i think we put on the best evidence we could put on. i think we put on an extremely compelling case. reporter: attorneys for katherine jackson claimed aeg contracted conrad murray, the doctor who supplied an illegal dose of propofol to his patient. the defense it didn t happen. reporter: with the instructions, the jury has a legal roadmap to lead to a verdict. the first question could end the case entirely. did aeg hire dr. conrad murray? a no and the case is over. the jury has three other choices including an option that aeg and michael jackson both hired the doctor. aeg says its motive was to facilitate jackson s wishes, providing payment for the doctor until the cash-strapped pop idol was making money again. there s no way we can fire michael jackson s doctor. just we can t do that. we couldn t hire him. we couldn t fire him. that s for him to do. reporter: not specified in the instructions, the amount of damages the attorneys will ask for jackson s loved ones, paris,