at the same time some of the information that we do collectj information that we do collect even information that we do collect even if information that we do collect even if it information that we do collect even if it is information that we do collect even if it is from information that we do collect even if it is from social- even if it is from social media, even if it is from social media, we even if it is from social media, we take - even if it is from social media, we take that. even if it is from social- media, we take that owners do not share media, we take that owners do not share that media, we take that owners do not share that with media, we take that owners do not share that with them - not share that with them because not share that with them because it s not share that with them because it s amplifying l not share that with them - because it s amplifying further that material because it s amplifying further that material that because it s amplif