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Transcripts For DW Kick Off - Bundesliga 201718 Season Review Part 1 20180807 07:30:00

could leave. behind a lot of people. on match day three by last hoffenheim their earliest campaign defeat since twenty eleven and with their os rivals don't mean playing up a storm the storm clouds were gathering on high in munich. i think if you remember when you buy arrived in october we were five points behind the leaders of the time. simply not good enough a pie in a pots of company with. have done much to find kids was back in the hell. my task is to put together a team again. no sooner said than done to clean sheet wins against freiburg and how but the champions had found their group got a plan b. assigned. seating then came the big points against the previous seasons runners up lights and still have i top of the table at the mid-season break for the twenty third time in the new year but i'm picked up where they left off a misery game is now in a western you could form i hope but you can see that. i. i signed on a long loan from real madrid the colombian superstar soon a climatized to life in munich off the pitch at fan club meetings as well as the traditional october face visit and on it swiftly establishing himself as one of bias he creative attack is carving up opposition defenses with his superpower technique and quick thinking and revelling in his new advance playmaking role and behind. us you need to know how to get out. your confidence which is he's been in football a long time i tried to learn from him every day he's a coach with a lot of experience to pass on to his players. and the players were evidently taking a tumble. and that's like you can tell by the football we're playing now. as demonstrated in the return meeting with dortmund immune i think you could do with i. buy and biggest win in this picture since nine hundred seventy one with paul in a starring role i. thirty five pens a new deal for the coming season. i was certainly proud but i was like a family. fellow evergreens are a robin and breath femia followed suit position was that it's pretty special to ten years of such a big club. with five games to spare buy and seal this six straight title another entry for the record books. mostly because you can't read a highly enough book and answer shots and they save the big party for the final match day trophy time with the obligatory be a shower and now just one task left. hopefully we can do the double for the club and for you what i know for the i put the cup final on those went to frankfurt and the cocoa batch by an incoming coach looks made to measure for their relentlessly high ambitions next if you're all going. next season and finish up here with more trophies. my stars charlotte number twenty seven for brian another one for the record books but only one title left by a longing for a lot more. look good times have returned the shock of finishing second and back in the champions league plus one of the most remarkable revered of ease ever seen. gail's in churches in the heart of the road district. where football is king dressed in royal blue. i shall top back with their best season in any. picture book campaign for the fans and black love. and the new coach dominica disco shark i have become a model of efficiency possession not important pretty football unnecessary but stability tenacity the thirty two year old tactician worked his motivational magic on the team the fans the whole world blue family. we are always together in bed time saying good times. to people here in this club this is the difference between chalk and other clubs. a good season for shaka has to include root district bragging rights over arch rivals door. to a combustible hemisphere a lot of pressure to usually multination that here and above all a lot of on a rush says if. their first meeting of the season threaten to end in a debacle to discos inform visitors found themselves being taken apart or nailed down at half time what followed was a comeback for the. history. books . shot up a little. pressing and pressing. it's just. as it. does i'll remember this forever and so will the friends this is one of those games you never forget. the stock is the team come in montreal but it fits shocker well now the. maya the sansa mbulelo gorecki and all the rest of the. district darby takes to. the show. dorman's downs and now also once again strutting his stuff at the shop and this time with a trademark set piece rocket's. his it really well. yes i'm just delighted i was able to help the same problems as he. came into that when he was down to attitude individual players getting everything they have. second in the table to memorable road district darby's and along the way to return to the champions league it's been a picture book season in row blue for the fans and shall go back among the been a sneak a big. leipsic leverkusen and hoffenheim. three young teams who took the fight for the champions and europa league places down to the final match day. after a sensational second places newcomers leipsic kicked off their second bundesliga season with justified high hopes they went to dortmund and won but delightfully dotty didn't like from the execute five years of. home they beat eventual runners up shocker top dogs but then also departed leipsic empty handed. yet reached my the people it was an important win by i hope just because that's all i have back in the champions league next on the chance you could see but the red bulls also showed a less happy face this season like their home defeat to cellar dwellers kilo. and on match day thirty two beaten three nil at meit's a fatal blow to their champions league hopes. into universe as a kind of nigerian most of them are doing is the moment he's not so easy to keep recovering from sat back. to just. sit face at the finish but leipsic aiming higher after two productive years of the club route possible hopeful will not be there furthur. the europa league is reward enough for labor who is in this time around after the disappointments of the season before direct attacking football is back on the bahrain a menu sept up by a gifted ensemble eager to entertain. aware very motivated but the funny way i know the porch is going to percent behind us and we can that's one of the more. i go ahead and breathe fresh life into the team in this first season in charge with many of the younger players really blossoming. hostile to school just. six times. but as with leipsic inconsistency was a recurring issue over this season. since he had no heat so we're not ready to be calling ourselves a top slot and i know that we also have managed to win three games in a row this season going to green in the end the only missed out on the champions league by goal difference but fifth place has a finish liveth who is and can gladly live with. match day thirty four parties own hoffenheim. taxi. that very own final and they want to free one against dortmund third in the table and into the champions me some experience with the extra yellows and kept the faith the place is the maximum reached a week his house how he survived the league second highest score is behind by and with a lively frontline trio wreaking havoc opposition defenses. jobs. my book. but. he