Press Release – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council The harvesting of about 350 knuka poles that will become an imposing 40-metre long palisade at a key Ng Ara Tipuna site Pukekaihau P has begun. Ng Ara Tipuna, in Central Hawkes Bay, celebrates the stories of the people of Tamatea, …
The harvesting of about 350 kānuka poles that will become an imposing 40-metre long palisade at a key Ngā Ara Tipuna site – Pukekaihau Pā – has begun.
Ngā Ara Tipuna, in Central Hawke’s Bay, celebrates the stories of the people of Tamatea, focused on six culturally significant sites in and around Waipukurau. The project, which marries the historic sites with hi-tech access to the stories of Tamatea, is on schedule to be completed mid-year. The free self-guided tour will bring the history of the rohe and its people to life.
The controversial walking track on Hawke s Bay s Te Mata Peak will soon be just a memory
Hawke’s Bay hapū are confident all parties will agree on protections for Te Matā Peak, “but it will take time,” Liz Munroe said.
In November, Ngāti Kahungunu chairman Ngahiwi Tomoana said consultation had taken place but there had been “a lot of dissension amongst some of the hapū about what they want out of it”. Munroe, chief executive of the Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust, said the disagreement had in fact arisen between parties due to contentious terms within the trust s deed for the proposed regional park.