Blazing a trail: Ann Arbor student in inaugural class of female Eagle Scouts
Updated Dec 30, 2020;
Posted Dec 30, 2020
Gabby Mayrend, 14, of Saline, became the first female from the Huron Trails District to earn the rank of Eagle Scout. Mayrend recently refurbished all of the firepits at Faholo Camp and Conference Center in Grass Lake, while rebuilding benches and firewood storage boxes.Photo provided | Tammy Mayrend
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SALINE, MI - Gabby Mayrend watched as her brother worked his way from Cub Scout to Boy Scout, deciding along the way she wanted to join him.
She was a Girl Scout, but thought Boy Scouts offered more camping and leadership events and better outdoor activities. So, in 2018 when Boy Scouts allowed girls in, Gabby acted quickly.