struck. young and ambitious that's hoffenheim all around they've come a long way already. that's sleepy village of three thousand old souls in germany's southwest now firmly etched on the european football match. the agony of relegation the tension of the playoffs and the joy of promotion. who went down and. who survived and who came up. with. its. rather gets it from a business but this time. they couldn't stave it off any longer the players coach and fans the end of an era and unfailing presence in the bundesliga from day one after an incredible fifty five years hamburg stay is over. and employees disappointed feet long it will take time to absorb this and it'll be a painful it's really sad that's when they see it and i say things are going. to try to prevent it marcus get stolen off the match day nineteen and then came back seven games no win by match states twenty seven christan teats was in charge and things start to look up. how things look but. somehow i don't have to work i think these. victims i'm sure the medication for thirteen points from their last eight games but it wasn't quite enough. hamburger gone from the bundesliga the coach's task now is to get them back as soon as possible. because i'm beginning to. i'm grateful for the show of trust i mean grateful to the management and also to the families in a huge vote of confidence in myself and my coaching staff and the first one above in mind then i stopped pushing tom. matchday forty peter sturgess final game as coach of cologne three points from their first fourteen games of the season an all time record low for the industry. good success a step back and almost impossible task coach cam players set about giving it their best shot over say. it's. like the. heart. and suddenly their belief was back. to deliver opportunity from his end when a lot of these affect the finals and tried to pull off a miracle he himself. it was a big odds too big to be on the back of a historically bad stuff after match day thirty two cologne where fishley down trish is a sixteen bit bitterly disappointing thing for me should never about this happen a spokesman also for strength coach marcus einfeld has joined from kiel while stars like us hector and tina horn are committed to operation bounceback that's going to go ahead and it's why we're going down as a collective that's a huge part of why guys like you are not smart to her and myself i was staying at home but. he did it again bruno love idea the unwilling to pull coach this time in charge of balls bug and they were in the playoffs for the second year running. still was. leaking state says he sees it. some of it is the team stuck together and struggled through again that's my solution not a happy end to their worst ever been this league a season. three coaches for the wills and love idea eventually one of them clear now alongside new sporting director york's must you have to take them to a better place just comes through the situation the stronger it can help us to grow and i'm confident it will get the. party time. i missed nurnberg to football institutions back in the bundesliga after a summit meeting at the finish with the bundesliga to toss it on the line this little took the honors and return to the pool in this league after five years away. the number of the wait has been one year less now their fans can look forward to top flight football once again two big clubs with a wealth of tradition welcome back. for young players who took the league by storm four talents on the rise delighting us with their skills trickery and outstanding goals. all-stars ascendance in twenty seventeen eighteen and now breen bailey boys and bruma. to secure hosts not on loan from bahrain for the season the twenty three year old germany international was particularly productive after the mid-season break fourteen games and directly involved in twelve goals at the break i want to get to go he was off limits what to do. with the dutch if the. ten goals for the season plus five assists a better return than either of you bet he will rob it his potential rivals for a starting spot of bind this coming season. he says cannot bury a key contributor late surge into the champions league. because the young talent from kingston jamaica the funders league it with the full front line package technique close control pace and some simply sublime finishing. up the things that. i have. nine goals seven assists he was directly involved in over a quarter of leverkusen scholes. it's legal but he said. the p.c. . opposition defenses learn to be very wary of his deadly left foot and with bailey spectacular assistance leverkusen booked their place in the europa league. for the. top of the goals and assists shots for surprise package frank but the twenty three year old wide midfielder has exploded on the bundesliga scene as both provider and scorer. i. hate to say spent five goals to his name all clinically dispatched with his reliable like a fast dynamic and first a tile down out of the flight. in the fossil end of the top next season the journey continues with stuart. twenty three years old and another explosive wide midfielder rumah really came into his own down the home straight twenty eight appearances in his debut win this nigga season. comes on that was lady. was. the portugal international back three of these four league olds for life sake after the mid-season break. really going to prove that it showed the time since i was the coach. to simply say. swiftly settling down in the bundesliga the left sided specialist made nine starting appearances over the second half of the campaign helping leipzig to a sixth place finish and then another taste of european football in our brief ballyvaughan bruma full fast rising stars with all it takes to reach the very top. of the pool spectacular simply sensational here are some of the season's very best goals. coming. up. something. spectacular. plaguey dot. the. problem is you can't go back to the place. i. was i was. just up. i. expect to keep. up the box. pops up but i know. that i was cut from the prime spot. play games they. play. that love to. play the same. stick you. go on. to explain click. click click. click click play. bits of. the title. strong club. is no place to. play. and that's not six she would. next week for part two of kick off season recap. or more for. food hockenheim for the case to take you seriously in your home or here's what's coming up women's talk. for sure smart women smartarse smart station a legend frank recently in dangerous time for w. for my mum's reputation for a murderer. arsonist. tyrants. the roman emperor nero. to be just get bad press and reno and historians are reexamining his case fled rethinking the rochas history been unfair to the infamous templar starts aug fourteenth on d w. rock n roll a little. cut. sinful comes from condemned by the church. i know the evil feeling that you feel when it's like. the apostles of music are stumbled no one is more popular than jesus up book religious morality preachers subversive. battle which sounds margin potential by placing a warning label on music products. rock and religion a clash that brings many problems to light. are the two really so irreconcilable. cardew. rock n roll. starts aug nineteenth two w. . cutler.


