Ryan Picarella Joins LifeGuides® as Executive VP, Growth & Partnerships
Published 02-18-21
Submitted by LifeGuides
TEMPE, Ariz., February 18, 2020 /CSRwire/ - LifeGuides® today announced that Ryan Picarella has joined as Executive Vice President, Growth & Partnerships. The company’s team is thrilled to welcome a pioneering leader in employee wellbeing, wellness, and corporate culture. Ryan’s prior eight years as the CEO of the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA), plus his past roles with Blue Cross, and other industry leaders, will serve LifeGuides® mission perfectly.
LifeGuides® is about helping people thrive in all dimensions of their life, as its trained community of certified Guides “walk with you in the best of times and the worst of times.” LifeGuides® is a radically new organizational benefit, which is grounded in helping employees and their families thrive - with one-to-one personalized human support. LifeGuides® empowers employees to pick a well-suited