Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister KT Rama Rao was also present at the event to inaugurate the bridge. Leaders of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) were following KTR as he made his way to the event. The incident occurred when a man failed to make way for Srinivas Yadav, walking ahead of him and closer to KTR. The Minister lost his cool and slapped the man
KTR stated at a high-level review meeting on Wednesday that the distribution process will be divided into five or six phases, with the first phase set to begin within the next week. Authorities confirmed that 70,000 homes were ready for distribution and informed the minister that the verification process for applicants who have submitted applications is nearing completion.
M Sai Varaprasad was allegedly stabbed near a hotel at Jillelaguda by a group of men who reportedly wanted him to give them the beer bottles he and his friends were carrying.
According to Madhusudhan Rao, a fire department official, the fire had started approximately three hours before it intensified. Immediate action was taken to prevent its spread to adjacent shops. "We received the alert at 6.30 am about the accident. The fire broke out on the ground floor of two shops owned by the same proprietor. A third shop, owned by a different individual,
The Minister commented that only KCR could save Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP), and complete the Polavaram irrigation project. "Others do not have the capability,” he said. The Minister accused the politicians in Andhra of being engaged in caste-based politics and said, “It is Reddy, Kamma and Kapu politics in Andhra."