Transcripts For DW DW News 20191026 13:00:00

close behind the glamorous for songs of rationality the jury behind the girl starts nov 5th on d w. place . this is d. w. news live from berlin turkey is not convinced by a german plan for an international safe zone in northeastern syria german foreign minister heiko ma says in ankara for talks with his turkish counterpart says the proposal is not realistic mazas visit comes amid tensions over turkey's offensive against kurds in northern syria. also coming up on precedented mass protests in chile of 21000000 people take to the streets of the capital santiago and elsewhere in the south american country there is the biggest rallies yet in a week of protests in which at least 19 people have died. plus in german soccer the bundesliga it's fears this rivalry always inflame the passions of football fans and on saturday afternoon it's that time again hold on to your seeds when shall to take outdoor plans with local bragging rights at stake. i'm married to evanston it's good to have you with us turkey has rejected a german proposal to create a un backed securities own in northern syria turkish foreign minister. sholto called the proposal on realistic he made the comments at a joint press conference with his german counterpart heikal mohsin ankara. blasted germany over its criticism of ankara's offensive against kurdish militias calling for more solidarity in what turkey sees as a fight against terrorism the german foreign minister called for a lasting cease fire in the region and he urged turkey to comply with international law when dealing with refugees moscow's visit comes amid bilateral tensions over turkey's military campaign in syria. well for more on the story i'm joined now by our foreign policy editor status or darr here in the studio with me and turkey correspondent yulia han is standing by for us in istanbul hello to both of you yulia i'd like to begin with you tell us what came out of that meeting between the 2 foreign ministers. well tensions were running high at this press conference there between the 2 foreign ministers the turkish foreign minister. started with harshly criticizing germany 1st of all he said germany does not appreciate not turkish aphex when it comes to hosting refugees we know that turkey is hosting 3600000 refugees from syria more than any other country in the world and then he also said that the turkish military operation in north in syria has been and i quote him here disproportionately criticize been disproportionately criticized in germany and the german media he said trust has been breached so sounding quite angrily there and then he also mentioned the agreements turkey has reached with the u.s. and russia about the situation within syria and he emphasized that these 2 countries have recognized the legitimacy off turkey's over ration and this is the major source of disagreement here between the takesh and the german foreign minister because heikal mas as we know ahead of his visit clearly said that he considers the turkish military operation and i quote him an invasion that is not in accordance with international law he repeated this today and that was something you can you could clearly feel in this press conference this was causing a lot of tension all right so a tense press conference and the turkish foreign minister sounding rather angry as you described it saying that turkey is being unfairly criticized for its campaign in northern syria say to how to respond to all of this well yes the press conference was quite tense also last year at a similar time we had another press conference which was much more friendly than this one. made for important points that he said it was important for him 1st he said cooperation against the i.r.s. to continue that's very very crucial. for germany for turkey and for all of the allies the other point he made was that the cease fire should continue after the sochi agreement deadline expires which is going to be next tuesday by 6 pm and he said he got a guarantee from all of the plater in the question part said well we're not talking about guarantees for let's just say we gave confirmation the other point that was important for germany is that what i called the legal international law how the 2 countries perceive this turkey is a military operation that is very different and. so that was another point that made and finally he also said the most important thing actually which is what is coming up next week is the meeting in geneva where a new syrian constitution is going to be discussed so a political solution to the syria problem was the most of their final points that i must meet all right now yeah i want to ask you about this proposal by germany's defense minister who is suggesting there should be an internationally controlled security zone in northern syria kind of a controversial idea did that come up in the talks today. well it came up in the press conference but let me emphasize this is a proposal by the german defense minister not by germany's foreign minister there is no agreement within the german coalition government about this plan and this is of course something the tucker side clearly noticed so they said you know there is no agreement in the german government once they have a plan they can approach as we'll have a look at it and we of course appreciate any kind of help with our safe zone plan there but in the end. i dismiss this plan as a realistic could turkey it seems that is determined to go ahead with its own so-called safe zone plan so 1st to clear the area of the kurdish fighters which ankara considers terrorists and then starts setting up a safe zone and then returning refugees that but he clearly emphasized that any refugee who would go back to that so-called say so and would do so voluntarily this is something i was asking him about was pushing for so and they've shown no was keen on emphasizing that old would be voluntarily. all right so it's still clear that there's a lot of disagreement about turkey's activities in northern syria with regard to the refugees with regard to its campaign against the kurds saida tell us about just the state of german turkish