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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130710

perfect condition is about $300. >> and willie geist has his desde nbc, esto es today. collection of beanie babies here. are they worth anything? >> sadly know. i told people paying hundreds live, from studio 1-a in and thousands dollars for beanie rockefeller plaza. >> ugly sweater, i meant that in babies. people are selling 200 beanie the best possible way. >> too late. >> good morning and welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning, i'm matt lauer. babies for $200. >> good morning, i'm savannah >> thank you we appreciate it. guthrie alongside natalie >> coming up next after your local news. morales, notice he's not wearing a sweater, not to play favorites. more on the competition later. right now ports of puerto rico, haiti and dominican republic are beginning to feel the impact of chantal. >> flash flooding, mudslides, all major concerns. and dominican officials are telling people in low-lying areas to evacuate. >> we want to get right to the weather channel's mike bettes in for al this week. good morning to you. >> a lotf information to digest this morning. we're looking at a system weakening a little bit, could be good news. having said that, we still have tropical storm warnings for dominican republic and haiti and flash flooding a monumental concern in these locations, especially when you consider the hilly terrain and how much rain to be forecast here. we track this as it goes towards the bahamas and could get close to the united states. right now 45-mile-an-hour winds, weaker than yesterday at this point and it's gone past puerto rico but we look for heavy rain today. northwest movement, forward good wednesday morning to speed, right around 29 miles per you, 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. hour, a very quick-moving storm and hasn't gained a lot of apple has lost its court battle strength in the short term, at least. here is the projected path on over e books. the federal judge says apple conspired to raise the price of this storm coming past haiti, e books. potentially hitting this the judge still trying to afternoon, coming through cuba, determine just how much the potentially weakening more. cupertino company will pay for but notice this, by friday early fixing e book prices. morning, coming very, very close want to check the forecast to the bahamas and then keys. now with meteorologist christina this could be a very, very loren. interesting forecast as we go >> good morning to you, laura. later into the weekend. good morning to you at home. notice, right along the parallel not too bad, 87 degrees inland, coast of florida, then bay side, 76, 65 at the coast. potentially making a landfall into georgia, this is a part of good news is no major heat, no the country that doesn't need extremes headed our way. anymore rain. epic flooding already occurred all the way through the extended period, we are going to level off and end up in the upper 80s so far this summer, any rain every single day today, all the produced from this storm could cost more. way through tuesday. hope you have a fantastic heavy rain through the islands wednesday. stay cool out there. robin thicke bringing you in the next three days and through the weekend, a very big concern across the southeast united states. more on your forecast today straight ahead. now here's matt. >> mike, thank you very much. we'll get the rest of your forecast in a second. let's go to the crash of asiana flight 214. the four pilots on board that aircraft are now giving investigators a clearer picture what was happening in the cockpit at the time of the crash. nbc's tom costello is covering the investigation for us. tom, good morning. >> reporter: hi, matt, good morning. this is all coming down to air speed and lining up properly on the right runway. at least one of the pilots admits, they struggled to line up properly. and they didn't notice that their air speed had fallen. the wreckage of asiana flight 214 still sits on runway 28 left at sfo. passengers and crews on arriving and departing flights get an up-close look at the disaster, including passengers on other asiana flights. we now know, pilot lee kong-kook was in the co pilot seat. that instructor has told investigators, the plane at first was coming in too high, and not properly lined up for landing. >> the instructor captain stated that they were trying to make corrections during that portion of the flight between 500 feet and 200 feet to make some lateral corrections, and also because they knew that they were low on the glide slope. >> reporter: the question, did the crew become distracted, trying to get lined up on the runway, first too high and then too low. the instructor says when they noticed the auto throttles were not maintaining a minimum speed, it was too late. they crashed seconds later. we've also learned that two flight attendants who were in the rear of the plane were ejected on impact. both survived, though injured. meanwhile, these photos have got airline safety experts stunned. passengers who grabbed their luggage, purses, carry-ons, even duty-free shopping before leaving, even though the plane was on fire. everyone in danger. flight attendants say it could have been a deadly mistake. >> leave all bags behind. you're going to keep other people from getting off a burning aircraft. you're going to potentially harm a slide, and you're going to be off-balance when you get to the bottom and put yourself in jeopardy of breaking a limb. >> reporter: because this was a foreign crew, they were not legally required to be tested for drugs or alcohol after the crash, and they were not. meanwhile, four days after this crash, a local attorney is beginning the process of prepping for lawsuits. matt? >> hey, tom, before i let you go, i want to get your take on that train crash in quebec. officials have now launched a criminal probe. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: yeah, investigators there have ruled out terrorism. but they are looking at the possibility of criminal negligence, and they're also wondering whether somebody tampered with this train before the crash. this happened near the border with maine and eastern quebec. the train broke loose early saturday, and it then raced downhill seven miles, getting up to 63 miles per hour. 72 cars were carrying oil. five exploded. 2,000 of the 6,000 people in the town forced to knee vac ate their homes, still trying to stop oil from flowing into the saint lawrence river. but the heart of the capital there, business district, is still a crime scene. this morning. 30 buildings destroyed. so far the death toll at 15, as many as 3 dozen bodies could be buried in the rubble there, and this is a criminal investigation with of the canadian rail investigators involved, as well. matt, it is still an ongoing situation. back to you. >> tom costello in san francisco welcome to today on a wednesday this morning. tom, thank you very much. those images back to asiana flight 214 of the passengers with duty-free items and carry-on bags. >> unbelievable. >> as people are trying to morning, july 10th, 2013. evacuate what turned into an inferno. >> right. >> unbelievable. >> they are. and you hate to judge people in the middle of an emergency i'm willie geist with natalie situation. you never know, maybe it's just an automatic response. but it's a good lesson to all of morales. al is off this morning. us, to think of just getting out of the plane and nothing else. >> exactly what they tell you when you get on a plane in case of an emergency. >> in any crash, for that i was walking across the street. matter, just get out. mean time, the surviving boston bombing suspect due in court for the first time today, details on that. >> that's right, savannah and matt. good morning, everyone. the man accused in the bombings will face survivors of the not that hot but muggy out attack for the first time today. dzhokhar tsarnaev is charged with using a weapon of mass destruction. three people were killed and more than 260 wounded in the april 15th bombings. the texas house gives provisional approval to tough new abortion laws in the state. there. >> you walk out and immediately tuesday night, the house voted it's like deoderant check. >> i got on the one car that had no air conditioning. 98-49 for the legislation. if you have ever been on a demonstrators on both sides of subway platform in new york city in the summertime it's as close to hell as you'll ever get. i mean that many ways, but especially the temperature. the issue descended on the state >> pretty amazing pictures this capitol building and erupted in morning out of the plane crash of asiana flight 214 out of san francisco. screams and cheers immediately the photos show passengers fleeing the burning plane at the following last night's vote. airport and a lot of them grabbed their luggage. their carry ones. a final formal vote is scheduled >> not just that, their du for today. duty-free shopping. >> yeah and it could have been a the bill would then go to the dangerous mistake for all of state senate. them. they came out and said leave you most of us haven't been through former president george w. something like that thankfully but in a traumatic situation bush is front and center today, where your world just completely weighing in on immigration reform. erupted before your eyes, there it is the latest in a string of is something to be said for public appearances. those that grab for some sort of nbc's kelly o'donnell joins us now from dallas. sense of security or even grabbing your purse if your good morning, kelly. phone is in there and you want >> reporter: good morning, natalie. and the former president has to reach out to your loved ones tried to steer clear of any hot and make sure they know you're okay but when you see them political issues for years. but today a noticeable change. grabbing the duty-free bags and this morning he said he believes everything just to save the money they spent at the the current immigration debate duty-free store, it's hard to should have a benevolent spirit, understand the thinking behind thinks a solution is possible, that but i think it is. and the first public event he people just kind of -- and they have shown time after time, the miracle on the hudson as well held at his new library was a naturalization ceremony for new people were grabbing things, their purses, their handbags. citizens. it's sort of human nature. if you're not grabbing your george w. bush is on a roll of high-profile events. kids, if you're in the in that appearing with president obama situation where you're a parent you surround yourself with your in africa. hands-on service projects with possessions and get out. mrs. bush. >> we're not going to judge what they were going through. and making rare comments about an issue like immigration. maybe there was no fire or smoke where they were sitting and they >> we have a problem. had two seconds to reach down and grab the bag in front of the laws governing the immigration system aren't you. >> but still a big no no in any working. the system is broken. situation. just get out. >> reporter: aides to the former make sure you're safe an your president insist, he is not injecting himself into loved ones are safe. congress's current immigration >> grab the cigarettes and debate. been there, done that. liquor you bought. >> we should establish a legal and orderly path for foreign there's more in san francisco. making the rounds this morning, workers to enter our country to work. >> reporter: remember bush a 1998 interview getting hot tried, but failed to get online, dustin hoffman talking comprehensive reform. including a guest worker program. to the american film institute. he gets very emotional talking these days, opposing voices are keeping up the political pressure. about his role in the 1981 film from conservative talk radio -- >> it is so bad that republicans "tootsie" he had an different who want amnesty can't even support it. >> reporter: to frequent capitol idea about how he viewed women after he put on that costume and hill demonstrations. hair and make up the first time. >> i don't intend to get >> i was shocked that i wasn't involved in the politics. more attractive and i said now you have me looking like a or the specifics of policy. woman. now make me a beautiful woman because i thought i should be but i do hope there is a positive resolution to the beautiful if i was going to be a woman. i would want to be as beautiful debate. >> reporter: and the former as possible and they said to me president and his staff that's as good as it gets and i understand that by being this visible, he is certainly lending know that if i met myself at a his weight and his political party i would never talk to that credibility to this issue. character because she doesn't the obama white house has fulfill physically the demands welcomed his comments today and that we're brought up to think is also putting out lots of wildfires -- burning out of we have to -- that women have to control across several western have in order for us to ask them states this morning. two of the biggest are in nevada. out. there's too many interesting more than 800 firefighters are battling a 15,000-acre fire north of las vegas. women i have -- i have -- i have more than 500 residents have been evacuated there. not had the experience to know in this life because i have been and finally, a delivery that has been 39,000 years in the making has arrived at the exhibition hall in japan. brainwashed. >> you hear a tremble in his voice. >> he gets very emotional. he actually has to take a breath it's an amazingly well-preserved there, you see, to collect woolly mammoth with most of its himself. fur ins you see there. but, you know, when you watch that movie he said it was not a the female nicknamed yuka was comedy for him. most of us thought it was a and researchers were able to extract some of its blood, great film and really funny but leading to speculation that there's such a touching message in the movie and what he was scientists might try to clone saying was so touching in the sense that somebody like tootsie the extinct animal. jurassic park meets ice age. would have been overlooked by people and you would have passed >> looks good. her on the street and not even thanks, natt. taken a second glance and he >> mike bettes back with a check felt that he misjudged and of the local forecast. didn't give people the time of >> more thunderstorms today but nothing like overseas where day and was brainwashed as he said. >> that's absolutely true. it's human nature. there is epic flooding in china. >> we're guilty of it. >> somebody that looks a certain the szechuan province, check way grabs your attention. that's just a reality of human this out, homes collapsing, some nature but unfortunately i think -- as you get older you of the worst flooding in years. bridges washed out. see things more important and in the u.s., storms that could produce flooding, nothing like you are more mature and meet that we hope. from upstate new york through people you may not have met when the ohio valley and mississippi you were younger that were smart or funny or interesting or have valley, watch for storms today, a cool job or life story. most likely hail, wind and down bursts, which at times could be more damaging than even >> you hear and get so much more tornadoes. we have scattered storms across the southeast. the heat is on in dallas, where you'll be 102 today. very pleasant in the upper midwest. 83 in minneapolis. we have your local forecast coming up in just 30 seconds. of the history of a person as you age. you just kind of look past the sup sup superficial and get into the heart and soul of that person. >> very cool moment there. >> have you heard of phomo. >> i heard about it 42 minutes ago. >> me too. we don't suffer from fomo which is a fear of missing out but a lot of people do. people are concerned that others his shirt gives 20 meals. and his bike gives three hundred and twenty. appear to be having more fun and so now sarah gets lunch. a family gets dinner. rewarding experiences than them. i guess all of this comes from and lots of people smile. mike did a great thing. our reliance on social media. and the people he feeds will too. obviously people posting all of thanks mike. enjoy the bike. their great vacations and things that they're doing on facebook triggers the facebook envy we also talked about. >> right or tweeting from an 7:11 wednesday morning. event where a lot of people are i'm christina loren. and you're not. before you judge, your >> missing out. what's going on right now i'm temperature and your city, we're missing out on? >> it's a study -- one of these getting into mid-july. these are very comfortable studies we talk about. readings. right about average for this time of year. 56% of are afraid of missing out the good news is, we're done on life events and important with that triple digit heat at least for the next ten days. status updates. 27% of the people in the survey 87 degrees, livermore. said they go to social media 77 fremont. when they first wake up to make 64 in san francisco today. sure they haven't missed good news is we're going to keep you cool, no major temperatures anything overnight. >> these are people are all swings in the extendedr ages. it's not just the under 20 set we're talking about here. and that is a look at your weather. >> right. now here is savannah. absolutely. >> at some point in our lives we >> mike, thank you. new details this morning on have all experienced a little bit of this. the murder case against jailed you're not invited to that party nfl star aaron hernandez. and everybody else is going, nbc's stephanie gosk has the right? latest on this story. >> i used to have a thing in steph, good morning to you. college where i could not start >> good morning, savannah. writing a paper until everyone more than 150 pages of court else in the house was in bed because i wouldn't be sitting documents are shedding light on there on the computer knowing how investigators closed in on great things were happening hernandez as their prime outside. suspect. so i started about 2:00 in the aaron hernandez still sits in a massachusetts jail, without morning. 7:30 run in, hand them. bail, after pleading not guilty to murdering oden lloyd. it was a c effort. but the investigation has spread >> look where you are today. >> i graduated. well beyond massachusetts. i have the diploma. we don't need to talk about the a search warrant filed in florida describes how carlos ortiz, one of the men believed to be with hernandez the night numbers. i was just catching up to yolo of the murder, is closely cooperating with investigators. and now fomo. the warrant, obtained by nbc news, was filed for a home >> i'm missing out on the lying. belonging to the mother of the other man alleged to be there that night, earnest wallace. >> there is a australian man that's going to revolutionary >> he has been charged with ack social securi the english language. sessre after the fact. he created a symbol for the word >> he fled to florida after the murder and eventually turned himself in, pleading not guilty the. >> that saves you so much time. to an accessory to murder charge. ortiz told them hernandez and >> the idea here that it would lloyd argued in the car, just be like for and and it would minutes before the shooting. appear on a keyboard and you but according to ortiz, they could hit it instead of writing made up by shaking hands. the word the. >> write. two extra characters on twitter when they pulled into an it would take up but then industrial park just a mile from imagine when you're tweeting hernandez's home, ortiz told or -- you have to then go to the police, everyone but himself got out of the car. symbol function and that takes -- he's saying it's going mr. ortiz explained that he then to make people more efficient, i heard gunshots. think if anything it's the and mr. hernandez and mr. opposite. you to double click to get the wallace got back into the vehicle without mr. lloyd. symbol signs. >> he's investing 75,000 dollars according to the document, ortiz was unable to determine who had of his own money. had fired the gunshots, because he now has this app that you can download to your keyboard that will put the symbol on. >> let's practice and see how long it takes us. of the darkness. o shooting >> you wouldn't be writing it mr. lloyd. >> ortiz gave the government hopefully. >> i think you have the time to their case. he created the building blocks knockout the e at the end maybe. of this case. >> i think that's ridiculous. he is the one that said all of just take the extra time. >> i'm going to sound old again these search warrants into but when you get the e-mails or motion. >> reporter: all of this as a the texts with just the r or the massachusetts court released the u, i always say to myself was it previously sealed search warrant for hernandez's house giving a hard to write the y and the o look at the early days of the before the u? >> on twitter it does save you. investigation. the player told police parked you only have 140 characters to outside his house that he had express you're. seen lloyd up his way yesterday >> that's true. >> so ru saves you a lot. and then became argumentative >> i'm not sure the th is going and asked what's with all the questions. to catch fire but we'll let it after hernandez gave officers play out. his lawyer's business card, he >> it's $75,000 investment. slammed the door and relocked it we'll see where it goes. behind him. >> must have money to burn. in the warrant an investigator >> apparently you're a big hit notes mr. hernandez's demeanor did not indicate any concern for with mel b. the death of the person. >> i love her. >> she was here filling in for me and she had a lot of great he is due in court in a few things to say about you on weeks. his attorneys have not commented access live. take a listen. >> you were just on the "today" citing a gag order in the case. show with our friend willie g. ortiz is being held after who we love. pleading not guilty to a >> i love him. weapon's charge. he's a sweetheart and he has a his lawyer had not returned a dirty sick kind of humor. message seeking comment. thank you very much. >> he does which he can't do at 9:00 a.m. new overnight developments in >> i love that man. the search for the nsa leaker he was whispering in my ear a edward snowden. few things. is he heading for asylum in >> dirty, sick humor. whispering in her ear. what am i missing? venezuela. jim is in moscow covering this >> these are false accusations. story. we had some conversations in jim, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, matt. commercial breaks that were frank and honest and open. well, agrgreenwald, the journal >> spicy with the spice girl. >> i just learned the history of that broke the scandal said the spice girls. venezuela is the likely choice it was a -- for asylum but the next move >> we'll leave it at that. could take hours, days or even >> enlightening. she was great though. weeks. >> come back any time melb. even if fugitive edward snowden chooses venezuela as his future destination his worries have just begun. >> absolutely. mike bettis is in for al. how does he get from here, a >> i'll embarrass my wife. i'll ask her what's the first concert you ever went to and she sealed off floor in a moscow said the spice girls. so shout out to the spice girls and shout out to alaska. it is your birthday today. airport hotel without being what are you doing special for nabbed along the way. your birthday. >> i'm on the "today" show for >> he can start by praying and my birthday. >> we feel very honored then. begging mr. putin. happy birthday. those are his best options right let's show you what is going on now. with tropical storm chantal. >> flight 150 to havana would be we don't get tropical storms in the easiest way but it's risky. alaska but we do get them down here in the caribbean. flying through u.s. and european this is a place we're going to watch. it's going to be the dominican airways. easy prey for law enforcement. republic and haiti. tropical storm warnings right it maybe safer but 15,000 miles now. it weakened a little bit. not as strong as yesterday. long. across the pacific. doable only in a very large 45 miles per hour winds and quick westerly movement around plane. no wonder snowden is still 29 miles per hour. there's the track as it takes it mulling over other countries, through cuba and by late week, early next weekend it will pair bolivia, iceland. where ever he goes there's still the problem of travel documents. his u.s. passport cancelled and even if he makes it to venezuela 9:10 now. or other south american havens there's the extradition issue. good wednesday morning to you, i'm meteorologist christina all of these countries have loren. here the bay bridge, mostly treaties with the u.s. another cloudy conditions, hey that means we will see a nice, cool mine field. >> the odds are probably stacked day right at the coast, warm against him getting to south inland, taken your temperatures america. he can do it but it's a long down three to five degree buys shot. >> reporter: snowden's applied yesterday. 