so you think this is an objective cloyd so to speak this is these are the facts on what happened in sri lanka. i think need is for news to show new hope always in other places but not in sri lanka if we show this it could become a joke. later we receive an email from beyers corporate communications department it underlines the accuracy of its sri lanka video and rejects any attempt to question the facts it contains in particular it defends the expert interviewed in the film as an absolute authority in his field. they are also emphasizes that weather conditions in sri lanka played no significant role in crop losses. the 2 scientists are stunned by this effort to invalidate their findings not least because the scope of their research is much broader than monsanto buyer and their best selling weed killer roundup. how do pesticides enter the human body and what harm can they cause how long can substances like life a safe be detected and how many people are affected. to answer these questions we had to friends. that they could sue institute of sport scientists spend more than 18 months on a study investigating life estate residues and hair samples from hundreds of people in the 6 we take strands less than 3 centimeters long that. pair is considered a reliable bio monitoring tool to measure long term exposure to harmful substances . we found life is a residues in the hair of half the subjects which means that these people have been chronically contaminated with this substance exposed. to the study draws no conclusion as to whether this poses a health hazard but it does show how prevalent the substances in the environment. losing. all the samples have come in from all over the world but we had people send us samples all the way from france and the united states as well as australia and japan. so we can say this is a very representative group in our endeavor to detect life a state without doing. the research or stress that further studies are needed to evaluate the long term effects of life. and when it comes to end products like around the additives also need to be examined in the disease to chill to she like to say is the key but not the only ingredient in round out subjective. we can't decipher roundups exact formula through our research. body. all we can say is that the end user which in most cases means the farmer is exposed to many more substances besides just life estate. the manufacturer keeps the formula under wraps leaving researchers to work in the dark as they try to determine defects of roundup on human health. back to bayer this is the company's substance library. all of the millions of active substances that they are has ever researched or stored here. the company announced at the beginning of june that it will invest 5000000000 euros in research to find alternatives that made it clear this was not in response to verdicts coming out of the united states and bayer says a global increase in weed resistance poses a threat to life or 6 efficiency it sees the need to find new approaches to weed management. and it's a fact for almost 30 years not a single new active ingredient has been brought to market and. life is safe meanwhile has generated increasing concern. australia is the last stop on arg life a safe journey. roundup is officially licensed for use here but the 1st lawsuits are pending. here to life as it has been linked to disease. ron and trolley snape have a farm until book 350 kilometers south of sydney. they used to life say for years. that trolley fell gravely ill she said complain that always smelled of the ground up after we used it when we're using on the farm we can actually use it for anything up to avoid stroy using in the 5 boys control controlling along of friends lawns so. just just general fondues. we use that for each then simply. a couple of your ground up as an indispensable weapon against weeds. and. no one ever told them of potential health risks the doctor's diagnosis was a shock. same thing. they just said he was gone and then finally he said this is farmer's lymphoma he said it's common to farmers he said too many farmers are overrepresented in the population doesn't fund the softly so well not just 19 i feel so the i'm guilty of done something dramatic to more laws that's called the short hair loss was just absolutely and it's just absolutely appalling not i find that absolutely made because hal was wrong you know. many of those affected are not willing to accept their fate without a fight. australian farmers are well aware of the damages awarded by us juries and of the numerous studies i'd like to say that appear to confirm it's health hazards . are in a political soup there's a paper that was published on the findings of a team that conducted a metal analysis of the link between non hodgkin lymphoma and going to see. since the study was funded by monsanto and to my surprise it was never the last published reports. because it concludes that there is a significant probability that life is safe causes non hodgkin lymphoma for. significant of us trying to start. but this study to evidently offers room for interpretation by both sides of the clock a safe debate which is presumably why monsanto didn't block its publication such contradictory accounts make it all the more difficult for those affected to know where to turn. at the very least victims say they should have been warned of the potential side effects. and sign that the money vast is it actually might just follow i should a modest goal in for the most part on that 2nd fish there is a possibility slightly away of slightly so the lawyer might an informed decision that i'm going to use dental i'm not going to use it but should call a suggestion bloody hard if. i want to wait for the season that's how i roll so i reach for round up extended control with the only add like this are now history as these did the swedes go round and bayer not monsanto has to foot the bill. in a california court this couple was awarded record damages of more than $2000000000.00 they to maintain roundup gave them cancer another verdict baiters appealing. in. an eisner by western moment 31 and not even are in your family's life. and that he doesn't want to give these are just jury verdicts we refer to the evaluations of regulators it was on april 30th that the e.p.a. confirmed that the active ingredient life estate is safe. so here canadian authorities did the same the german federal institute for risk assessment also did the same and for us these are the conclusions that count and on which we base our operations on all phone the whole of the uk and how do you explain the fact that despite these decisions the courts have reached the opposite conclusion and are now imposing huge fines on monsanto