"No surprise," said Ipek Ozkardeskaya, senior market analyst at Swissquote Bank in Switzerland. "Devil will be in the press conference: will the ECB keep its hawkish stance despite easing inflation and deteriorating economic outlook, or will the bank soften its hand?" This arrives just as the U.S. Federal Reserve left interest rates unchanged on Wednesday but signalled increases totalling at least half a percentage point by the end of this year. The euro STOXX volatility index, an equivalent of Wall Street's so-called fear gauge VIX, fell briefly to its lowest since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic in 2020.
Informa plc (OTCMKTS:IFJPY – Get Rating) declared a dividend on Wednesday, May 31st, investing.com reports. Investors of record on Friday, June 2nd will be paid a dividend of 0.1504 per share on Monday, July 24th. This represents a yield of 1.22%. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, June 1st. This is a boost from Informa’s previous […]
Stock Analysts’ updated eps estimates for Friday, May 19th: British Land (LON:BLND) had its overweight rating reissued by analysts at JPMorgan Chase & Co.. They currently have a GBX 505 ($6.33) price target on the stock. Tritax EuroBox (LON:BOXE) had its overweight rating reissued by analysts at Barclays PLC. Burberry Group (LON:BRBY) had its equal […]
Informa plc (OTCMKTS:IFJPY – Get Rating) was the target of a significant decrease in short interest in the month of April. As of April 30th, there was short interest totalling 5,000 shares, a decrease of 43.8% from the April 15th total of 8,900 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 8,200 shares, the days-to-cover […]