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Transcripts For MSNBCW Dateline On Assignment 20160604

had said he joined the communist party. became muhammad ali. see how he became the self-proclaimed greatest. >> he was so good and so bright. >> just plane crazy. >> his historic fight in the ring against the draft against a crippling disease. >> it was caused by too many blows to the head. >> and america's enemies. >> couldn't sit at home and watch people label muslims. >> hollywood has its version of the story. >> i never stopped being the champ. >> here's how it really unfolded. the greatness behind the greatest. muhammad ali. >> he has been called by many the greatest athlete of the 20th century. if you weren't old enough to remember his era it is almost impossible to convey just what a force he was but his 1-2 combination made him a truly legendary figure. in this hour how he vanquished opponents and spoke truths people didn't always want to hear and always seemed to be ahead of his time. >> who do you think the champ is? >> he was one of a kind. >> an american hero and if you're going to measure what america has been during his adult lifetime he's the perfect person to do it for you. >> i am the greatest. >> you going to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. rumble young man rumble. >> i'm young. i'm handsome. i'm fast. i'm pretty. and can't possibly be beat. >> i heard this voice and i'm going to do this and i'm going to do that and look how pretty i am. >> keep it closed. >> that's impossible i'm the gre greatest and i'll knock you out. >> i'm a poet and a prophet. >> this was one of the most vocal entertaining people to ever come along regardless of the sports of music or entertainment or politics. >> if it wasn't for me the game would be dead. >> the only thing you could say about his personality when you first met him was you didn't take hill serious. there was nothing to take serious. he was the kid next door. >> all i want to do is fight. >> people do say i'm cocky. some say i need a good whipping. some say i talk too much but anything i say i'm willing to back up. >> if you had told me then this would become the most recognizable face in the entire world. born in louisville kentucky in 1942. he started boxing at the age of 12 and went on to win the golden gloves and then suddenly he stepped center stage in rome at the 1960 olympics. >> the 17th modern olympiad. >> dwight eisenhower is the put of the united states. we're still in the 1950s. >> also athletes were quite and humble and here was this young attractive dr attractive bragadocious young man. >> he was so good and lit up charisma was like who would do this. >> what do you like about boxing? what appeals to you. >> not to be bragging. i'm not the kind that really likes to brag. >> i noticed. >> but i like boxing because if it wasn't for boxing i wouldn't be here. i could fight you tomorrow and draw a crowd of 10,000 people because of my talking and ability. >> he began to get a lot of publicity and that was through his relentless and very creative self-promotion. one story that sticks out in my mind involves a photographer who went down to photograph him for sports illustrated. he finished taking his pictures. they were chatting and he mentioned that he did most of his photography for life magazine. if you made it into the pages of life magazine you had made it and he said i do a lot of underwater photography. and he said i can't tell you. finally with great prodding cassius told flip as a big secret that the reason he was so fast was he trained underwater. each morning he would get up in secret and go down to a swimming pool and throw punches under water and that built up his strength. he said well that's fantastic you have to let me photograph this for life. it was great publicity and what was notable about that is it was a total nonsense story. cassius had never thrown a punch under water in his life and he didn't even know how to swim. >> he came along as a fighter with a very different approach making it a showbiz game and he had a great sense of humor about himself. >> let me finish. let me talk. i'm the greatest. he's not the talker. >> this was liberating for people to see an athlete act this way. >> i will be 21 january 17th. and i predict that by the end of 1963 i will be the youngest heavyweight champion in history and the only reason i won't be is because this fellow would be ducking and dodging me. >> already being compared with all time greats jack dempsey and joe lewis goes into training to dispense with the louisville left listed as an 8-1 favorite and many experts think that's giving clay the benefit of the doubt. >> he was the destroyer of flesh. if he was around he would knock them out. in fact i've seen him hit a guy with a jab and knocked his teeth out. true story. >> i saw him a few days ago. >> he's too ugly to be world champ. the world champ should be pretty like me. >> this was a guy who had been to jail. and it's three previous first round knockouts. >> and they didn't realize the transition before this kid became a man. >> he loved to spar. he could spar like you and i take a hot shower. >> my new year's resolution is to knockout that big ugly bear, shake up the whole world in 1964 and do no more. >> will you wish sonny liston a happy new year. >> he's going to need happiness after i annihilate him. i'm going to beat him so bad he is going to think he robbed a bank. >> i brought mohammed to a lot of his fights and one fight in particular liston knocked this guy out and he comes out and sees us sitting there and puts his arm around him and muhammad said i'm going to beat you like i'm your daddy. >> what percentage of the fans do you think will be coming to see him and what percentage do you think will be coming to see you. >> 100% will be coming to see me but 99% will be coming to see me get beat because they think i talk too much but i got these. >> and they represent your thinking. >> these represent dynamite. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by over producing six key 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>> it's going to take a good man to whip me. i'm loaded with confidence. i can't be beat. 180 amateur fights 22 professional fights and i'm pretty as a girl. >> tough guys are afraid of crazy guys. he thought my guy was nuts. that was the edge we had. we fooled a lot of people. >> my dream came true and i'm ready to go to war. i've been talking and talking and predicting. >> the one thing about ali is that he was a showman and he realized that in order to make money as a boxer he had to make people interested in the fights. >> the press despised liston because he was mean and surly and uncooperative with him and they liked cassius clay because he was great copy. >> but there was a disturbing undercurrent and cassius clay's popularity with the press was about to plummet. and several years before the liston fight he started going to nation of islam meetings. >> he wasn't letting anybody know. i think there was an agreement that he would not say that until after the fight. >> promoters were very disturbed by this. what they cared about is nobody is going to come to this fight. and this was going to make it even tougher. >> you have a whole bunch of black muslims as they were known to the establishment media surrou surrounding cassius clay and the most visible among them was malcolm x. >> his relationship was a friend. ali invited him to miami. >> malcolm x was attracted to ali. he liked him as a person. he thought that if he could bring ali into the fold what an enormous thing it would be for black people and what a big thumbing of the nose it would be to the white establishment if that could happen. >> people understood that cassius clay was not going to renounce what he believed in. so the promoter told malcolm look this fight is in danger of being cancelled. a lot of folks down here in florida don't like what's going on and you have to get out of here or cassius might not have the opportunity to fight for the heavyweight championship at all. finally malcolm agreed to leave but he said he would be coming back for the fight. >> 15 rounds for the heavyweight championship of the world. the challenger from louisville, kentucky wearing white trunks with red stripes weighing 210.5 pounds, the former olympic light heavyweight champion, cassius clay. >> i remember very vividly the night of that fight listening to it on the radio. out boxed him and the guy went crazy. >> it was faster and hit much harder than expected. there was one moment in the third round when he was really beating liston up. sonny's face was starting to look like it had been put through a meat grinder. >> busted him up on the cheekbone and that's when i think either a solution or they had put some alcohol on the shoulder of liston. >> clay's eyes began to burn. he went back to his corner and what people believe now in reretrospekt was that one of liston's corner men put a solution on sonny's gloves so it would get into clay's eyes and temporarily blind him. >> he wants to get up and tell the referee that there's dirty work afoot and the referee started coming to the corner and said get up and he got up and the referee went back to the neutral corner and then run. his eyes cleared up about halfway through the run. he started doing a number on liston again. >> he was beaten and refused to come off of his stool and answer the bell and cassius clay leaned over where we were sitting and said you and you and you. i fooled you. it's my destiny. i'm the champ. i'm the greatest. >> i don't have a mark on my face and i am just 22 years old. i must be the greatest. incredible bladder protection now comes with an incredible double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it, love it or get double your money back. always discreet. >> important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. please write down this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed 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the beginning. it was another reason to dislike ali. >> why do you insist on being called muhammad ali now? >> that's the name given to me. that's a black man name. cassius clay was my slave name. it means worthy of all praises and ali means most high. >> do you intend to fight under that name? >> yes, sir i want to be called by that name and write autographs with that name. i want to be known all over the world by that name. >> he took basically many of the same characteristics as cassius clay but now a different frame work in which to cast this personality. because he had a religion and set of politics. >> we look at jesus and see a white with blonde hair and blue eyes. angels we see white with blonde hair and blue eyes. if there's a heaven in the sky and the color folk die and go to heaven? where are the colored angels? they must be in the kitchen prehe pairing the milk and honey. >> certain young black people like ali you had a certain set of answers to questions that seemed better. more honest. and more militant. >> >> the media and america in general was not willing to accept the name muhammad ali. >> cassius. >> you know my new name. why you keep calling me that. >> floyd patterson was also reluctant to call ali by his new name. >> it was a slap at his adopted name and a slap at his religion. >> i know i did and they told me he did. >> you have floyd patterson, the soft spoken naacp member. he believes in integration. yes, sir, no, sir. he knows his place. >> my only interest in fighting him is not for the money. it's merely to take the championship away and to put it back to