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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20170110 03:00:00

feel your party, the democratic party does not pay attention to them any more you are more concerned with what bathroom people go into, to how they earn a living? what is the message. >> very fair question. one, you give me credit. >> it's about 1:10. it's not a bad rate for me. >> look, if we were going back in history to the '30s and '40s, and you asked the average working person, which party is the party of the working class in america? overwhelmingly, people would have said it was the democratic party. today people do not say that. and for good reason. >> no. >> when we talk about the greed on wall street, it wean the the republicans alone who did it, they did it with democrats. it was a democratic administration, not a republican administration, that brought forth nafta, i think the democrats have got to make a fundamental choice, chris, that is which side are they on? >> you cannot be on the side of wall street, of the drug companies and the insurance companies and the big money and go to working people and say, hey, i'm on your side, they're smart enough, they're not going to believe you. >> what we have got to do is come up with an agenda that speaks to the needs of working people, that is creating millions of decent paying jobs, making public colleges and universities tuition free. raising minimum wage to $15 an hour. creating jobs by addressing the crisis of climate change. dealing with the need for immigration reform, et cetera, et cetera. i think the american people understand that there's something profoundly wrong in this country when you have a small number of billionaires that have so much power. and i believe they want to see a government which represents all of us, that's what the democratic party has goat to stand for. >> we get to the issues, was it a serious discussion about serious things? our thanks to vermont senator, bernie sanders. happy new year to you. for everyone who made this town hall possible, and it's more than you may just be thinking about what you see up here on the stage. this is just the beginning of a special week at cnn. tomorrow, we have president obama's farewell address, wednesday, you have president-elect donald trump, holding his first full scale news conference in months. and later on wednesday night, van jones is going to host another edition of his town hall series, the messy truth. thursday, you have my colleague here at the george washington university with the republican speaker of the house, representative paul ryan. our thanks to our host, to george washington university, and to all of you in the audience tonight at home and watching. don lemon picks up our coverage right now. >> thank you very much. very nice job, my friend. you and the senator both. you just saw our town hall with bernie sanders. and he his senate colleagues begin confirmation hearings tomorrow for donald trump's cabinet picks. thanks for joining us. one president getting ready to move into the white house, the other getting ready to say good-bye. president barack obama hard at work tonight on his farewell address set for tomorrow in chicago. as president-elect trump prepares to take the oath of office, his daughter and son in law have become d.c.'s newest power couple. jared kushner named a senior exec. >> the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back. >> we have so much to get to tonight. i want to begin with jim acosta. emily jane fox, also here, richard painter, chief white house ethics lawyer under george w. bush joins us. and jon meacham historian. quite a fascinating hour, jon meacham. i want to get your reaction to bernie sanders town hall. trum assembly his administration. they're regrouping to try to figure out what happens with the democratic party. you should be worried about the issues at hand instead of what happened. >> every action produces a reaction. if trump is an answer to the obama years, there's going to be given the speed of the american pulse. there's going to be a moment where the democrats are going to be rethinking. it's striking to me still that senator sanders, given his age, elites, but who are the elites when you have so many billionaires in power. >> this is a pivotal moment for the campaign. >> they're making it official his son in law is going to be an adviser. what are you hearing. >> people have been comparing this to hillary clinton running health care reform under bill clinton, i think jared kushner coulding more powerful than hillary clinton was in that white house. he was probably donald trump's most trusted adviser throughout the entirety of the 2016 campaign. and what they're envisioning for jared kushner is sort of the senior adviser who overseas everything. he was down at the capitol today meeting with paul ryan to go over tax reform. he's been meeting with donald trump and other foreign leaders. they looked at this, the legalities of all of this on a conference call -- one of jared asked questions of lawyers who represent various people who are up for positions in the administration, and i've given my honest opinion on that. it's debatable. whether it applies to an appointment by the president in the white house it certainly applies to the president making an appointment outside the white house. one point i've emphasized with all the lawyers representing anybody appointed in this add men stras, it's critical to comply with a financial disclosure law and also the financial conflict of interest statutes. these are criminal statutes that prohibit a government official from engaging in any official action that has a direct predictable effect on their financial holdings. this means for mr. kushner, he's going to have to sell quite a lot of holdings, and if he holds on to some real estate, some bank loans, he may have to recuse from some important issues, such as the regulation of the financial services industry. it's going to be very important that he follow the rules like everybody else. i hope he will persuade his father-in-law to divest conflict creating assets, to disclose his tax returns and follow the same rules that everybody else does. >> richard -- >> we have a lot of billionaires in this administration, they are not -- they don't necessarily understand the needs of working americans, but at least they can zoo their jobs free of conflicts of interest. >> you were reading everyone's mind on this panel, probably every viewer at home is saying, if jared kushner has to do this, what makes a president-elect so different? why doesn't he have to do it if he's going to hold the top office in the land? >> well, technically, the feenl conflict of interest statute does not apply to the president, there are other provisions that do. such as the constitution will prohibit any foreign money coming into trust with the united states government. that applies to kushner and the president. they have to make sure there's no foreign government money coming into these businesses that are still owned by president trump or by jared kushner or anybody else in the united states government. we need to look at wilbur ross, who's a billionaire going over to the congress department. betsy devos going over to the education department. a lot of billionaires here, they need to file their financial disclosure reports and let the american people know what's going on. those who expect senate confirmation, need to file those with the senate before they ask for hearings. >> i want to get jon meacham back in, the meacham team believes these anti-nepotism laws. should they be able