or rather bayer to reason grateful for turn this into a kind of these are not legally binding verdicts they are preliminary judgments that we are appealing again. and also you have to distinguish between these court proceedings and the licensing procedure which is an independent process we're not going to rely on the verdicts of juries which as we know can be very emotional and skillfully manipulated. zip in which you and i can food insecure she could that's why we are appealing and we know we'll be proven right by the scientific data. mining on choice that's. bayer is betting on winning the next round but the attorneys for us plaintiffs expect further court rulings on their client's favor. this is not the end of this litigation this is the beginning there are tens of thousands of people out there probably 203040000 people and i have continuously told they are in monsanto are coming after them we are not slowing down this is the beginning farm workers landscapers and how moaners personal injury lawyers are pulling out all the stops risk for not hodgkin's lymphoma or other cancers of the blood. they've taken to the airwaves in a bid to round up victims of roundup but bayer remains optimistic. by evidence you know place to dust in 10 years times it may or will be in an excellent position as we work our way through these lawsuits it will cost time it will cost nerves and money but it won't torpedo the goal of this acquisition we face enormous food production challenges and we need to view these challenges in a global context and feeding the world's future population is an immense responsibility and that is where we will make our contribution dimentia to india on target on some bipartisan. blood so you'll want to save on the rends why doubt moved here to barcelona just $200.00 euro's a model so what's the catch good so only for 3 square metres deep insight into your ups housing crisis if 15 it small d. doubly natural richardson of precious resources who tend to room warning investment far plant has been called to ethiopian some green coal to the country his an abundant supply and leases it to international occur tryon's the government is after hyun export revenues come to corporations for higher profit margin but not everyone benefits from the booming business expression an environmental destruction starving the no christ's for government to the to corporate greed or selling out of a dead donkey sphere no hyenas stored september 18th on d. w.


Transcripts For DW Business 20191114 13:45:00

into society. this is the business i'm on in berlin welcome surprising figures from china show the country's industrial output grew at a significantly slower rate than expected during october production increased by 4.7 percent year on year despite many analysts expecting growth above 5 percent demand in the world's 2nd biggest economy has been slowing and g.d.p. growth is at its lowest rate for 3 decades chinese investors are hoping to get in near term boost if a preliminary trade deal can be reached with a us. maximillian count felt from the market the institute for china studies joins me now in the studio welcome now china introduced all these measures in order to shore up growth like cutting taxes for example it would appear that these measures that work you're right we've seen i receive a continued slow down in the if you look at economic growth as a hold of was reduced a few quarters ago at a attempts to score to resource low down to the lowest growth ever basically and for october data we see a slowdown in retail a fixed asset investment uncritically investment into fat manufacturing capabilities now you said that. the stimulus measures on particular working in this is particularly reflected from new bank lending which has reached one of the lowest levels of the. arctic. and our team is. the government is working on the supply side but the demand side is not holding up so there is there's too few bankable projects there is too much money restrictions in the financial system which lead to bank lending slugging and others as a result of growth not picking up now that sounds like bad news all the way for china but we although we know that the u.s. china trade war has weighed heavily on both sides there's mixed messages around whether these 2 sides will come to a resolution now china has a key condition for a deal now let's listen to the statement from the country's commerce ministry released earlier today show judge i don't want free both producers and consumers spend if it when we cancel tariffs and in the interest of both china and the us and also the world it helps everyone not just one side for a phone or bush or don't find the thought that. now is china given it the weak position it is in at the moment is it in a position to demand the cancellation of tariffs from the u.s. generally speaking no china exports far more goods to the us done done the opposite and likewise china invests heavily into u.s. financial markets but there is a weakness on the american side and that is particular to gartner group cultural products and this is something that comes up time and again in negotiations the american side demands purchases of agricultural goods this is the to clear him important at the moment because the us is heading towards election in 2020 and in the states that do exports are good cultural goods to china a lot of them are voting for trump which means that if he can secure a trade deal for them they might not come off and go through him. so given all of that how likely is it then that we will see a settlement this year well there was the talk of the so-called face one trade deal now we've heard we've heard similar stories before just been promises of purchases of these are great cultural goods but usually what happens is that it doesn't tiriel us this time markets has been the case in the past markets have responded to to with hope towards a trade deal we've seen currency appreciation on the chinese side but i wouldn't be too optimistic i think we need to wait and see waiting and seeing is what we've been doing this whole time absolutely thank you very much max from the market the institute for china studies thank you for your insights shifting our focus to europe now germany has narrowly avoided entering a technical recession the economy grew by point one percent in the last part or surprising analysts who had expected stagnation there were fears that europe's economic engine was headed for recession after growth slowed in the 2nd quarter export reliant germany has struggled as a result of the u.s. china trade war and slowing global demand. our financial correspondent chelsea delaney joins us now from frankfurt chelsea narrowly avoiding recession may be good