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Transcripts For DW World Stories 20190420 13:15:00

khan is looking for his biggest professional victory fifteen years after winning an olympic silver medal. you're watching news live from berlin up next is world stories the weekend reports remember you can always get all the latest news on our web site that's dot com and like look at thanks for tuning in. coach a video. sure link to school in africa. or link to exceptional stories and discussions. of easy to our website deputed com smash click join us on facebook. for. water such as people fight for survival. is a dangerous. floods and droughts climate change become the main driver of mass migration you can write any kind of tricks not if you want them probably most of them to. the climate so this starts it thirty s. on t w. welcome to world stories. germany debates prenatal genetic tests. the philippines a muslim rebels take on the i.a.s. but first a columbia around the million people from neighboring venezuela have sought refuge there violence poverty and chaos. they face many problems not the least when it comes to finding someone to live. in this three story building owned by a colombian family in southern bogota houses ten venezuelan migrants they eat breakfast together on a quiet sunday morning. these people are among the two hundred thousand migrants who have come to the city in recent years since the city council provides few shelters the migrants only choice is to rent shared rooms with two or three other people most of the holy month we sleep here in the living room and it's a little uncomfortable sometimes sense meaning privacy but other than that it's good her landlady nogueira lives in the houses upper floor the colombian national decided to rent her rooms to venezuelan migrants in part to earn some extra cash. as moved by their situation the quality of life they had in that moment they have no place to sleep as some people would not rent to them or me and not want us but they're not as bad she tries to create a comfortable atmosphere with plenty of space to talk and laugh with her tenants and she even goes a step further. sometimes they call me their mom so i scold them when they do things wrong or when they don't go to work or pay the utilities i'm looking out for them. despite strict rules for cleanliness and order there's also sympathy for the migrants tough financial situation especially when bills are due. sometimes we are late with payments so we simply tell her look mrs no such and such is happening i don't have the full amount give me a few days and i will pay you and she understands. andras montana is a boba times real estate association explains how landlords are making money housing venezuelan's and rundown buildings. where many property owners have made a business out of renting or receiving payments making people pay a daily fee to spend a single night in a tenement. in. the so-called pug on the audio us or pain dailies only offer a bed tenants have no guarantees and risk getting kicked out it any moment nineteen year old luis works as a barber he barely earns enough each day to pay for his pocket the audio. to me this is like something for prisoners three bunk beds that means six people you don't have the privacy you want and you can never leave your valuables here. venezuelan migrants are at the mercy of fate if they don't encounter helpful colombians they risk being exploited and can only hope to someday be able to afford a place they can truly call home. germany has been debating whether to allow public sector health insurance to cover the costs of screening unborn children for genetic disorders such as down's syndrome is an emotional issue certain to provoke a lot of response we have this report. sophia is a year and a half old. an estimated nine out of ten women in germany decide to have abortions when they find out their unborn child has down's syndrome. and to sing was seven months pregnant when she got the diagnosis. of. i was scared i was worried i was also feeling a bit desperate i didn't know what to do i was still in the last year of my studies . but i had a lot of support and courage and because she was so active in my belly sophia also showed me that she wanted to live and she should be allowed to live even. the weeks that followed were difficult for ana who was also working as a geriatric nurse she read all about down syndrome which is a genetic disorder in which children are almost always born with physical and intellectual disability the doctor told her child would be born with a heart defect suddenly and a face the dilemma of whether to have an abortion. carolyn hennig a gynecologist counsels women who decide to have an abortion when they get a diagnosis of down syndrome she knows the pressure for all involved. as. there are so many factors to consider how old are my how stable is my relationship to my other children still need a lot of attention hennig says the blood test that detects down syndrome as early as ten weeks of pregnancy gives families time to make difficult decisions early on that's also important to ensure that mother and child are well looked after if the mother decides to have a baby. for an it isn't because she goes deeper. she says the blood test sends a message that society does not accept children like severe. i ask myself why. and if you then don't have to pay for the test these children will simply not exist. even though they're perfectly happy children who radiate joy and have so much love to give. the blood tests for down