Weekly planner for April 5-9
Durango, Colorado Currently Sun 1% chance of precipitation
Sunday, April 4, 2021 11:03 AM
Weekly planner for April 5-9
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Information and agendas about local meetingsCity of Durango: www.durangogov.org or call 375-5000.
La Plata County: www.co.laplata.co.us or call 382-6210.
Town of Bayfield: www.bayfieldgov.org or call 884-9544.
Bayfield School District: www.bayfield.k12.co.us or call 884-2496.
Ignacio School District: www.ignacioschools.org or call 563-0500.
Durango School District: www.durangoschools.org or call 247-5411.
La Plata County Board of County Commissioners radio interview with Four Corners Broadcasting, 9 a.m., submit questions to news@radiodurango.com.