BSE's Sensex dropped 742.06 points, or 1.14 per cent, to end at 65,675.93. NSE's Nifty50 shed 231.90 points, or 1.19 per cent, to end the day at 19,675.45 for the day
BSE's Sensex dropped 325.59 points, or 0.50 per cent, to end at 64,933.87. NSE's Nifty50 shed 82 points, or 0.42 per cent, to end the day at 19,443.55 for the day.
The Board of Directors of Igarashi Motors India Limited, at its meeting held today have approved the financial results of the company for the period ended September 30, 2022 - Q2FY23 and H1FY23.
Stocks owned by the idols of Dalal Street including Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, Dolly Khanna and Ashish Kacholia retreated up to 60 per cent amid the ongoing correction in the domestic equity market since October 19, 2021, when the benchmark equity index BSE Sensex scaled its all-time high of 62245.43.
Seasoned equity investors were busy in selective buying on Dalal Street in the December quarter when the domestic equity market witnessed volatility due to some outflows by foreign institutional investors (FII) and rising cases of the new Covid variant, Omicron.