79 in santa theresa, 77 to 27 countries for asylum. no response yet from half of beautiful conditions on the them. eastshore today in fremont and >> i suspect from his temperatures are going to stay perspective it's not worth steady all the way through this pursuing these options until he weekend. you can get outdoors, it's not know what is the end game is. going to be too hot. >> reporter: a game with so much might see a couple mountain thunderstorms this afternoon. at stake and time running out. meanwhile, nbc news producer some folks joining us from mary murray learned that ohio today. venezuela apparently sent a plane already from the private >> ohio. >> what exactly did mel b. airstrip to here in russia with venezuelan security on board. reveal to you. things do seem to be heating up. >> a gentleman never hears >> moving perhaps. secrets and tells. >> a lot of spice in the spice jim, thank you. now to the video released by the girls. >> they're a fun group. cleveland kidnapping victims >> he let it all hang out in the giving the world a chance to see and hear from them for the first time. hang over. ken is here to tell us about his nbc's kate snow has more on why the women decided to open up movie where he is safely now. kate, good morning. animated and clothed. that's after this. >> good morning. that video has been viewed more ♪ 99 bushels of wheat on the farm...99 bushels of wheat! ♪ than a quarter million times on nbc it went vital on youtube and was trending all day tuesday on twitter. it was the women's idea to speak out after nine weeks and by going public so soon they may also be changing the way survivors choose to communicate. >> first and foremost, i want everyone to know how happy i am to be home with my family and my friends. >> reporter: the video was is shot last week in a law office. every detail managed and carefully scripted. >> but i am strong enough to walk through hell with a smile on my face. >> i think the advantage of it [ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 layers of whole grain fiber is that you get to control the in those mini-wheats® biscuits... message. you get to put out what you want to help keep you full... ♪ 45 bushels of wheat on the farm. 45 bushels of wheat! ♪ to say first. ...all morning long. >> reporter: crisis there's a big breakfast... [ mini ] yeehaw! communication strategist dan hill says releasing their own those fun little biscuits. video meant the women could shape the way their story is told. your skin can grow more beautiful >> this video focuses almost every time you wear it. entirely on positive things. neutrogena® healthy skin liquid makeup. they didn't dive deep into what 98% of women saw improvement in their skin. they went through, the ordeal, the trauma. neutrogena® cosmetics. >> reporter: a new type of message for a 24/7 media world. think of elizabeth smart, silent 98% of women saw improvement in their skin. don't punish yourself, it's my fault.over. for seven months before speaking of course it's your fault and i'm not punishing myself. to katie couric on date line. i'm having dannon oikos zero per cent fat yogurt; twice the protein of regular low fat yogurt. that's what makes it so thick, rich. oh,.. this is kate... jaycee due guard it was almost two years. already? >> there's going to be more for people to step out and speak up my sister... and that was my mother. earlier in situations. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt, >> reporter: for mental health too delicious to be so nutritious. experts that raises the and try new rich creamy dannon oikos dips. question, how soon is too soon. >> i have to say that part of me so dippin' good. ♪ dannon. wonder what is the motivation is. a lot of times we see women that body washes with paper that reacts like skin. come out of these situations if others can strip this paper, imagine how harsh don't feel comfortable speaking until much later but at the same they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] dove is different. time i wonder if there a benefit its breakthrough formula changes everything. to these women choosing to speak out at this time. dove. this is care. >> reporter: the doctor says it's all about empowerment and its breakthrough formula changes everything. olive garden's 2 for $25 is back. sending a strong message. unlimited salad and breadsticks. >> being able to retell the story says i'm a survivor and two appetizers to share. i'm still here and it's also then choose two summer entrees. sending the message to the like new tuscan garlic chicken. public but the perpetrator to 3 courses, 2 people just $25. say you didn't damage me or ruin go olive garden! my spirit. i'm still alive. >> reporter: by saying they but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. still want their privacy they're setting clear boun drdaries. what's she up to? the new root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with the new root touch-up, all they see is you. what they have done is feed the media beast. now there's less pressure to get the first shot of them and maybe people will back off and they'll is that true? be able to continue their says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, recovery. >> i hope so. they get the peace they deserve. and that's heart healthy. thank you very much. ♪ coming up, tempers flare at the george zimmerman trial. [ dad ] jan? ♪ why the judge stormed out and all this produce from walmart the lights went off as the and secretly served it up defense prepares to wrap it's in the heart of peach country. case today. it's a fresh-over. medical marijuana for kids. we want you would you give it to your sick to eat some peaches and tell us what you think. child. do the results outweigh the they're really juicy. it must have just come from the farm. risks? this right here but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ wind howling ] is ideal for me. walmart works directly with growers to get you the best quality produce they've ever had. what would you do if i told you all this produce is from walmart? wow! is it really? (laughter) find fresh peaches and all your quality produce. backed by our 100% money back guarantee. walmart. ken jeong secured his spot as one of hollywood's favorite activities tors with his unforgettable roll in the hang over franchise. now ken is getting more animated in his latest role. he is the voice of a shop owner who, by the way, is a woman in the new film turbo. good morning. >> good to see you. thanks for having me again. >> did you know you were going to play a woman when you signed on to the role. >> yeah that's what attracted me to it. >> okay. >> they said you'll be in an animated film and what gender again? women, i said i'm in. perfect. i was saying to you before we came on the air, i hear a hint of leslie chow in the character's voice. is that fair. >> very fair. it's chow embodies in a m [ female announcer ] it balances you... mancurist. the experience is different but [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... my wife is veitnamese and this and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. is a bizarre shout out to my in a convenient two bar pack. inlaws. >> do they view it as a shout out. >> yes. i e-mailed my mother-in-law and this is nature valley... delicious granola bars i showed my mother-in-law a made with the best ingredients in nature. trailer for it and she loved it. >> she loved it. nature valley. >> your kids can finally see nature at its most delicious. this one too. >> first movie my kids can finally see. >> six year old. >> i have six year old twin still ahead, tv for dogs. girls and they saw it and they loved it. there they are right there. the new channel that has tails i don't know their names because wagging. >> after your local news. i'm a hollywood dad but yeah it's a studio they set up as kids. they're great actors. they show the love. >> they're adorable. >> alexa and zoe i believe are their names. they love the movie and it's great so actually go to a theater with the kids and just watch. i love -- we love watching family movies anyway. >> and this is a story line that's so great. it's about empowerment and believing in a dream and going for it. >> yeah, it's a universal tale of an underdog story with a fresh premise and watching the premiere, you get unexpectedly and after nine years of working at walmart, emotional. it's really heartwarming. i know savings. it's such a heartwarming film. and right now we've got everything you need for a great summer. i'm proud to be a part of it. this 5-piece dining set on clearance, save over $49! >> we had a few of your costars in this week asking them about marco! polo! animated films. and these op swim separates, on rollback you save over 20%. you're an actor and in the this nook hd's on rollback. you save $40. hangover used to hanging out with bradley and zach for a great for summer reading. couple of months on end. coolers on rollback. sunscreen on rollback. here you're rolling into a booth and these towels on rollback. so soft. solo. better or worse? >> better. get more summer for your money you don't have to shower. at walmart's super summer savings event you don't have to shave. i went in every day with my going on right now at your local walmart. pajamas on. it was amazing. >> how did you get into share? >> thought of his inlaws. >> very method actor. i got a trunk, you know, a makeshift trunk from the hang over, popped out of it naked just to get into the character. but then i made it family clean and family friendly. that's important. i'm not a dummy. i think these things. >> smart man. one of the great things about your story that's come out since the hangover came out is that you are a doctor and you have been a doctor for a long time and just sort of turned on the switch and decided i'm going to go into comedy. your wife is still a doctor. >> still practices, yeah. >> how has this changed your life. going from emergency rooms to movie studios. >> hangover just changed -- it's the reason i'm here talking to you today and my wife actually -- i was actually afraid to quit my day job because i -- i knew realistically as an actor it's fickle. it's feast or famine and i -- it was because of my wife. she believed in me more than i did. i really owe her everything and this relates to turbo as wellbeing an underdog story of impossible dream actually coming to life. i relate to that because i never thought in a million years i would be talking to you and natalie and, you know, like multiple times promoting -- to me it's so surreal and it's never lost on me that i'm doing this for a living. i'm so grateful. >> on community as well. picked up another season. despicable me 2 you're a character as well. you're on fire right now. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® pore refining cleanser. >> thank you very much. >> keep it going. alpha-hydroxy and exfoliating beads >> thank you. >> nice to have you here. turbo hits theaters on july work to clean and tighten pores so they can look half their size. 17th. >> good to see you. pores...shrink 'em down to size! coming up the headlines to start your day. [ female announcer ] pore refining cleanser. and later how to reignite the neutrogena.® spark in your relationship for i hate getting up in the morning. one hot i love cheese. i love bread. i'm human! and the new weight watchers 360 program lets me be. the reason i'm still in this body feelin' so good isn't because i never go out and enjoy the extra large, extra cheese world we live in. it's because i do. and you can too, with the weight watchers 360 program. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios the power to lose weight like never before. join now for $1. offer ends july 27th. the weight watchers 360 program. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? into time 7:26. sure does! good morning. i'm jon kelley. wow. ntsb continues its investigation of asiana airlines flight 214. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? we know two flight attendants be happy. be healthy. ejected from the plane, found seriously injured on the runway. ♪ ula ula ula ula al revés, ♪ hago que lo imposible sea posible, ♪ ntsb chairman hersman revealing ♪ que todo lo increíble se vuelva visible, ♪ the landing gear struck the seawall first, followed by the ♪ tres, dos, hola, ula... tail of the aircraft. ♪ aplaudan en la luna. the commanding pilot was serving ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, as an instructor for the very ♪ ula ula ula ula al revés, first time. ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, meantime, the president of the asiana airlines now in the bay ♪ ula ula ula ula al revés, area, dealing with that ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, investigation. he's expected to go to sf ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, general hospital to talk to ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, survivors. it's not known what time he will towelly show up. he has apologized to the families of the two teenagers, just to tell you our products get the job done. instead, we give you a free red robin those girls that were killed in kids meal or appetizer, the crash. like towering onion rings, >> we've learned which one of the two teens may have been when you join scott shared values. sign up at ooh,, hot! sign up at inadvertently run over by a san francisco fire truck after invents our ultimatereal expertise sulfate-free system the crash. identifying the girl as for curly hair. new l'oreal evercurl. free of sulfates. 16-year-old ye mengyuan. an official coroner's report on our nourishing formulas with the girl's death is not expected oils deeply moisturize every to be released for at least a twist and turn. few weeks. so curls are soft, right now, a look outside beautifully defined. new l'oreal evercurl. and a check on the wednesday forecast. good morning to christina loren. >> good morning. good morning to you at home. help you get over the hump today. wednesdays can be tough. weather on your side. for a strong bag that grips the can... ♪ 59 concord. 58 oakland. get glad forceflex. 62 sunnyvale. small change, big difference. noon today, temperatures 60 and 70s. fremont 77. great for outdoor plans there today. 87 in livermore. 87 fairfield. highs in earlier today because we're expecting cloud cover from the south that will limit the sunshine. highs right around it's not a candy bar. check the drive. good morning. >> good morning. 101 looks great at 680. 130 calories that's a pleasure. we'll show you on the maps, we 7 grams of protein the new fiber one had a crash north of 680 at 880 caramel nut protein bar. the new fiber one in the lanes, that has cleared. she just graduated. no further slowing. recovering. and got a freelance gig... it's not going very well. word of a new crash around shoreline, that's an issue. it is in the lanes reported over last few minutes. time for a technology makeover. expect slowing through mountain she's coming to the new samsung experience shop at best buy to spend her graduation bounty on a... view. >> we of course will have new laptop, a smartphone, camera and a tablet. another local update in a half hour. i'm starting from scratch. okay, how about we get started with the laptop. here, she can find all the galaxy devices she wants. have all her questions answered. how's the battery life? it's great. this is so light. what can you tell me about this? and get personalized demos, right on the spot. and you can just browse through your pictures?... that better be a belly button. ow! which means less of this... you shocked me! ...more of this.... and this... and especially this. well done, anne. now go show that freelance job the business. the samsung experience shop. the place to find the latest galaxy devices and get hands-on help. only in the best buy stores nationwide. taking a look at the headlines, the senate is taking a step toward what many hope will be lower rates for college loans. the interest rates doubled for federally subsidized stafford loans. a vote comes today on a measure that would return the rates to where they were. there's a first look at this morning at the secret cost of government snooping. according to documents reviewed by the associated press, wire caps can cost millions of dollars. verizon charges $775 per wiretap. meanwhile, they charge nothing better government access today at a. yahoo and google and microsoft turnover e-mail records for $25. >> bed bugs are posing a health concern at a number of big cities. ♪ terminex calls were up 40%. it is the 10th of july, 2013, and we're back on a they were up in milwaukee, las wednesday morning. another steamy day here in new york city. vegas, columbus, ohio and a little bit later, we will have baltimore. >> and philadelphia is taking you thinking of snow when we catch up with olympic customer service to new heights snowboarding legend, shaun white. using an remote control drone to carry clean shirts from his inside studio 1-a, i'm store to nearby customers. savannah guthrie alongside matt lauer and natalie morales. it takes two people. there's the pilot and the >> why is she trending? spotter for each delivery. this morning we introduce he said it gets people's attention. meredith vieira. and a restaurant in connecticut is taking a big item off his menu. it offered this massive 22 pound oh, no, look who's back. menu.hey! yummm! and jasper. >> that's not jasper. >> who is that? i still have nightmares about jasper. totally got it all! anyway, we're going to find don't forget your favorites, girls. out -- >> what are you doing to that hey girls! dog? >> why meredith is trending on websites across the country. the good ol'days when we could eat as we wanted. meredith, try to control that yes, but we are not 18 anymore. dog. sometimes if i eat as i used to >> also, why that dog is wearing a beret. my digestive system gets out of whack. >> he's in rt. >> of course. it's not easy keeping it working as it should. >> this is an example of -- it's easy if you enjoy an activia everyday. >> why meredith is trending. mmmm... delicious! >> new show on animal planet. >> something else we're talking with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, about, as well. activia helps regulate your digestive system. because meredith's friend there, by the way, new tv channel put a smile back in your day! dedicated entirely to dogs as viewers. ♪ activia we're going to tell you more about that. ♪ dannon >> apparently dogs like to watch other dogs. it seems our angels stronger than ever angel soft®. >> tails wagging. with two softshield™ layers. and some parents apparently are now giving their kids it holds up better than ever. medical marijuana to treat all wrapped up in a value you love. everything from seizures to autism. but do the benefits of that angel soft®. the softness you want, outweigh the risk? the strength you need. we'll get into that in just a bit. >> we start this half hour, though, with some heated moments [ superfan ] helper help line. we're on our way. at the george zimmerman trial as you have got to try the defense prepares to wrap-up this sweet & sour chicken helper. its case. i didn't know they made chicken! nbc's kerry sanders is at the that's really good. courthouse in sanford, florida. could i get another one of those, actually? thank you. kerry, good morning. [ male announcer ] we're here to help. >> reporter: good morning, matt. the court ended here last night at 10:00 p.m., with heightened tensions, as the judge walked out of the courtroom, as the defense attorneys were still talking. now as we go live to the good wednesday morning to you, i'm laura garcia-cannon. courtroom now, the lawyers say today will be the last day the jury hears evidence. 9:26. the ntsb continues its and then the case will move to investigation of asiana airline closing arguments. the jury could begin 214 we know two flight deliberations as early as attendants were ejected from the plane and later found seriously tomorrow. injured on the runway. >> first of all, i'm going to go ahead and provide the ruling on the ntsb chairwoman saying the the animation. plane's landing gear struck the >> reporter: this morning, judge deborah nelson announced an seawall first, followed by the tail of the aircraft and learned the commanding pie the loves animation created by the defense serving as the instructor for which george zimmerman's lawyers say explains what happened the the very first time. in the meantime, the president night zimmerman shot and killed of the airlines now in the bay 17-year-old trayvon martin will area now dealing with the not be shown to the jury as investigation. evidence. he is expected to go to sf but the judge did say the defense can show it to the jury general hospital today to talk to survivors. it's not known yet what time in its closing arguments. one of the last witnesses to he'll show up. he has already apologizez to the take the stand in george zimmerman's defense, families of the two girls killed in the crash and learned which pathologist, vincent di maio. of the two teens may have been inadvertently run over by a san francisco fire truck after the flight crashed. dr. di de mayo tells a story the san mateo county coroner has consistent with what george zimmerman says happened. identified the girl as >> mr. martin was over him, leaning forward, at the time he was shot. 16-year-old yeah ming juan. an official coroner's report is >> my head was on the cement. >> reporter: zimmerman told not expect forward few weeks a police, as they retraced the look at weather and traffic right after this break. events on videotape, that martin farmers presents: 15 seconds of smart. repeatedly slammed his head into the concrete. in court tuesday, the jury again saw police evidence photos of zimmerman's head that night. >> what i'm saying is that you can get severe head trauma with actually without any marks on the head. >> reporter: zimmerman has said martin was covering his mouth during the struggle, but the medical examiner who conducted the autopsy says he found no blood on martin's hands. >> i put my hand over that, right? >> okay, yes. >> what do you expect my hand to have on it? >> blood. >> i got on top of him. >> reporter: another issue on tuesday. zimmerman told investigators he placed martin's arms out to his sides after the shooting. but according to police reports, martin's hands were under his so you want to save on auto insurance? body. drive a hybrid. get good grades. dr. di maio testified, martin lose the bling. could have moved, even after he go paperless. was shot through the heart. combine policies. make automatic payments. and of course, talk to farmers. >> if i'm right now reaching hi across, put my hand through your ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪ chest, grabbed your heart and ripped it out, you could stand there and talk to me for 10 to 15 seconds. >> reporter: george zimmerman the:28, a live look here, has pled not guilty to second degree murder. the golden gate bridge starting he says he was acting in self to see improvement when it comes defense. to visibility. mean time, florida law enforcement has released a lots of spectators thought on the bridge. public service announcement in it's that natural a/c going to anticipation of a jury verdict keep temperatures soaring today and show you san jose, a few here is a portion of that. high clouds overhead, a little >> raise your voice. hazy, good