syndrome are already a standard procedure in denmark and france in those countries few children like sophia are born. in the philippines the island of mindanao was long been the scene of a power struggle between the christian and muslim communities not a filipino army on muslim rebels but joining forces in the bottle like against us terrorists. we are on patrol with the largest muslim rabbit group in mindanao the moro islamic liberation front or m.i.l.f. for decades they fought for independence tens of thousands were killed. but since the self-proclaimed islamic state burst onto the scene in two thousand and seventeen the muslim rebels have joined forces with the philippine army both sides feel threatened by us fight has now laying low. for the muslim minority strongly supports the m.i.l.f. only five percent of filipinos are muslims and almost all live in mindanao their areas are among the poorest in the philippines many here blame the christian majority government for their plight. we visit the military headquarters of the m.i.l.f. the government needs the rabbit support to secure a peace and to fight terror president roderigo to terror to has promised them a far reaching autonomy. the chief of staff isn't in uniform a sign perhaps of the shift from an insurgency to politics or the m.i.l.f. as seen defectors joining i as we ask in what might happen if the autonomy project goes badly our credibility daughter people really become diminished. the ice history of. the station. all the followers of the. doorway in there and the time that it will become bigger. he tells us that they will disarm up to thirty thousand fighters but only with full muslim autonomy. they are not. the men we will not do commission our forces and we will not give up our firearms which we promised to the government. this is what both sides are trying to avoid another marathi the largest muslim city of the philippines lies in ruins bombed out after a few hundred s. fighters had occupied mahratti for five months two years ago. more than one thousand people were killed. tens of thousands remain displaced. it was president to territory who ordered the bombing but he's also a strong supporter of muslim autonomy his former peace adviser tells us. it is a strong signal to the bad guys. around read this country i have been in the peace process under several presidents and we have. far as we have this time. but if the autonomy drive fails more disaffected muslims could join radical outfits in addition after the loss of their caliphate in syria and iraq more for n.i.s. fighters might also decide that mindanao is the new front. the sun flee it's small and it hurts but burrows on the skin and mostly affects the feet the sun flee is common in africa and it's believed well over two million people in kenya suffer from the parasites known there as jitters we want to kisumu to find out more. to read our pets to love going to school the best part is being able to concentrate on her lessons but that wasn't always the case the twelve year old speed used to be full of diggers tiny sand fleas that bar into people's bath lash causing burning painful legions. i felt terrible i couldn't play i couldn't jump i stretch myself mostly at night for a long time no see. other children at this primary school county still suffer from the minute parasite constant itching and severe pain makes it difficult for the infected students to walk and impossible for them to concentrate in class untreated figures can lead to deform claims gang green and fatal technics infections jagers are a wide spread of neglected health problem in africa official figures are hard to come by. in the schools here in consume almost a third of pupils on fact of what dick is it's not just the pain of the actual infection that's the problem but also the teasing and social exclusion by the other children the students here dipankar primary school have decided to do it differently instead they're helping each other across consumer students i know how scouts they actually changing the believe that having to give is a poor people's disease and to helping their school mates heal and instead of the traditional method of pulling out the fleas which is excruciating they're using a pain free technique where. we start with the ones who are severely affected and we wash their feet we put them in a second basin with fresh water and they stay there with their feet inside for five minutes. then the scouts wipe the whole legs of medicine and we asked them to sit in the sun while the plane. let me introduce the tickets treatment if notice a definite change in the student's performance school generally improved and this caught high in the national exams and seeing them heal and starting to play with each other that has made me happy as a health teacher i mean. the good treatment has changed the students' lives. and oh i love going to the river to fetch water i love to study and to play i feel better because i'm healed and i can play i can walk properly i can jump us well. a little. bit of the latest fashion in chocolate easter eggs. part of a special easter collection created by conception or by tom was called. to use his concept this year in order to control. modeled on designs by great means in fashion thanks kwikset easter creations. that seventy seven percent. are younger than six o'clock. and you know what all the seventy seven percent talk about. this edition all about how to empower women with a special look at south africa where limby sunstroke on a trip her box her. in sixty minutes long t.w.


