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Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240604 02:10:00

it's like watching national geographic the first beast to cross is going to get eaten. so everybody is like you go. >> i always forget when i do these monologues. >> it's pops the hell out me. you watch me watch the crowd trying to find who is going to be the one. young lady right there. in the black shirt did it. >> douglas, "new york times" if you wore a red hat that would be a dog whistle but actually saying kill whitey, give them a break. >> i would say about the dog whistle nonsense, if you hear the whistle you're the dog. they never take that into account. the "new york times" hears racism everywhere except in cases like this. this goes to show something i've often said about america.


Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240604 19:30:00

strong in. you know, this statement came out today from the dnc. tim scott wants to govern from the far conservative right as a proud member of the tea party and his extreme record proves it. are they nervous about even just incremental change in the black vote here? >> i think they are. honestly, if you look back to tim scott's history as just over the past couple years, he's been the target of very vicious and nasty attacks that are coming from the liberal left on twitter, coming from the dnc, coming from a lot of very prominent black liberals. right? so we're definitely going to see more of that. that statement that you read from the dnc was about the lightest that it's going to get. it's going to get nastier from here from tim scott from the lift. >> thanks, good. good to have you here. still ahead, our talk with john rich, country music star, is coming up and how judiciary chair jim jordan on the fierce battle that he's in with the


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240604 06:21:00

>> it's the super bowl pregame party on fox. join charissa and run for performances by jason derulo in the black michael strahan. sit down with ryan and the guys break down a big game sunday at 1:00 eastern on fox. jj never missed a beat day saturday. >> orderer edible come or come in store to get your back preparing for a presidential run and discus.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20230211