relations these are some very serious issues that they're disagreeing on yes these are very serious issues that they're disagreeing on in the specially when all this military operation invasion of course that was something that the turkish sides fully rejected and president on afterward said anyone who calls this an invasion should be ready to receive the 3600000 syrian refugees living in turkey so yes the relations are tense but at the same time the 2 leaders made an effort to meet and hamas said it is better to talk with each other instead of about each other so there are some steps being taken baby steps but yes the relations will remain a bit tense status and are here in the studio and you know hunt for us in istanbul thank you so much to both of you. let's turn our attention now to some of the other stories making news around the world in iraq relatives held funerals in baghdad and the city of najaf for anti-government demonstrators who died in violent protests on friday 42 people were killed and thousands were wounded hundreds of protesters gathered again today in central baghdad for another day of mass demonstrations. british police are still trying to identify the $39.00 victims found dead in a truck in essex earlier this week at least 2 vietnamese families now say they fear their relatives are among the dead it was originally thought that all of the victims were chinese nationals. a russian woman jailed in the united states on spying charges has returned to moscow one day after her release from detention maria bettina pleaded guilty last december to conspiring to act as an unregistered agent for russia the russian foreign ministry says she was the victim of anti russian attitudes in the u.s. . to chile now where massive crowds have taken to the streets for a 7th day of anti-government protests demonstrators are calling for economic reforms and for the resignation of president sebastian pinera the signs of the largest demonstration by far was in the capital sunday aagot. a march such to go down in the history books as possibly the largest ever seen in chile an estimated 1000000 demonstrators converged on downtown santiago bringing traffic to a standstill as crowds made their way to central plaza. protesters vented anger over low wages and pensions inequality and the rising cost of education and health care their fury has been found by president sebastian pinera response to a week of unrest imposing a state of emergency and night time curfews protesters called on him to listen up or resign. yet there they love you made at the end of this the 1st thing the president has to do is get the military off the streets and change the cabinet and he needs to ensure that there are conscious people making statements to the country that are consistent with what people want listening to the people that's all that president pinera has already promised social reform measures and in the face of friday's record breaking rally he took to twitter stating we have all listened to the message we have all changed. but his post is unlikely to quell public anger as night fell violence erupted once again with demonstrators fighting pitched battles against police on the streets of santiago. when as they go soccer now and shall gun barista dortmund kick off in around 15 minutes in what is germany's fiercest game between 2 local rivals just one point separates them in the table but ahead of the encounter in dortmund coach listen 5 is under pressure after a string of underwhelming results. this match is being billed as lucy in the fall for his dates with destiny if some reports are to be believed that defeat against bitter rivals shall co would spell the end of his reign as dortmund coach is the writing on the. far right says not as his efforts are darby is a very special game i've known that since the moment i arrived it's very important but there's a pressure for every game and it's no different for shell shock at those darby and it's very special. this bit of. a special match but one with bad recent memories for dortmund fans before 2 home defeat at the end of last season top their title chances but form and posterity results will come from nothing according to the man preparing for his 1st road darby club when he does when the automatic i don't. you can automatically draw any advantages or disadvantages not even from the latest results and especially not darby results for the business what happens in the days or weeks before it doesn't matter. it's completely irrelevant. and it's all down to one game nothing less than local bragging rights are up for grabs and for some jobs there on the line to. now mount everest is the mountain every passionate climber wants to conquer and the number of people attempting the climb has been rising steadily in recent years the trackers do not take their trash bag down the mountain with them they leave it behind and local nepalese are left to deal with the dump. it's a bucket list experience with an ugly footprint. the desire to reach the roof of the world has left the slopes of mount everest an open rubbish dump gas canisters food containers climbing gear all simply thrown away. much of it now buried under the snow. in the center of this you know both government and climbing groups organized a major cleanup retrieving tons of trash i don't know. from the camps was taken to kathmandu for recycling. after these westerners said gone but none of us had leased the waste is not dumped not taken to a landfill only the minimum if we must working to recycle and cycle these ways as much as possible from. drink bottles and cans the shredded for the roll plastic and the fire but some local offices also see a chance to turn trash into treasures. these wine bottles are being turned into light fixtures and glasses salvage souvenir is for everest tourists. lay people do you want your life that is actually a school and that the city's pride as well and especially recently in the dark would in our society they consider and still act when they see these kind of yes i watch. these things can be and it is possible. and businesses are on board. so i could glasses at this 5 star hotel in kathmandu that.


