Shot, itainly a long think there are republicans out there may be including tom cole who are hoping for this to end up in a contested convention with paul ryan is the dark horse nominee. Prospects arethe as good as he is seen them in as many years in politics. He suggested donald trump does not have the requisite number of delegates, anything could happen. Host it will be interesting to watch over the next couple of months. Thank you for being our guest this week. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the need for horses on the farm began to decline radically in the 1930s. Thats not until the 1930s they figured out how to make a rubber tire big enough to fit on a tractor. Andting in the 19 30s 1940s, you had an almost complete replacement of horses as the work animals on farms. I read that in the decade after world war ii, we had S
Learn new information, say, about Thomas Jefferson and d. N. A. And sally hemings, how you turn that ship around and say, you know what, guys, the father of our country, the author of our catechism. We hold these truths to be selfevident is the father of sallys children. Henry the way which we turn it around is by assuring Political Correctness and say this is the truth of the story. You may not like it. We are not going to be myth makers. We are not going to allied the bits of racial history. Michael you talk about some of the contrasting views within the black community. Its not a single narrative that can capture the complexity. Henry what every black person knows. Michael and Jackie Robinson supported nixon in 1960. Henry yeah. Michael and against paul robson. How much did he suffer for that . Henry well, lets go with the first point and then the suffering. I teach a course when i was an undergraduate at yale it was 19691973. So that was the height of the black arts movement, black
Places. And it comes, as you know, its hard to turn around a ship thats got some momentum and i think what the constant requirement of historians, both professional and amateur, is to try to figure out how to, as we learn new information, say, about Thomas Jefferson and d. N. A. And sally hemings, how do you turn that ship around and say, you know what, guys, the father of our country, the author of our catechism. We hold these truths to be selfevident is the father of sallys children. Henry turn it around is by assuring Political Correctness and say this is the story of the truth of the story. You may not like it. We are not going to be myth makers. We are not going to allied the bits of racial history. Michael you talk about some of the contrasting views within the black community. Its not a single narrative that can capture the complexity. Henry what every white person knows. Michael and Jackie Robinson supported nixon in 1960. Henry yeah. Michael and against paul robeson. How much