Transcripts For DW Arts And Culture 20190725 17:45:00

we're off to a former slate mine in northern wales in our series underground europe to have balancing good time. germany's famous by avoid festival opens on thursday with a brand new production of the opera town hall is out the story of a failed minstrel cop between the hedonistic venus and the pure princess elizabeth is seen as an allegory of the classic romantic conflict between spiritual and carnal love but this production aims to prove that it's much more than just that. one point and the minstrel contest castle this is new production of record wagner's romantic opera takes among tea meteor approach videos open up a new perspective on the action. i'm going to fulfill our contest takes place on 2 levels you get close to the characters for example when elizabeth and time voice will reunite you see backstage the emotions this box for time horses opponents you see what effect these performances have you don't only see the consequences but also a kind of emotional as well as a very concrete backstage story. of concrete objects that story director to be as a has also incorporated the by rote festival theatre itself into his production inside the singer's fight over love and lust while outside tom has his weird artist friends set about occupying nevada in a temple proclaiming freedom of art in the good old atticus tradition. serial killer it's not about 2 conflicting concepts of love and life but rather about turn hoy's are reflecting on the role. art should the artist aim to praise the satisfied upper class by submitting to aesthetic rules or is art about something into twined with real life an artistic expression that really aims to change something in society that suspects that when wagner wrote time has run 1945 it was not yet clear whether he would go down in history as a revolutionary all as an established composer heroic tennis stephen gold has sung the role of tom who is a more than a 100 times but it's his 1st time in pyrite with a new production. so i was a little skeptic sometimes when a new concept is presented to me but i was just really i have to say within just one day of being here i was totally convinced to be as proud. in craft as production tom who is the lives out is supposed to total freedom with a group of outsiders transsexuals and little people until he realizes that this life too can be a type of prison it was clear right from the very beginning when we were doing the staging that i needed to reach out and try to come up with something less. angry and completely defeated it's a way of looking up myself. as a serious. part of my and our careers group. i'm a clown. i come out as a clown. by sending tom boys there and dinners together on a crazy road trip to be a scrub so has driven wagners tomboys into the present. a very exciting indeed and here to tell us more about what's going on in bio does my colleague melissa hall right welcome melissa and there's such an incredible culture surrounding the bible at festival tell us why it is such a big deal in germany yet the buy right fiscal house is like a temple for wagner love as in no other oprah house is the is the present so deeply anchored in the past is the theater the focus yet focuses solely on the work of ricard log i did still run by the wagner family the festival is run by his great granddaughter naturally mean of so there's a deep sense of history that i can imagine that if you're a director or a performer and you manage to rise up to this level in the opera world that's a challenge but it's also to perform them absolutely even takes years to get a ticket i've heard is that still the case and it takes like 3 or 4 years to get a ticket on real evil so and this is to be as cuts as debut in bio it as we heard there. as a director new production of tom has a tell us what's special about it. i think there's a lot of humor there and i was a lot the way he's using these multimedia devices i like the way he uses this film and i like i like this insight into what's happening in the scene within the characters between the characters i also like that they take over the fishtail house so i think that's quite there's a lot of you know that thing on my device yeah i mean it's not something that's particularly new in general seems that we've seen this. but i think he does it in a well in a good way. what received remains to be seeing. that it was very exciting yeah until later. fishville house is steeped in tradition and lot of the audience members that go there they have very clear ideas about how the should be how it should be performed how it should be sell and if they don't like what they see they're not hesitant in you know letting people know people have been booed off you know scenes like that have happened that tell us just quickly about town who was a himself played by american by the american tenor stephen gold yes stephen gold his from boston and yet he's one of the most one of the most sought after heroic tennis in the world today quite an expert on wagner he's an expert on wagner he made his debut in 2004 playing tom who is a. yet at the festival in 2004 he actually started as a musical singer so he did like he did i think 8 years of phantom of the opera before really moving really moving into such an interesting transition indeed conductor valery givens also there for the 1st time everybody environment like that likes a good contra caesar that it that'll be interesting by what festival is on until august 28th i believe the editor of production