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240604 05:22:00

they're a point clear, having now played the extra game, with captain martin odegaard sealing the win at molineux. and arsenal can go further ahead before city next play. we have two learn to go through these weeks, that is what we want to experience and become better and better and it was a disappointment totally after going out of the champions league, but the team is there, we are top at the moment, now we go again. it was a day of away wins in the premier league. none more significant than burnley�*s 4—1victory over the only team below them in the table. johann berg gudmundsson rounded off the win at sheffield united that keeps their hopes of avoiding relegation alive. they're now only 3 points from safety with four games to play. luton's chances of staying up were harmed by a 5—1 home defeat to brentford. yoane wissa scored two goals to take brentford 10 points clear of the relegation zone while luton are third from bottom, a point behind the team above them. joe hart missed... then saved a penalty in celtic�*s dramatic shoot—out win over aberdeen


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 19:04:00

make life much easier. we are not always easy scoring goals. we have to do the job and it's a great team, complement the team, they stay composed, come, do theirjob, winning games. manchester city have retained the premier league title without kicking a ball on saturday. united's task was made easier this afternoon by liverpool — who only avoided defeat to aston villa because of this man... bobby firmino, in his final game at anfield before he leaves the club, scored a late equaliser against aston villa. the 1—all draw means liverpool remain three points off the top four with one game to go. villa stay in seventh place. a quick look at the rest of saturday's results. everton are still in danger of being relegated after a 1—1 draw at wolves. they needed a late yerry mina goal to salvage a point. tottenham face a battle to qualify for the european conference league after a 3—1 home defeat


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 20:11:00

back to old trafford. erik ten hag's side had a narrow 1—0 win away at bournemouth, casemiro's stunning overhead kick putting united a step closer to a top four finish. theyjust need to avoid defeat to chelsea or fulham. united's task was made easier this afternoon by liverpool, who only avoided defeat to aston villa because of this man. bobby firmino, in his final game at anfield before he leaves the club, scored a late equaliser against aston villa. the 1—1 draw means liverpool remain three points off the top four with one game to go. villa stay in seventh place. a quick look at the rest of saturday's results... everton are still in danger of being relegated after a 1—1 draw at wolves. they needed a late yerry mina goal to salvage a point. tottenham face a battle to qualify for the european conference league after a 3—1 home defeat to brentford. manchester city, fifth premier league title for them in six years,