to get around this? >> right. you know, the law was passed in '67. it was a rider to a bill that president johnson cheerfully signed, to say that president johnson and senator kennedy, the former attorney general were not close is something of an understatement. and so this was seen as pay back for years of rivalry between lbj and rfk. it began to some extent when bobby went down to sound johnson out in 59 about whether or not he was going to run for president. and johnson gave bobby a particularly harsh rifle that knocked him down. you know, son, have you to learn how to shoot a gun like a man. that was the beginning of that romance. when kennedy became attorney general, he was harsh toward johnson. when the tragedy of dallas happened, that tension rose. so there are technicalities here that seems to me the courts, that there probably is a way, obviously for kushner to do this, i think one of the questions, if i were mr. trump, which is quite a sub junktive. how do you -- what if you don't like the advice you're getting? can you fire your son in law? can you move him out? it does raise an interesting question on both sides, both outside the ethical questions and on the inside, which in terms of the family dynamic. >> that will be interesting to watch, if it doesn't quite work out, what happens, speaking of that family dynamic, i think what's important, and a lot of people aren't talking about, ivanka, who has a very robust business. is she planning to divest, and what's going to happen with her business? >> she's planning to -- she announced today that she's planning to take a step back from her role at the trump organization and her own brand of fashion, line accessories. jewelry. she's moving to washington, she's moving her whole family, she's going to settle her whole family there. she's taking a step back. it's not to say she's not going to get paid by the trump organization. she won't be paid if her brothers decide to make a deal, she won't necessarily get a cut of that specific deal, but she'll get a share of the overall trump organization revenue. >> she is going to be involved in that new d.c. hotel built in the old post office pavilion, down the street from the white house. and according to transition officials who are on this call today, if a matter comes before the white house, that is involving that hotel, jared kushner is going to have to recuse himself, there are going to be some cases here and there. he's not divesting himself of all of his holdings and all of his investments -- >> neither is she. jared kushner is going to have to step back. >> how do we know. >> >> we don't even know. jared has said that he's going to comply with federal laws about what he has to disclose about his financial statements. we don't know what kind of holdings he has. we have no idea what kind of holdings she has, the president has, all of these things are steps in the right direction, but it's still just so opaque. >> i don't know if it's a step -- >> it sounds good. >> how do we know that jared kushner is recusing himself or ivanka trump is not getting a cut on some deal. how would the american people know that? >> queer not going to know for sure. but we're going to get a financial statement from him, he's going to be a senior white house employee, and he's going to be subject to a criminal conflict of interest statute, which is a lot better than we are with carl icahn who they claim is not a government employee. though he will be. at least we have the final disclosure forms, and the criminal conflict of interest statute that apply. the department of justice will enforce the criminal conflict of interest statute, they have in the past, they have good prosecutors there, i expect him to comply. that hotel, they have to get rid of that hotel, they have foreign governments coming in there, foreign government money coming into that hotel. no person holding a position of trust with the united states government can be receiving profits from dealing with foreign governments. we have lobbyists who stay in that hotel. including the ncaa coaches, athletic directors want to go in there and lobby the president while staying in his hotel. that hotel is going to be an ethics nightmare for the next four years. if they don't get rid of that hotel, change the name, they have one place on pennsylvania avenue they ought to be focused on, and that's the white house. >> john, you'll get the first word on the other side of the break. please bear with me. i'm a little snifflely, you may hear some of that during the show tonight. i apologize in advance. if you're gonna make an entrance... 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>> i don't think there's a double standard. there's a difference in ambition here. jared and ivanka are 35. they're half donald's age and twice as ambitious. they want to have a long career in washington, or at least in power. they're taking steps that look good and appear to comply with ethics standards and rules. donald is 70 years old, do you think he's going to have a political future down the road. this is important to people who have been incredibly ambitious. >> why do you think it's tough for him -- ivanka and the two sons who are running the business. as it is already, why is it tough to have him untangleal of his en257k elments. >> we were supposed to have a press conference about all of this in december. >> will that come wednesday. >> nine days before the inning august ouration, is how we're going to find out how trump is going to do all of this. he descended into the lobby of trump tower today and took a few questions from reporters, and dodged a few. one of the questions he took was about this conflict of interest. he said, this is simple, i can do this, it's not going to be that tough. it sounds like a donald trump answer to a complex question. as mr. painter was saying earlier, there are no conflicts of interest when you're president of the united states. those conflict of interest restrictions don't apply to you. the clause does apply to you. he is going to have to demonstrate how he's going to disentangle himself from all of these hotels, properties, all over the world that have russian interests and chinese interests. and countries that are not friends of the united states. he's going to have to make it crystal clear to the american people, this is not a problem. yes, he gets the economy going again, he does more of these car company announcements, people are going to be jumping on the bandwagon, there's still the question of the constitution, and if questions of violating the constitution are raised, they're going to be pursued, no matter how popular he is in that oval office. >> if there are ethics conflicts, who's going to hold the president accountable? >> you talked about who would hold the advisers and jared kushner and ivanka trump accountable. who would hold the president accountable? >> it depends on the type of conflict, if he holds on to these businesses, we're going to have the mix that people are mixing trump business with the united states government business. and conversations that look like a quid pro quo. there could be an investigation by the department of justice under the gratuity statutes. with respect to the monuments clause, which simply prohibits foreign government payoffs for united states government officials through profit earring or anything else, that is something that the house of representatives might very well look at, and if somebody refuses, to stop taking illegal payments from foreign governments, they would have to resort to impeachment. we're not there yet. i hope this can be resolved. and