The deadline to register for Lincoln Public Schools new remote learning program is Feb. 19.
January 22, 2021 8:04 pm
Families are faced with tough decisions between now and Feb. 19. That is the deadline to register for Lincoln Public Schools’ new remote learning program for the 2021-22 school year. Some parents are frustrated that the deadline is so early.
“I think how they’re rolling out this plan for next year is deeply flawed,” says Michelle Howell Smith, a mother of two school-age children. “The world is going to be much different in August than it is in February and it’s really impossible to predict.”
there are people, i suspect, who will oppose my reappointment, who believe that i served with a different role, or with a different rule a different view on the task force. i think that attitude is healthy. i think it is important to have diversity so that we promote compliance. the first thing i would do on the task force is to change the bylaws with respect to section 104.4. i believe it was inappropriate and unwise, etc. the second is to strengthen the procedures related to handling of complaints. and that leads to the third point, which is to strengthen our work on the outreach, education, and training so that we are doing pro-active work with departments to ensure compliance and protect the rights of the public to ensure that we have a better government. i am pleased to answer any questions you might have. gregg s thank you. i know you also applied thank you. i also applied for the consumer advocate seat seat. tell me how you feel you fulfilled that seat. i have
different role, or with a different rule a different view on the task force. i think that attitude is healthy. i think it is important to have diversity so that we promote compliance. the first thing i would do on the task force is to change the bylaws with respect to section 104.4. i believe it was inappropriate and unwise, etc. the second is to strengthen the procedures related to handling of complaints. and that leads to the third point, which is to strengthen our work on the outreach, education, and training so that we are doing pro-active work with departments to ensure compliance and protect the rights of the public to ensure that we have a better government. i am pleased to answer any questions you might have. gregg s thank you. i know you also applied thank you. i also applied for the consumer advocate seat seat. tell me how you feel you fulfilled that seat. i have advocated strongly for many writers in relation to garbage rates and other avenues of city for
on the board of supervisors, the rules committee, the mayor s office, that we are aware that is happening and if people are not showing up, then people need to be replaced. but legally, and in terms of the charter, the charter is the constitution of the people and city and county of san francisco. and that constitution cannot be set aside by any government body. it is unfortunate that happen to happened, certainly not something that any of us, legally or otherwise can act. cracks i have a copy of a memo from the i have a copy of a memo from the advisory task force and this was from last year. this was written advice as well. i agree with what supervisor campos said, that we are not allowed to legally or ethically skirt these laws. that is why my question, why the task force did that. thank you for your response. i just want to chime in that i did not know about this. i agree with my colleagues. if the issue with a quorum issue, that we need to talk about the structu