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Politics Live 20240604 10:48:00

see that having an influence on the team. —— i can't see that. in serie a, it's all eyes on the top four. atalanta have the chance go fourth momentarily if they can beat spezia. lazio can stay above juve regardless of their results with a win against sassuolo, while ac milan, inter and roma are all in action in the later games. inter are currently fourth ahead of the others but only on goal difference. argentina captain lionel messi has been suspended by paris saint—germain for two weeks after travelling to saudi arabia without the club's permission this week. the trip followed the french club's home defeat by lorient on sunday, in which messi played the full 90 minutes. messi will not train or play for psg during the period of his suspension. it is understood the 35—year—old asked permission to make the journey to carry out commercial work but was refused. england's lionesses have already lost their captain leah williamson to injury ahead of this summer's world cup. they've now been dealt another huge fitness blow, with forward fran kirby now also


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 13:48:00

with a win against sassuolo. ac milan, interand roma are all in action — inter are currently fourth ahead of the others but only on goal difference. it is tight. argentina captain lionel messi has been suspended by paris saint—germain for two weeks after travelling to saudi arabia without the club's permission this week. the trip followed the french club's home defeat by lorient on sunday, in which messi played the full 90 minutes. messi will not train or play for ps6 during the period of his suspension. it is understood the 35—year—old asked permission to make the journey to carry out commercial work but was refused. joel embiid earned his first nba mvp trophy tuesday night, topping two—time winner nikola yo—kich of the denver nuggets. embiid has been sidelined with a sprained right knee that caused him to miss the opening game of the eastern conference semifinals against boston, which philly won on monday night. the 76ers watched on tv in boston and erupted in applause. embiid was in tears as team—mates mobbed him in celebration. jokic finished runner—up


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 20:16:00

prices, and we have seen that central banks around the world have been raising interest rates, and so what is going to happen now is, which a lot of analysts are talking about, if oil prices go up it will put more pressure on inflation, and that could force central banks to keep interest rates high, and this increases the risk of recession, a global recession or at least recession in some parts of the world. so there are these kind of risks and we will have to see what impact it will have in the weeks to come probably. huw has all the sport. hello, and thanks forjoining us. chelsea have sacked manager graham potter after less than seven months in charge, following saturday's 2—0 home defeat by aston villa. they're the second premier league team to part company with their manager on sunday, after brendan rodgers left leicester city. for potter, saturday's loss to villa was his 11th in 31 games since replacing thomas tuchel at stamford bridge in september. chelsea have spent nearly


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 15:34:00

defeat to france on saturday. several irish players suffered serious injuries during their win over sat dominic scotland and two of them will miss saturday's grand slam decider with england. they have the pitch after collision while ian henderson is to have surgery on a broken arm. is a return to the england setup is fast bowling coach for the summer men's se series. australia was previously with england when they won the ashes away from him in 2010—2011. he will also be in place for the 15 over world cup title defence in india which is in october. kate williamson is god a unbeaten 121 as new zealand pulled off a thrilling two wicket victory over shank at —— kate williamson scored. victory came to christchurch. after the first four hours of the final day washed out by rain williamson went away as he chased 285 runs for victory. his


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 22:36:00

after a disappointing weekend in the six nations, there's more bad news for england's men's rugby team — they'll be without centre ollie lawrence in theirfinal game of the competition. lawrence has been ruled out of england's trip to dublin to play ireland in the six nations this weekend after he picked up a hamstring injury in england's record home defeat to france at twickenham on saturday. several irish players suffered serious injuries during their win over scotland, and two of them will miss saturday's grand slam decider with england. garry ringrose was taken off the pitch on a stretcher after a collision with blair kinghorn, while iain henderson is to have surgery on a broken arm. now to cricket, and david saker is returning to the england set—up as fast bowling coach for this summer's men's ashes series. the australian was previously with england when they won the ashes away from home in 2010—11. he'll also be in place for the 50—over world cup title defence in india in october. now some sad news from the world of athletics — the legendary high jumper


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