Los Angeles, CA—Recently called the “most profound analysis of a serial killer I have read,” by respected UK crime reporter and author Paul Cheston, Without Redemption has seen sales throughout Europe, North America and down under in Australia and New Zealand. One reader, in New Zealand, personally requested multiple copies
Los Angeles, CA—The authors of Without Redemption, a detailed historical biography about Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, were shocked to find Bonin’s hand-written jailhouse diaries amongst the 40 boxes of official documents gifted to them. These diaries pertained to several months after his final arrest and before his trial in November-December
Los Angeles, CA—One of the most difficult tasks in writing a serial killer biography is genuinely capturing the swirling vortex of despair created by said person. The authors of latest, and most detailed, biography of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin possessed a distinctive advantage in this sphere for various reasons: 1)
Los Angeles, CA—One of the most detailed historical serial killers biographies ever written, Without Redemption: Creation & Deeds of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, His Five Accomplices & How One Who Escaped Justice is now available in E-Book format on Kobo. Having sold copies across the U.S. and around the world
Los Angeles, CA—When writing and researching a historical biography about Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, who killed 22 boys in ten months from August 4, 1979 to June 2, 1980, the authors were struck by how many times the California criminal justice system failed. Without Redemption: Creation & Deeds of Freeway