the vast majority wanted a president who represents the interest of the american people. if you can make $15 million an hour, and call it the art of the deal. he's already coming at this from a different perspective. there's only so much of this in charge that voters are going to put up with. i think this is going to sink in quite quickly. >> i have to run, do you think that donald trump thought about this, about all of this disentanglement and xi vesting before he ran for president? >> i think he thinks he can get away with anything. an i -- he said it himself, he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and his numbers would go up, there's been nothing that's happened in the past -- during the transition, it seems to me, that would undercut that central view. he believes in intuition, in his gut. he believes in himself, and i think that's what we're about to deal with. >> john, emily, richard, jim, thank you so much. will democrats try to slow down the confirmation hearings and would that make a difference in the long run. >> now, get 15% off making your company stand out. staples. make more happen. c'mohappy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. and it's not tested for in routine blood work. if left untreated, hep c can cause liver damage, even liver cancer. but there's important information for us: the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested for hep c. all it takes is a simple one-time blood test. and if you have hep c, it can be cured. be sure to ask your doctor to get tested for hep c. for us it's time to get tested. it's the only way to know for sure. . the senate's got a very big week ahead, starting in hours, they hold a series of confirmation hearings on donald trump's cabinet. a columnist for usa today, she's doing double duty. kevin madden, who is a republican strategist, and jack kingston a former senior adviser to the trump campaign. hello, to all of you, thank you for joining us, i have to ask you all about the moment in the bernie sanders town hall, he had some choice words for trump. >> we are dealing with a man who in many respects is -- how can i phrase this. a pathological liar. and i say that without any -- i have many conservative friends and i disagree with them, they're not liars. time after time after time he says stuff which is blatantly absolutely untrue. >> he's basically calling -- he's saying, van joins, that the president-elect is a liar, what's your reaction? >> he's telling the truth, he can't deny. >> it doesn't give me any great joy to say it, in a few days, he's going to be the president of me, of you, of my children, but he has a pattern of saying things that are not true. and then -- and then he won't apologize or retract very easily or very often and that is a bad thing. we should not adopt to absurd identity and pretend that blue is green and green is plaid. it's a true statement. >> not that i'm putting democrats first, but go ahead. >> i think probably -- what's almost as bad or worse, is the gaslighting component of it which is not telling the truth, and telling us that we imagined he didn't tell the truth. for example, that he wasn't imitating that reporter, the disabled reporter, just telling us the things we're looking at are not happening, that is the sort of crazy making aspect to it. that he doesn't ever -- people make mistakes and say things that aren't true. but they come back and say, i misspoke. that's not what he said. >> i'm sorry about that, i didn't mean to mock you. >> he just says it didn't happen. >> you next. >> i think it was a nostalgic tour down the golden oldies of birney sanders. efrg was corporate greed, 1%. he opened up saying this election is about sexism and racism and xeno phobe yo, and other tried and failed campaign rhetor rhetoric. to me, one of the bright moments, i have worked with bernien sadders on legislation before. when he said he would work with donald trump on repealing or reforming nafta, he meant that. i worked with him on a drug reimportation issue. he will work with somebody if he believes them. it was rhetoric pulled out one more time. >> there was a retread quality to what we saw in the town hall. but i think if i look at this clinically, what he said about donald trump is a collarian call for what the progressives want to see they don't want to normalize trump in anyway they wan the to goo directly, actually, in a personal way, at -- you know, his veracity. >> have you ever seen it this personal? >> yeah, the 2016 race has desensitized a lot of us so much of our outrage, those of us who have worked in politics for a long time, we look at the race, and so much of it is a departure from the past p.m. this is the personalization of so many attacks right now, it could potentially be the new normal. >> it's interesting van. >> there are four things that i think progressives are concerned about, his personality is one of them. there's a concern that he's not just a bad role model but a dangerous, air addict person to have on the trigger. there's the personality, then there are the appointments, the personnel. he's putting people in place that progressives have a very hard time with, especially when you're talking about putting people in charge of the epa, who don't believe in global warming. that's -- >> and then third, there's a question of the policies, the sort of rolling back obama care without any real help for 20 million people. the most important thing to me is not the personality, not the personnel, not the policies, it's the principles and the values that we should be one country, we shun the be picking on people because of how they dress or their faith or whether they're disabled or not. the principles and values i feel, that's what's under threat for progressives, progressives are there for wanting to fight harder than ever, to defend our principles and values. >> you said, all of those things were said on the campaign trail. now the two years that we're -- from this moment where we are now, and none of it seemed to make a difference. >> one thing is different. >> one thing is different, there was a hope. and i think a false hope, one that even i had, maybe the man you saw on stage during the primaries was just an act and he was going to change for the general election. then there was the hope at the general election. once he is elected and he is the man, that then he's going to become presidential. now there's a fading, dwindling hope that he puts his hand on the bible. i think this is it. >> this is a populous, this is what they do, they rub the feathers the wrong way of the establishment. >> bernie sanders was a populace as well. and there were other people who were popula ulists and they did handle themselves this way on the campaign trail. >> i think the idea of going to twitter is great, he goes straight to the american people. donald trump jumped on it today. >> to me, he spoke to the heart of somebody who's simple minded like me, i understood what he was saying. here's this woman that's extremely wealthy and wineny -- >> donald trump goes straight to the heart of the american people. >> he goes to the heart of. >> you were saying donald trump, you thought he would change. when someone shows you who they are. >> fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice. we'll talk, we'll be right back, don't go anywhere. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? control suits me. go national. go like a pro. with sleep number, there's an adjustment for that. just a swipe to realign your spine. does your bed do that? come into a sleep number store where the c2 mattress is now $699.99. it's a no brainer. kevin, jack kingston said -- >> he's simple minded. that's what i heard. >> he was -- did you say you were -- i didn't want to put words in your mouth. he didn't like the merrill speech last night. >> he didn't ask give himself enough credit. >> there's not a lot of people in the country that liked the speech. i think. >> go ahead. >> i danced in small circles. >> a lot of people on my side of the political prism did not like the speech. i think it was a cliche right now for someone in hollywood to stand up and criticize somebody who's a republican. i do think there was -- there definitely were some heartfelt moments in the speech. it resonated with that particular audience. there were things that seemed out of touch with middle america, saying that without them, all we would have is football or mma. this is something that i think continues to sort of dwemonstrae the red state blue state divide we have. >> i would agree with you. except that he is the apprentice, and he is hollywood person son phied. >> you were criticizing her for being a rich celebrity. season the that what donald trump is. >> well, he -- >> it's a yes or no question. >> i don't think that's right. i think she was -- >> what's interesting about what kevin said, i didn't see it as a conservative versus a liberal. i think anyone could have given that speech. anyone who's concerned about what she is talking about, someone who is in the position of the president of the united states, who's beating up on people and humiliating people? >> i saw, the first part of it, yeah. >> i agree the mma stuff was a bridge too far, i didn't see her as being a victim. i saw her as standing up for victims. and using her strength to come to the rescue of people who feel vulnerable. i do think this idea of the hollywood elite would sit down and be quiet, the republicans would be happy. they want to feel victimized by the hollywood elite. >> this whole elite thing. >> what are we talking about elites. donald trump is a self-proclaimed multibillionaire. it's probably they're richer than -- >> he lives in manhattan. >> why are we using this term elites to apply to a certain group of people, aren't elite people just people who have privilege? that could apply to a lot of people? >> as a football fan, she's talking about my people. >> i thought that was tongue in cheek. >> i'm a football fan. and an mma fan, i didn't take offense to that. >> if hollywood doesn't stop wining, epa is going to have to declare it a wetland. they need to move on -- >> and please, could you tell the friends out there that you have. i know you're well connected. no more videos instructing us how we should behave. just with the cowboys and the westerns. >> the people who are in the middle of the country watch movies. consume music and they consume a lot of the arts. you may say these people are disconnected from the arts someone's buying that music, someone's going to the movieses. >> i think that's right. i don't want do interrupt. i'll get to you real quick, i think that's right, i think what they don't like is the idea of being preached to. they're not cultured enough to make up their own mind. to address the issue of elites, i don't think it's about wealth or how much wealth you've accumulated. it has more to do with a mind-set, when a lot of these folks feel like they believe, they know better than others i think that is where there's a backlash toward that type of -- >> it's a level of hypocrisy on this point is almost laughable, in that everybody on this -- here tonight. we spend our lives trying to influence public opinion. >> for some reason when hollywood people do it, well known celebrities and artists do it. those people are terrible because they're telling us what to do. >> we're all telling people what to do, and what to think. >> it's how they do it. >> how they do it. >> this whole idea, remember the idea of american exceptionalism? what happened to that? >> i thought that conservatives were the folks who wanted american exceptionalism the most out of everyone. any time someone fights to be the built what is wrong with that, i stwaen wasn't that cull touche ali aware maybe some people are just not in certain places. what is wrong with admitting that what's wrong with aspiring to that. when someone does aspire to that, why do you call them an elite. >> i want to know. >> remember, donald trump likes the arts, he wrote a book about it, it's called the art of the deal. >> let me say this. >> he lives in a culture capital of the world. >> to somebody who has been in policy making, i find it frequently offensive when some hollywood actor comes in and rungs their mouth. they have a huge bully pulpit. they often engarj in debates they have no idea what they're talking about. >> i had this -- i have to go, the producers are telling me to go. i had this conversation with a friend just last night. she had this bully pulpit, and he wasn't there to defend himself. donald trump could hold a press conference and knocked the golden globes off the air for as long as he wanted to. i digress, i'll get off my soap box know. the elite capital of the world next to hollywood and washington, d.c.. and chicago maybe. >> thank you, everyone. i appreciate that. don't miss the messy truth with mr. van jones, carly fiorina and jennifer grand holme. make sure you tune in. senator versus senator. one of the witnesses against jeff sessions is his senate colleague. and a face. this is nice. and does it come in a california king? 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it's absolutely what you need right now. absolutely scottsdale. drama ahead for donald trump's pick for attorney general. cory booker and john lewis are each scheduled to appear as witnesses against him. meanwhile, senator sessions is deep into his preparation for the hearing. dana bash has more. >> don, i'm told jeff sessions spent the weekend with his team in his senate office doing final prep for tomorrow's confirmation hearing. for years, sessions has been a member of the judiciary hearing that will decide his fate. it's the same committee who was blocked from being a federal judge three decades ago 37. >> jeff sessions was the first u.s. senator to endorse him. >> this is a moment. look at what's happening. >> the kbam bam republican gave the new york reality tv star credibility with the gop base. because jefferson beauragard sessions the third is from the heart of alabama. 30 years ago, when ronald reagan nominated sessions to be a federal judge, democrats blocked him. something sessions rarely talked about, but did with us in 2009. >> it was not a pleasant event, i have to tell you. it was so heart breaking. >> he was accused of racial insensitivity, calling a black lawyer boy. >> i am not a racist, i am not insensitive to blacks. >> sessions was pounded by democrats, including then senator joe biden. >> they may have taken positions that i consider to be adverse to the security interests of the united states. >> does that make them unamerican? >> no, sir, it does not. >> that was not fair, that was not accurate, those were false charges and distortions of anything that i did. # i never had those kind of views. >> now, the son of civil rights activists, who sessions prosecuted for voter fraud is coming to his defense. >> i don't think he's a racist. >> he's worked extensively with sessions, who was elected senator 20 years ago. >> when i talked to senator sessions about historical black colleges and trying to get historical black colleges assistance and funding, he list listened. i can go on and on about the particular irish yous that jeff sessions