Well you. This is deja vu news live from berlin chasseur on the back wall says she supports a breakfast at the lake with conditions but the germany does has an album urgency preparations in place right now. Into the very last day even the very last hour we will be pushing into the issue of the treaty that and the agency has never actually need to. Speak into the a German Parliament just a few moments ago before todays east summit thats certain to be focused on britains request for a breakfast at the leg also coming up. New zealands Prime Minister announces
a ban on semiautomatic and military style weapons that after the christchurch mosque few things only top Security Personnel including those now guarding mosques will have such weapons in the future. And the rains just will not stop all week after cycling to die struck Southeast Africa Tens Of Thousands are still without food or shelter in mozambique. Im brian thomas thanks so much for joining us german chancellor all america all says
a policy speech to the german parliament ahead of an e.u. summit today in brussels. began her speech by saying she favored a delay if it meant an orderly brax it that was able to resolve the issues surrounding the irish border it just my firm conviction that we need to have a structured withdrawal of britain from the e.u. it s not just in the interest of britain. which of course many believe is well there but it s also very much in the interest of germany and the interest of the twenty other member states in the e.u. and i believe that the key problem when the only state that is essentially. hostage to the whole question. let s go live now to the bundestag we re joined by our chief political editor michelle acuff number shela the chelsea are there emphasizing the need is for she s concerned horn orderly breakfast.