Wild & Scenic Film Festival Join Friends of the Lost Coast for a virtual screening of the Wild and Scenic Film Festival, Saturday, November 6th at 5:00 p.m. The festival’s theme this year is ‘Resilient by Nature’ and this special online showing will feature 11 independent short films, curated to run for just under 2 hours. The range of films runs the gamut from scientists wading through alligator infested waters to discover which elusive creature pollinates the incredible Ghost Orchid; to following the life of Myrtle Simpson, a trailblazing explorer and mother who lived in a time when a “woman’s place was in the kitchen”; to celebrating diversity and creating accessibility to the great outdoors for people of all races. Holding the festival on-line makes it accessible for people to watch in the comfort of their home, from anywhere in the world. Tickets can be purchased at lostcoast.org, or you can attend a live screening at Gyppo Ale Mill in Shelt
a problem that now has the attention of and funding from the white house. u.s. attorney andrew lugar is spearheading the effort in minneapolis. if you were to boil down the solution how you re attacking this how would you describe it? the way the community described it to me. they wanted more community engagement by law enforcement, more mentoring through more job opportunities, afterschool programs, in-school programs intervention teams that grow out of the community working together at the early signs of radicalization radicalization. it s precisely what cartoonist mohamed akman is doing. you created a cartoon series basically, to try to fight isis propaganda. correct. the goal is to fight isis and al shabaab and boko haram. they re from the same ideology. if you go after one ideology and objective is to go ahead and