and i have discussed. >> susan collins was elected the same year. >> you don't agree with him on a lot of issues? >> we don't agree on a host of issues. >> she plans to introduce sessions at his confirmation hearing for attorney general. >> i don't know what happened more than 30 years ago, i do know the jeff sessions i have worked with in the past 20 years, i want a person of integrity and experience. and jeff sessions has all of those characteristics and qualities. >> sessions spent two decades in the senate fighting for conservative causes. did team up on a bill with this high ranking democrat. dick durbin was trying to reduce the penalty for crack cocaine, which was 100 times higher than powder cocaine, he saw sessions in the senate gym. >> we're putting our clothes on, getting ready to leave. jeff, give me a number. if you can't do one to one, i won't go for 100 to 1. what is it? it was 18. we agreed. >> durbin says he disagrees with sessions on most legal issues, which makes it hard to support him for attorney general. other democrat s sessions got t know in the gym agree. >> if he made you trade -- head of the trade representative, we'd be working together very well. you keep these positions on immigration, you keep these positions on civil rights and voting rights, it's going to be hard for me to support you. >> from democrats about bonding with sessions in the senate gym, he's part of the senate club, however, you could also hear from those democrats who know and like sessions, they are unlikely to vote for him, since they disagree so staunchly with him on issues that he would oversee as attorney general. >> thank you dana, we'll be watching, we'll be right back. if you're told you have cancer, explore your treatment options with specialists who treat only cancer. every stage... every day.... at cancer treatment centers of america. learn more at isjust wanna see ifa again? 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20170108 20:00:00

committed to replacing obamacare the same day it is repealed? >> cnn newsroom starts now. hello again. thank you for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. we have distressing new video from inside that ft. lauderdale airport. showing when the gunman opens fire in the baggage area. this video is difficult to watch. it is crucial in understanding the context of this shooting. this is a freeze frame, now, of what appears to be security camera footage, obtained by tmz. the man in the blue shirt is believed to be accused gunman, esteban santiago. we will play the video one time throughout this hour. it is silent. and it is security footage. and it is disturbing. pay attention to the left side of your screen, where the man in the blue shirt enters the frame. he is due in court. he is facing serious charges. all of them eligible for the death penalty, fred. >> boris sanchez. at ft. lauderdale airport. i want to bring in matthew haras and paul shmek. good to see you. your reaction to the video? >> i think to understand it, we have to two back to november 1st, 2013, when a gunman walked into l.a.x. terminal three, opened fire, proceeded through the checkpoint and got into the sterile area of the airport, which is not a good situation, because there's so much access at that point. law enforcement took some time to get on the scene. what we can see from the video, is baggage claim area is typically a very safe area. people come and go. people in that area, are typically happy. they just got off a safe flight. family and friends are there to welcome them. there are also shuttle buses and things of that nature in this area. it's difficult because of that 2013 incident, law enforcement, from the tsa, and public reports, was really putting pressure on law enforcement to put their resources at the checkpoint. and i think it's a perfect example where a vulnerability was identified that police can't be everywhere. >> matthew, how do you evaluate what we've seen. >> we deal with the reality of the condition. he shows a disregard. there's no regard for humanity. clearly, mental health. but nonetheless, cold and calculating. >> but it's confusing, too, because we don't see what precedes the imagery we saw. just the first couple of frames blending in. just seem leg to be like everybody else. >> paul, what do you see in terms of the vulnerabilities, that may be magnified as a result of this? >> the tsa has 20 layers of aviation security. it's from canines to protection. there's two layers that come to mind when i review that cctv or surveillance footage. he was on a death march, really. and what we have to look at, there's two layers that come to mind when i think about this. there's the intelligence layer, what did we know before he came to the airport? and the no-fly list, much more in depth where you would prevent him from flying. intelligence has a ceiling on what they can do in terms of stopping individuals like that from flying. and i'm sure as the days roll out, we'll hear more about what was known before he embarked on an airport. >> earlier, i spoke with the broward county sheriff, this is how he sees precautions to be tragedy often times to promulgate change. hopefully we see hard-core change here. something to change. >> thank you, gentlemen. appreciate it. we're also learning more about esteban santiago's past. assault charges involving a girlfriend, hearing voices in his head. and asking for help. dan simon traveled to santiagoss town in anchorage to learn more about his past. >> reporter: his troubles began after serving time in iraq, relatives say. esteban santiago spent ten months in the war-torn country. his brother said the changes in him were apparent. >> translator: they had him hospitalized for four days. and then, they let him go. how are you going to let someone leave a psychological center after four days when he's saying he's hearing voices. that the cia is telling him to to shoot someone. >> reporter: despite the interaction with santiago, he was not placed on a no-fly list. >> there had been concerns raised why he was not placed on a no-fly list. i want to be clear, during our initial investigation, we found no ties to terrorism. he broke no laws when he came into our office, making disjointed comments about mind control. >> reporter: why would someone who is disturbed get his gun back? the u.s. attorney in alaska says there's no legal basis to prevent him from having it. a judge would have needed to declare him mentally defective to deny him his second amendment rights. we're learning new details about the victims in the ft. lauderdale airport. most were on vacation. michael oehme of council bluffs, iowa, was about to go on a cruise with his wife. e was killed when the shots rang out in the area. his wife was shot in the shoulder and is expected to recover. he leaves behind one adulter. olga woltering, was also about to go on the cruise with her husband, ralph. according to wxia. the couple is from marietta, georgia, and had planned the trip to celebrate her husband's 90th birthday. he was not injured in the shooting. the wolterings were married for 64 years. and terry andres was a shipyard employ, in ft. lauderdale on vacation with his wife. the couple was celebrating andres' upcoming 63rd birthday, a friend tells cnn. an trace and his wife had been married for 40 years. he leaves behind two daughters. three other people injured in the shooting are in critical condition. we'll be right back. this is your daughter. and she just got this. ooh boy. but, you've got hum. so you can set this. and if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. because you'll get this. you can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. you'll know. so don't worry, mom. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. sign up for free today. isjust wanna see ifa again? my score changed... you wanna check yours? scores don't change that much. i haven't changed. oh, really? ♪ it's girls' night they said business casual. i love summer weddings! oh no. yeah, maybe it is time. maybe i should check my credit score. try credit karma. it's free. oh woah. that's different. check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit. in jerusalem, a horrific scene when a truck rams through israeli soldiers standing together after getting off of a bus. three cadets s s a and one offi was killed. the attacker may have been an isis sympathizer. the attack was caught on video. and a word of caution. the video is disturbing. the driver, not only plowing into the group of soldiers, he turned his truck around and then appeared to drive over some of the victims. israeli officials say it was over when the driver was killed. orrin lieberman is in jerusalem. how can you tell us about how the authorities are assessing this? >> reporter: this goes on to who knew this was taking place? in addition to -- i should say, police have made nine arrests, as part of the investigation. five are family members of the attacker, as you said, was shot and killed at the scene. i'll walk you back through what happened. about 1:30 p.m. local time. right along the walkway a particular walkway, not only for security forces and soldiers, but for pedestrians and tourists because it as a beautiful view of old city of jerusalem. a number of soldiers had gotten off of the bus as a tour, and that's when the attack happened. the truck driver drove straight for a group of soldiers getting off of the bus. and then, it seems he reverses his truck and drives back over some of the soldiers there. the horrible outcome is that four were killed. three women and one man. and a number of others were injured, all in their 20s. benjamin netanyahu who visited the scene and said, what they know fromty a tacker, us was from a nearby neighborhood, that the attacker was a supporter of isis. we hear from the police spokes pen pern saying there was no isis cells in jerusalem. but it points to a lone wolf attack. and that is what security forces are trying to pinpoint and figure out how to prevent from now on. how do you stop this attack from happening again? it's a struggle for forces here and in yurm, in particular. that's the focus as they try to figure out, was there advance notice? could they have prevented this one to better prevent the next one? >> are authorities revealing anything more about why they believe he was a supporter of isis? what's the impetus for that statement? >> reporter: little information about that. it was a statement from netanyahu when he said he was a supporter of isis. it surprised us because you don't hear about isis in israel, jerusalem or the west bank. as police pointed out, isis doesn't have a foothold here. it's not something you hear about. israel has quietly cracked down on isis supporters. people spreading propaganda or trying to fight for isis in syria. but it's not a major terrorist organization here. they don't have a foothold. and it's not something you hear about very often. and that's why we need to keep in mind the police spokesperson, when he said this is not new rye sis terrorist cell. there are none of those. and it's critical as they try to prevent the next from happening. turning a truck into a weapon is something we saw in berlin and niece, as well. devastating effect in all three incidents. coming up, the gop vows to repeal obamacare. president barack obama says if they have a better alternative, he would support it. can republicans come up with a cheaper and more effective plan? cheaper and more effective plan? we'll discuss, next. i discovered a woman my family tree, named marianne gaspard. i became curious where in africa she was from. so i took the ancestry dna test to find out more about my african roots. ancestry really helped me fill in a lot of details. parenthood. president obama says if republicans have a better plan, he's for repealing and replacing it. >> it is true, theoretically, all of the progress can be undone and suddenly 20 million people are or more tonight have health insurance. but as i think republicans now are recognizing, that may not be what the american people, including everyone trump voters, are looking for. and my hope is that the president-elect, members of congress from both parties, look at where have we objectively made progress, where things are working better? don't undo things just because i did them. >> joining me now is tammy lubey. would it be able to take advantage of obamacare and take care of costs with a repeal? >> it will be difficult. health care is expensive for everyone. obamacare has provisions that are intertwined, aimed at reducing the costs of health care in general. but republicans want to change the plans and give tax credits. but it remains to be seen how generous they make the new plan. >> the approach of repeal first, replace later, could bleed the health care system that all of us depend on. quoting him. what would happen to the economy if republicans do repeal obamacare without a plan to replace it? obamacare sends money to insurers and states. and this trickles down to hospitals and other providers. that trickles down to hospital workers and vendors and other people. there was a recent study that said, if key provisions of obamacare were repealed, 3 million could lose jobs. state and local governments can lose billions in taxes. health care is an important engine in our country. >> what you're underscoring, it's not just the people on the plan. but a lot of people who would -- who are either directly or indirectly involved in the plan? >> yeah. a lot of people think that obama care is only for people on the exchanges or people who are getting coverage through medicate expansion. a lot of people don't realize it has many tentacles. it made some revisions to medicare. used to have the doughnut hole, where seniors had to pay for prescriptions. seniors will pay less for prescriptions. now, everyone can get prescription -- everyone can get contraceptives for free and mammograms on the employer plan. people on the job have benefits, if they have cancer or hit by a car, insurance is not going to set a limit as much it will pay for the care. it's quite wide ranging. >> tami, thank you very much. next, a top aide for donald trump speaks out about russia's hacking of the u.s. election and its impact on the vote. plus, the red carpet is rolled out and ready for the golden globe awards. a live report from hollywood coming up. your insurance company [vo] quickbooks introduces he teaches lessons to stanley... and that's kind of it right now. but rodney knew just what to do...he got quickbooks. it organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands in an instant. ahhh...that's a profit. which gave him the idea to spend a little cash on some brilliant marketing! ha, clever. wow, look at all these new students! way to grow, rodney! know where you stand instantly. visit election. she spoke to jake tapper this morning and would not criticize vladimir putin. even after president-elect trump received a briefing from top intelligence officials, outlining the case for russian hacking. >> as he been persuaded that they carried out cyber campaign against hillary clinton and what is he prepared to do about it? >> he makes clear that russia, china and others, have attempted to attack businesses