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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20180809 10:30:00

that exist and if you get a lot of people to hold on to some mystery that is absent in society. this man is widely considered the father of modern magic. he was born in the wire eighteen zero five and later moved to paris where he began his for reign magic by opening a theater his allusions soon became a hit with the public and the whole deal with. was a watchmaker and thanks to science he completely redesigned illusions but he primarily modified magic seems. cinema. before him there were sorcerers who tried to scare the audience he was beat that there were no down dressed in a farm suit he had piano accompaniment for his magic tricks. and he created the image of the gentleman magician. influenced countless eight hundred eighty three n.b.a. team eighty nine the still unopened on her lips are now part of the current exhibition a new palace in one thousand new teen between the monarchy and the weimar republic . for several years now on the first sunday in august the townspeople of video in southern italy have been recreating classical italian paintings on stage. the theme for this summer's tablo zf focuses on the drama of migration. the paintings were done by a tele and masters in the fifteenth sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. cattle in switzerland's high alpine meadows are being supplied with water by helicopter as this year's dry spell continues more and more springs in the swiss alps are running dry the farmers don't pay for this with military flights they count as training exercises for the pilots for centuries swiss cows have spent their summers on mountain pastors one cow normally drinks from fifty to one hundred liters of water per day. and ration a sub of yet make translates roughly to restricted area with specially just status well the perfect name for a dutch avella program which is said to rising international politics and the russian language program we meet the likes of vladimir putin and donald trump s animated character let's have a closer look. an alternative take on geopolitics donald trump let me. start three of various global leaders starring in the enemy. nick. what also sets the three d. show apart is that it's created in the unity game development environment. the animated characters are played by real life actors filmed with motion capture. you can. do your passengers our aircraft is heading towards a promising future when we reach cruising altitude we'll serve up the latest news. enjoy your flight. but. the program is produced for g.w. in the capital it's been broadcast since nov twenty seventeen with a new episode appearing every week and all new production technique makes it all possible. kindness are. things. to be eyeball to the well of things as fast as we can and show the results really nice and. the time pressure is intense each episode script is developed over the course of the week then it's straight into the recording studio. not everyone wants to be filmed during their work for the satirical show some of the voice artists have russian clients too and they fear a backlash for being critical of the kremlin. but this group has both speaking and singing parts. meanwhile five three d. artists compose new backdrops and props for the latest videos this time they need to add a bomb it might also be overwriting of hats. objects are added or changed by drag and drop with the unity game development engine which is previously be. used to program hip games like super mario run angry birds and monument valley. it was the left in creative producer who came up with the idea of using the game platform as a three d. studio he prefers to remain anonymous. we create twelve minutes of free and every week. without unity it would be impossible even for a big studio. the developers of also draw inspiration from well known music videos and movies here vladimir putin wraps along the coast in similar style to despots. and the terminator seems to have had a russian grandmother. in. motion capture is used to film the movements this special suit has forty two markers to capture all the actors movements and gestures. two dozen cameras are used to create a full three d. picture. that makes it possible to reposition the resulting figures later. it's not unusual challenge for the actors. should or should it's kind of it's hugely different from being on stage in the theater you put on the suit and i wonder with the role for example the trumpets putting on a really rough voice. hey you. all. think myself larger but my body more massive so basically this is the pure arts of acting . for. a dedicated expert oversees the facial gestures he uses his fingers to position the mouth and set the right expression at the end all the individual parts are put together for one scene i ran there about twenty five different cameras from different angles and. video editing their cuts the best way to show the action the show details the show the hall. the speedy rendering process is a huge advantage success in both t.v. and social media suggests a promising future for the satire with millions of facebook and you tube views. the show is broadcast on a range of channels around the world. you can also see it in russia to use russian language program. very close still on office here in berlin is the motto of a place that's very popular especially on weekends i like to go there on sundays because there is something very special happening besides the huge fee market and extraordinary care oaky show no matter whether family or friends everyone i have taken there so far it was more than surprised the event has been taking place there regularly for ten years now and the text both residents and tourists the event draw such huge crowds that some bands will get jealous. on sunny summer sundays thousands of people flock to the empathy it or interludes moore a car for the legendary karaoke