secretary telling you that brittney griner is important because she s a woman of color. important because she s the was what she said about how perverse is that? you hear that kind of stuff all the time, but how perverse is it? welle a press secretary from the last administration say sean spicer pausintion g in the middle of a briefing to tell you that quote on al personal note, it is thrilling when a straight white man gets o out of prison. what you think of that, you probably see that as an offensee against the idea of the rule ofr law, against the idea of a country where we re alle al treated equally because we re all citizens. but liberals don t see it that way becausecitizensrals dot believe in abstract principles. so they re a hundred percentsoe behind that idea.ea. here here s van jones on cnn. it just shows this thi president got it done. hs presidene cared enough ab individual person to get her home. home.s shockin g for i think for young americans to see an iconn like
he said dinner, he said flynn is a good guy, i hope he doesn t go down, that s not threatening the fbi director. obstruction of justice you have to act with knowledge of committing a crime and have intends to undermine. if that was true, then comey is guilty of a felony for not reporting it immediately. and obama interfered, to ongoinr investigations with chilling public statements on the irs and hillary. i don t think, he survived locker room talk. if you can survived locker room talk, i think he could survive a memo from comey. greg: i think the mediaia failed to realize that they are talking about a coup. they re trying to look for perceived injustice and build it into something bigger. they failed to realize there are 60 million people, civilians who voted for an idea.ea you think you re going to try to get you think you re going to find a way to get a him out of office and not pass off millions of people who will take to the streets? w