be on the way out, john kelly, jared kushner and ivanka. the president is seizing the reins of his administration at a time when things are your piece on the iran deal as a point of disagreement among many people in the administration. is it personality or shalls what the president determines his cabinet, his administration will look like? it s hard to untangle the two. personality matters a lot with this president. we know clearly he did not gel with h.r. mcmaster. he thought his briefings were long winded and meandering. he had a great personal chemistry with mike pompeo that helped get him into the state department. personality matters a lot. you can t discount policy. this president has very strong views. while he does change his mind and tweets contradicting things, on certain issues, whether it s the iran deal, immigration or trade, he has very prescribed views and people have not been on board with those views have found themselves on the outs.
final decision. what gives republicans belief that this may not be the president s final decision? is it that they re looking at his flip-flops on immigration if the past? what is it? he seemed to suggest while working with the administration to try to fix this, that often has turned into a code around, okay, well we re having conversations with the president s staff who know where the republican party and the conservative orthodox on this really is. whether the issue is gun, immigration or trade. he wouldn t go so far to say they re touting the leadership different things behind closed doors than the president is saying in public. let s just say if the president s public statement was contradicted behind the scenes by his own advisers, i don t think it s the first time we ve heard that story. thank you very much. ? we ll come back and talk about another huge development this morning. north korea now saying it s
u into talking about this whole sort of uproar and really, the more that donald trump can stick to issue, especially going into this next debate, looking at immigration or trade, that s where he needs to be. the more he goes on these twitter tirades and attacks women, calling them liars and unattractive, that s not going to do him any good, especially when the people you need to drive out are female voters. he s got the male voter, certainly the white male vote e but they ve been targeting up into the the first, female white voters and that demographic is not going to him. the there s a poll this week, the atlantic had, that had donald trump and hkds tied amongst noncollege educated white female voters. that usually goes to republicans by 20 percentage points and the fact he s losing these, these tirades are not going to help. that brings up an interesting