0 turns out 80% of nfl players have a sleep. number three . sixty smart bed to improve their energy and recovery. if i sleep only from sleep number. >> if i just stare at these mana payroll forms like business,ge payroll taxes will calculate themselves. >> write a note into a quick helps you manage your payroll taxes. cheers with one hundred percent accurate tax calculations guaranteed. >> good evening and welcome a to tucker carlson. tonight, you may remember a writer called michael crighton. he was a force in american entertainment. he was a novelist. pr a movie producer.od p turned out a ton of top films and best selling books. the andromeda strain, jurassic park, et cetera, et cetera. but he was also and this is let's remember, a political philosopher and a very wise one .talk i twenty years ago, before hn saeu died, michael crichton delivered a talk in sant th francisco about the climate crisis and he described climatem activism in that speecenh as the religion, not a political re, a religion for urban atheists, for peoplerban who rejected every aspeco rejetf judaism and christianity. climate activists hae acd, withd saying so out loud, created a religion. n all the features you would recognize in any conventional religion, they had their eden, which should be the world.settle >> beforrse the settlers arrive. they would have their originalu sievern because every religion s that. >> in their case, it wouldl revo be the industrial revolution. and because of that originalcomg sin, they believed a rapture was coming an enf d of times.lln and in their telling, the end of times was climate o catastrophe. so the only wanly to save sav yourself from this rapture, you from this end ofr times, wasin to renounce your energy sins. and embrace climate activism.imi sovist. s crighton identified b as a sign that religious beliefs are inherent. >> everyone has them, even atheists. you may not worship god , butt s you're going to worship something. and that's true. hit you arwell, not many political theories age. >> well, even over twenty years. >> but michael crichton's has his church attendance and self-identifieed faithd rels faith have fallen off a cliff in this country. f climthe cult of climate has gn even stronger. now, even as the united statesdh is warning that the world is ending unlessd is we pass the green new deal and legalized abortion until the moment of birt deal,h, joe n says climate changer pass the will destroy the world. , if you'd better pass the democratic party's agenda if you don't don't, you are joig the single most existential threat to humanity you've everep faced, including nuclear weapons. it's cod r e red watch. >> that's what climate change is about. s liit is literally, not t figuratively, a clear and present dangerh of. the health os f our citizens in our communities is literally at stake. sthe un's leading internationai climate scientists callcode the latest climate report nothing less than, quote, code r red for humanity. mak we say iint again, code red for humanity, making the largest investment ever, two point3 three billiobillios acn dollarsp communities across the country build infrastructuredesigned ths designed to withstand the full range of disasters we've beenlon seen up to todayg,. extreme heat, drought, h floodingur, hurricanes, tornadoes. >> so that's not science. t that'shat'. theology, but it'so politics. you'll note that joe biden said we're spending two pointes three billion dollars to fix it to , quote, help communitiesersw build infrastructure to withstand disasters. >> okay, two point three billiohen. where did that money go ?le no one ever asked. well, it turns out a lot of it went to something called the justice 40 initiative. it's calle initiatd a justice 40 initiative because 40% ofmon the money tax dollars goes toward combating something called environmental racism in disadvantagecommunities,d commu meaning predominantly latino, indigenous and african-americanf neighborhoods. in other words, thisfo is yet more federal funding that population based on their race,i excludes a majority ofeir race,i the population based on their race that's fully illegal. >> ander civil that is a crime l rights law, which you al gl agre is good. federal courts hav e already o blocked other efforts by the bush administration to do this y kind of thing.? >> i but this effort slipped through. whs climate.y does its climate ? you'd think the doj civil rights division would notice if we're spending hundreds of millions of dollars in a racially exclusive way against federal law. but the attorney general, the united states has no problem with it because the climate demands itthe cl consistent with the president's executive order on tackline crg the climate crisis at home and abroad. we are issuing a comprehensive, of environmental justice enforcement strategy. communitie colors of color,comm indigenous communities and lowue income communities often bear the brunt of the harm causede, by environmental crime, pollution and climate change. >> so, of course, there's no science or data behind any of nt those claims. but they're political slogans. they're completely made up. they'r it'g anyway. e not real,s happening anyway. >> so we're directing natural o disaster aid on the basis of colo >> that's insane.r, that's insae are hurricanes racist?hurric >>an i mean, here it is . are te may be bad, but are they racist? >> well, the media tellss yes, e yes, they are racist. >> decades ago, used to beason one or two a season. what happened now with climate change and these extreme warm waters, it's almose ti t it's happening all the time. >>pl this storm , in a way, is kind of bad news for the people that are still trying to deny climate change is a factor. florida republicans deny climate change as a monster storm barrels towards the coast. >> this will be a firsa first te test for how you adapt to these new , stronger storms on a on a warmer planet as a result ofe cn climate change. ge.the threat exacerbated, of course, by climate change. charleston, like miami, gets th' water that comes up on a goodclt sunny day. g wa that's climate change because water levels are rising. our earth is getting warmer. rme isi thinand there is just n, i think left that it is feeding these beasts. >> it's like eight people inf th a row who know nothing about anything. none of those people ares scientists or meteorology.or m or even effective weathermen. >> they're political actors and they're making it up. and we know that because turns r people keep tracrik ofknow hurricanes, their list of hurricanes. e in so we know there has been no increase, no increase in90 hurricane frequency in0 to the united states from nineteen hundred to twenty twenty one hundred and twenty years. in fact, the number ofrs. hurricanes has actually declinethof hurrid ovet century. and in that same period, deaths from