event some are there simply to watch or to dance while others actually take the stage because there are not just us although there's always something unexpected but you never know what's going to come out of some stranger's mouth so it's always interesting on those pipes a response like oh surely someone from. the show had who hails from ireland started organizing karaoke events here ten years ago he decides who gets to have his or her moment in the limelight. the waiting list for the want to be pop stars is long. the thing is that once you feel that this is that decision you know the feeling you know fair or yeah. my cheer from strasbourg has been in berlin for five weeks he's tried to get on stage every single week he's going home tomorrow so today's his last chance. finally his persistence pays off. tonight here by. you know. yes. yes a little bit more than before but it's not as i said that's what i like also. you know. he gets off to a good start but radiohead creep is not so easy to sing. i hand. this is kind of his on his but it's not a singing competition you know. through sooner. it's a lot cooler when someone has charisma. but just can't say much for. you. how was it. good for your. one moment of fame and plenty of emotion every sunday at berlin's mauer park. it's time now for a new episode of our serious you know mix the lax which takes us to iceland this time around the country is known for its breathtaking landscape with many volcanoes and springs we were invited it's to a house that i care vic which was once just an old conquered bungalow but a make over turned it into a really modern home. hello welcome to my house. please come in. on a good as doctors bungalow in a suburb of the icelandic capital reykjavik is a modern concrete looking below with a previous life. like almost all the houses here it was built in the one nine hundred sixty s. on and her husband have modernized the bungalow and renovated it competing with its surroundings. i am told to stay here all the lights and the nature to be in contact with the nature here it's very much a balance between inside and outside that you feel very. good connection only that just. the idea for the conversion came about in twenty fifteen but first on i only wanted to redesign the kitchen and dining room. but that led to a total conversion. now the responding of room for ana and her husband and their daughter who often visits. the first one we started really to break things down it's like a journey you don't know where to where you're going because i mean there were thought there were so lots. that turn out to be have to say that because it was always more and more and more. but it was also a side to the left. hardly anything remains of the old house this special furnishing was the idea of a construction worker during the renovation he had cut. one piece out of the bathroom wall to make a window and and from this piece he cut this out and got the idea to make this a laugh and this is. really the only piece from the old house that reminds me of his that he's left. the spacious open living space with many small cozy corners is a new feature. that includes a t.v. corner in the heart of the house. and office space in the rear. there is a room with a fireplace on the lower level. of the furnishings are a mix of souvenirs and functional furniture when it comes to interior design other places great importance on quality and continuity i think. old. pieces also yes for for the past quarter members of the past year have. his bungalow has three hundred forty five square metres of indoor living space. remodeling instead of building a new prove the right decision in addition there is the newly designed outdoor area with the typical icelandic thermal bath. i was happy with my house before and so i will just want that to have anyway yeah i think you will see the. from the house what you can and then you break down the facts and make them as you want to have. the best of both a mix of old and new classical and modern the bungalow is now exactly the home on a good house doctor always want. interior design at its best check out our you tube channel detail the interior design stunning ideas spectacular buildings and d.i.y. tutorials on home decoration we'll take you inside the most beautiful european homes show you the latest in furniture fabrics and accessories subscribe and don't miss out. see you on you tube. tastes differ is specially when it comes to clothing my grandma always said most trends are back in fashion again some time she was absolutely right remember the paisley pattern for example is one of the oldest fabric designs and it was invented more than two thousand years ago and persia but it got its name a lot later in scotland guess where in the tunnel the same name paisley the city is located sixty kilometers west from the scottish capital edinburgh and it's the next stop in our series regional success stories. welcome to the scottish town of paisley near glasgow paisley was a hobby of the textile industry back in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. the town helped to make the pattern of the same name famous and you'll come across it here where ever you go. to. paisley originated in persia over two thousand years ago the pattern spread across asia sweeping through india before arriving in europe in the fifteenth century and eventually making its way to paisley scotland's. this so unique it never has a. edge to the shoe and it is where worn all over the roads. the pay sleep pattern is seemingly indestructible and it looks particularly funky on shoes. it's once again in demand in the fashion world. top designer just sounder is using it. the italian from gucci likes to use paisley for their ties and it's even a popular look for house pets to. a permanent exhibition in paisley explains how the famous pattern got its name and what it meant for the scottish textile industry priceless sample books are kept here including design templates