news but does it actually inspire confidence. it's certainly early if definitely after all of the worry there's been about a recession but it's also an extremely low bar to be clearing here and i don't think it changes the the longer term narrative for germany which is very constrained growth expectations the german economy is really been hurt by these trade through china and we continue to see weak growth in the manufacturing sector but there are some bright spots including consumer spending remains strong construction activity is strong so there is hope that the economy has at least bottomed out but even even if that's the case the growth expectations are basically for stagnation going forward and there are a lot of downside risks including from these trade tensions which china and changes for the for the auto sector with. growth with the transition to electric vehicles so there's it's still not really looking great for the german economy the german economy is not out of the woods yet chelsea delaney in frankfurt there for us thank you very much a meeting of the so-called brics countries is underway in the brazilian capital brasilia they're trying to strengthen economic and security ties a challenging task for such a diverse group on any day but in a time where multi-lateralism has taken a hit it's an even harder project. he has to see in the brics countries chinese president xi jinping after all china is the undisputed heavyweight among emerging economies brazil russia india and south africa are merely audience members . there are lots of good suggestions on how we can strengthen trade systems commercial hurdles and improve communication and cooperation the suggestions shows what the economy needs . host brazilian president jarrod boss on our oh is stuck between a rock and a hard place he's no fan of multilateralism and he seeks close ties with u.s. president trump still china is a key investor for brazil what is it you would use. the premier of course china is our most important trading partner moves together with my entire team as well as the brazilian business community we want not just to expand we want to diversify trade relations. that's probably music too she's yours after europe and africa china has long had south america in mind for the construction of its gigantic infrastructure project the new silk road. the peace process in colombia is facing new challenges that could endanger a deal signed by the state and former. but there's also a new push from communities to strengthen peace with the government young business people are supporting projects that help x. fighters reintegrate into society d.w. visited a textile factory and brewery that has gotten involved rubin. is checking the brewery equipment the beer is one of the items being produced by former farm rebels following the peace agreement between fark and the government just like who then about 3000 exploiters live in these camps made for x. park members to reenter society the former fighters receive the equivalent of $200.00 euros a month it's the same money that finances the brewery. even though it is very popular sales income doesn't cover production costs. which is go back to those in the know that colleagues gave us the brewery in the fermenter they buy them for us and trust us to take care of them the way racking up debt to keep the project going we end up working just to pay off the debt. was there on this body there with us. it's a problem that the ex fighters in the cooperative weaving for peace know all too well here just a few meters away from the brewery clothing is being assembled the factory is only able to stay open with the help of a small company called money fiesta from bogota the entrepreneurs design and sell the clothes at the cooperative. but another better known i think but for us the reason behind it is the most important thing the story of the x. fighters who are using this year as a chance to once again become a part of society by having a go but at. the clothes sell well but the factory doesn't have the necessary resources and machines to help the ex fighters live from their sales. colombia has invested 8000000 euros in government projects independent projects like lateral or manifest or don't receive any support but government representatives emphasize that their financial aid is helping 50000 people and they finance a new project every 10 days. see the in the white building will you know if there was another place on earth that founded a new company every 10 days it would be considered the most productive place in the universe might succeed does a 1000000000 years. many colombians are against the peace process the situation has gotten worse since 2 former high level fark leaders once again took up the armed struggle against the state for joshua one of the agreements negotiators this situation means it's more urgent that exploiters find success in their projects is to call them reality going to be able to view these colombian men and women live in a world where dealing drugs and illegal mining attempting alternatives will fall to the. states has to offer them better opportunities that are more attractive than criminal activities or ok let's hear that if of economy if you've got. until or and the manifest a team know that it won't be easy but they and the exploiters want to prove that little by little peace in colombia is possible. chinese production data disappoints and germany narrowly escapes recession you heard it here and that's it for me and the d.w. business team for more you can always go to d.w. dot com slash business or follow us on social media i'm joined now the lot in berlin thank you very much for watching. this republic is it digital lab lithuania and its 80 sector. is a house for exciting new startups. young talents fly. to the capital investors fact new firms. the digital economy to splurge saying. will the boom last. 90 minutes on d w. gold and the adventures of the famous naturalist and explorer. to sing the bridge of alex on the front of the world's 250th birthday were embarking on a voyage of discovery. a expedition voyage on d w. i'm not thinking out of the jet well i guess sometimes i am but i sat up and went with the research i don't think deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotypes a question that is think it's even time to guide our. pm lead it seems ridiculous drama they outdo me cos it's all about ok bob no i'm a joke join me for me for devon sunday duppy. post. frank food to help watch international gateway to the best connection self in road and rail. located in the heart of europe if you are connected to the whole world. experience outstanding shopping and 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