Most of us have been there. Whatever the reason poor budgeting, the loss of a job, an unexpected emergency bill, etc. there are times when you've been unsure if you'll have enough to buy.
Back in the 1970s, approximately 61% of American households were considered "middle class" now, that percentage has shrunk to just 50%, according to Pew Research Center. Meanwhile, the percentage.
It's no secret that the housing market continues to be a difficult one, and renters have not been spared. Indeed, a recent Bank of America report found that renters' spending appears to have been.
While the majority of people might view an immense financial windfall as an absolute blessing, others might view it as both a blessing and a curse. Watch Out: 4 Red Flags as You Check Your Bank.
Navigating the labyrinth of financial decision-making can be an intimidating endeavor. The middle-class, in particular, find themselves embroiled in distinct challenges that can disrupt their journey.