and organizations and others over time. he mentions the democratic national committee. that's why we're having this conversation. i don't want any of your viewers to be misled thinking that the kremlin and the republican party -- that they had -- the kremlin was dealing with any of the hackers and bringing that information back to moscow and somehow that anybody who allegedly attempted to influence our elections actually did. if you read the full report, they make very clear. mr. clapper in his testimony made clear on thursday, under oath, that any attempt, any aspiration to influence our elections failed. they were not successful in doing that. it is a very important point. we are talking about this because we had embarrassing leaks from the dnc e-mails. there were no fireworks because there was no firewall. rnc, there was an attempted hack on the rnc. but they had the sufficient firewalls in place. cnn's own reporting showed that the fbi asked the dnc to have access to its information, to its server and to the information. and the dnc refused to turn that over, according to cnn's report. >> this highlights the fractious relationship between russia and the u.s. president-elect trump vows to change that. jill dougherty explains what that could mean. >> reporter: donald trump has been tweeting about improving the relationship between the united states and russia. and together, solving a lot of the big challenges, the big problems that the world encounters. that, of course, is music to vladimir putin's ears because he has been saying all along, he wants the u.s. and russia to work together on things like fighting terrorism. but when you get down to the specifics, that's where the rubber hits the road. and it becomes more difficult. after all, previous u.s. presidents had said much the same thing. here's one example. the iranian nuclear deal. the united states and russia helped to negotiate that agreement. and both countries support it. but donald trump does not. does that put him in opposition to vladimir putin? it would appear that it does. unless he changes his mind. these are some of the details that make that relationship much more complicated. essentially, vladimir putin has defined what he believes are the interests of russia. and donald trump will have to do the same. what he believes are the priorities and the best interest for the united states. the question will be, will those interests align? jill dougherty, moscow. >> thanks so much, jill. confirmation hearings for president-elect trump's cabinet pick, that begins this week. and also this week, trump holds his long-awaited press conference. we'll discuss, next. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra... can be a sign of existing joint damage... that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for... heart failure, or if you have persistent... fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. youthat's why you drink ensure. sidelined. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. all right. a red flag being raised about the schedule of the confirmation hearings of president-elect donald trump's cabinet picks. those hearings are set to start this week. but the independent office of government ethics said several nominees have not been properly vetted. that's causing concerns among top democrats who say the rush to confirm is, quote, unprecedented. joining me to discuss this and other aspects of the trump transition, is cnn contributor, sale sale salena zito. also with me, errol lewis, ooh commentator for spectrum news. good to see you, as well. salena, you first. chuck schumer has accused the transition team to colluding through these hearings. is there any evidence to back that up? >> not that i know of. in 2009, when president obama took office, i believe -- i think i'm correct on this, on the same day he was sworn in, the day of his inauguration, seven of his cabinet members were sworn in. mcconnell and everyone else didn't like that. there was some moving around. the process is swift and you know, went pretty well. president-elect trump has, i believe, eight that are up for confirmation process. part of the challenge with trump's picks are that they are outside of the washington, you know, sort of set. right? so, they're outsiders. they have more complicated finances. and you know, they have more complicated entanglements, financial entanglements. but i suspect at the end of the day, this is all of these nominees are probably going to go through. mainly because they have the votes. >> potentially nominees have potential conflicts. that's why some on the hill have concerns. we understand that, you know, there are some nominees who are in question in terms of whether all of the paperwork has been filed. there's conflicting reports about this, by the way. john kelly, for dhs, betsy roth for the information of the ethics office to move forward on the confirmation hearings? >> it's a process. it's not just filling out a piece of paper and disclosing it to the senate. the idea is to have a process where people learn things about their own finances, their own conflicts of interest that they might not have known before. famously, there are nominees that discovered they had a quote/unquote nanny problem. and it was only through the vetting process they realized that somebody they had been paying to work in their home had supplied them with a fake social security number. that's what happened to bernie carrick when he was nominated for homeland security. you have a process that's supposed to, according to mitch mcconnell himself, by the way, in the past. he said, you should not schedule the hearing until the information has been given to the office of government ethics, has been delivered to the senate and that the senators have had a chance to look through it. that's what the process is supposed to be about. not simply, you know, voting for them just because it's inauguration day. >> if that's true, according to the senate democratic source that some of the people have not filed the proper paperwork, then, salena, you know, how unusual would it be if the democrats were to do this or there were some movement to say, let's delay some of the hearings or confirmation for some of the candidates until after inauguration? >> right. well, you know, the republicans hair would catch on fire if that would happen. and it was a democratic cabinet nominee. the ethics office is saying one thing. the transition team is saying another the we'll find out on inauguration day. i do know they are really preparing a lot of these cabinet nominees for some intense, you know, grueling questions, on the hill. these are people that have never, ever had their lives peeled back in the way that they do in these senate confirmation hearings. i know they are getting prepared. but you know, we are dealing with a different kind of cabinet. and it's going to be, probably, a different kind of process. >> meantime, errol, there's been many delays. there was a mid-december late. and the latest date is wednesday. and it happens to be the second day of the confirmation hearings. will there be a conflict here? >> we'll see. you know, we're talking about five months now. this is almost clintonesque if you go back to the last real press conference. i hope it would be a true press conference or not a gaggle or swift questions followed by departure. we have to hope it is not intended as a distraction, a bait and switch, where something is thrown out to grab headlines, while the real action is on capitol hill, where the cabinet nominees are being questioned. the transition team, you know, to their