hurricanes or other natural disasters have dropped by 90%t but it's a bigger threat now. desperate up by 90%. ave huma so maybe the goal isn't to save human lifeth. the mai >> maybe the goal is notreason to save the environment, which may be the main reason c allns the climate solutions destroy the environment. envirot whatever ignore the fac. in fact, the most accuratee fac. forecast suggests that hurricanes will become 25% less. frequent going forward.o on >> those are the data. no one cares about data anymore. we as well, where a cloth mask said fauci, even as he are privately admitted that cloth masks are useless to prevent the transmission of the covid shottransmis, kathy hochul told us standing in a pulpit because and we're quoting that's god once. i so once again, whatever this is , it is not science. relig >>io by definition, it's religion. but despite the fact the constitution prohibits the u.s. government from having a state religion that nows a st is our state religioatn and it'w also the religion of the media and the public health industry, dram over the past three years. reference so what happens next? well, as it happens, ws the have some reference points that give us clues. >> wheneveligir yoouu have a religious movement with no gor god at y the center, you have disaster. that's what marxism zealots wan want to punish people in punisthat's always been true. it happens around the world. still, shiite muslims regularly flagellate themselves all over the world. to commemorate the deaths death of muhammad's grandsongrng. l re you're seeinlig those imagesd or on your screen right now. at least that's a real religion. catholics in the time tested over a thousand years. catholics in the philippines sometimes flagellate themselves on easter weekend as a form of atonement. >>m they take their shirtss is and shoes off and whip themselves. you're seeing that right now. so clearly, this is a human impulse around the world. people self flagellar in the name of religious faith. in india, hindu yogis pierce their cheeks, spikes through their faces. >> this is pretty graphic, bute them these are people of faith.a fear we're not criticizing them. we're just saying this is a feature of religion. but at leastf there's a god at the center of it in the unitedte states . there is no god at the center of it. it means you're about to bthe of someone else's crackpotex g climate religion for example. the next time you go to the hospital for surgery, the doctor could very well tellt you can't really give you anesthesia. >> we'll tell you it'sn th necessary to pull back on clima the painkillers in the name of climate. we're i'm making t this up. by the way, doctors at the henry ford health system in michigan are now proposing to cut their carbon footprint by a tenth of a percennt by reducing the amount of anesthesia they give to patients. ally g >>oi for real, you will in thert for an appendectomy or any kind of medical procedure. >> and you're really going to suffer because the climate god demands itw . >> how far are we from like the mayan or aztec system? sysnot as far as we think. as one physician. and that system put it, quote, for a long time, there was a notion that the greenhouse prov settings was an inevitable and unavoidable cost of providing patien, t care. of thn but we've learned that reducing anesthetic gas flow is one of the many ways health care can lessen its contribution to the global warming crisis. >> that for a second, if you're trying to reduce your carbon footprint, if you really believe carbon was the main poison in our environment, which of cours you ie is not. rn >> but if you thought it was o getting rid of anesthesia,f or reducing the amount of c painkillers you give to people while cutting them with scalpels, wouldmtells wod o be the last thing you would do . a decade ago , researcherths inf anes germany suggested that reducings the amount of anesthesia giveno to patients would lower greenhouse gases and protecte te the ozone layer. so that was 10 years ago. and at the time, the idea didn't catch on right away because it's insane and dramatically increases human suffering, which we try to reduce because thisecause t civilization, after all. yea burst as civilization recedes, 10 years later, as hospitals inp the u.s. are suddenly deciding, wow, that's a great ideaeo, make their climate sins. we'rsi're on be on board. so the question is , again,s referrinthg back to the primitie religions that dominated this earth until pretty recently. admires the aztecs and every other human sacrifice orientedet religion. how long until these hospitals y decide that the best way s to reduce their carbon footprint is to make , thattheir patients go to sleep permanently? that's happening in canada. the government of canada hasove killed thousands and thousands of its own citizens, thousands n of them was carbon footprintspao of those people.f part o if it i don't out. >> but in the end, false religions wind up killing . people. >> if you're thinking to yourself, well, i just won't go to the hospital in germanyt h or detroit, that's not going to work because it's notthey the pacific solution that they're proposing. it's the wayd th kin they thinks kind of thinking is everywhere. now, it's not just in hospitals trying to reduce greenhouse emissions. joe biden's epa just announcedme a plan to , quote, eliminate nearly all greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by 20 50 . really, how are you going to do that since these people know nothing? about energy or engineering, they don't know anything aboutso anythinglution. e >> so their solutions are not likely to improve life here. so their new idea is to reduce so-called commuting miles increasthrough and quoting nown in and virtual engagement os. e in other words, they want youl to stay inside your house and not have physicaco otherl ct with other people. and while you're stuck insidee f your house, in the name of protecting the environment, don't think about using your gas stove or. your fireplace or woodstove ortr heating your place.e >> so what they're doing since covid lockdown's are over is continuing to encourage employers to keep their employees at homee to isolate people in their little pods .ss. make them powerless. and they're not doing thist good because it's good for the economy. obviously, e it's not good for the economy. they're doing it because i their religion demandst.. meltw it makes you look at that faceon melt meltdown a few weeks ago in a brand new light. what was that really about? t. so you're not allowed to get in. a seizure in the hospital and pretty soon you might not be able to go outsidse areowedee anymore. >> what else are you allowed ho to have then? even the climate crisis? well, how about no more heat or air conditioning or electricity or cars?in wearing leather or eating meates or having children