moderate air quality >> and knock your hands. range and we are expecting some >> we need to stand together as of those cue now low nimbus one, no cuffs, no guns. clouds that form over the local >> we can easily be arrested. mountains, especially the >> i know your patient will be western-facing slopes over tested. today. >> but law enforcement has your isolated thunderstorms possible, back. 87 today, 76, bay side, 65 at >> reporter: the goal is for people to raise their voices, the coast. stay and steady, you can make not their hands in the wake of this. to accept the jury's verdict peacefully. the outdoor plans every day through tuesday. check that drive with mike. >> we will look outdoors through oakland where the northbound side of 880 slows still as you are passing by the coliseum heading up into downtown but matt? things are starting to thin out >> kerry sanders in florida for a bit now. we will look at the maps, you us on this story. will see also heading toward the it thank you very much. bay bridge via the eastshore lisa bloom is today's legal freeway still jammed up. analyst. lisa, good morning to you. the earlier crash at gilman has >> good morning. cleared to the shoulder, slow >> vincent di maio for the from there and golden gate fields down to about university defense, pathologist, seemed the and then things start to smooth main reason he was there was to determine who was on top during a little bit out over thor this argument. toward the berkeley curve, bait how did he do for the defense? >> best witness for the defense and best day for the defense. bridge toll plaza have crowds he testified that george through midday building till zimmerman's story was completely consistent with all of the then, more folks heading in for scientific and medical evidence. the midday game of the giants. >> except when the prosecutor >> right it is a day game. asked him, is it possible george another local news update is coming up in half an hour. zimmerman was on top, and have a good day. pulling away from trayvon martin and could that cause the type of gun powder residue they found on trayvon martin. he said yes. >> that's right. and he wasn't really familiar with the hoodie that trayvon martin was wearing, which is a baggy item. and his testimony was the shirt was separated from trayvon's body. perhaps that's because it's baggy and gathered at the bottom. >> the defense had argued the day before to be allowed to enter evidence that showed traces of marijuana in the blood of trayvon martin. they argued it successfully. and then didn't do it. why? >> well, a trial is a dynamic fluid situation. you have to make moment-by-moment calls. a new report found that and i think ultimately as a strategic decision, they decided mexico passed the u.s. as the it wasn't worth it on balance for their case. >> all right. most obese country in the world. so now we're hearing that the defense could wrap its case today. >> all right. >> but don't worry, twinkies are that would mean if they do, george zimmerman probably not going to take the stand in his own defense. you like that call? coming back next week. >> well, for the defense, absolutely. we are number one. his story is already in. the jury has heard it multiple >> jimmy fallon trying to get times on videotape. why subject him to cross-examination? america back on top. >> exactly. >> and what does the -- do each >> as we prepare to inhale a of these sides have to do in feast. their closing arguments to make welcome back to today on this the case to the jury? >> well, the prosecution has to wednesday july 10th, 2013. i'm willie geist with natalie. al is off. is your relationship in a summer go through all of the slump? we'll heat things up with ways to rekindle the romance. >> and when you walk in someone's living room would you inconsistencies be able to tell the difference in what is store bought and what is diy? we'll show you how to fool everyone into thinking it's expensive. >> a lot of pounding going on over there. the help of our great friends. city. hey y'all. you only have to go to the grocery store once to feed your >> hey y'all. >> south carolina. family for the entire week. we'll show you easy dinners they say heat and humidity. we know heat and humidity. using the same five main ingredients. they're working hard over there. we don't have that in new york. in fact, things will be cooling >> first, though, the weather down in the northeast but we'll channel's mike bettis has your watch for storms today and that forecast. hey mike. will include coming from the ohio valley right into the >> good morning to you. it never ceases to amaze me how northeast. a place like pittsburgh has been big this world is but how small hard hit this morning and flash flooding has been a concern. it is all at the same time. flooding will be an issue from talking to the folks that joined us on the plaza. i was born at st. thomas alba albany, to concord pittsburgh to columbus and down to charleston, west virginia. hospital in akron, ohio, where a slight risk highlighted in red. were you born. >> st. thomas hospital in akron ohio. could include down burst winds. triple digit heat in dallas. >> you have to be kidding me. in places like ohio we have a want nice weather you have to go west. risk for thunderstorms today southern california oh so nice across the ohio valley and right this time of year. that is a look at your forecast down through the mississippi all across the country. river valley we could watch down burst winds, hail, maybe strong now a look at the forecast a litt winds to go along with the thunderstorms along the gulf coast including the panhandle of going to be nicer here in the bay area than southern florida. very mild to the west. california, mike. good morning. comfortable conditions and natural air concern is the loaded with sunshine. that front pushing showers to reason. why? let the fog cool you down in the city by the bay today. 64 degrees head your way. 9:32. 87, not hot in the extreme east good morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina bay where temperatures can soar. loren. an overcast sky over the bay 80 in san jose. bridge, but happy to report once room temperature down in santa that giants game starts 1259:45, cruz. that is your pick beach city. going to see a lot of sunshine in san francisco and comfortable getting into the end of the conditions today for that big week, and this upcoming weekend, game. 63 degrees at at&t park, winds temperatures steady, upper 80s. out of the west northwest, five and get this, 1900 miles, 9 to ten miles per hour, a cool states, 13 years, your whole life you waited to be here. day shaping up in the city. >> yes. >> and you're here. going to be warm, not as hot as how is it. yesterday, livermore, 87, 77 for >> good. >> he keeps it short and sweet. you in fremont, staying study >> matt, natalie. >> great. all the way through the extended period. >> thanks very much. up next, would you give it to your kids. that is a look at your weather. now, back to natalie and willie. >> thank you mike. it happens to a lot of people. this is the controversial use of medical marijuana to treat sick children. we'll talk about it. after years with your >> then a special guest joins us for trending. significant other you get into a she happens to be trending. relationship rut and feeling bored. how do you get that spark back. i think that beret will be >> we'll heat things up this trending before the day is out. >> what did she do with the dog? summer. good morning to you both. >> i don't know. >> good morning. >> why summer? more with meredith coming up. but first, these messages. why is this a good time? >> i think during winter your relationship goes into hibernation a little bit. ♪ i'm gonna move a mountain i did a study and 50% of people ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on say that they are bored in their ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ relationship. so i think that summer is a great time to do new things, to [ female announcer ] kraft singles have no artificial flavors shake off the boredom. and they're always made with milk, so you can be sure there's no single thing better when you get out there and have fun with your partner and do when you're grilling up a burger. ♪ life is amazing novel things it stimulates ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ dopamine which plays a big role in romantic love. [ female announcer ] pin for your chance to win a weber grill it's important to have fun and at excitement. >> it sounds good but there's one problem with that. the kids are around more. dr. janet, how do you keep them busy but at the same time get yourself busy. >> as much as you focus on your kids you also have to focus on your relationship. not only physical intimacy [ female announcer ] pin for your chance to win a weber grill putting that sex and fizzle back but emotional intimacy. one of the easiest ways to we're pregnant! honey! what? we're pregnant! connect is be nice to each we're pregnant? yeah! other. we forget about that because you're going to be a mom! we're so focused on everything you're going to be a dad! there's a little baby in there? else but show affection and there's a human being growing inside your stomach? kindness. >> and the key with the kids yeah! around, lock on the bedroom door. get a padlock if you have to. now what? whatever it takes. >> you know what else, wear them i don't know? down during the day. what? get them to bed early. introducing huggies mommy answers. the best advice in one place. it's long summer nights. be selfish with those. from the brand new moms trust. >> as parents we feel guilty. moms we're not spending enough time with the kids but the fact is we need to focus on our it also repels most ticks before they can attach. relationship. lock that door. do whatever you have to do to the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. get the one-on-one time with the a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. significant other. >> it's also important to wear get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! the kids out but even engage in family activities all together. that creates a little spark. >> i sometimes will do a fun family activity like bowling or minigolf but bring a babysitter. we'll split off and regroup with the kids. you have to get creative with your time. >> i never thought of bowling as a turn on. >> if you have a lock on the bedroom door. >> it reminds you why you are together and when you're with the same person you forget what brought you together in the first place. talking about how you met and why you love each other is important. >> we have great e-mails. our first letter comes from tiffany. my husband and i have been together for 13 years. we have two beautiful little girls. i love my husband so much but we both work two yjobs. i'm 31 years old and feel like i'm in my 70s. what can i do to spice up my love life before it's too late. >> go out with other families. take a three day weekend. you can rotate who is going to watch the kids. again it's like get the kids out in a group, in a pack. get yourself sometimes with other adults that you trust around your kids and be able to break off as a twosome. >> and the fact that she still loves her husband is so important because passion is the key to desire. tell him i love you. we need to spend time together. let's plan it. as ian said, new lingerie, whatever, just to get the spark going. >> toys. >> exactly. just to get the spark going. >> make the effort. >> okay. may attach and make a meal of us. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> coming up next, can you tell she just graduated. the difference between expensive and got a freelance gig... it's not going very well. store bought furniture and perhaps some do it yourself items? we'll put ourselves to the test time for a technology makeover. here. we'll have you all play along right after these messages. my name is lee kaufman. she's coming to the new samsung experience shop at best buy married to morty kaufman. to spend her graduation bounty on a... [ lee ] now that i'm getting older some things are harder to do. new laptop, a smartphone, camera and a tablet. this is not a safe thing to do. i'm starting from scratch. okay, how about we get started with the laptop. be careful babe. there should be some way to make it easier here, she can find all the galaxy devices she wants. [ doorbell rings ] let's open it up and see what's cookin'. have all her questions answered. how's the battery life? it's great. oh i like that. this is so light. what can you tell me about this? look at this it's got a handle on it. i don't have to climb up. and get personalized demos, right on the spot. this yellow part up here really catches a lot of the dust. and you can just browse through your pictures?... did you notice how clean it looks? that better be a belly button. morty are you listening? morty? ow! which means less of this... [ morty ] i'm listening! i want you to know you shocked me! ...more of this.... and this... and especially this. ♪ well done, anne. now go show that freelance job the business. i see you made yourself breakfast. the samsung experience shop. how'd you know? the place to find the latest galaxy devices and get ♪ hands-on help. only in the best buy stores nationwide. back now at 7:42 with the controversy tied to medical marijuana. it's legal in 17 states and some how'd you know? ♪ ♪ haircolor is propelled into a new era. parents are using it to treat garnier invents olia... their very young children. dr. nancy snyderman, good our first ammonia-free permanent haircolor, powered by oil. a major technological breakthrough. morning to you. >> we talked about it for adults oil can do more than condition hair... for a long time but doctors, parents and communities are olia propels color deep inside the hair. getting behind this for children. it's a controversy that is not maximum color performance. visibly improves and restores hair. going to go away. this mother is making a drug 100% gray coverage. pure, luminous, vivid color. deal, buying marijuana. haircolor will never be the same. >> is this all for you today. olia creneatw ed by garnier. >> yes. >> reporter: but this sale is not for her. it's for her ten-year-old son and it's all perfectly legal. this pot is being grown ♪ specifically for zaki jackson in [ female announcer ] when your swapportunity comes, colorado by a team of brothers take it. ♪ that legally grow medical what? what? what? marijuana and process it for him [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so good. into a special syrup for sale at olive garden's? 2 for $25 is back. what? unlimited salad and breadsticks. their drugstore. she says this is saving his two appetizers to share. life. when she was six months old he then choose two summer entrees. was diagnosed with a form of like new tuscan garlic chicken. epilepsy that causes life 3 courses, 2 people just $25. threatening seizures. >> he was having 60 to 250 go olive garden! seizures a day. he would stop breathing. to fly home for the big family reunion. you know, all the air leaves his you must be garth's father? hello. lungs and he does not take mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card another breath until that because you can fly any airline anytime. seizure is over. >> reporter: she tried 17 two words. medications and treatments. nothing worked. double miles! this guy can act. desperate heather made a tough decision to try one last wanna play dodge rock? doctor's recommendation. oh, you guys! >> we are christians. and with double miles you can actually use, we are conservative and we're you never miss the fun. using medical marijuana. beard growing contest and go! so that is a big hump for people ♪ to get over. >> reporter: heather says the i win! what's in your wallet? results were immediate. >> i probably stared at him for a good three hours after his first dose and then i fell asleep. i didn't feel any seizures after his first very dose. >> reporter: he has been seizure free for nine months. in 17 states, kids are able to get medical marijuana to treat everything from autism to cancer [ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 layers of whole grain fiber in those mini-wheats® biscuits... to seizures. >> their lives are changed. to help keep you full... ♪ 45 bushels of wheat on the farm. 45 bushels of wheat! ♪ they can eat, they can put on ...all morning long. weight. there's a big breakfast... [ mini ] yeehaw! they can sleep and have a normal those fun little biscuits. childhood. >> reporter: the marijuana plant, also known as cannabis can dive down nerve cell whoo! hey there, guys! stimulation and stop seizures can i grant you any wishes today? without getting kids stoned. well, i wish i knew what my little guy was saying. and that's because medical easy! marijuana can be bred with a low come on, guys -- level of thc, the compound that i can totally read that giant navigation screen. gets you high. you're just driving around in circles until i fall asleep. but critics include the american well, i have a surprise that will get us home academy of pediatrics which says pretty quick. [ sniffs ] [ coughs ] crack a window...please. that growers are jumping the gun gladly. because this remedy has not been [ male announcer ] the 2013 rav4. clinically tested. >> it's not enough just to toyota. let's go places. believe that something is going to be a good medication. you need to test it. a couple of generations ago people were recommending tobacco. even physicians as a good method of relaxation seems unbelievable now. >> is your concern that if someone has a medical problem in their child and they turn to marijuana they're swapping one problem for another. >> i think that they are putting their child at risk of long-term have you ever wanted to redo consequences of marijuana use an entire room but you don't that we don't fully understand. have the money or you think it's going to look like you did it >> reporter: still heather says it's worth it because after a yourself? >> all you need is inspiration decade she can finally get to and the right materials and know her son. >> we never really got to meet you'll be able to fool everybody at a fraction of the cost. she is the founder of style me zaki because he started having pretty good morning. seizures so early. zaki is funny and charming and good to see you. >> i'm happy to be here. >> you'll put us to the test in loving. it's been nice to see him come a second. what do you need to do first? awake. >> your best friends are your >> no one is saying this is a first line drug of choice but local craft store and hardware store. they have all of the materials you need to construct whatever increasingly as children need the solutions for problems, the project you're going to be working on. >> you can do it yourself traditional medicine isn't without making it look diy. treating, increasingly parents >> yeah. >> that's the point. we wanted to really work in are turning to this avenue. objects that felt like they were we won't see the fda step in and cohesive in the space. have clinical trials but it's that's the challenge for you guys today. not going to go away. to try to find which six items because it's in 17 states this we crafted in our homes with our is a trend in this country. own two hands. >> there's only six. >> thought provoking piece. >> there's only six. the rest are all store bought. thank you so much. coming up next, the new tv >> 45 seconds on the clock. network that will have audiences we have to identify why. barking literally. >> natalie is good at this. the debut of dog tv. right after this. ♪ >> i am sadly not good at this but it will be fun. >> are you ready? >> yeah. >> on your mark, get set, go. ♪ this is the car that loves to have fun ♪ >> all right. ♪ mile after mile, to and from that's diy if i have ever seen ♪ now there are four for all to use ♪ it. >> upside down diy. >> get away from my diy. ♪ tell the neighbors, friends, everyone the news ♪ ♪ and let's hum, hum, hum, hum ♪ let's hum >> um. ♪ a prius for everyone ♪ >> i think you made that. [ male announcer ] now get >> okay. 0% apr financing for 60 months on the prius liftback, the number 1 selling hybrid. good. definitely made that. with plenty in stock, you can drive one home today. ♪ a prius for everyone >> don't cheat. with olay regenerist eye and lash duo. >> got one more. the serum instantly thickens and defines lashes. one more. >> you guys are doing good. the cream smooths and softens the look of lines. ♪ >> okay. >> oh. so wow! >> nice work. another eye opener from olay. order. good. it's not a slam dunk. i have to tell you. so do tire swings! it's not a slam dunk but you did this is our ocean spray cran-lemonade. well. the first one you both got it's good, old-fashioned lemonade. only better! whoa! [ splash! ] correct are the benches. we got these for under $200 and ocean spray cran-lemonade. a bold twist on an old favorite. we removed the original fabric and with a staple gun we updated accomplishing even little things it with this really fresh can become major victories. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. fabric. >> it looks professional done. when i was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, the only thing that gave it a my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel way a little bit was the for my pain and stiffness, and to help stop joint damage. seaming. >> yeah and we added gold paint to dress it up which i thought [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. was cute. >> next up natalie, i can't serious, sometimes fatal events believe you got this. including infections, tuberculosis, i can't. i'm so happy. this is the trickiest one. lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, this was actually -- i started and allergic reactions have occurred. as a vase and using a really before starting enbrel, basic lamp kit at the hardware your doctor should test you for tuberculosis store, it's basically this piece that holds the light and the and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. wire in place. so we used the lamp kit to turn you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, this very simple vase into a have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, lamp and then made it sparkle. have been treated for heart failure, >> all my years of hgtv watching or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, paid off. >> do you save that much money bruising, bleeding, or paleness. because i look at that and say since enbrel helped relieve my joint pain, i'm going to buy the lamp. it's the little things that mean the most. >> lamps are expensive. this was maybe a $25 project. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. >> okay. >> what else. >> we have this painting, the [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine abstract. prescribed by rheumatologists. this is like channelling your inner five-year-old. >> we got that? >> yes. >> this anyone can do. you always think to yourself couldn't i do that? [ female announcer ] resisting the magical taste of silky smooth dove® chocolate you can. we started with this gold leave is difficult. and using a dark to light palate but choosing which one is even harder. we went to down. you make sure you step back and see what's happening with the big picture but it was really easy. it took a couple of hours. we did it while watching the "today" show. >> how about that? is that diy. >> it's not. no that's not. that was store bought and this is the only piece on the wall that is diy. >> yeah. >> what about -- >> anything else here. >> not the pillow. i'm not that good. the tray. >> so the tray is indeed. the coasters are not. the tray is a great project. we took a basic wooden tray we found at michaels and updated it is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats with wood that you make wooden airplanes out of and we did a that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. great pattern. if you don't want to get that ♪ busy you can do a stripe or [ dad ] jan? chevron. update it with any color you want. >> okay. what about over here. >> over here, up next are the vases that you both missed. >> we missed it. >> you made those. >> we made that. >> aren't they pretty and they're really, really simple. we took some cotton clothing line and just coated it with hot clue. >> i just glanced at it. i didn't look at ip up close. >> that looks good. >> it's good. >> you're picking it up and looking at it. >> if you want to get going you can do braiding and overlapping and stuff. >> that's beautifully done. >> last up is the bar cart. it's diy. >> this is. >> yeah it's a computer desk we all right. found for $50. we're back now at 7:50. we put a coat of paint on it and it's a competition for control over the remote control is wheels on the bottom. >> it's great. already fierce in your house, >> i know this is probably my favorite. get ready for more because a new >> this is not diy. >> i knew it had to be something channel for dogs is about to make it's national debut. over there. >> i thought maybe you made this here's kevin. >> reporter: it was bo beautiful blanket. >> no. >> you fooled us all as you can see here. bow wow wound to happen. >> great job abby and go right in your own living room. a tv network designed not for commodores. vanderbilt in the house. you, but for fiddo. something else you can do yourself. three meals, five minutes. dog tv is a 24 hour channel five ingredients. tested in san diego but come we're going to taste right after august 1st will be unleashed this. [ doorbell rings ] donuts? nationwide on direct tv. ♪ >> when dogs are home alone. they're not cool with it. you're cute. they suffer from stress. [ door closes ] >> it features a series of short [ female announcer ] new special k protein cereal videos designed to relax, helps keep you fuller longer. stimulate and expose our four willpower. legged friends to all the things what will you gain when you lose? they do daily. how ya doin'? folks at the humane society in mmm. california say they have already [ birds chirping ] okay bye bye! found it works. >> we have noticed they have [ female announcer ] help satisfy your hunger longer been much calmer. the goal, for you to be able with special k protein bars and shakes. to go to work and know that s r willpower. what will you gain when you lose? [ woman ] the technology in these pads... best creation ever! sparky isn't chewing up the furniture. >> just what i needed. somebody else on the couch [ female announcer ] always infinity. hogging the remote. invented with mind-blowing foam so incredibly thin, keep your paws off it. >> reporter: there are more than you'll be surprised it's up to 55% more absorbent. 78 million dogs in the united states so the potential audience genius. always infinity. is huge and profitable. you'll be surprised it's up to 55% more absorbent. satellite subscribers will pay i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, $4.99 a month extra. and i am so thankful to angie's list but here in suburban chicago for bringing us together. some wonder if it's encouraging find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. poochs to stay put. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. >> we have become a nation of couch potatoes. that's our owners and our dogs. >> if dog tv is a hit. what's next? dancing with the dogs? puppy got talent? the bark? stay tuned. for today, nbc news, chicago. good idea. >> selling advertising. up next, what has she done now. meredith vieira explains why she is trending all across the country. >> plus a today exclusionive. the newest invention live. it's going to change our lives. to your kids' wet skin. >> also bill cosby on the fierce neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. battle over his beloved cosby neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. show sweaters. we'll tell you how you can weigh forms a broad spectrum barrier in coming up after your local news and weather. h country. for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. it's a fresh-over. we want you to eat some peaches and tell us what you think. they're really juicy. for full strength sun protection. don't punish yourself, it's my fault.over. it must have just come from the farm. of course it's your fault and i'm not punishing myself. this right here is ideal for me. walmart works directly with growers to get i'm having dannon oikos you the best quality zero per cent fat yogurt; produce they've ever had. twice the protein of regular low fat yogurt. what would you do if i told you all this produce that's what makes it so thick, rich. is from walmart? wow! is it really? oh,.. this is kate... (laughter) already? find fresh peaches and all your quality produce. my sister... backed by our 100% money back guarantee. and that was my mother. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt, too delicious to be so nutritious. walmart. and try new rich creamy dannon oikos dips. imagine what it's doing to your pores. so dippin' good. ♪ dannon. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® oil free moisture dare to whisper. color whisper lipcolor from maybelline new york. hydrates without clogging pores. 100% free of oil, sexy, sheer color with a whisper soft feel. fragrance and dyes. oil free. worry free. no oils, no heavy waxes. [ female announcer ] oil free moisture. neutrogena®. [ female announcer ] oil free moisture. color whisper, sheer, soft color.. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. maybe it's maybelline. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. why didn't they think of this sooner? my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you see, the smart tube reaches the bottom so you can spray every last drop. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. absolutely magnific... my bottle! my eagle! you don't even have to switch. introducing... (clears throat) re-introducing unless you're scared. smart tube technology. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. ♪ no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure. [ male announcer ] bring your personal style to life, get 20% off all hunter ceiling fans at lowe's. ♪ ♪ i'm gonna use my two hands wherever your sutwist the ride... ♪ i'm gonna move a mountain with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] kraft singles have no artificial flavors and they're always made with milk, so you can be sure there's no single thing better when you're grilling up a burger. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ [ female announcer ] pin for your chance to win a weber grill at if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. today's kitchen is brought this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. to you bring kraft cheese. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation make something amazing. >> we're using the same five that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain ingredients. all right over there. and stop further joint damage. >> very angry they came up with humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. three amazing meals using just serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, five simple ingredients. have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, chicken pasta, plum, tomatoes, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. pasta and fresh araruggala. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, >> now today, we're beginning are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, with a caprise salad. fatigue, cough, or sores. this is with the pasta and you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. sauteed chicken and arugula and ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. mozzarel mozzarella. >> it's tomatoes and mozzarella good morning. and arugula all in here. i'm jon kelley. san jose police investigate stit's 26th homicide this year. after midnight, police were called to a homeless shelter >> an then top it off with near the intersection of west chicken. >> it's easy as that. >> easy, simple not a lot of julian and montgomery streets. time and it's a delicious salad officers found a man be sta stabbed to death. to make for the whole family. officers detained a man in >> and good left overs i would imagine as well. connection with the stabbing and >> let's get into chicken think both men live at shelter and got into a fight before the stabbing occurred. apartmeparm. all lanes of i-80 open this >> let's keep it simple. we talked about five morning after a van crashed ingredients. i'm sauteing a chicken and right into another vehicle and browning it on both sides and caught fire overnight. chp had to shut down eastbound i'll place this aside and try to use the same pan and start 80 near powell street the building my tomato sauce which is going to be onions, garlic, on-ramp in emeriville for an i'll take the tomatoes, a little hour. nobody was hurt during that crash. right now, let's check in salt and pepper, thank you very with christina loren to say much. cook this now for about 20 hello to a nice looking minutes. this is what it's going to look forecast. >> an interesting forecast for like after it's done and then today. our temperatures are going to we're going to build that end up average for this time of chicken. we'll start with the chicken. year. but we're going to see cloudsen crease, moisture from the south add the tomatoetomatoes. could bring enough instability for thunderstorms over our local add that mozzarella on top. mountains. highs comfortable. cooler than yesterday. >> how much do you go with. humidity has increased. >> go the way you want. maybe thunderstorms best chance >> and bake that until it's between 4:00 and 7:00. melted and it's done. as head through the week, i kept a couple of pieces of this tomato, a little left and temperatures steady. >> good morning. gray but not enough to affect you have pasta so here's another the roadways. speeds, number of cars, well dish for you during the meal and add the pass to to the tomato that's starting to impact speeds upper 50s through -- well sauce. >> right on top. fremont here. beautiful. >> looks good. >> back row. overall 880 drive from high what are you looking on? ward, fremont. >> same five ingredients. milpitas speeds into the upper 50s. northbound through south bay natalie you're doing a great job slowing. north 280, 285 continue to pounding. >> we like to tenderize the build. 101 an issue, a crash the second of the morning, at shoreline. chicken. >> two playlayers of plastic. that moved quickly to the >> in the same pan i'm going to shoulder. slowing from san jose to santa put garlic and anthony would you throw my pasta? clara approaching the scene. a little pasta with garlic and >> we will have another local update coming in one half hour olive oil. so you'll finish here. from now. back at 8:26. i'm going to move down here. hope to see you then. >> now when you say you want good morning! wow. chicken and a salad, there you go. we're going to use these ingredients raw. tomato, mozzarella and olive oil. a little lemon juice. >> what's the right ratio. >> 3 to 1. olive oil to lemon juice or red wine vinegar is nice. salt and pepper. mix it up and then we just top it right over our chicken cutlet and anthony could you give me some of the nice pasta. throw in a little red pepper on your pasta. >> delicious. >> and isn't that a wonderful meal. >> looks beautiful. >> great summertime meal. keeping it light. >> keep the family happy. >> mom do you have a favorite? >> i make all of these recipes want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? at fresco restaurant. you're a talking bee... so come see us. honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats >> absolutely. that can help lower cholesterol. guys, thank you so much. and it tastes good? >> thank you guys. sure does! right... >> recipes by the way on our ♪ website. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. [ wind howling ] wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. it's my 13th birthday. >> happy birthday. >> i remember the "today" show being on since i was a little girl. >> it's my first time to the today show and to new york city. >> welcome. we're happy to have you. 8:00 on a wednesday morning. 10th day of july, 2013. giving our crowd a little face time on a hot monday morning here in the northeast. always happy to do that. on the plaza i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie. coming up we have a familiar face here this half hour. meredith vieira is back and she is always trending in our mind but she is going to tell us why she is racking up hits online all across the country. >> all right. also another familiar face here. his inventions are revolutionary and legendary. sir james dyson has a brand new never before seen gadget. what does it do? we'll be the first to test it where. still to come, kathie lee out. >> i've seen it. it's a flying broom. and hoda. it's fantastic. who new -- i have chicken parm >> i thought it was a piano that in my mouth. vacuums. there's an idea. >> it's good. >> also ahead a medical marvel. they have what the what plus why we'll meet a man that actually a lot of men and women are talked doctors through his own afraid of commitment. brain surgery by playing guitar that's coming up during the procedure. we'll explain what that was about. >> and we'll have a little july madness in the sweater department. bill cosby is here to tell us about the competition he is having online to pick the ugliest cosby sweater but first he has to get ready for his close up. >> what is this. >> it's bronzer but liquid when it comes out. >> well, i'm not going to do that. >> make up tips. >> no bronzer. >> we'll talk to dr. cosby in a little while. we have a lot to get to. let's check the top stories. >> natalie morales is standing by. >> good morning everyone. new details have emerged about what happened in the cockpit just before the crash of asiana flight 214 in san francisco on saturday. investigators say the pilots were using automatic throttles to maintain their speed before landing but they realized too late that they were flying too slowly and were not properly lined up with the run way. the ntsb cautions that it is too early to speculate on the exact cause of the crash which claimed at least two lives. officials have now opened a criminal investigation into sunday's oil train inferno in canada that killed at least 15 people and left dozens missing. police in quebec have ruled out terrorism but not the possibility that someone could have tampered with the train both men live at the before it derailed near the shelter. lanes of interstate 80 are maine border and burst into open in emeryville. flames. the 19 arizona firefighters look at this. a car caught fire overnight. killed by a wildfire were honored tuesday at a memorial service attended by thousands including vice president joe no one was hurt in that crash. biden. miguel reports from prescott, arizona. let's check the wednesday forecast. >> reporter: the tribute honored their lives and their sacrifice. >> wade, scott parker. >> temperatures at 12:45, first pitch, 63 degrees out there at >> 19 fallen firefighters that at&t park, beautiful conditions, catch that game on our sister fought and died together. station, comcast sports net bay [ bell ringing ] area. elsewhere, 87 in livermore, 79, >> reporter: dan was their chief. >> if i could fulfill my fondest redwood city, 64 as the forecasted high in the city today. good news is temperatures wish it could be that my tears would wash away the pain and hovering right around average loss that we all feel. all the way throughout the extended period. take a look at your drive and see how that is doing with mike inouye. >> the eastshore freeway >> reporter: the granite eastbound is completely opened mountain hot shots were a band after that overnight fire but let's look at the cleanup that's of brothers that saved homes and going on right next to where it says denny's there, that's where battled blazes where ever they were called. denny's is the freeway itself, >> an elite unit in every sense you see the pound ir, proceeded of that phrase. >> reporter: last week they were to clean up some of the absorb in their own backyard when a bent left over after the fire, reports of oil on the roadway. fire storm swept over them. only one man in the team right now, that was the survived. eastbound direction, slowing the crew look out was a mile westbound, the arrow past the away. he read the hotshot prayer. racetrack, we do have a little slowing still, the focus of your >> lord bless my hotshot crew, eastshore slowing and easy drive my family, one and all. to the berkeley curve. the backup at the poll plaza light. the metering lights are on. >> reporter: a city, a state, a and not just at the south bay, country remembers the granite northbound routes an issue at mountain view. 85 northbound has a crash mountain 19. clearing at the shoulder as you nbc news, prescott, arizona. come up to sunnyvale. >> we will be back at 10:26. see you then. [ glenn stonebarger ] we are a family farm. at least 21 people were injured last night when a second story deck collapsed on to a ground level patio at a north carolina beach house. the injuries included cuts and broken bones. a dangerous fall caught on tape could have ended tragically if not for the bystander that came to the victim's rescue. video shows a man in a wheelchair accidentally rolling off the edge of the train platform. fellow riders jumped on to the tracks and pulled him to safety. the man suffered a broken wrist. and a scooting dog is normally a bad thing unless you're talking about normal the wonder dog. the three-year-old french she has been around corn her entire life, sheepdog is training to set a so she's probably been around corn longer than i have. world record by riding a scooter [ jeannie stonebarger ] i shop at safeway quite a bit. 98 feet unassisted. i walk around the produce department a few times, norman loved scooters since he just to see that box. was a pup. he's got style. i'm like...yes! i think he's got it. really, really proud. 8:05. to know that they're buying locally is important. let's go back out to matt and savannah. [ female announcer ] safeway works with hundreds of local farmers what else will they think of. >> a dog's world. because local means fresher. mike bettis is in for al all ♪ this week, al -- i mean, mike. >> we have follow action here from michigan and ohio. jodi, -- they are. >> you haven't lived until you've had a burger from swentons. >> yeah. >> you've had showers this from nbc news, this is morning but not in rochester, minnesota, hello to everyone watching us on kttc tv. "today" with kathie lee gifford sunny and mild today. 78 degrees and low humidity. and hoda kotb. watching the storms rumbling through the middle of the live from studio 1-a in country into the northeast. rockefeller plaza. watching storms from little rock hello, everybody. arkansas up into upstate new york. that means a chance for hail, by that we mean you. high winds and very muggy it's wines day wednesday, it's july 10th. conditions here but oh look how we're delighted you're with us nice it looks in the upper today. people have choices you know, midwest and northwest. temperatures in the hoda. they could watch other stuff, but they don't. especially those college kids well, thank you, mr. bettes. out there. >> we love them. love you guys. >> tweet us, please. >> i'm only going to complain good morning to you. taking a live look, we have high for one second, then we can clouds over san jose, not start the show. >> about the bills that are getting the brilliant sunshine coming in? we had yesterday and the clouds >> no, not that. will increase as we heads through the afternoon. yesterday i had a honor to speak 80 in san jose, to could see at the national journalism isolated thunderstorms in the conference, press club in d.c. western-facing slopes around san hose say thatth afternoon. >> they still consider you a journalist? temperatures dropping off from >> sort of. yesterday. 64 in san francisco, hoping to look at these kids. stay nice and level all the way great. had a great time. >> fresh faced and eager and through this upcoming weekend. hope you have a great wednesday. want our jobs. >> let me tell you something, i landed just in time to give the speech, was supposed to be on a and that is a look at your weather. 5:00 flight home out of d.c., now here's savannah and matt. thank you very much. perfect, made the flight at coming up next, why is she quarter to 5:00, got on the trending? meredith vieira is going to tell plane, off we go on to the runway. us why she is so hot online. i'm like, this is so perfect. i'm going to be home for dinner, >> and what does sir james dyson la, la, la, la, la. then what happened was, they have under wraps? said, there's a little bit of a ground delay. he'll unveil the newest we're going to stop here for a invention. it will change how you do house second. we're going to turn off the work. >> and bill cosby on the heated engine so we don't burn a lot of competition over his famous gas. collection of sweaters. click. the engine could not be looking good dr. cosby. but first, these messages. restarted. [ man on radio ] there's an accident on the freeway we were on the runway. they had to bring jumper cables. it took an hour. it was 100 degrees on the plane because there was no power so the doors were open. remember how hot it was? okay. they bring the jumper cables, jump the plane, yeah. >> you can jump the plane? >> yeah, oh, we're ready to go, let's go. >> la, la, la, la, la. >> no, we have to go back to the gate for the maintenance guy to check it. we go back to the gate, there's a plane parked at the gate, fine, we wait patiently. >> oh, my gosh! that hasn't been cleared yet. >> we get to the gate, wait a ♪ uh! i just want to celebrate [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette second, passengers, there's now you celebrate a little win. a ground delay at laguardia for an hour and a half. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings >> did they start serving booze and makes you less irritable. double your chances of quitting. at this point? >> they gave granola bars and water. >> nobody wants that. >> nobody was interested in that. >> it's happy hour already and a granola bar ain't going to make anybody happy. >> you know what i thought about, you said something that was really telling and important for all of us, not just for me. >> i always try to. >> life isn't how you act, it's how you react. you said how you act is one thing. you can come to your job, say good morning, give to the poor, but the minute someone cuts you off in traffic, that's the real you. i was thinking of that when i was sitting there, because i and makes you less irritable. started to go crazy in my head. and after nine years of working at walmart, i know savings. and right now we've got someone move this bag of bolts everything you need for a great summer. this 5-piece dining set on clearance, save over $49! up in the air. >> so i can get my egyptian -- marco! home. >> that's what i wanted to do. polo! this metal frame pool on rollback, you save $80! bottom line was everyone was really calm. i was so surprised. woo! fire up the savings. >> really? >> i was the one who was this 4 burner grill on rollback, you save $11. probably the most -- >> because you're a mother now. how bout all these bikes on rollback? >> my dog had to go. like this mongoose adult bike, you save over $20! he had to go. >> also because you know how get more summer for your money much it's going to cost to get at walmart's super summer savings event your dog walked one more time. going on right now at your local walmart. >> i had no idea. >> the bills are coming in. hoda says -- ah! she can't control herself around chocolate. >> if you say i'm stuck, can you come, they do come, then they she'll devour you. really? charge a late fee for booking it yeah, uh, thanks for introducing us. late. >> of course. >> it's quite the hefty bill. anything for a friend. ooh, strong grip! ow! any who. ♪ >> you have to sell that house to pay for your dog. >> all right. >> you had no idea how expensive motherhood is. >> no idea. we're so excited for our friend meredith vieira. this is so, so clever of her. she's getting her own new talk show, guess what it's going to dare to see the difference be called. with pantene anti-breakage. the meredith vieira show. reduces hair fall up to 97%. she claims she didn't want get less hair fall. it, but bologna, we know ♪ i took the dare. meredith. will you? >> yes. katie was taken, she said, that anti-breakage. was funny, and ellen. pantene. now she could have oprah. your next trip is calling you. oprah's gone. >> you know what, you're right. saying, "dan, call in oprah. schedule a 5 o'clock meeting at a hilton garden inn." she'll get lots of viewers. >> a lot of viewers. or "dan"... hey, dad. oh, she's back. >> she's changed a little. ..."explore your family tree at a homewood suites." >> premier in the fall of 2012. [ family ] hi, dan. i predict a big hit. or "put your feet in the sand at a waldorf astoria." here's the thing about meredith, this is what she has that lots never stop vacationing, dan. of people think they can do with book during the great getaway for great rates a lot of people like meredith at our ten top hotel brands. do, they are lacking the travel is calling you authenticity chip, you know, to they try to be like meredith, but they aren't authentic. to fly home for the big family reunion. she is completely and totally herself. what you see is what you get and you must be garth's father? hello. people have come to love who she mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. is, because that's who she is. two words. double miles! >> starting in 2014, you have to this guy can act. wait a long time, but it's wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! coming. in the fall. all right, so every year, if you and with double miles you can actually use, you never miss the fun. don't read espn magazine -- if beard growing contest and go! ♪ you don't read espn magazine. >> i don't on a regular basis, i win! what's in your wallet? but you might want to look at this one, it's called the body issue. >> it's the naked athletes. it must be the biggest selling, we're guessing. back now, 8:10 with what's >> look here. >> let's live here. >> 77-year-old -- that's frank's trending today. these are the hottest stories body, actually, with gary online. one of the hottest stories player's head on it. >> this guy's a golf legend. online meredith vieira. trend setter around here. he's gotten the most attention proving it again. she has been a top search out of all the bodies because he is 77. subject for the last day or so. he works out a lot. does 1200 crunches every >> wow. >> trending. >> announcing that you're going morning. to be hosting your own daytime he can squad 250 pounds. talk show. >> get out. >> wow. are you serious. >> nice to see you. >> any way -- >> i can squat that, too, i just congratulations. >> thank you. >> you got tired of spending can't get up afterwards. time with the family? i can do it. what happened. it's the getting up. >> they got tired of you. >> he says the secret to all >> exactly. no i took a couple of years and this is to keep your body moving, moving, moving. finally my husband said what are >> good for him. you going to do? >> what do you hope the show is? he wants to encourage young >> it really doesn't matter what people to take an interest in fitness. i hope the show is? >> we have some other bodies up >> what would you like it to be. here. >> let's look at them. >> you said the three hs, the >> kerri walsh jennings posed before and after her baby. heat, the heart, the humor. that's beautiful. >> yeah and a lot of nudity. >> she's the type of person that i think it will be good. makes everybody crazy. >> how did you come one the look, she's exactly the same. title. the meredith vieira show. >> she is. >> i didn't want it. >> she's so tall. they said what are you going to she's fantastic. call it, katie? that hits newsstands on friday if you're interested. did you know meredith's show i said no. is coming out in september of that's my name. >> is it going to be designed like your house. >> actually for the pilot we 2014? people go crazy over this took all of my furniture. stuff. >> all right. if you want to know what the >> i've never been to your house. >> you haven't. >> i've never been invited. number one baby girl name for >> i've been there. 2013, according to this new list, here's the number one >> i have never been to the house. >> that big holiday party. name. >> every holiday party somehow you're not around. >> but you always did it on the imogen. >> i've never heard of imogen. vacation week i took. i'm not bitter. i'm not bitter about it. >> i thought it was imma jean. never mind. >> sweet, charlotte and harper. let's move on. do you know that when talking about your home and your decor okay. >> boys? savannah said you're some what of a hoarder. i was like do you think all of >> boys names, asher is number one, finn is number two, declan, that other stuff, that clutter. from that show -- >> i have clutter but that's my >> on another network. >> what is that show? >> revenge. home. >> what about the dog. >> no but an animal every day. >> and django. >> when do you debut. >> 2014 which is enough time for me to change my mind. >> you'll be trending for a which was incredibly violent. whole year. >> at least another half hour. okay, if you've been -- >> congratulations. >> makes cody and cassidy sound >> can't wait. normal and boring, doesn't it? >> instagram for the rest of >> yeah. this? >> that's what they told me. >> i got a lot of flak to call >> trending on, dustin my kids that. hoffman is making the rounds it's a frick'n wild west show. online. it concerns the actor's oscar >> a lot of people name their kids after cody and cassidy. we are going to have the nominated role in the film wonderful daisy fuentes with us. tootsie where his character dressed as a woman. he got emotional recalling a she has a show that's half in conversation with his wife about society's demands for physical spanish, half in english. it's a kids version of "the female beauty. >> she says what are you saying? voice." we're going to have her on later on in the show, but we're going and i said there's too many to do a game ourselves. we're going to choose the one interesting women i have -- i that moves on. have not had the experience to jessica, jennifer, and alice. know in this life because i have >> okay. ♪ been brainwashed and -- that was ♪ never a comedy for me. ♪ >> talking about when he actually dressed as a woman preparing for the roll. he walked down the street and noticed that nobody noticed him or looked at him and he felt ignored and that lead to that reaction. >> after all the years we're getting the back story of his role for that movie. >> this is a clip put out there in 1998 but it just caught on. >> remember when you watch the movie too, you know it's a guy ♪ dressed as a woman and by the end you're in love with this >> they are all adorable. >> by the way, there's a blake person. >> how do you think ms. there. did you see, blake was there and doubtfire feels. so was shakira. >> yeah. >> also trending on twitter, it looked like "the voice" it's july in washington when exactly. there's a broccoli brew haha. we should tell who we picked and find if we're wrong. >> all adorable. this started during the state two are a little more dinner for kids. he took questions from young experienced. the first girl is by far the most accomplished singer. reporters. one asked him his favorite food. >> i'm going with jennifer the his response, broccoli. second girl, just because we well, pretty soon the vegetable liked her. was a top trending term on we're going to see who got picked. >> okay, hoda, why are you twitter with many greeting the yelling? president's claim with wednesday, there's something skepticism because you may awesome coming out for dog recall that broccoli of course lovers, it's called dog tv. has been quite a history in this is so crazy. it's a channel on directv that washington. president george h.w. bush banned it from air force one you play for and your dog can declaring i am the president of watch other dogs having fun. the united states i'm not going >> while your dog's in a crate. to eat any more broccoli. he said the way it was prepared >> i mean -- >> then you can get your dog a psychiatrist because your dog is unhappy. >> you know what's funny about dog tv, i have the tv on all the time in my apartment because i want blake not to feel lonely in his house was mushy and when the dog walker is not there. he doesn't notice the tv is on. it's noise coming from the screen, but the one time he responded was in the movie "the proposal" when that little dog overdone. starts going after sandra >> have you ever seen the bullock, that dog makes him go president eat broccoli. crazy. >> you should get marley for >> no but i have seen him take him. remember that movie? >> that was sad. no. no. >> he'll be grateful he's alive. one bite of a burger. everything's relative. see, i totally believe broccoli oh, so sad about marley, but could be his favorite. he's skinny. they're finances fanatics. look at me, i have a mommy and >> broccoli raw is my favorite. >> yeah. i'm in a crate. >> you never invited know your house. >> so fun every summer we get out there. trust me on this. >> i haven't done it. there we go right there. >> by the way -- >> thank you. i'll eat that. >> he's in a crate! you're trending today. can i tell you what's going to be trending in the next few days. >> what. >> he's being crate trained. >> let's meet the man right now. sir james dyson is an engineer not like he's stuck in there. and investor and the founder of >> 15 years he'll be in that dyson. he is known for coming up with with all kinds of cool products. good to see you welcome back. >> good to see you. crate. >> i did google, because i felt >> before we get to your product can we say how cool it was bad about leaving my dog. president obama mentioned you in >> you should. a commencement address not long >> there's a whole online community of people who feel terrible because people have to work and can't have people ago about perseverance. sitting there with their dogs, >> it encourages young people to so they said sometimes they leave in the day and feel know they have to and do terrible and have someone who walks in between, but they say a lot of dogs, the owners are gone experiment after experiment. during the day and then they >> without further ado we have come home. >> how does an animal hold its to know what you invented now. bodily needs for a year or we're going to think why did we entire day? >> they have walkers or wait so long for this invention. neighbors or something. >> more and more of us have hard they aren't there all the time. >> you need two dogs to keep floors now and what you have to do is vacuum them first to get each other company, hoda. >> any who. rid of the dust and then you have to mop them to get rid of >> stop giving dates people the grime and that's two can't remember. >> apparently, that's what machines, two chores, to cords. everybody wants to know. it's a pain. >> but you have taken care of another split for george that. >> i've been picky about this clooney, we're wondering one and we have come up with thing. >> are there some people that something we think solves the aren't cut out for commitment? problem. >> let's see. >> and is there anything wrong >> i'll get rid of the red. with that? >> i don't know. it's this. we'll talk about that. >> what do you call it. the dyson hard and what it does >> i don't know. we'll talk about that. >> wondering what's g is it vacuums and wipes in one this is anne >> i don't know. we'll talk about that. >> wonshe just graduated. path. >> wow. >> so we've got suction here and and got a freelance gig... it's not going very well. then a wet wipe and then suction here. so -- >> here's a good example. time for a technology makeover. dog prints there on a linoleum she's coming to the new samsung experience shop at best buy to spend her graduation bounty on a... floor. >> yes, it will vacuum in front new laptop, a smartphone, camera and a tablet. of the wet wipe. i'm starting from scratch. and the thing is the wet wipe okay, how about we get started with the laptop. doesn't get smoththe dust and h here, she can find all the galaxy devices she wants. have all her questions answered. how's the battery life? it's great. and stuff. >> it's noisy so we won't talk this is so light. what can you tell me about this? to you while it's going. and get personalized demos, right on the spot. >> that on the forward straight and you can just browse through your pictures?... and it does it equally well on the backward straight. that better be a belly button. >> how long can you do that without changing your wet wipe. ow! which means less of this... >> you can do a pretty large you shocked me! ...more of this.... and this... kitchen. >> pretty good. and especially this. >> how long did it take you to develop this thing? >> three and a half years but well done, anne. the key to it in my pocket is now go show that freelance job the business. this special motor that goes at the samsung experience shop. the place to find the latest galaxy devices and get 110,000 mpr. that's four times faster than hands-on help. any other motor. only in the best buy stores nationwide. we can get tremendous power and all the natural energy found in peanuts? caramel works. efficient payday. efficientcy in a small package. that's inside here. crunchy, roasted peanuts and soft, delicious caramel you have the crevasses. come together to give you sweet energy. payday. >> how expensive is it? fill up and go. >> $239. dare to see the difference it will clean your car and clean with pantene anti-breakage. reduces hair fall up to 97%. get less hair fall. ♪ i took the dare. will you? anti-breakage. pantene. your stair. it will clean the cobwebs because in my other pocket -- >> do you do your own cleaning. ♪ >> of course that's how i learn i see you made yourself breakfast. how'd you know? about these things so i can do ♪ how'd you know? dare to whisper. color whisper lipcolor from maybelline new york. sexy, sheer color with a whisper soft feel. all the cobwebs up here. no oils, no heavy waxes. >> be here all day. color whisper, sheer, soft color.. maybe it's maybelline. >> we don't do this as a commercial we do it because there's a cool factor developed to your products. when people develop cool products we'll bring those as well. thank you for being here on the show. >> nice to see you. >> thank you. >> all right. that is what is trending today. >> still ahead in the 8:00 block, the one and only bill cosby will join us live. but first let's send it over to natalie. thank you guys. now to a one of a kind medical procedure. a patient undergoing brain surgery at ucla hospital guiding his doctors while playing his guitar. dr. nancy snyderman is back with details. this is an incredible story. >> it sounds out of passion, music. performing is in brad carter's blood. an actor in los angeles he landed guest starring roles in some of the most popular television shows. however, his true passion has always been music, playing the guitar to be exact. >> i'm a guitarist since 1988. music is my first love. i'm an actor for a living but i always have music to turn to. it's a part of your soul. >> reporter: but seven years ago brad's hands started to shake and overtime he stopped taking the stage. >> you watch all your skills and who you are as a person sort of, they're vanishing in front of your eyes. it's hard to watch that happen. and you can't do anything about it. >> reporter: doctors diagnosed him with benign essential tremor and when medications failed to stop the shaking brad decided to undergo a surgical procedure called deep brain stimulation. >> we put a pacemaker in the brain and with the stimulation we help it restore a more moral pattern of activity. >> i'm going to show you my guitar. it's handmade just for me. >> reporter: brad was awake as doctors implanted a wire inside his head and asked him to play his guitar, observing when the tremors weakened. >> the slower i play, like i'm trying to play a balance lod. as you may have heard, the faster i play. george clooney, and by the way, his mother is just fine, i never >> reporter: he layaway for the said she had passed on to the six and seven hours of surgery great unknown, and his working with the doctors. girlfriend have ended their weeks after the procedure with two-year romance. his tremor reduced, brad is back shouldn't be a surprise, clooney has said he never wanted to get married again. playing the guitar. >> what this offers is hope that >> what is it that makes a man or woman steer clear of i didn't have before, and, you commitment? to answer that, we've brought back the author of "get the know, there's a ways to go. there's aways to go. guy," who's here with months down the road i'll be anthropologist, the smart one, able to record and share my helen fischer, professor at rutgers university. >> it's amazing, i keep coming music. >> reporter: the cause unknown. the prognosis less shaking and a back in spite of the abuse. >> some men like to be abused. steadier hand to play the music >> clearly, i have some sort of he loves. he has returned to acting and issues. >> let's talk -- has a role in an hbo series >> let's see about the male brain, i enjoy this. coming up next year. >> are there other afflictions >> our fine anthropologist -- where it might be helpful. >> 40 million copies -- 400 >> it's been going on for years in parkinsons and seizure million copies were sold of "fifth shades." disorders. >> tell us about the male brain, the brain doesn't have pain fibers so it's painless but they are they hard wired a certain want you awake to see way, some hard wired not to want improvement and monitor it in commitment? >> we've put men and women into real time and it reduces a the brain scanner and men fall chance of having a stroke during in love faster than women do the surgery. >> amazing. because they are so visual. >> send it back to you guys. they want to do more public >> thank you very much. displays of affection, they want we'll explain. we have an update now on kissing in the street, want to something we first brought you introduce their partner to on monday's trending segment. parents, friends, and family an online competition highlighting bill cosby's array sooner. they want to move in sooner. of sweaters from his days on the >> they want somebody to do cosby show. their laundry. >> you know, not on a down note, >> reporter: in his famous but men are two and a half more likely to kill themselves when a sitcom bill cosby was the man of relationship is over. >> that's really something. 100 voices. you suffer badly. 1,000 faces. >> men are very romantic, just >> it was purple. as romantic as women. purple sweater. >> reporter: and about 1 million >> explain george clooney and men like him. sweaters. some might say ugly sweaters. >> firstly, to that point, the they mirrored his mood and the fact men will move in quicker is show's narrative. more to do with the fact men his character was a college don't attach the same meaning to track star and some were so loud things in those stages as a they spoke for themselves. woman might. >> are you sure? the cosby sweater with it's >> for sure. for a guy, he doesn't associate bold, often head scratching all of the same things with that patterns influenced a decade of moment. >> that doesn't mean i'm going to marry this girl. he's not thinking that. questionable fashion choices. >> i make the clothes look good. >> any woman who's been >> reporter: now 30 years after introduced to a man's friends their debut, they're back. and family, only a year later to find he's never going to commit cosby is holding an online will know that. sweater off where fans can vote so, in terms of the clooney on the best of 32 iconic choices situation, i don't know george clooney, i don't know what he's thinking, but guys like him, fr . it's a testament to the funny firstly, what is it to be man that no matter how crazy the committed? right, how long was he in a relationship for, two years? style, he was never up staged by >> the one before that was also his sweater. and the man himself is now about two years. >> did he cheat on either of joining us. dr. cosby, good morning to you. those people? >> we don't know that and it >> what do you guys have on? would be rude to ask, but who knows. >> we don't know, right, and we >> don't even get started. haven't heard about it. that's a stronger form of >> i've never felt sexier. commitment than most men make >> what i wanted to say in that even when they say they are last segment, you know, about committed. >> women are just as adulteress the -- i just started laughing as men. i'd like to know who these because i was thinking about my wife, she would like to have adulteress men are sleeping with. >> adulteress women. that machine. >> the dyson machine. >> to put on my head before i go that's going on with them, as to sleep and when i wake up. well. >> i do a national study with a well-known dating site in the >> we could arrange that. >> we love this idea, ncaa style united states and only 3% of men bracket to have a competition for the greatest sweater you have ever worn. whose idea was this? want to be available. >> i think her name is camille. >> or a satisfying relationship. >> a committed relationship. >> oh yeah? some variety. >> and a fellow by the name of >> sometimes it is lifelong. when we talk about men and their dr. wellington chu and they had blueprint, what we are saying is what does a guy think he should heard so much the word ugly and be doing right now. that's all it means. if a guy, for example, just come ugly sweater and i kept telling out of a relationship, what does them when i was on the road performing that so many people he think he should be doing right now enjoying himself, would show up at a meet and playing the field, having the greet and have the sweaters and novelty of single life. if someone comes along that say you recognize this and i week, in that moment, even if would say yes. she's perfect, he's like, oh, so wellington and ms. cosby you weren't supposed to come along right now. >> on the other hand, this brain decided hey, you know, let's system is like a sleeping cat have some fun with it since and it can wake up at any moment they're all saying ugly. and make you fall madly in love let's break them out and find and that may well happen to out the ones that they all think george clooney down the road. >> that's true, but women have happen to be the best looking. to understand there's a language that gets through to men. >> did you think the sweaters were ugly when you were wearing >> 27 years, i'm not speaking them or do you think they have the right language. i thought english would be good, been unfairly melined over the apparently not. >> 27 ain't bad for commitment. years. >> both. well, now, the ones with the i created a program called get the guy, but my new program is called keep the guy, specifically because so many geometric i felt that they were people don't understand how to get through to guys. pieces of art and sense i'm on if, for example, a woman says i want to know what we are right now, that's one type of language tv, it's a show. that will scare a guy. if a woman said, listen, i need the people are characters, it would be interesting so that to understand what you think we are right now, because i have a lot of men asking me out and i people would say -- or some need to know what to say to people would say i like that. them, that's a type of language but you would have moving art. that is very different and now a guy -- >> gets into mint guarding. >> that's so engrained in us. now the others with the straight line across and things like that -- >> right. >> it's a sweater. >> women are so good at >> yeah. well, i'm wearing the one that's the combination of the knit and manipulating men and have been doing it for years. the leather. >> not good. >> not a philanthropist. >> i'm breaking out in hives right now. >> very generous person, as >> you have it now. >> do you have shoulder pads? well. you seem like you would not pass >> shoulder pads? a homeless person without being >> oh yeah. >> no, i don't. and by the way, i'm taking this generous. what was i going to ask? off immediately after we say never mind. it's a wrap anyway. good-bye to you. >> then he's going to take the we are out of time. dyson vacuum to himself. i guess we'll see you tomorrow >> exactly. and thank you for visiting with >> let me tell you, you can also take it back to the maker of us. come back. you guys are great