for scarves and weaving fabrics. these are actual presence here were created in itself but the they're obviously inspired by the indian prototype from the kushner shawl but these are from around the. in the nineteenth century paisley scarves were popular in chile scotland queen victoria ordered them by the dozen and introduced them to british society and the patterns changed over time and there has always been much speculation about their symbolic meaning. was. it was supposed to be. the tree of life the various other meanings like that but. when it was used on the piers the shawl in the nineteenth century it was simply a decorative device. hippies embraced the paisley pattern during the flower power movement of the one nine hundred sixty s. and seventy's. the beatles wore it as did the indian musician ravi shankar and the indian lifestyle was in at the time and the paisley motif symbolized it. you're guaranteed to find a paisley scarf here in these two old weaver house that is called the smart shot cottages. was built about one thousand nine hundred forty seven hundred forty and they had laid hundreds of population their lives about seventeen thousand and about fourteen thousand that involved in the leaving industry. the whole family of readers would have lived and slept in a room like this one. reading the scarves that found favor throughout nineteenth century europe. many visitors like to take home a scarf as a souvenir adorned with the famous pattern that has lasted for over two thousand years. all our current draw will not last that long but you still have a chance to take pride we would like to know is there something that has made your home town a region famous the world over to find out more just go to a web page t w dot com c'est lifestyle and when you have write into us you will automatically enter our daughter when an exclusive your next watch so good luck with that and i hope you can join us again tomorrow for the next episode of your match i'm about thanks for watching i'd like. next time on your own max france was you know the only woman who ever left become so is also a successful artist herself and now she's featured in a new limited edition book showing previously unpublished drawings and illustrations you know is ninety six years old and lives in paris and new york a visit with france once you know next time on your own max. with different languages we fight for different things that's fine but we all stick up for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of press. giving freedom of choice global news that matters w made for minds. his reputation murderer. arsonist. tyrants. the roman emperor nero. to be just get bad press. remount historians are reexamining this case rethinking nero as history been unfair to the infamous him her starts august fourteenth on d w. rock n roll. sinful muslims condemned by the church. the evil feeling that you feel when you fight. your castoffs of music. stop of old no one is more popular than jesus sa good religious morality preachers subversive rockers of battle with sound marketing potential by placing a warning label on music products. rock and religion. brings many problems to light. or the two really so irreconcilable the bottom card they can rule the storms aug nineteenth w. .


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20180809 00:30:00

find any answers as to how it's done. so my visit to the house of magic is coming to an end i must honestly say none the wiser but it has picked my interest in magic until the next time it is barred from war. and the dragons roar on luring visitors into their mysterious world. just like magic age old let us from an empress have suddenly appeared that and more coming up in today's express. some one thousand letters sent to germany's last emperor victoria are on public display for the first time near berlin. the personal letters were discovered a few weeks ago in the new colace where they'd been stored on noticed in a closet for over a century. members of the extended royal family wrote them to what was to victoria count as training exercises for the pilots for centuries swiss cows have spent their summers on mountain pastors one cow normally drinks from fifty to one hundred liters of water per day. and ration a sub of yet make translates roughly to restricted area with specially to status well the perfect name for a dutch avella program which is satirizing international politics and the russian language program we meet the likes of vladimir putin and donald trump well as animated characters let's have a closer look. an alternative take on geopolitics donald trump and kim jong on. three of various global leaders starring in the enemy. nick. what also sets the three d. show apart is that it's created in the unity game development environment. the animated characters are played by real life actors filmed with motion capture bush . the kind of. passengers our aircraft is heading towards a promising future when we reach cruising altitude we'll serve up the latest news. enjoy your flight. but. the program is produced for g.w. in the capital it's been broadcast since november twenty seventeen with a new episode appearing every week and all new production technique makes it all possible. cause our most valuable thing here. to make things faster to be our goal to develop things as fast as we can and show the results in a really nice and quality way. the time pressure is intense each episode script is developed over the course of the week then it's straight into the recording studio . not everyone wants to be filmed during their work for the satirical show some of the voice artists have russian clients too and they fear a backlash for being critical of the kremlin. this group has both speaking and singing parts. meanwhile five three d. artists compose new backdrops and props for the latest videos this time they need to add a bomb it might also be overwriting hats. objects are added or changed by drag