the media can t deny it, should they pull him? i would say yes. jesse: democrats wetting the bed so obama and hillary take the wheel. i understand you are looking for coaching help. the last thing someone needs in a debate is a drug. if they take cocaine they will forget the lines. he s going to be debating three people. jesse: get ready for the royal rumble! jesse: what s behind the smash and grabs? chris hansen is here. plus. he tends to just [ ] [ ] jesse: the democratic party kingmakers have seen enough. clinton world joining forces with obama world and taking over the reins of the biden campaign. hostile takeover. obama sees the race for what it is, a nailbiter, but biden does not always listen to obama s advice, he questions his judgement so obama is going around joe and is personally calling biden s campaign chair and close advisers asking about strategy and how biden was taking their advice. he has the biden campaign wired. obama s people have or