coming up soon. first though to this breaking right now, florida governor ron desantis reacting to this report that the white house is huddling over potential litigation options as he and other republican governors transport migrants to sanctuary cities. he did not scribble to get his cabinet together when we had millions of people illegally pouring across the southern border he didn t scramble to get his cabinet together when you had 43, 53 at migrants, dye, and some trailer in texas because they were reground neglected by the federal government. come here is what the white house has to say about this possible, legal action. martha: against these republican governors, watch. that is something the department of justice will handle, so for any potential, legal actions. martha: so, with that, we bring in matt whitaker formal acting u.s. attorney general under president trump, matt, great to have you with us tonight. so, we heard gavin newsom and hillary clinton basi
edward: atlanta fed gdp now says a 348.5% where he had a negative first quarter growth, negative second quarter growth. and the third quarter is being revised it down as we speak. so, the markets are now coming to turn, martha, with all of this possibly longer inflation or inflation lasting longer and the global possible recession. back to you. martha: okay, edward, thank you very much. with that we bring in gene sperling, senior advisor to president biden, jean, welcome, it s good to have you here. you know, and light of all this the comments from fedex by and about a global recession coming. and we are seeing those kinds of comments from other companies that they may have to cut payrolls, cut jobs over the next several months because the economy, they do not see it getting better anytime soon. so, i live think a lot of people felt that inflation reduction act celebration, and also this talk from the white house about how you know green vehicles,
pennsylvania, the majority present were cast in the final two weeks. martha. martha: rich, thank you very much, rich edson in washington. so, here in london as you may hear some hammering behind ring as they get ready for the funeral at westminster abbey on monday. we have learned that the queue for the queen elizabeth line and state has been paused. people cannot get online right now. but that will resume, midday, saturday. i am going to share with you a moment here our own personal journey that went across, about eight hours last night as we went in it to pay our respects with our group here too, queen elizabeth the second. we will show you all of that right after this. as a nation to have let us a way that her majesty has let us. for the amount of time. with kindness, with caring.
coming up soon. first though to this breaking right now, florida governor ron desantis reacting to this report that the white house is huddling over potential litigation options as he and other republican governors transport migrants to sanctuary cities. he did not scribble to get his cabinet together when we had millions of people illegally pouring across the southern border he didn t scramble to get his cabinet together when you had 43, 53 at migrants, dye, and some trailer in texas because they were reground neglected by the federal government. come here is what the white house has to say about this possible, legal action. martha: against these republican governors, watch. that is something the department of justice will
we are seeing that the volume decline and every second around the world and the weekly numbers are not looking so good. you know, we just assume that at this point to the economic conditions are not going to be good. are we going into a worldwide recession. i think so. martha: in a moment, senior advisor to president biden, gene sperling who also will react to the fallout from the white house celebration of the inflation reduction act, and also neil cavuto joins us with his thoughts on all this but first here is edward lawrence on the north lawn, high edward. high, it s a big deal when you see the fedex ceo seeing he sees an impending global recession ahead of the world bank is also saying that it is more likely in the next year to have a recession because of inflation and on inflation, the white house is basically saying, nothing to see here, move along an hour ago, the press secretary calibrating government spending under this president, listen. secretary jean-pierre: on