25/05/2023 - CANNES 2023: The ambitious three-year initiative, backed by Horizon Europe, aims to empower and transform the film industries of seven small European countries
25/05/2023 - CANNES 2023: L'ambiziosa iniziativa triennale, sostenuta da Horizon Europe, mira a potenziare e trasformare l'industria cinematografica di sette piccoli paesi europei
CANNES 2023: The ambitious three-year initiative, backed by Horizon Europe, aims to empower and transform the film industries of seven small European countries
23/02/2023 - BERLINALE 2023: The deliverables of the EC-backed study include toolboxes for green innovation and IP management, a European industry skills report, and the piloting of new business models
BERLINALE 2023: The deliverables of the EC-backed study include toolboxes for green innovation and IP management, a European industry skills report, and the piloting of new business models