for a feast for wagner fans thanks very much melissa for those insights. well even though royal titles were abolished at the start of the weimar republic prince of prussia wants his royal heirlooms back the great great grandson of germany's last kaiser and the 2nd has filed claims for the return of part of the families the state including a permanent right of residency at a palace in pottstown on the state of brandenburg wants to hear nothing of it and here's why. there's a lot more evidence of the city's prussian past then these days since germany decided to go ahead with the rebuilding of the whole. relations between the former noble family and the german state not so good this is the great great grandson of germany's last kaiser the 2nd. prince of russia is the current head of the family his dispute with the authorities about former family properties has recently escalated the prince is demanding free use of the sicilian palace which has just completed a 10000000 euro. policy is to keep these places open to the public residents' rights were right of use would be incompatible with this. but that's not all the hohenzollerns are also demanding furniture library holdings and even old masters. in the weimar republic the horn solon's were awarded properties palaces and cultural artifacts but after the 2nd world war the russians classified the hohenzollerns as war criminals and confiscated their properties it's mostly these properties that are the subject of the ral the hohenzollerns did indeed play a jew vs role in the weimar republic vilhelm was a nazi party and a member and a big fan of adult hitler crown prince vilhelm didn't join the nazi party but called on people to vote for hitler and posted that he had added 2000000 votes. most historians agree that the hohenzollerns helped bring the nazis to power but the family is now just puting this with good reason since 1904 parties who significantly pushed the nazis are not allowed to receive compensation talks between state bodies and the whole insulins went on for 4 hours. so if i am confident we came step closer to the common goal of both sides to reach an agreement that satisfies both sides. is the i'm storing in the matter of the syrian powerless and out of court settlement might now be possible the whole in silence. or keep an eye on that well for our serious underground europe we head to northern wales where a vestige of the country's once thriving slate industry has been repurposed in a very original way the slate caverns west of shrewsbury now house tour anian playground with a labyrinth of trampoline offering families what they call the ultimate underground adventure. this part of north wales near the snowdonia national park is famed for its picturesque. and. the surface however. is a different kind of attraction the biggest underground trampoline world wide cold. before visitors can try it out they have to do on safety training overall and a helmet. wondering. what the darkness yeah and this may mean it's going to be negotiating dark i guess again. luckily i'm not claustrophobic real looking forward to see or i don't mean the government into what it looks like no but. it's. worth going from one live to. see it. now there's no turning back after a short ride on an old morning train they arrived at the cavern and the underground trunk early. there are 3 trampolines on different levels joined by a long tunnel sawing it's all contained in this cabin which is 60 meters long and 35 meters high the operating company running it specializes in unusual attractions . it's lots of different people. fred to the copay came up with a concept we want we want something unique which we are free i feel we have it so it's of the world 1st also we will we wanted some fit all around all of this inside so i'm sure all the around it's a cool 8 degrees celsius but everyone as soon warmed up and they can jump and bounce to their heart's content. i look like great fun that does bring us to the end of the show but don't forget that you can go to our website anytime for more arts and culture news so for myself and the team here in berlin all the best you hopes new again next time but i don't choose. to. tell that because. the primates camisole of the world. you go to those people a foreign national hawk is hidden deep in the jungle. its range is ensure the survival of time time the creature. concept for success in cutting tourism. 90 minutes. in the sun something nice for him fires came from jurors or dealing with a name that i killed many civilians i mean darshan coming including my father one thing sometimes i was a student because i wanted to build a life for myself like these totally a sudden my life became knowledge kind of song. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for mines. robots come 1st during the development phase 1st spotted what's going to happen when they come along. will shamans and machines be able to peacefully co-exist before are we on the verge of a robot collapse if we just bumble into this totally unprepared with our heads in the sand fusing to think about what could go wrong then its 1st face it is probably going to be the biggest mistake in human history. artificial intelligence is now spreading through our society this just the beginning of a golden digital age for the be subjected to continuous state surveillance cookie on look experts be able to agree on the guidelines or will this technology create deadly new autonomous weapon systems so for. playing. a robot collapse starts august 14th on t.w.