where it belongs. all of america. not just the black muslims. >> this infur rates ali who for starters says hey if you don't think i'm in america look and see who i'm paying taxes too. >> if you don't like my religion or the religion of islam if it was up to me i'd fight him tonight. >> you want to fight him now? >> yes, sir i want him bad. >> when he fought patterson he said what's my name sucker? >> ali went into that fight really with the idea of humiliating floyd patterson and he did that. in the first round he didn't throw a punch. he just made patterson look silly and then jabbed him silly for most of the fight in the 12th round. the referees stopped the fight because patterson was taking too much of a beating. pretty good at now, >> the next fight would be fought against the backdrop of vietnam when this tribute continues. but you learned. and got better. at experian, we believe it's the same with managing your credit. you may not be good at it now. but that's okay. because credit isn't just a score. it's a skill. and you can get better. experian. be better at credit. afdave stops working, but his aleve doesn't. because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours? because you can't beat zero heartburn! i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec 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"may i be excused?" get the new xfinity tv app and for the first time ever stream live tv, watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. >> this is headliners and legends. once again lester holt. >> by the mid 1960s the boxer that debuted was at odds with the american mainstream. he joined the nation of islam and changed his name to something distinctly foreign sounding. but the pretty prince of boxing was about to jab the establishment big time when citing his religious believes ali refuses to be drafted into the u.s. army to go fight for his country in vietnam. a decision that would nearly k.o. his ring career. a lot of americans said the war would be fought and very few people wanted to go there and the result is people were being drafted. now in order to be eligible for the armed services you had to pass a physical examination. you also had to pass an iq test. when ali first took the iq test he flunked it. then as the war escalated that became harder and harder to get people into the army the government lowered the score that was necessary for induction. >> i just can't understand how they could reclassify me as 1-a when they were the ones that said the government officials were the ones that said that i was 1-y and that i wasn't qualified. and without notifying me or checking to see if i'm any wiser than i was or any worse. >> they had to get him out of here. they have to do something. >> they can come together and discuss the common call but whenever a few of us come up the world is shook up. >> they thought of him as a threat just like martin luther king as a threat. >> this was a guy that was heavyweight champion of the world. he thought he had put the draft behind him and all of a sudden reporters show up at his house and they say hey, you have just been drafted. >> what does the muslim religion say about serving in the armed forces? >> everyone knows that i am a muslim and the religion of islam means peace. >> he had very strong feelings about the vietnam war. it wasn't about the vietnam war. it was about war. he was a genuine objector. >> there were a number of very popular very prominent black americans like joe lewis and jackie robinson that was very critical. >> he is hurting the morale of a lot of young soldiers in vietnam and the tragedy to me is that cassius made millions of dollars off of the american public and now he's not willing to show his appreciation to a country that has given him in my view a fantastic opportunity hurts a great number of people. >> the government took the position that ali's belief was not a religious belief because it did not recognize the nation of islam as a religion. >> >> found guilty of violating the u.s. selective service laws by refusing to be inducted. he is sentenced to five years in prison and fined $10,000. the maxum penalty for the offense which is a felony. it is appealed by his lawyer. he contended his status made him exempt from the draft. he faces an 18 month wait for an appeal decision. >> immediately without due process of any form he is stripped of his championship. he was precluded from fighting in all 50 states. his passport was taken away so he couldn't leave the country. >> he could not earn a living like he had planned and actually was accustomed to within the last six years. >> he had to make money and go around college campuses giving talks. >> those were the days where somebody of ali's stature could get $1,000 for speaking engagement. >> there's a lot of difference in the fighting in the rain and going to the war in vietnam. >> my intention is the box box to win a clean fight but in war the intention is to kill, kill, kill and continue killing innocent people. he became a real hero for a lot of young people. particularly a lot of young black people it was a greater sense of urgency and greater sense of revolution. >> with went with him in june of 1967 to see if we could figure out a way to help him deal with his political slash legal problems and going against the will of the united states in refusing to fight in vietnam. >> nine athletes meet to discuss his antidraft stance. he believes in his religion and his stand is based on that. his induction refusal cost him his title and he faces a possible five year prison sentence. he claims exemption as a minister of the black muslim faith. >> he could have accommodated but he chose to stick by that and i have a lot of respect for that. >> it was important that he didn't fold and that he didn't make a deal. that he stood up for his believes so that it was important to me for black people and white people to understand that the black person could stand up for his or her believes and willing to pay the price for that. >> it was such an injustice what they did. this kid was for real. this religion was for real. >> he gave up the prime of his career but for what he believed in it was not that big of a price. he never has any regrets for what he has done. >> it took three years for his case to wind it's way through the courts until finally the united states supreme court unanimously overturned the conviction. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the first in my family to graduate from college and trained as a nurse. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. when your symptoms start... distracting you? 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and the guy said that. he turned to the people and he would go ali and of course they knew what he was talking about. they picked it up. they loved it. >> he potook the best shots. >> he was past his prime and understood that he couldn't dance all night. so what he did was he went to the ropes and of course it's become known since then as the rope a dope. helened back against the ropes so his head for the most part was out of range of foreman's punches. >> i thought he was a dope on the rope really. it worried the devil out of me. and muhammad took him out of there. sensational. don't let dust and allergies get between you and life's beautiful moments. with flonase allergy relief, they wont. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. so you can seize those moments, wherever you find them. flonase. six is greater than one changes everything. today's the day! oh look! creepy gloves for my feet. when i was a kid there was a handle. and a face. this is nice. does it come in a california king? 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>> this is the last fight. i've said it twice before, i didn't mean it. but this time i do. >> he had parkinson's when he was fighting. i didn't know it. the doctors didn't know it. because near the end of his career, he couldn't talk. i said, give them hell. i said, sit up, i figured he was slouching, but he had parkinson's, it was affecting his speech. people couldn't hear him, like talk in a whisper up. i got on his case about that and i feel bad about that. >> in mohammed's case, the syndrome was caused by too many blows to the head, but there were not any intellectual deficits. >> muhammad ali! >> you think there's also a touch of martyrdom, that this man who we knew, because of his mouth, as much as by his skills in the ring, called the louisville lip, has been silenced by an affliction. . representing the family, you might say. >> i think laila ali went into the ring as a boxer, as much to win the attention and affection of her father as anything else. the problem was, ali didn't really a, respond to it, and b, approve of it. it was against all the tenets of his faith. besides just his concern as a father that she'd be hurt. >> i don't really have much to say right now, other than i feel good and i'm ready for more. >> i think, come september 11th, and there was a tremendous change in the attitude of americans, particularly when it came to viewing the islamic faith. >> and the name islam is involved, and muslim is involved in causing the trouble and starting all the hate, and islam is -- islam means peace. >> muhammad ali, in order not only to deflect criticism, but to try to put it in perspective, that this act of terrorism was not part of the religion he knew. they don't make heroes like they used to. and if they don't make heroes like they used to, maybe it's time to revisit some who were. muhammad ali assuredly, whether it was for her skills in the ring as a sports figure, or his standing up to a war, the vietnamese conflict, whatever it is, muhammad ali is one of those heroes who appeals to people. so maybe one of the reasons from the movie is to capture that when there are no other heroes of that magnitude around today. >> i saw ali at the olympics, i didn't think of him as a man who was ill. i thought of him as a man who had survived. >> but look what gets it next. the greatest. oh, my! >> the phenomenon muhammad ali can be explained that here was a guy who came along at a certain moment. he came along as this gregarious, nice-looking, extremely talented athlete who in an age when america has convulsed by politics he thrust himself onto the stage and became political too. here's a guy who stood up against his country. that's the stuff of myth. >> as muhammad ali's steps grew slower and his voice grew quieter, the accolades never stopped coming. he continued to be recognized for his remarkable achievements. in 2005 at a white house ceremony, the man who had been vilified for refusing to join the army during the vietnam war was presented with the presidential medal of freedom, of greatest of all time, bestowed with the nation's highest civilian honor. i'm lester holt. thanks for watching. >> i'm harry smith, welcome to an msnbc special, "remembering muhammad ali." >> he was a boxer to preached peace, a boxer who fought harder for what he believes in, and as he himself told us many times, he was the greatest. muhammad ali died friday at the age of 74. he suffered for decades from parkinson's disease, a disease most likely caused by boxing. he was surrounded by his family when he died, a family spokesperson talked about those emotional final moments with al


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Muhammad Ali -

This is the legend of Muhammad Ali, The greatest fighter that ever will be. He talks a great deal and brags, indeed, Of a powerful punch and blinding sp...


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