border. testosterone is a dangerous drug. this view of women has both children and as chaotic sexual beings. the app is called your wish is my demand. some men might have needed more than one app because they had more than one wife. there are reportedly more than a million saudis in polygamist marriages. there are no churches in saudi arabia. christians pray in secret. we have secret churches there. house churches. practicing christianity is against saudi arabia s version of islamic law, so is every other religion. it is a tough place to be a christian. even tougher to be jewish. we must kill all the jews said the so-called religious scholar.
a government app used for wife tracking. among other functions it could accepted out a text alert if a wife headed for the airport or the border. testosterone is a dangerous drug. it s this view of women as both children and as chaotic sexual beings. the app is called absher, arabic for your wish is my command. some men might have needed more than one app because they had more than one wife. there are reportedly more than 1 million saudis in polygamous marriages. there are no churches in saudi arabia. christians pray in secret. we have secret churches there. house churches. practicing christianity is against saudi arabia s version of islamic law. so is every other religion. except islam.