Indian Police Force, directed by Rohit Shetty and Sushwanth Prakash, has started streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Early reviews are overwhelmingly negative, criticising the series for its poor story, screenplay, acting and dialogue.
Shilpa Shetty, who is set to star as a cop in Rohit Shetty's maiden OTT series Indian Police Force, said she would love to have a scenario where women in India can also portray characters like Gal Gadot and Scarlett Johansson do.
"That s so crazy & intense.. so much hardwork blood sweat all gonna pays off.. we are super excited for #IndianPoliceForce," a fan commented. "Proud of you," another one wrote. Indian Police Force , which will be out on Amazon Prime, aims to pay an ode to the "selfless service, unconditional commitment and fierce patriotism of our police officers across the country." Indian Police Force: Sidharth Malhotra Gets Bruises While Shooting Action Sequences for Rohit Shetty’s Cop Series in Goa.