On the 100th anniversary of holding Aggie Muster on April 21st, the traditional Muster celebration and campus ceremony are back at Texas A&M University.
Honoring Aggies who have passed away, the Muster Reflections Display allows students to view living memorials and connect with the names on the 2021 Muster Roll Call.
In preparation for Muster on Wednesday, April 21, student coordinators set up a Muster Reflections Display in the Flag Room of the Memorial Student Center, or MSC, as is typically done every year for the event. Families create the memorial for their loved ones so students can learn more about the individual honorees. Approximately 40 of the 106 honoreesâ families have chosen to participate in the display this year.
Reflections Display coordinator Batia Guido said at the end of the academic year, Texas A&M wants to provide families a way to honor their loved ones and Aggies a chance to know the faces behind Muster.