In a modelling study, Dr Sachin Silva and colleagues estimate the economic burden of genital herpes and HIV attributable to herpes simplex virus type-2 infections in 90 low and middle income countries.
Two years after scientists showed that an experimental gene therapy for herpes can knock out most latent infection in mice, new tests reveal that it also suppresses the amount of transmissible virus shed by the treated animals.
In a new study, researchers assessed the effectiveness of synthetic mucin gels in the inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) and herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) Transmission.
Viruses can teach us a lot about ourselves: How our bodies and cells work, and what can go wrong. Fred Hutch virologist Dr. Daphne Avgousti talks about her work on herpesvirus and adenovirus and how her studies could help us improve human health.
Fred Hutch scientists are studying human herpesviruses in hopes of finding better treatments, vaccines and cures. Teams of researchers are exploring the epidemiology of genital herpes.