the dead on the way # the path in the rain, in the sun, won't gleam # and the ground is made with death and decay # and an echo of the ones who've walked before me # and joy for the ones who've walked beside me, hmm # and the beech is lifting me # ash is reaching me # wind is holding me # time is folding me # under the trees # down through the lea


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Context 20240604 20:03:00

let's get the very latest, our correspondent helena wilkinson is in the newsroom. perhaps you can start by talking to me about the sun reports tonight because the early copy dropped an hour ago and because the early copy dropped an hourago and in because the early copy dropped an hour ago and in that copy there are comments from the person of the young person involved. yes. comments from the person of the young person involved.— comments from the person of the young person involved. yes, the sun has published _ young person involved. yes, the sun has published a _ young person involved. yes, the sun has published a story _ young person involved. yes, the sun has published a story tonight - young person involved. yes, the sun has published a story tonight a - has published a story tonight a response saying that they stand by the story that they published in terms of the allegations that they printed over the weekend that have dominated the headlines over the weekend and today and probably in the weeks to come. in the sun article on their website night the mother of this youngster says it is sad but we stand by our account and we hope they, referring to her child who is now 20 years old, get the


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Napoli 20240604 19:32:00

the one which, in the sun, smells of the salt of its sea, naples. the polychrome naples. the melancholic and syncopated naples of liberato. naples. the popular. the naples of diego. the city owned by its people. which usually loses, but occasionally manages to win. on may 4th, napoli secured the european championship with a draw at udinese, a first serie a title


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom 20240604 14:04:00

accusations includes whatsapp message showing hunter biden in exchange with the chinese businessman demanding payment. in it he wrote tell the directo that i would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand and now means tonight. i will make certain that betwee the man sitting next to me and every person he knows my abilit to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following m direction. sitting here waiting for the call with my father. president biden has maintained he was never involved in the sun 's business the white house has yet to respond. >> i'm very proud of my son. >> this was part of a release from republicans in the house


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240604 22:44:00

>> this is just not what memorial day week here in myrtle beach should look or feel of her normally very behind me would be filled with people all over the pool in it when seeking other place in the sun, on the beach, that is not just happens a bar this weekend. we have a gale warning that has been in effect for most of the day because of the high wind. we've been battling brain charts off and on that are going to continue here for most of the night. by the way it is just chilly as well. we barely climbed out of the 50s. for those people trying to walk the beach and has been aptly jacket weather, sweater weather to walked on the beach today. we understand the high surf as well the coast guard station out in savannah had to perform a rescue late friday rescued three people up the boat capsized they are all said to be in good condition. meanwhile the resorts and many people have traveled here having to make alternative plans. the resort where we are seeing now tells me the setting up indoor activities for the kids movie nights, things like that. myrtle beach had playing indoor attractions the frames in their


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Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 15:12:00

at alternative evacuation routes, including port sudan. that is the latest from the prime minister's spokesman at downing street. more on that here through the course of our programme. but let's turn from the situation from sudan to the breaking news of the last hour, that the singer and civil rights campaigner, harry belafonte has died at the age of 96. he came to fame in the 50s as a singer and started working with martin luther king during the civil rights movement. 0ur correspondent looks back at his life. filth. rights movement. our correspondent looks back at his life.— looks back at his life. 0h, island in the sun. _ looks back at his life. 0h, island in the sun, willed _ looks back at his life. 0h, island in the sun, willed to _ looks back at his life. 0h, island in the sun, willed to me... - looks back at his life. 0h, island| in the sun, willed to me... harry belafonte _ in the sun, willed to me... harry belafonte was _ in the sun, willed to me... harry belafonte was called _ in the sun, willed to me... harry belafonte was called the - in the sun, willed to me... harry belafonte was called the king i in the sun, willed to me... harry belafonte was called the king of| belafonte was called the king of calypso. he was born in new york, but his sound was caribbean. from


Transcripts for BBCNEWS HARDtalk 20240604 22:51:00

itself is one of the most powerful, well resourced elements in british society and that privacy is actually important to protect the individual in britain, often not well resourced at all, against the abuses and the excesses of the british press, of which we have seen plenty in the last decade. well, you'd think so, but in terms of invading privacy in the way we've heard some tabloids do... egregious acts by tabloid newspapers. all right. think ofjimmy savile. just think how he, for years... a well—known tv performer, for those not in the uk. ..using bbc offices to abuse children. but, of course, was the british press to blame for not exposing him? they knew about it, of course. articles were written in the sun and the mirror between 1994 and 2008, and yet they couldn't be published


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