credit, they've acknowledged they're doing more work faster than they planned to because they didn't think they were going to win on november 8th. now that they are sort of the team that has to kind of put together a government, they have a backlog of questions. and every day they refuse to answer questions or to hold a press conference, i think the backlog got bigger and bigger. i hope that the reporters get a chance to throw out questions during this press conference. do a good and efficient job of getting to the heart of many, many of the conflict of interest questions and others that have been brewing for five months. >> and questions about conflicts within his own family. having family members working for him with the business dealings, et cetera. and then, the tax returns. donald trump promising that after elected he would reveal those. so, i'm sure he will be pepper ld with a lot of questions along those lines from reporters. salena, errol, thank you very much. coming up, one of trump's national security picks facing questions over plagiarism. kay file broke this story. we have details, next. family road trip! fun! check engine. not fun! but, you've got hum. that's like driving with this guy. all you do is press this, and in plain english, "coolant", you'll know what's wrong. if you do need a mechanic, just press this. 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(1940s aqua music) (burke) and we covered it, february third, twenty-sixteen. . . seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ president-elect's cab me picks, monica crowley has been picked for the detector of national communications. in her book what the bleep just happened found dozens of examples of plagiarism. that is almost identical -- senior editor of cnn's k-file andrew kaczynski. how many of incidents are we talking about of plagiarism? >> this is 60 incidents of plagiarism. it includes wikipedia, a lot of times we saw monica crowley taking, basically wholesale this work of other columnists, changes words, changing the tenses from have to has. and even throwing on some of the same conclusions of these people in their columns just in slightly different words. >> how did you find this when her publishers did not? >> a lot of the cases that she said existed in the stimulus were very obviously copied. something interesting we found was this big listing of things that were very outrageous that existed in the stimulus package were not listed in the stimulus package at all. when we went look for where these came from, a podiatrist, of all people dating back to 2004. basically the first example about tattoo removal was an example of the stimulus and the other 20 were from this podiatrist's website. so some. >> so some of the inaccuracies were red flags, have you heard from the trump team about this? >> the trump transition standing by crowley, they have basically said our article is a politically motivated attack. they actually cited this body of work as part of the reason for why she was hired saying, you know, this was her manifesto for taking back america. the publisher has oddly not issued any statement or responded to any of our e mail ors phone calls requesting comment and crowley herself has not responded either. >> and then we have several instances of plagiarism, including melania trump's convention speech. >> basically we have melania, e were a lot of people that have written a lot of words, for all we know, there could be a lot of examples like reporters and people like us are going to be looking into. >> andrew kaczynski, thank you very much. for more on andrew's article about crowley's credibility you'll find on we're back in a moment. with lubriderm. absorbs in seconds. moisturizes for hours. lubriderm. every body care. a nutritious formula with no artificial flavors. made specifically for indoor cats. purina cat chow. nutrition to build better lives. why are you checking i want to see if it changed. credit scores don't change that much do they? really? i'll take it! sir, your credit... is great, right? when was the last time you checked? yeah, i better check my credit score. here, try credit karma. it's free. alright, no more surprises. credit karma. give yourself some credit. ever tryou get hungry good, just thinking about it? at red lobster's big festival of shrimp, get your perfect pair for just $15.99. choose 2 of 6 new and classic shrimp creations, like bold new firecracker red shrimp. exploding with flavor? yeah they are. or try new creamy shrimp linguini, and new sweet bourbon-brown sugar grilled shrimp. flavors like these are big. and for just $15.99, they can't last. so hurry in. okay, just hours away now from the kickoff of hollywood's awards season. tonight it's the 74th annual golden globe awards hosted by jimmy fallon and rain in the forecast will cause some concern but it's clear skies now. stephany elam is live and dazzling for us on the red carpet. stephany, all swept um and coifed and everything. what's going on there? >> reporter: every now and then you got to clean up for tv, right? so it is great out here, fred, thank you, because it rained yesterday here in los angeles, and it's supposed to rain tomorrow, so it's actually quite warm. but right now they're getting, everyone is preparing, people are looking around us, people are taking their pictures, because we can still stand on the red carpet right now until celebrities get here. people are lining up, the fans are in the stands, a lot of people are hoping to see their biggest stars, and i don't know how many of these movies and shows you have seen, this is the biggest party of the awards show because folks get to eat and drink while they are there, watching the show, while the program is going on, and also the golden globes looks to offer the best of television and film, so it looks to see the hollywood foreign press, they are saying are the shows of 2016, that's what makes this one a little bit different than the other ones, a lot are talking about two movies in particular, la la land, and the same story from the drama side is moonlight. it also has a lot of nominations so people waiting to see how they do and how maybe moonlight measures up to manchester by the sea, which a lot of people are talking about those performances as well. a lot of people are getting in place, looking around. hairstyles should be okay. >> it's all about the hair and yours looks fabulous, i love it. i have seen nothing, so all those movies you have mentioned, i know them by titles, but maybe afterwards. it's been a busy year. >> it's hard especially when you're working and have kids, it's hard to go. >> lots of fun, we'll be watching this evening. the next hour of the cnn newsroom, begins right now.


now forced him to pull out. ifa if a player is feeling a certain way and, you know, what else if a player is feeling a certain way and, you know, what else do if a player is feeling a certain way and, you know, what else do we if a player is feeling a certain way and, you know, what else do we need to wait for for that to happen? i mean, today i injured myself. yes, i survived. i won the match, great. what will i be able to play the next one? i don't know. i don't know the severity of injury, but could this injury have been prevented? possibly. if, you know, if there was just a little bit more of a frequent care of the court during the set. that's basically all i ask for. lets talk to our tennis correspondent who is in paris for us. more details on that injury. we understand what novak djokovic thought about it yesterday, but what has happened since? it’s


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