Hoover High School in City Heights is one of about 40 schools in the county with a pantry that offers fresh produce and other foods to those on campus.
here s one of the guys that works at the factory on his lunch break. the times article also says the factory on hoover and eight mile builds molds that will be used to make 70 foot long roof sections of airbus a-350 passenger jets. you ve heard of that plane. supposed to hold 350 travelers. looks like this plant worker is taking a trip of his own. earlier this year, tower international, a public company took over the plant. it s 12 noon and the day shift files out for lunch. most of these guys head off for a meal. some head off for the hoover market right up the street. some buy grub. some smoke bug. days after day, it was a party in the parking lot out in the open within sight of the factory. the factory where they make parts for armored vehicles for our soldiers and marines and these guys got their own arsenal. they re smoking blunts. a blunt is a big joint made out of a little cigar you can buy inside the store. the guys dump out the tobacco