and drop with the unity game development engine which has previously. used to program hip games like super mario run angry birds and monument valley. it was the left in creative producer who came up with the idea of using the game platform as a three d. studio he prefers to remain anonymous. we create twelve minutes of free. every week. without unity it would be impossible even for a big studio. the developers of also draw inspiration from well known music videos and movies here vladimir putin wraps along the coast in similar style to despots. and the terminator seems to have had a russian grandmother. motion capture is used to film the movements this special suit has forty two markers to capture all the actors movements and gestures. two dozen cameras are used to create a full three d. picture. that makes it possible to reposition the resulting figures later. it's not unusual challenge for the actors. it's hugely different from being on stage in the theater you put on the suit and i wonder with the role for example the trumpets putting on a really rough voice. hey you. think myself larger my body more massive so basically this is the pure arts of acting. for. a dedicated expert oversees the facial gestures he uses his fingers to position the mouth and set the right expression at the end all the individual parts are put together for one scene i ran there about twenty five different cameras from different angles and. there are cuts the best way to show the action and to show details to show that hall. well the speedy rendering process is a huge advantage success in both t.v. and social media suggests a promising future for the satire with millions of facebook you tube views. the show is broadcast on a range of channels around the world. you can also see it in russia and the use russian language program. very close still on office here in berlin is the motto of a place that's very popular especially on weekends i like to go there on sundays because there is something very special happening besides the huge fee market and extraordinary care oaky show no matter whether family or friends everyone i have taken there so far it was more than surprised the event has been taking place there regularly for ten years now the czechs both residents and tourists the event draw such huge crowds that some bouncer get jealous. on sunny summer sundays thousands of people flock to the empathy it or in berlin. for the legendary karaoke event some are there simply to watch or to dance while others actually take the stage because there were not just stuff you know there's always something unexpected but you never know what's going to come out of some stranger's mouth so it's always interesting on those pipes a response like yours you know. joe had who hails from ireland started organizing karaoke events here ten years ago he decides who gets to have his or her moment in the limelight. the waiting list for the want to be pop stars is long. you know the thing is that once you feel that this is a situation you know the feeling. something. for yeah. much you from strasbourg has been in berlin for five weeks he's tried to get on stage every single week he's going home tomorrow so today's his last chance. finally his persistence pays off. by a. bad. yes. yes a little bit more than before but it's not one and as i said that's what i like also. you know. he gets off to a good start but radiohead script is not so easy to sing. this is kind of his on his but it's not a singing competition you know. it's a lot cooler when someone has charisma. but just can't say much for. you. i wanted. her to give her. one moment of fame and plenty of emotion every sunday at berlin's moer park. it's time now for a new episode of our serious you know mix the lax which takes us to iceland this time around the country is known for its breathtaking landscape with many volcanoes and space we were invited still a house there they kick which was once just an old conquered bungalow but make overture and it into a really modern home. hello welcome to my house. please comment. on it going to start just bungalow in a suburb of the icelandic capital break if it is a modern concrete looking villa with a previous lot. like almost all the houses here it was built in the one nine hundred sixty s. ana and her husband have modernized the bungalow and renovated it keeping with its surroundings. i am told to stay here all the lights and the nature to be in contact with the nature here it's very much a balance between inside and outside smriti you feel very. good connection and relaxed. the idea for the conversion came about in twenty fifteen the first are not only wanted to redesign the kitchen and dining room. but that led to a total conversion. now the response of room for ana and her husband and their daughter who often visits. the first one we started really to break things down it's like a journey you don't know where to where you're going because i mean there were thought there was so lots. that turned out to be have to say that because it was all this more and more and more. but it was also a sign to do it. hardly anything remains of the old house this special furnishing was the idea of a construction worker during the renovation he had cut. one piece out of that that's thrown wall to make a window and and from this piece he cut this out and got the idea to make this a laugh at this is. really the only piece from the old house that reminds me of this is that you sent us. this spacious open living space with many small cozy corners is a new feature. it includes a t.v. corner in the heart of the house. and office space in the rear. there is a room with a fireplace on the lower level. of the furnishings are a mix of souvenirs and functional furniture when it comes to interior design on a place is great importance on quality and continuity i think it's good to keep old . faces also yes for sort of the past quarter members of the past year have. not as bungalow has