together. this and he can do that for you >> you're going to want to commit to sticking around for in underpants. what we have next. >> that will be the las >> i already forgot. >> all the unusual photos you good wednesday morning to you, it is 8:26, i'm laura garcia-cannon. while there are no conclusive findings about what caused the [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar crash of asiana airlines flight in san francisco, investigators beginning to piece together what happened. they now say the pilots of the flight 214 relied on automated cockpit equipment to control the jetliner's speed as they land bud they realized too late they were flying too low and too slow before the aircraft crashed into it's not a candy bar. the runway. two teenagers died in that crash 130 calories and more than another 180 others 7 grams of protein suffered injuries. want to check our morning the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. commute right now with mike. >> all right, folks, take a look out to the roadways, see how things are shaping up for 880 southbound coming through new almay cc cream is kind of a it covers, corrects, clarifies. fremont, a smooth drive right it's makeup and skin care in one. now, but still got a lot of company. look at the maps over here. it's my look good while doing good for my skin make-up. you see is a slow drive south coming out of the area past union city and down into fremont, milpitas and the speeds still in the upper 50s as you travel southbound. the south bay, northbound routes are the issue. earlier crash 101 is every the shoulder, 680 a crash around for a strong bag that grips the can... ♪ montague, not an issue. get glad forceflex. north 87 at cutterer in we have small change, big difference. a crash affecting the flow of and i know savings. traffic, slow heading into this metal frame pool on rollback, you save $80! downtown san jose. the rest of the peninsula moves and this 4 burner grill on rollback, you save $11. smoothly, laura. >> thank you very much. another local news update in half an hour. get more summer for your money we will check the forecast then as well. have a great morning. [ wind howling ] at walmart's super summer savings event. donuts? ♪ you're cute. [ door closes ] [ female announcer ] new special k protein cereal helps keep you fuller longer. willpower. what will you gain when you lose? how ya doin'? mmm. [ birds chirping ] okay bye bye! [ female announcer ] help satisfy your hunger longer with special k protein bars and shakes. willpower. what will y gain when you lose? [ superfan ] helper help line. we're on our way. you have got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they made chicken! that's really good. could i get another one of those, actually? thank you. [ male announcer ] we're here to help. oh, hey, ladies. in the mood to make something special? ♪ i sure am. ♪ you know, once you go italian, you'll never go back. [ sniffs ] mmm. ♪ [ steam hisses ] steamy. [ female announcer ] it balances you... let's get zesty. [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. it is wednesday, you know in a convenient two bar pack. what that means -- what the what. >> time to take a look at all this is nature valley... those photos that make you do a delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. double take and double over in nature valley. laughter. sara has the best of the bunch, nature at its most delicious. we hope. >> first our caption contest. last week we asked you to submit what you thought was going on here. evette says, you are a way better date than that shih tzu down the street. we'll reveal next week's photo at the end, but the first photo comes from joe karen. shasta soda flavors. kind of an awkward abbreviation there. mary from richardson, texas, submitted this photo. unsweat tea. >> just ruined my whole thirst. next up a photo from judy from columbus, ohio. flush it right down here, we'll take anything you got. >> they did that on purpose and it's very funny. >> one man's -- never mind. finally, this photo. >> better than sex, a dessert restaurant. >> that's right. it's better than -- 8:30 now on a wednesday >> dessert. morning. some people would prefer to have it is the 10th of july, 2013. dessert. >> i would eat dessert. we say hello to folks that can't you tell? here's our new photo for the gathered on our plaza on a caption contest next week from steamy morning here in new york. cindy overman. grammy nominee ed sheerdan will seriously? come on. i take a fish, you take a foot. be here on our toyota concert let's do this. >> that is so precious. >> go to our facebook page, you [ female announcer ] introducing olay fresh effects' unstoppable skincare! stage. good morning everyone. i'm savannah guthrie along side matt lauer and natalie morales. a new line up that can keep up with whatever adventure. >> do you know what is coming up fast? the olympic winter games in start fresh and finish sparkling 24/7 about five months or show. with new olay fresh effects. this morning we're treated to an power on with va-va-vivid for a 400% better clean. appearance by shaun white. hydrate up to 24 hours with long live moisture. he is going for a three-peat. and perfect with bb cream for radiant skin. catch them if you can at we'll talk to him about how he ♪ is preparing. >> i almost didn't recognize him. >> looking good. >> and then from the smart faster than kenny can dodge a question. honey, how'd that test go? solution to the body reset there's a lot of diets on the [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying mmmm. market. we'll tell you how to pick the totino's pizza rolls. mmm hmmm. mmmm. one that might best fit your [ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto. personality. >> all right but we want to say hello to daisy. she is back on telemundo. >> yeah. >> you are the host of a show doing so well. it's like the voice with little ones. >> with little kids. approximate you're a fan of the the voice you can imagine. take the whole thing up a notch to another level. these kids are brilliant. we're down to the final 18 now and they're so intense and they're so talented but they're so honest, too. so, you know, the emotional level because they are kids and they will cry or laugh. >> do you ever worry about that good morning to you t is because they're so young and 10:26. i'm marla tellez. while there are no under such intense pressure on conclusive findings about what actually caused the crash of the asiana airlines flight in san the show. >> no because they are so clear francisco, federal investigators beginning to piece together what happened. they now say the pilots of flight 214 relied on an about what they want to do and automated cockpit equipment to control the jetliner's speed as they land bud they realized too late they were flying too low and too slow before crashing onto the runway. two teens died in the crash. how important this is to them. more than 1180 brothers hurt. after the break, we will check the forecast and look at they're not like regular little those roads. kids. in a way they are because there's times when you see they're just babies but when they're speaking about what they're doing and what they want to do with their lives they're on another level. they're very mature and very together. >> as we mentioned, you got your start on telemundo. you used to do the weather for them. >> i did. >> i understand you used to kind of make up the weather. >> i did -- you're going to show this. >> there's a throw back. you're welcome. >> you had a sweater too. >> of course i did. i think i inspired his style. >> so you would listen to the radio and repeat. >> i would listen to the weather forecast and kind of repeat it, put it in my own words and completely make up the forecast for the caribbean. sunny. >> 50% chance of rain. way to go. >> well it's great to have you back on telemundo. daisy, thank you. you can catch it on telemundo sunday night at 8:00, 7:00 central. >> let's get a check of the weather. we have guests visiting from kansas city and this sign says our mom is 50. where's your mom? >> i thought this was your sister. this is your mother. happy 50th birthday good to see you here. >> thank you. >> let's talk about the weather chances. we have opportunity for hot weather through the middle of the country. temperatures will be cooler for us as we head into the northeast because of cloud cover and chance of rain today. the risk comes in this afternoon rolling through the ohio river valley. upper midwest stunningly gorgeous. watching for the monsoon to kick in in the good morning to you. 8:34 now, taking a live look at the hills in sinole. you can see what's left of that marine layer starting to burn off quickly. pretty cool picture here shows you how fog clears from the top down. 84 degrees in concord today, 77 degrees in fremont and 79 on wait to redwood city. you just can't beat that kind of weather. mid-july should be much warmer. temperatures are going to be really steady throughout the next couple of days, only 10:28. climbing into the upper 80s no welcome back. 90s in the near future. still nice and foggy over the i hope you have a great day. golden gate bridge that means temperatures are going to be and don't forget you can comfort. always check out your forecast an the natural a/c pumping 24/7-on-the weather channel or natural cool into the bay. on we have lost it now. back to the guys. warmer cities across the bay, 70 >> we have a warm one on tap in in livermore, look at this new york but we're starting to something you don't typically think about cooler temperatures expect for the month of july. because the olympics are only we got the showers coming up from the south, move into the 212 days away. north. might actually see the isolated >> we want to say hello to one thunderstorms today over the south bay mountains, also a of the biggest stars. chance for the east bay hills. you can see here from the shaun white is here. really good to see you. onshore flow, still quite a bit there's less of you. of cloud cover lingering over you lost your long hair. we'll talk about that in a the san francisco bay, temps cool around the bay, 76 in moment. but first are you getting ready fremont, 62 in san francisco, your 7-day forecast today at for sochi? 11:00. let's check your drive once more >> i am. with mike. i'm excited. it's one of those things where good morning. looking over toward the san everything around my life right mateo bridge that moves smoothly now is focused on the olympics. in the westbound direction, both so it's a good feeling that it's are smooth, past 880 do have coming up. >> i was reading about the year reports of a stall in lanes, could cause a little slowing you've had. you've won just about everything toward hayward. you have entered. slowing at 880 and 238. have you set any goals for remainders of the morning yourself that you haven't achieved this year. commute. a little lag trivalley, the bay >> there's plenty of stuff coming up. bridge toll plaza, starting to what's fun about the olympics is see a build now, marla, because there's a new discipline. of the midday giants game folks every time you see me in the heading into the city for that olympics it's been in the half pike which is what you're seeing >> that's right. right now but the new event is called slope style. go g-men. >> what is that? >> a series of jumps in one run and rail features that you slide on and you make your way down ♪ and do as many tricks as you can on those jumps and it's like, you know, the new thing. we're back with more "today" >> would you be considered one of the favorites in that as on this wednesday. we're playing who know to well. >> i'm all right at it. celebrate the drink that makes this job easier. >> yeah. we want to test your wine it's fun. trivia. kathie lee is ready to hand out >> how do you think of these tricks? does it come to you in the 100 bucks those who get the questions right. middle of the night? to those who don't, they get >> it's tricks based off of other tricks. but for me, sometimes, yeah, kathie lee's cd. everyone is a winner, kind of. recently, funny you say that, i here to help me out is leslie recently was dreaming about jane seymour, the snowboarding and i thought up this new rotation to put an an editor-in-chief of "more" magazine. they have launched a wine club existing trick that i already have but it's random. mostly by mistake. for women called more uncooked. you're setting out to do >> we have a lot of wine something and by accident you create a new trick. drinkers. it's a nice, relaxing thing to >> i imagine a lot of pressure on you then. >> a little bit but i like that. do. if you're a mature executive woman. >> we like it. it's nice. all right, go ahead. it's something to strive for. to live up to. i like it. >> this is zan from houston. >> can i -- i like the hair. america is the fourth largest >> you like it? wine producing nation beall but >> i really do. this country. i loved the old hair too but you look very dapper with this. is it france, italy, spain or >> thank you. >> are you digging it? arg >> i like it. it was a tough call but i argenti argentina? >> argentina. thought it was a good cause. >> wow. >> that's incredible. what's so interesting, america comes in behind france and italy >> locks of love, right? >> i donated it. and spain. it was 12 or 13 inches long who knew? >> yeah. >> it makes total sense. straightened out. a lot of weight. we are a big wine-drinking country. i have most of the readers. it makes total sense. >> exactly. >> back across to kathie lee. >> there you go. good to see you. >> where are you from? we're going to be seeing you in >> naples, florida. >> what was hannibal lecter's russia as the networks of nbc wine of choice in silence of the has complete coverage of the lambs? games. it's not too late for teens and >> chianti. >> yeah. students to find a great summer job. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove >> that one -- you can see the scene in your head. it's so horrifying. >> but incredible. my favorite is where he quotes and where he says, i ate his liver with some fava beans and a nie nice chianti. it wasn't a nice chianti. >> from tuscaloosa, alabama. everybody is beautiful in alabama. i'm telling you. in her hit single "ironic" alanis morissette sings about a black fly in what type of wine? >> chardonnay. >> wow. my scandalous cd is not doing well today. >> all the winos are getting everything right. chardonnay. >> that's the biggest wine in america, so i guess it makes sense. >> is it? >> yeah. >> a great song too. >> this woman is from walkersville, maryland. what 2014 comedy caused merlot sales to suddenly slow down? high fructose corn syrup was it sideways, the kids can from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, all right, or notorious? >> oh, dear. but what about thick & creamy and whips!" notorious? >> no. but scandalous. >> oh. and we were like, "done and done! i know kathie lee is happy. now it's out of everything yoplait makes." the correct answer, sideways. and you were all, "yum!" >> yes. and we're like, "is it just us, paul's character miles. or has this been a really good conversation?" he said that merlot is a common and you were like, "i would talk, kind of wine and so what but my mouth is full of yogurt." happened is he was promoting yoplait. it is so good! pinot noir. all the great people who went to see the movie decided to drop their merlot and go for pinot noir. that's when we started our pinot noir obsession. >> okay. back across -- >> this is michael from tuscaloosa. all of these celebrities have i wish i was made of money. endorsed or made their own wines except whom? i wish you were too. madonna, kelly clarkson, fergie chances are, you're not made of money. from black eyed peas or justin so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. timberlake? >> i would say justin geico motorcycle. see how much you could save. timberlake. >> no. he had it made for his wedding, i think. wow. there you go. >> the correct answer is kelly clarkson. >> only holdout. she decided not do it. you even got drew barrymore in it is expensive to be a there. >> do they do pretty well? teenager these days and even >> yeah, it's interesting. though summer is well underway it's not too late for your teen to earn extra cash. marry a wine with a celebrity deborah is the author of and you have big sales. >> from dun, north carolina, go-getter girl's guide. and lucy is a college student at after her we are done, all -- that was for you. thank you. johns hopkins university. good morning to both of you. i am really getting too old for this job. okay. thank you. >> good morning. >> we are late in the season. if students and teens need a job sorry. how can they be creative to get okay. there are approximately how many bubbles in a bottle of sparkling one. >> you have to approach it from wine or champagne? the perspective of creating your 1 million, 25 million, 50 own job. >> what areas would you be million or 1 billion? looking in right now. >> well, one great thing is lawn >> 50 million? >> can you believe that? >> she didn't -- they must be mowing. follow the green, cadding at reading "more" magazine. >> 50 million? >> yeah. golf courses. amusement parks. local businesses, catering. moen got together with heineken they always need help with doing things over the summer. >> lucy has a great idea and and they counted 750 milliliter told me about this in the past. you decided you were going to do bottle, you wanted know, there's online tutoring. not this summer but for several months. how did it come about. >> i'm a tutor for a website your answer. >> we know a lot more than we thought we knew. >> a lot more about wine. called instant and >> thank you for coming to see us. she made her mark as an mtv someone posted an link a few deejay and now daisy fuentes has months ago, last year if anyone a breakout hit and she'll tell is interested in tutoring online us all about it. ement in hairca. there's a great site. triple resist our powerful formulas with arginine, it's knew and i tutor students an essential amino acid -- in every strand. online for $20 an hour at my own l'oreal's unique triple reinforcing system. home; so you're not getting one, nourishes from the root up. rich. >> you're not getting rich. did you have to have any two, reinforces the strand. teaching experience. three, strengthens hair from root to core to tip. >> they like to see some tutoring experience but that can with l'oreal triple resist come in many forms. hair fall due to breakage is reduced by 64%. i helped my siblings in the past. i was a counselor at camp, i see stronger, more beautiful hair. anything like that. >> how were you evaluated as a triple resist - from l'oreal's most advanced haircare. tutor? change the life of your hair. does this online company then look at you and evaluate your you're worth it. [ female announcer ] another newtonism. performance. >> the stunlts evaluate you. into every life, a little fudge must drizzle. so a student will come to you. you can two on the site and new banana drizzled with dark fudge fruit thins. choose your tutor based on what school they go to and subjects real fruit, real fudge, whole grains. they can tutor in and their newtons fruit thins. one unique cookie. appearance. so you feel comfortable with them and your students give you feedback and you get rated on how quickly you respond to well you tutored them. >> $20 an hour. you get to create your own hours and do it from the comfort of your own home or you can do it anywhere you are based on having a computer. tell me about your students. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? who are you tutoring right now? sure does! >> my student is -- i thought this was going to be high school wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... kids studying for the sats and college essays and things. well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? a lot of it is. be happy. be healthy. it's ages 13 and up but my first you know, "what are you thinking?" man was in shanghai learning oh, i had a knot in my chest. i didn't really want her to go but...i knew she could do it. english as a second language. i started in september when i i felt like there were bigger and better things for me to do. was abroad in london and i followed until now and i'm [ mom ] she took what she was doing seriously. planning on doing it when i go [ hosmer ] my self-confidence just went through the roof. back to college. it's great because i take [ dad ] it was awesome to see her transform from a girl, classes. in a small town, to a soldier. [ male announcer ] you made them strong. i'm sorority but when i we'll make them army strong. talk to your son or daughter about joining the army. come home at the end of the day find out how at i can tutor him. >> earn money. >> create a resume. >> just spend whatever you have got. baby silting, anything, put it on there. >> do your research. >> a lot of programs are available flt summer programs for your state and local government. look into if there's anything like that. >> advertise your availability. >> a lot of these sites you can set up your own profile and let the work come to you instead of going out to get it. post on these sites. post on facebook. put the word out to your family and friends and get out there and do it. >> be creative, be enterprising. good combination. lucy thank you as well. >> up next, struggling to find a weight loss plan that works for you. we'll have the best of the best when it comes to new diet books. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ wind howling ] all the natural energy found in peanuts? talk to your son or daughter about joining the army. caramel works. payday. crunchy, roasted peanuts and soft, delicious caramel come together to give you sweet energy. payday. fill up and go. not giving a thought to their own satisfaction. like this woman here. hello! [ female announcer ] it balances you... what's your name? [ water crashing ] linda. linda obviously sacrificed a good haircut fills you with energy... so that her daughter could have a warm coat. it's windy. yeah. and it gives you what you are looking for now you can help people like linda stop with the sacrificing. to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. tell them about light & fit greek nonfat yogurt twice the protein and 80 calories. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars thick... creamy. made with the best ingredients in nature. taste satisfying, right? eat! nature valley. light and fit greek! ♪ dannon! nature at its most delicious. thank you, daisy girl. cuban born beauty, and boy is she, daisy fuentes got her start as a weather girl 30 years ago. >> 30? >> you are fermenting beautifully. >> so are you. >> now she is back where it all began. daisy is the host of the number one rated show on telemundo. a spanish-language spinoff of "the voice." >> so nice to see you. >> it's a jackpot again, look at you. >> she always does. you know why, she's a nice person. >> at the very top of the show we watched three young girls sing and we're going to show just a tiny clip of these three, and we chose the one we thought was going to go on. this is jessica, right? >> jessica, yes. >> then jennifer is the second girl and another girl at the end. kathie picked jessica, the first girl. i picked jennifer, her. i picked jennifer. back now at 8:45 with the >> one of you is right. >> which one? >> kathie is right. skinny of the newest diets. it was jennifer that won. an overwhelming number of >> jennifer, that was me! experts are offering advice on >> was it the first girl, the how to beat the battle of the second girl? >> the second girl. bulge. how do you know what will work i thought you picked jennifer. >> i picked the first girl. for you. >> she is one of the 18 finalists now. we'll find out if she makes it through next sunday. >> from christina and kelly >> how old is she? >> i'm forgetting how old she is, but all the kids are between osbourne. they feel the pressure to shed a 7 and 14. >> what's it like with kids, if you lbs. >> i've bun weight watchers. emotions have to run high. >> we had our own kids voice a >> atkins. couple of years ago. >> the craziest is the tooth >> it was tough. pick diet. >> some people eat paper. >> it's hard to say no to a >> the baby food diet but i child. >> they are so honest. don't think i would try that. >> there's no end to the number they show you everything in their face. of weight loss plans out there. everything that they are feeling, their excitement and then when they are let down. you're right there withthem. no carbs, no protein, liquid >> they sob and breakdown. only diets. the choices can make your head their parents hate you. >> you're wearing mascara, just spin. >>s about a life still change a mess. no, it's such a fantastic show versus a diet. >> well madeline is nbc's diet anyway, and now you add and health editor. children, takes it to a whole you did the work. other level. your emotions, the level of you picked the best of the best. >> these plans are safe and surprise on the show is amazing. >> how do you find these kids? based on sound science and easy they are very talented, the ones to follow and no quick fixes you have. how do you find them? here. these are plans for the long >> very talented. hall. >> okay. different categories. they all come from the u.s. we held auditions and i think like 6,000 kids showed up. the first is the 5-2 bikini they were only able to see, like, 3,000, and only 120 make diet. >> it means not 5 plus two days it through. when you start seeing the blind but seven days a week. auditions, you're already seeing the best of the best. the issue here is having a five >> exactly. are we going to talk about a wig day plan where your monitoring your calories. line for you? >> i have a wig line. women about 1500 and member >> you're not wearing a wig. about 2,000 but two days a week >> no, i'm not now, but i wear you'll cut back and eat about 5 the clip-on bangs and extensions or 600 calories a day. and the wigs for photo shoots. you have plenty of food to eat. >> we have jerry here. you space this out. this is the jump start depending jerry and jimmy. >> oh, my gosh! upon your starting weight you could lose a half to two extra >> they look sexier than they pounds a week and that adds up. ever have. >> because of the locale ri >> they do. days. >> the ultra locaw calorie days. >> need a little something here. >> you do need a little wax. >> spinal tap. you can have nuts for lunch and >> by the way, the hair does look so natural, right? >> feels natural. low calorie lunch. >> curtains don't match the >> for people that think they can't go through life without carpet. >> hoda's face. pasta and bread, this can be for >> thanks, guys, for modeling for us. >> the drapes don't match the you. they're fiber rich and there's carpet. >> thank you, that was really beans and things that give you the starchy flavor and fast. >> airs sunday nights at vegetables and fruits are a large part of it. 8:00/7:00 central on telemundo. >> thank you. >> god bless. >> the body reset diet. >> thank you. finally, your excuse not to this is not a cleanse, or a exercise. we're going to tell you all juice cleanse. what is it? about the weird things exercise >> every time people think about can do to your body. plus, you're going to need liquid plans they think about to workout if you've been cleansing or juicing, it's not dipping into movie theater this. it's do it yourself protein shakes. munchies lately. it's for five days you're going >> the ones to be on liquid protein shakes you make yourself with dairy based things. it's very healthy. this is to get your mind off of what am i going to eat every day just for five at as an other other foods in between for snacks but you transition to real food but this is something you can follow for a long time with two shakes or one shake along with regular food. >> a couple more to get to. art smith's healthy comfort. this is a book if you're a chef, a foodie. >> there's a lot of prep and smart tube technology. shopping and cooking which why didn't they think of this sooner? people like. it has a lot of flavors and he you see, the smart tube reaches the bottom lost more than 100 pounds so you can spray every last drop. following the plans. all the recipes have how many absolutely magnific... my bottle! my eagle! calories preserving. introducing... >> the last book has more to do (clears throat) re-introducing smart tube technology. with psychology than anything. the reasons why we eat. a meal like thiso save on fast from walmartd dinners. >> it's connecting your mind and costs less that $3.50 per serving. body. this tells you more about why and if a family of four like yours switches out fast food dinner just once a week you're eating instead of what you're eating and it works with you can save over $690 a year. most plans you can follow. unbelievable. >> all right. it's believable. i just elevated you to doctor. save on a kraft dinner backed by the low price guarantee. walmart madeline, to me you are the doctor of dieting. >> thank you. [ mom ] for big girl jobs there's bounty select-a-size. >> coming up, how much are your it's the smaller powerful sheet. collectibles really worth? what you need to know before you one select-a-size sheet of bounty is 50% more absorbent than a full size sheet sell. but first, this is "today" on nbc. good morning! wow. of the leading ordinary brand. use less with bounty select-a-size. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? is that true? you're a talking bee... says here that cheerios has whole grain oats honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. that can help remove some cholesterol, and it tastes good? and that's heart healthy. sure does! right... ♪ ♪ [ dad ] jan? wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. ♪ igarnier invents olia. a haircolor breakthrough. our first ammonia-free permanent color, powered by oil. olia propels color deep. pure, luminous, vivid color. visibly improves and restores hair. new olia by garnier. she has been around corn her entire life, is your basement or attic so she's probably been around corn longer than i have. filling up with things you never want to let go of? [ jeannie stonebarger ] i shop at safeway quite a bit. you might want to sell some of i walk around the produce department a few times, it to earn extra cash. just to see that box. this is kim langford, she is a i'm like...yes! really, really proud. contributing editor of personal finances. to know that they're buying locally is important. she has great rules to follow when you want to sell stuff. [ female announcer ] safeway works with hundreds of local farmers nice to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> first is a basic one, a lot because local means fresher. of people have stuff in their ♪ attic and basement and garage. how do you know what is valuable and what isn't? >> do research. it's so much easier than it had been in the past. go on ebay and look at the competed sales. it's not what they're trying to be sold for. so many people have wishful thinking price there is. but look at the sale values. if you see things that seem to be valuable, then go to sites that can tell you about special marketings to look for and then if it looks more valuable go to a dealer and appraiser and get them to get you price books. >> preferably not one that wants to buy it. they'll low ball you a little bit. >> so many people go to a dealer and say not worth much. >> get a second appraiser. who paid just to appraise them not buy them. >> what's this. >> it's something called the 30 year rule. all right. now it's time for a game, a new the things you played with as a kid, about 30 years later when game, we did not name it, but you have some money and you can it's called beat it or eat it. finally buy some of these things >> no, not another game, not and chemothem in your office, called that. >> it's all about the foods we that's when they tend to be valuable. so things like star wars action mindlessly munch on at movies. we have mallets. figures they're valuable now and >> so we have beat it. especially the early ones from >> the food we thought we should the 70s but the most valuable avoid and eat the healthier ones are ones you never played option. >> who else would be putting us with. ones mint in box. through this other than today's >> you need them to be in great condition if they have the box diet and health editor. >> hey, how are you? they came in, that's a really big deal. >> this is about calorie count. >> this set here is worth about >> this is about calorie counts. $500 but if you have separate okay, if you're at the movies, ones that are well worn, they'll we all want something to eat at the movies. be 20 to $30. you have your mallet. the set together and the box i'm going to give you two makes a big difference. >> what else do you have that's comparisons. you'll either beat it or eat it. valuable. >> we have comic books here from feel free to whack away the midtown thing you'll not be eating. so are ly valuable. >> one question, is there butter on this popcorn? this is worth about $3,000 and >> i'm getting to that. this one is worth about $2,300 unbuttered popcorn, 12 cups, or but there's a huge difference. a kids meal with three cups of these have been graded and unbuttered popcorn, diet soft appraised and it's very, very good condition but some of these drink, and candy. down here are only worth about you are right. this is about 700 calories. $100. they're still valuable and hold if you get the kids meal, it's but some of the ones much about half that. younger only about 20 to $30. so a huge, huge range. you can bring some baggies and divide this up. you want to find an expert that >> they don't like when you go can look at yours and tell you into the theater and take your own popcorn. what we're worth. >> you're not. >> another category, kitchen bringing the bag and filling it. >> what if they ask you, did you wear, costume jewelry. what's the sign of value. bring it in? >> the very valuable things are >> what kind of a -- does that? >> let's compare some candy. 1950s are really in style. we have a box of junior mints mid century modern furniture and and the same amount of m & ms. 1950s kitchenware. the bright color. oh! people like the bright colors you are right! but this is kitchenware so these are around 700 -- >> i want to do it again. people used it. it's going to be more valuable >> you can divide this up if you want the whole box for yourself, if it's in very good condition which is hard to find in your just have a whole box of junior attic if your mom used it. mints for about half those >> if savannah wants to unload calories. >> i love junior mints. her college collection of >> next, something i know these girls really like is red licorice. this is a movie pack, five ounces, of red licorice versus tuppe tupperware. >> wait 30 years and see. this is an icy, those frozen >> it's important if people drinks you can have. >> i want to eat those, i'm only going to hit it once. >> you are right. this is what you want to beat. this whole pack is 500 calories. >> the whole pack is 500? when i was stuck on the plane i ate a jumbo pack. >> here's your serving, three or four. >> what do i look like? mrs. maria, you're confessing to me? >> come on, hoda, you'll know this. >> chewy fruit snacks versus gummies. beat it or eat it? these are hard to beat. >> like roaches, nothing happens. >> this is one serving, 500 calories, knock it in half by getting the fruit snacks. >> let's not bang these up, because i love these. >> now we're going to get to real food. nachos versus soft pretzel. boy, don't like those nachos. >> i love them. you're right, 700 calories. >> the cheese. what happened to the cheese? the cheese -- >> then -- >> oh, my gosh, there's the cheese! that's nasty. >> all right. don't want to beat a pretzel just for fun? >> this is about 350 calories, too. it's no bargain, but you can buy some water in the movies, add some low calorie sweeteners. >> you don't get to beat this. >> some people in the movies, these are eat it, not beat it. >> pickle! >> you can have some beef jerky if you want. ask your movie theaters for these things. >> who wants beef jerky in a movie? >> some people do. >> madeleine! >> nobody does. >> let's beat if you've been looking for any reason not to go to the gym, well, that's what we're here for. >> all right. apparently exercise does some bizarre things to your body, like causing you to break out in hives or you get a stabbing pain in your side. >> and "readers digest" covers these issues. >> welcome, ladies. >> we should point out we're not telling people do not exercise, we're kind of showing red flags that may pop up as you do. >> exactly. exercise is one of the healthiest things you can do every day. we're trying to troubleshoot the things that can keep you from working out. >> one thing called the leaky faucet, when your nose is dripping while you're working out. >> in the middle of spinning class and your nose starts running and you're trying to wipe it on the sleeve or towel and what's happening is you're breathing more through your nose and your nose dries out. >> what should we do? >> carry a bunch of tissues or ask your doctor for prescription for a nasal spray that you can spray before you workout to prevent it from leaking on you. >> nothing wrong with that, it just happening. >> your body is trying to protect you. doesn't happen to me if i'm in a gym. >> they think pollution may play a role, too, air quality. >> sometimes when you're running you get the side stabbing in your ribs, oh, my god, what is that, you want to stop and walk. what is that? >> most annoying things that can happen to runners, it's your diaphragm spasming from breathing heavily. >> what should you do, just stop? >> take a rest, slow it down, slow down your breathing, stretch out, but honestly happens more when you're not in shape or starting to workout again, so as you get more physically active, it should go away. >> okay. there's something i've seen when people work out, their face turns bright, bright red. >> you're afraid they are going to have a heart attack. >> this is really a total normal thing. it's your body's way of cooling down during a workout, so your blood vessels in your face are dilating. >> people that don't sweat a lot, they are the ones their face gets real, real red. >> it's a total, natural thing. >> something to be worried about? >> what your body is doing is trying to release heat so it's opening blooz vessels. spray yourself with water. >> when do you know there's a problem when you're overheat something. >> if you're getting really hot, you feel you might faint, you're sweating a lot, outside particularly in weather like this, it could be a sign of heat exhaustion. >> what if someone were to break out in hives when they were working out? i would stop working out immediately. >> sounds like the oldest excuse in the book, you could be allergic to exercise, sometimes it's true. it can make you break out in a red rash. >> you should see your doctor for it to make sure there's nothing else going on. >> what else could cause such a thing? >> could be allergic to something in the environment causing hives, but if everything checks out okay, you can hold it off by trying to exercise in a colder environment. >> lastly, if you are running, walking, whatever, and have to run to the restroom all the time and you're in a panic, is there an issue happening there? >> it's a little bit of an embarrassing issue, runners don't like to talk about it, but it's surprisingly common, people call it runners trots. and basically what's happening is for a long runner, even a long walk, your body is moving blood away from your digestive track. >> thank you, ladies, for joining us. >> not going to get a cure? >> no, live with it. it's called pepto. >> water and avoid fatty foods. tomorrow, country star and former hootie and the blow fish darius rucker is with us. plus, meals you can pack up for a day at the beach. also ambush makeovers. have a great wines look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. i got my mom wrapped around my little finger. do you? yeah, i do. huh. i said i want honey nut cheerios uh huh. and she just totally caved. it's all about psychology buzz. psychology? as long as i don't tell him the cereal is healthy -- he can't get enough. sad, really. i kind of feel bad that i tricked him. was easy. surprise... uh, ha ha ha. ♪ right now at 11:00, we are just hours away from the next update from the ntsb on that asiana air crash investigation. meantime, the wreckage still out on the runway at sfo. you will notice that there are garbage bins now at that scene out there. they are there to help investigators put excess fuel and retardant away. for the record this marks the very first sight of cleanup since saturday's deadly crash. good morning, thank you for joining us. i'm jon kelley. >> good morning, i'm marla tellez. we continue our coverage of the asiana airlines crash at sf would. bay area's bob redell. he joins us live from sf hospital where the ai


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130711

at the national journalism conference, press club in d.c. >> they still consider you a journalist? >> sort of. look at these kids. great. had a great time. >> fresh faced and eager and want our jobs. >> let me tell you something, i landed just in time to give the speech, was supposed to be on a 5:00 flight home out of d.c., perfect, made the flight at quarter to 5:00, got on the plane, off we go on to the runway. i'm like, this is so perfect. i'm going to be home for dinner, la, la, la, la, la. then what happened was, they said, there's a little bit of a ground delay. we're going to stop here for a second. we're going to turn off the engine so we don't burn a lot of gas. click. the engine could not be restarted. we were on the runway. they had to bring jumper cables. it took an hour. it was 100 degrees on the plane because there was no power so the doors were open. remember how hot it was? okay. they bring the jumper cables, jump the plane, yeah. >> you can jump the plane? >> yeah, oh, we're ready to go, let's go. >> la, la, la, la, la. >> no, we have to go back to the gate for the maintenance guy to check it. we go back to the gate, there's a plane parked at the gate, fine, we wait patiently. >> oh, my gosh! >> we get to the gate, wait a second, passengers, there's now a ground delay at laguardia for an hour and a half. >> did they start serving booze at this point? >> they gave granola bars and water. >> nobody wants that. >> nobody was interested in that. >> it's happy hour already and a granola bar ain't going to make anybody happy. >> you know what i thought about, you said something that was really telling and important for all of us, not just for me. >> i always try to. >> life isn't how you act, it's how you react. you said how you act is one thing. you can come to your job, say good morning, give to the poor, but the minute someone cuts you off in traffic, that's the real you. i was thinking of that when i was sitting there, because i started to go crazy in my head. someone move this bag of bolts up in the air. >> so i can get my egyptian -- home. >> that's what i wanted to do. bottom line was everyone was really calm. i was so surprised. >> really? >> i was the one who was probably the most -- >> because you're a mother now. >> my dog had to go. he had to go. >> also because you know how much it's going to cost to get your dog walked one more time. >> i had no idea. >> the bills are coming in. hoda says -- ah! >> if you say i'm stuck, can you come, they do come, then they charge a late fee for booking it late. >> of course. >> it's quite the hefty bill. any who. >> you have to sell that house to pay for your dog. >> all right. >> you had no idea how expensive motherhood is. >> no idea. we're so excited for our friend meredith vieira. this is so, so clever of her. she's getting her own new talk show, guess what it's going to be called. the meredith vieira show. >> she claims she didn't want it, but bologna, we know meredith. >> yes. katie was taken, she said, that was funny, and ellen. now she could have oprah. oprah's gone. >> you know what, you're right. call it oprah. she'll get lots of viewers. >> a lot of viewers. oh, she's back. >> she's changed a little. >> premier in the fall of 2012. i predict a big hit. here's the thing about meredith, this is what she has that lots of people think they can do with a lot of people like meredith do, they are lacking the authenticity chip, you know, they try to be like meredith, but they aren't authentic. she is completely and totally herself. what you see is what you get and people have come to love who she is, because that's who she is. >> starting in 2014, you have to wait a long time, but it's coming. in the fall. all right, so every year, if you don't read espn magazine -- if you don't read espn magazine. >> i don't on a regular basis, but you might want to look at this one, it's called the body issue. >> it's the naked athletes. it must be the biggest selling, we're guessing. >> look here. >> let's live here. >> 77-year-old -- that's frank's body, actually, with gary player's head on it. >> this guy's a golf legend. he's gotten the most attention out of all the bodies because he is 77. he works out a lot. does 1200 crunches every morning. he can squad 250 pounds. >> wow. >> any way -- >> i can squat that, too, i just can't get up afterwards. i can do it. it's the getting up. >> he says the secret to all this is to keep your body moving, moving, moving. >> good for him. he wants to encourage young people to take an interest in fitness. >> we have some other bodies up here. >> let's look at them. >> kerri walsh jennings posed before and after her baby. that's beautiful. >> she's the type of person that makes everybody crazy. look, she's exactly the same. >> she is. >> she's so tall. she's fantastic. that hits newsstands on friday if you're interested. did you know meredith's show is coming out in september of 2014? people go crazy over this stuff. >> all right. if you want to know what the number one baby girl name for 2013, according to this new list, here's the number one name. imogen. >> i've never heard of imogen. >> i thought it was imma jean. >> sweet, charlotte and harper. okay. >> boys? >> boys names, asher is number one, finn is number two, declan, from that show -- >> on another network. >> what is that show? >> revenge. >> and django. which was incredibly violent. okay, if you've been -- >> makes cody and cassidy sound normal and boring, doesn't it? >> yeah. >> i got a lot of flak to call my kids that. it's a frick'n wild west show. >> a lot of people name their kids after cody and cassidy. we are going to have the wonderful daisy fuentes with us. she has a show that's half in spanish, half in english. it's a kids version of "the voice." we're going to have her on later on in the show, but we're going to do a game ourselves. we're going to choose the one that moves on. jessica, jennifer, and alice. >> okay. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> they are all adorable. >> by the way, there's a blake there. did you see, blake was there and so was shakira. it looked like "the voice" exactly. we should tell who we picked and find if we're wrong. >> all adorable. two are a little more experienced. the first girl is by far the most accomplished singer. >> i'm going with jennifer the second girl, just because i liked her. we're going to see who got picked. >> okay, hoda, why are you yelling? wednesday, there's something awesome coming out for dog lovers, it's called dog tv. this is so crazy. it's a channel on directv that you pay for and your dog can watch other dogs having fun. >> while your dog's in a crate. >> i mean -- >> then you can get your dog a psychiatrist because your dog is unhappy. >> you know what's funny about dog tv, i have the tv on all the time in my apartment because i want blake not to feel lonely when the dog walker is not there. he doesn't notice the tv is on. it's noise coming from the screen, but the one time he responded was in the movie "the proposal" when that little dog starts going after sandra bullock, that dog makes him go crazy. >> you should get marley for him. remember that movie? >> that was sad. no. no. >> he'll be grateful he's alive. everything's relative. oh, so sad about marley, but look at me, i have a mommy and i'm in a crate. trust me on this. >> by the way -- >> he's in a crate! >> he's being crate trained. not like he's stuck in there. >> 15 years he'll be in that crate. >> i did google, because i felt bad about leaving my dog. >> you should. >> there's a whole online community of people who feel terrible because people have to work and can't have people sitting there with their dogs, so they said sometimes they leave in the day and feel terrible and have someone who walks in between, but they say a lot of dogs, the owners are gone during the day and then they come home. >> how does an animal hold its bodily needs for a year or entire day? >> they have walkers or neighbors or something. they aren't there all the time. >> you need two dogs to keep each other company, hoda. >> any who. >> stop giving dates people can't remember. >> apparently, that's what everybody wants to know. another split for george clooney, we're wondering one thing. >> are there some people that aren't cut out for commitment? >> and is there anything wrong with that? >> i don't know. we'll talk about that. >> wondering what's going on with somebody around here for him to be back the next day. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! as you may have heard, george clooney, and by the way, his mother is just fine, i never said she had passed on to the great unknown, and his girlfriend have ended their two-year romance. shouldn't be a surprise, clooney has said he never wanted to get married again. >> what is it that makes a man or woman steer clear of commitment? to answer that, we've brought back the author of "get the guy," who's here with anthropologist, the smart one, helen fischer, professor at rutgers university. >> it's amazing, i keep coming back in spite of the abuse. >> some men like to be abused. >> clearly, i have some sort of issues. >> let's talk -- >> let's see about the male brain, i enjoy this. >> our fine anthropologist -- >> 40 million copies -- 400 million copies were sold of "fifty shades." >> tell us about the male brain, are they hard wired a certain way, some hard wired not to want commitment? >> we've put men and women into the brain scanner and men fall in love faster than women do because they are so visual. they want to do more public displays of affection, they want kissing in the street, want to introduce their partner to parents, friends, and family sooner. they want to move in sooner. >> they want somebody to do their laundry. >> you know, not on a down note, but men are two and a half more likely to kill themselves when a relationship is over. >> that's really something. you suffer badly. >> men are very romantic, just as romantic as women. >> explain george clooney and men like him. >> firstly, to that point, the fact men will move in quicker is more to do with the fact men don't attach the same meaning to things in those stages as a woman might. >> are you sure? >> for sure. for a guy, he doesn't associate all of the same things with that moment. >> that doesn't mean i'm going to marry this girl. he's not thinking that. >> any woman who's been introduced to a man's friends and family, only a year later to find he's never going to commit will know that. so, in terms of the clooney situation, i don't know george clooney, i don't know what he's thinking, but guys like him, firstly, what is it to be committed? right, how long was he in a relationship for, two years? >> the one before that was also about two years. >> did he cheat on either of those people? >> we don't know that and it would be rude to ask, but who knows. >> we don't know, right, and we haven't heard about it. that's a stronger form of commitment than most men make even when they say they are committed. >> women are just as adulteress as men. there's a lot of data on that. i'd like to know who these adulteress men are sleeping with. >> adulteress women. that's going on with them, as well. >> i do a national study with a well-known dating site in the united states and only 3% of men want to date a lot of people. they're all looking for some form of commitment. maybe not life long. >> or a satisfying relationship. >> a committed relationship. some variety. >> sometimes it is lifelong. when we talk about men and their blueprint, what we are saying is what does a guy think he should be doing right now. that's all it means. if a guy, for example, just come out of a relationship, what does he think he should be doing right now enjoying himself, playing the field, having the novelty of single life. if someone comes along that week, in that moment, even if she's perfect, he's like, oh, you weren't supposed to come along right now. >> on the other hand, this brain system is like a sleeping cat and it can wake up at any moment and make you fall madly in love and that may well happen to george clooney down the road. >> that's true, but women have to understand there's a language that gets through to men. >> 27 years, i'm not speaking the right language. i thought english would be good, apparently not. >> 27 ain't bad for commitment. i created a program called get the guy, but my new program is called keep the guy, specifically because so many people don't understand how to get through to guys. if, for example, a woman says i want to know what we are right now, that's one type of language that will scare a guy. if a woman said, listen, i need to understand what you think we are right now, because i have a lot of men asking me out and i need to know what to say to them, that's a type of language that is very different and now a guy -- >> gets into mint guarding. >> that's so engrained in us. >> women are so good at manipulating men and have been doing it for years. >> i bet you're a very generous person, as well. you seem like you would not pass a homeless person without being generous. what was i going to ask? never mind. it's a wrap anyway. we are out of time. i guess we'll see you tomorrow and thank you for visiting with us. come back. you guys are great together. >> you're going to want to commit to sticking around for what we have next. >> i already forgot. >> all the unusual photos you submitted for what the what. >> you love that. >> no. >> you're right, you don't at all. we consume over two billion cups of coffee every week without a second thought. 5-hour energy has less caffeine than some starbucks coffees, plus it has vitamins and nutrients. it's simple... caffeine with vitamins and nutrients. it's the combination that makes it so great. before you make a decision, get the facts. try a sip and find out why so many people love 5-hour energy. >> with hotwire's low prices, i can cross even more places off my travel wish list. this year alone, i hit new york and texas. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e, ♪ septic system breakdowns affect over 1 million homes a year, and can cost thousands of dollars to repair... thankfully, the powerful dual action formula of rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time released bacteria to reduce tank build up. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. [ woman ] you know you don't have to put up with this. those annoying period symptoms. general pain relievers, like advil, only treat cramps, but midol has three active ingredients to take care of that... and fatigue and bloating. because you deserve better. it is wednesday, you know what that means -- what the what. >> time to take a look at all those photos that make you do a double take and double over in laughter. sara has the best of the bunch, we hope. >> first our caption contest. last week we asked you to submit what you thought was going on here. evette says, you are a way better date than that shih tzu down the street. we'll reveal next week's photo at the end, but the first photo comes from joe karen. shasta soda flavors. kind of an awkward abbreviation there. mary from richardson, texas, submitted this photo. unsweat tea. >> just ruined my whole thirst. next up a photo from judy from columbus, ohio. flush it right down here, we'll take anything you got. >> they did that on purpose and it's very funny. >> one man's -- never mind. finally, this photo. >> better than sex, a dessert restaurant. >> that's right. it's better than -- >> dessert. some people would prefer to have dessert. >> i would eat dessert. can't you tell? here's our new photo for the caption contest next week from cindy overman. seriously? come on. i take a fish, you take a foot. let's do this. >> that is so precious. >> go to our facebook page, you guys, and submit your pictures and maybe we'll choose you. >> maybe not. what's next, our favorite beverage, wine. >> who knew next. and we're back with more of "today" on this wednesday. and we are playing a true wines day edition of who knew to celebrate the drink that makes this job easier. kathie lee is across the street at the nbc experience store, ready to happened out $100 to those who get the questions right, and those who don't, get kathie lee's cd. everyone's a winner, kind of. to help us out, leslie jane seymour. a wine club for women called "more uncorked." >> yes, you can join. >> a lot of readers are drinking more? >> we have a lot of wine drinkers. it's a nice, relaxing thing to do if you're a mature executive woman. >> kathie, go ahead. >> zan from houston. america is the fourth largest wine-producing nation behind all but this country. france, italy, spain, or argentina? >> argentina. >> wow. >> what? >> wow, she knows her vino. tell us about that. >> that's incredible. what's interesting, america comes in behind france and italy and spain. who knew? it makes total sense. we are a big wine drinking country. i have most of those readers. >> of course you do. >> it makes total sense. >> back across. >> where are you from? >> naples, florida. >> what was hannibal lector's wine of choice in the "silence of the lambs?" >> chianti. >> you can see the scene in your head. it's so horrifying, right? >> but incredible that everybody knows this. it's incredible. >> my favorite is where he quotes and says, you know, i had a -- i ate his liver with some beans and a nice chianti. it wasn't just a regular chianti. >> back across to kathie. >> from tuscaloosa, alabama. everybody's beautiful in alabama. in her hit single, "ironic," alanis sings about what type of wine? >> chardonnay. >> wow, my "scandalous" cd is not doing well today. >> all the winos are getting everything right. >> chardonnay is the biggest wine in america, i guess that makes sense. >> is it? >> absolutely. >> this lady is from walkersville, maryland. okay. let's see. what 2004 comedy caused merlot sales to suddenly slow down? >> oh, dear, "notorious?" [ buzzer ] >> no. but "scandalous." >> oh, i know kathie's happy. all right. the correct answer there, "sideways." >> yes, paul's character, miles, he said that merlot is a common kind of wine, so all those great people who went to see the movie decided to drop their merlot and go to pinot noir. >> back across to kathie. >> michael from tuscaloosa. all these celebrities have endorsed and made their own wines except who, madonna, kelly clarkson, fergie, from the black eyed peas, or justin timberlake? >> justin timberlake? >> he's got one, had it made for his wedding, i think. there you go. >> the correct answer, kelly clarkson is the only one. >> only holdout, absolutely. she decided not to do it. you even got drew barrymore in there. >> do they do pretty well? >> yes, they do. it's interesting. marry wine and alcohol with celebrity and what do you got? big sales. >> we have time for one more. >> from dunn, north carolina, and after her we are done. all of these -- that was for you. thank you. i am really getting too old for this job. thank you, thank you. sorry. there are approximately how many bubbles in a bottle of sparkling wine or champagne? 1 million, 25 million, 50 million, or a billion? >> 50 million? >> are people cheating? >> they've been reading my magazine. >> 50 million? >> yes, they actually did a controlled study in the lab. >> they counted? >> they counted 750 milliliter bottle, 50 million bubbles. you wanted to know, there's your answer. >> we know it all, a lot more than we thought we needed. we love you, thanks for coming to see us. >> thank you. made her mark as an mtv deejay, now daisy fuentes is back on tv. she's got a tv hit, she's going to tell us all about it. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know some owls aren't that wise? don't forget i'm having brunch with meghan tomorrow. who? meghan, my coworker. who? seriously? you've met her like three times. who? (sighs) geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. your carpet stains can reappear. [ laughing ] [ male announcer ] try resolve stain remover, the formula penetrates deep into your carpet and removes stains so they don't come back. trust resolve. forget stains. what do you think about caffeine? we consume over two billion cups of coffee every week without a second thought. 5-hour energy has less caffeine than some starbucks coffees, plus it has vitamins and nutrients. it's simple... caffeine with vitamins and nutrients. it's the combination that makes it so great. before you make a decision, get the facts. try a sip and find out why so many people love 5-hour energy. thank you, daisy girl. cuban born beauty, and boy is she, daisy fuentes got her start as a weather girl 30 years ago. >> 30? >> you are fermenting beautifully. >> so are you. >> now she is back where it all began. daisy is the host of the number one rated show on telemundo. a spanish-language spinoff of "the voice." >> so nice to see you. >> it's a jackpot again, look at you. >> she always does. you know why, she's a nice person. >> at the very top of the show we watched three young girls sing and we're going to show just a tiny clip of these three, and we chose the one we thought was going to go on. this is jessica, right? >> jessica, yes. >> then jennifer is the second girl and another girl at the end. kathie picked jessica, the first girl. i picked jennifer, her. i picked jennifer. >> one of you is right. >> which one? >> kathie is right. it was jennifer that won. >> jennifer, that was me! >> was it the first girl, the second girl? >> the second girl. i thought you picked jennifer. >> i picked the first girl. >> she is one of the 18 finalists now. we'll find out if she makes it through next sunday. >> how old is she? >> i'm forgetting how old she is, but all the kids are between 7 and 14. >> what's it like with kids, emotions have to run high. >> we had our own kids voice a couple of years ago. >> it was tough. >> it's hard to say no to a child. >> they are so honest. they show you everything in their face. everything that they are feeling, their excitement and then when they are let down. you're right there with them. >> they sob and breakdown. their parents hate you. >> you're wearing mascara, just a mess. no, it's such a fantastic show anyway, and now you add children, takes it to a whole other level. your emotions, the level of surprise on the show is amazing. >> how do you find these kids? they are very talented, the ones you have. how do you find them? >> very talented. they all come from the u.s. we held auditions and i think like 6,000 kids showed up. they were only able to see, like, 3,000, and only 120 make it through. when you start seeing the blind auditions, you're already seeing the best of the best. >> exactly. are we going to talk about a wig line for you? >> i have a wig line. >> you're not wearing a wig. >> no, i'm not now, but i wear the clip-on bangs and extensions and the wigs for photo shoots. >> we have jerry here. jerry and jimmy. >> oh, my gosh! >> they look sexier than they ever have. >> they do. >> you do need a little wax. >> spinal tap. >> by the way, the hair does look so natural, right? >> feels natural. >> curtains don't match the carpet. >> hoda's face. >> thanks, guys, for modeling for us. >> the drapes don't match the carpet. >> thank you, that was really fast. >> airs sunday nights at 8:00/7:00 central on telemundo. >> thank you. >> god bless. >> thank you. finally, your excuse not to exercise. we're going to tell you all about the weird things exercise can do to your body. plus, you're going to need to workout if you've been dipping into movie theater munchies lately. >> the ones to eat and the ones to beat. >> dirty and nasty after this. >> don't leave us. [ male announcer ] sam knows that being healthy can be fun. see, he's chewing his vitamins. new one a day vitacraves plus fiber is a complete multivitamin... plus a good source of natural fiber in a great tasting gummy for adults. 'cause who says healthy can't be fun! new one a day vitacraves plus fiber. all right. now it's time for a game, a new game, we did not name it, but it's called beat it or eat it. >> no, not another game, not called that. >> it's all about the foods we mindlessly munch on at movies. we have mallets. >> so we can beat it. >> the food we thought we should avoid and eat the healthier option. >> who else would be putting us through this other than today's diet and health editor. >> hey, how are you? >> this is about calorie count. >> this is about calorie counts. okay, if you're at the movies, we all want something to eat at the movies. you have your mallet. i'm going to give you two comparisons. you'll either beat it or eat it. feel free to whack away the thing you'll not be eating. >> one question, is there butter on this popcorn? >> i'm getting to that. unbuttered popcorn, 12 cups, or a kids meal with three cups of unbuttered popcorn, diet soft drink, and candy. you are right. this is about 700 calories. if you get the kids meal, it's about half that. you can bring some baggies and divide this up. >> they don't like when you go into the theater and take your own popcorn. >> you're not. bringing the bag and filling it. >> what if they ask you, did you bring it in? >> what kind of a -- does that? >> let's compare some candy. we have a box of junior mints and the same amount of m & ms. oh! you are right! these are around 700 -- >> i want to do it again. >> you can divide this up if you want the whole box for yourself, just have a whole box of junior mints for about half those calories. >> i love junior mints. >> next, something i know these girls really like is red licorice. this is a movie pack, five ounces, of red licorice versus this is an icy, those frozen drinks you can have. >> i want to eat those, i'm only going to hit it once. >> you are right. this is what you want to beat. this whole pack is 500 calories. >> the whole pack is 500? when i was stuck on the plane i ate a jumbo pack. >> here's your serving, three or four. >> what do i look like? mrs. maria, you're confessing to me? >> come on, hoda, you'll know this. >> chewy fruit snacks versus gummies. beat it or eat it? these are hard to beat. >> like roaches, nothing happens. >> this is one serving, 500 calories, knock it in half by getting the fruit snacks. >> let's not bang these up, because i love these. >> now we're going to get to real food. nachos versus soft pretzel. boy, don't like those nachos. >> i love them. you're right, 700 calories. >> the cheese. what happened to the cheese? the cheese -- >> then -- >> oh, my gosh, there's the cheese! that's nasty. >> all right. don't want to beat a pretzel just for fun? >> this is about 350 calories, too. it's no bargain, but you can buy some water in the movies, add some low calorie sweeteners. >> you don't get to beat this. >> some people in the movies, these are eat it, not beat it. >> pickle! >> you can have some beef jerky if you want. ask your movie theaters for these things. >> who wants beef jerky in a movie? >> some people do. >> madeleine! >> nobody does. >> let's beat madeleine. >> there you go, i'm ready. >> i just stepped on the pickle. >> now that we've eaten all this stuff, of course, we're going to talk about exercising next. >> all the strange things it can do to your body. but first, this is "today" on nbc. >> i wanted that cheese. if you've been looking for any reason not to go to the gym, well, that's what we're here for. >> all right. apparently exercise does some bizarre things to your body, like causing you to break out in hives or you get a stabbing pain in your side. >> and "readers digest" covers these issues. and how to avoid them. >> welcome, ladies. >> we should point out we're not telling people do not exercise, we're kind of showing red flags that may pop up as you do. >> exactly. exercise is one of the healthiest things you can do every day. we're trying to troubleshoot the things that can keep you from working out. >> one thing called the leaky faucet, when your nose is dripping while you're working out. >> in the middle of spinning class and your nose starts running and you're trying to wipe it on the sleeve or towel and what's happening is you're breathing more through your nose and your nose dries out. and you start turning out more mucous to make up for it. >> what should we do? >> carry a bunch of tissues or ask your doctor for prescription for a nasal spray that you can spray before you workout to prevent it from leaking on you. >> nothing wrong with that, it just happening. >> your body is trying to protect you. >> it doesn't happen to me if i'm in a gym, it happens to me if i'm out running. >> they think pollution may play a role, too, air quality. >> sometimes when you're running you get the side stabbing in your ribs, oh, my god, what is that, you want to stop and walk. what is that? >> most annoying things that can happen to runners, it's your diaphragm spasming from breathing heavily. >> what should you do, just stop? >> take a rest, slow it down, slow down your breathing, stretch out, but honestly happens more when you're not in shape or starting to workout again, so as you get more physically active, it should go away. >> okay. there's something i've seen when people work out, their face turns bright, bright red. >> you're afraid they are going to have a heart attack. >> this is really a total normal thing. it's your body's way of cooling down during a workout, so your blood vessels in your face are dilating. >> people that don't sweat a lot, they are the ones their face gets real, real red. >> it's a total, natural thing. >> what your body is doing is trying to release heat so it's opening up blood vessels closer to your skin. so have little spray bottles. >> when do you know there's a problem when you're overheat something. >> if you're getting really hot, you feel you might faint, you're sweating a lot, outside particularly in weather like this, it could be a sign of heat exhaustion. >> what if someone were to break out in hives when they were working out? i would stop working out immediately. >> sounds like the oldest excuse in the book, you could be allergic to exercise, sometimes it's true. it's the heat and the sweat and can make your body break out in a red rash. >> you should see your doctor for it to make sure there's nothing else going on. >> what else could cause such a thing? >> could be allergic to something in the environment causing hives, but if everything checks out okay, you can hold it off by trying to exercise in a colder environment. >> lastly, if you are running, walking, whatever, and have to run to the restroom all the time and you're in a panic, is there an issue happening there? >> it's a little bit of an embarrassing issue, runners don't like to talk about it, but it's surprisingly common, people call it runners trots. and basically what's happening is for a long runner, even a long walk, your body is moving blood away from your digestive track. that can irritate things and get things going. >> thank you, ladies, for joining us. >> not going to get a cure? >> no, live with it. it's called pepto. >> water and avoid fatty foods. tomorrow, country star and former hootie and the blow fish darius rucker is with us. plus, meals you can pack up for a day at the beach. also ambush makeovers. have a great wines day, everybody. tomorrow is thirsty thursday. jeff: the hit brit girl band the days. >> girls or boys. i don't know where they get it from. jeff: you already have this life back in the uk. >> world domination. jeff: the new reality show. wow, you girls review quite a bit. and a hot new single. ♪ whatever the weather we will be together ♪ [ applause ] jeff: hello, hello! roll it! all right. a little about me. i'm recently married. i work with my wife on this show. and i'm learning how to be a dad to two amazing kids in a blended family. i'm hosting a talk show 'cause there's a lot to talk about.


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