all a our sii against the climate. >> so for you, it is insects,. t tap water and celibacy.'s >> that's a tough religion. eat even john the baptist got to eat honey and locusts. no more honey for you.f denial,e we're beyond self denial. we're in the next phase.e chairm >> vikram, a swami, is theo se founder and executive chairmanes of strib asset managemente're and sees the big picture of these ideas on our country.r >> and we're happy to havecoou vich. thank you so much for coming are on . so you'ry ratie, i would say, vy rational man. >> these don't seem like rational ideas. like there's no was ofy to just thisec on the basis of science r economics. i don't think there's anotherren explanation apart from religion. >> religion is absolutely anexpl explanation. tucker.anatioe is dirty little but here's the dirty littlethin secret about the climate religion. it haso with the nothing to do e climate and everything to do with making the westze for and america in particular, apologize for its success, which it viewsa as a sin. the and i can prove that to you. okay, as if it was about pla the climate, then this movement would care about shifting oil production to places likeed sta china, but somehow ite only attacks oil production inne the united states . and last time i checked, it was called global warming. you cas movemen take the hostilf this movement. the big myster y is actually it's hostility to nuclear energy, which would be the bestk knownon solution to mankind for carbon free energy production. even if you subscribe to this religion. and yet the hostility ofd cl the environmental and esg movementim and related climate , religion to nuclear energy reveals what's going on that might be too good at solving the problem where they no longer have the trojan horse for global equity.s soab that is what this is aboutz all the way downing , apologizig way of life. climate t asand using the climan just as a vehicle to accomplisha to do with the climate e goal. it has about as much to do t with the climate as the spanish inquisition had to do with , which is to say nothing at all.m it was actually just about power and exercising dominioncty over people. >> that's what this is . well, that's exactly right. but unlike other kooky religions that don't have centr anything to do with themal because they don't have centralized technological control over my life. this religion has more powers than any religiomon in history.r >> that's right. because it's merged with statern power to accomplish whatn it neither the religion nor the state could have on its ownt if it didn't get people to submit. and i think we're in thicasn' ar just blame the top down powers e that be , though those areve significant. but i think everybody's justwhat got to look at them, look inat the mirror and ask ourselves, oe what is that vacuum in kne our heart that causes us too want to bendbe the knee, to wank to be so submissive to this authority, to believe the kinds of things we would have never believed and talk about scientists, a famous mathematician and scientist was a hero of mine. b blaise pascal famously said that if yolazeu have a god sized hole in your heart, something else is going to fill that i hole. if god doesn't instead. and that's what this climate religion, it's preying on . vici it's a form of preying on ae victim. and the victimha not is us becaa have nothing greater to believe in anymore. we're battling our heas new d t new not religion. it's just a cult because atn wie least a cult religion has withstood the test of time. that's what this is , is a culte for the last thirty years. c >> it's really taken off as our commitment to country and god have disappeared. dis and that is one of the smartest observations i've heard. >> and i can't remember a longwi we need to look inside.side what is this vacuum inside b us that is allowing us to be prey to something like this? i think that's what i mean. that's so smart. they ramaswamy, thank you so much. >> great to see you.nne ba thank you.rr roseanne. the mos barr's one of the most famous actors on television, the stands up comedians really of all in t time. she starred foher nine years ina a show with her name on itnc and then she was canceled in a fairly spectacular way. she is back.a very she's an amazing person.d smar it turns out, in a very deep and smart person. she joins us nexd t intell stud. >> tell us what she's doing next. welcome to fox news live. i'm jackie ibanez in new york . a us military fighter jet shooting down an unknown flying object off the coast of alaska. national security council spokesman john kirby says it was deemed a threat to civilian flights. and president biden ordered it shut down. the debris landed over frozen waters and will now be collected for analysis. the latest intrusion comes less than a week after a chinese surveillance balloon was down off south carolina. and the fbi finding another classified document during a five hour search of former vice president pence's indiana home. agents also removed six records that did not bare classified markings. former president trump's lawyer also revealing friday they've recently turned over additional classified documents and an aids laptop to federal investigators. i'm jackie ibanez. now back to tucker carlson tonight for all of your headlines. you can always log on to fox news .com. are you guys having fun or are you here with your family? 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Transcripts for MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240604 23:17:00

visionaries, whether or not they're supportive of shifting the traditional police model more towards the public safety model, and in every count, chief davis has high marks on that. she's a past president of one of the largest public service organizations, black fraternal public service organization. she has immense experience and tremendous respect in the general law enforcement community, in particular in the black law enforcement community, and i think that's why we are at this point this early in this particular case. >> understood. and mark, when you see the description of this video, which is now slated for release tomorrow, which, again, i would observe as a factual matter undercuts what we've heard in other places where, oh, you have to hold the video back forever -- you alluded earlier to multiple accounts -- i have to says a journalist. we don't have the video yet.


Fillmore Marketplace 'In the Black' Set To Open In San Francisco Next Month | B95

A New Black Owned Retail Space Hosting 22 Black Owned Businesses Is Opening In The Fillmore In San Francisco!


Fillmore Marketplace 'In the Black' Set To Open In San Francisco Next Month | K97

A New Black Owned Retail Space Hosting 22 Black Owned Businesses Is Opening In The Fillmore In San Francisco!


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