three hundred forty five square metres of indoor living space. remodelling instead of building a new prove the right decision in addition there is the newly designed outdoor area with the typical icelandic thermal baths and. i was happy with my house before and so i would just wanted to have anyway yeah i think you'll see the. around the house and then you break all the facts and make them as you want to have. the best of both a mix of old and new classical and modern the bungalow is now exactly the home on a good starter always one. interior design at its best check out our you tube channel detail the interior design stunning ideas spectacular buildings and d.i.y. tutorials on home decoration we'll take you inside the most beautiful european homes show you the latest in furniture fabrics and accessories subscribe and don't miss out. see you on you tube. tastes differ especially when it comes to clothing my grandma always sad most trends are back in fashion again some time she was absolutely right remember the paisley pattern for example is one of the oldest fabric designs and it was invented more than two thousand years ago and persia but it got its name a lot later in scotland guess where in the tunnel the same name paisley the city is located sixty kilometers west from the scottish capital edinburgh and it's the next stop and i was serious regional success stories. welcome to the scottish town of paisley near glasgow paisley was a hobby of the textile industry back in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. the town helped to make the pattern of the same name famous and you'll come across it here where ever you go. to. paisley originated in persia over two thousand years ago the pattern spread across asia sweeping through india before arriving in europe in the fifteenth century and eventually making its way to paisley scotland's. the so unique the brick is a fashion to the should room and it is where worn all over the roads. the pay sleep pattern is seemingly indestructible and it looks particularly funky on shoes. it's once again in demand in the fashion world. top designer just sounders using it. the italian from gucci likes to use paisley for their ties and it's even a popular look for house pets to. have a permanent exhibition in paisley explains how the famous pattern got its name and what it meant for the scottish textile industry priceless sample books are kept here including design templates for scarves and weaving fabrics. these are actual presence here were created in pairs in the south but the they're obviously inspired by the indian prototype from the customer shawl but these are from around the. in the nineteenth century paisley scarves were popular in chile scotland queen victoria ordered them by the dozen and introduced them to british society and the patterns changed over time and there has always been much speculation about their symbolic meaning. it was supposed to be. the tree of life the various other meanings like that but. when it was used on the paisley shawl in the nineteenth century it was simply a decorative device. hippies embraced the paisley pattern during the flower power movement of the one nine hundred sixty s. and seventy's. the beatles wore it as did the indian musician ravi shankar and some. indian lifestyle was in at the time and the paisley motif symbolized it. that. you're guaranteed to find a painfully scarfs here in these two old weaver house it was called the smash shot cottages. was built about one thousand nine hundred forty seven hundred forty and they had laid hundreds of population there's looks about seventeen thousand and about fourteen thousand that involved in the leaving industry. the whole family of weavers would have lived and slept in a room like this one. reading the scarves that found favor throughout nineteenth century europe. many visitors like to take home a scarf as a souvenir adorned with the famous pattern that has lasted for over two thousand years. well our current draw will not last that long but you still have a chance to take pride we would like to know is there something that has made your hometown a region famous the world over to find out more just go to a web page t w dot com slash lifestyle and when you write into us you will automatically enter our daughter win an exclusive your next watch so good luck with that and i hope you can join us again tomorrow for the next episode of your mats under them thanks for watching by. next time on your own max comes was you know the only woman who ever lived barbara become so she's also a successful artist herself and now she's featured in a new limited edition book showing previously unpublished drawings and illustrations are always ninety six years old and losing in paris and new york a visit with france once you know next time on your own max. is going to kill my managers to no good day nothing ever changed you know the banks clean you know your mind and so was the language of the bank and the money. speaking the truth global news that matters g.w. made for mines. this is huge everything is coming to life somebody must go right to our correspondent here is an essential is that boy we have our political force here jim studio more on those stories in just a minute but first this news just in it's all about perspective closer d.w. news a good. news reputation murderers. arsonists usually. tyrants. the roman emperor nero. to just get bad press to. remount historians are reexamining his case rethinking miro as history been unfair to beat him from the emperor starts aug fourteenth on d w. as a child of the positive you need to move. he was infected at birth. she probably won't live to the age of five. the program dream aims to prevent the mother to child terms. mission of the virus. hiv positive women give birth to hiv negative babies. project is a hugely effective strategy in the battle against. more than ninety eight percent


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