Psnow on the way tomorrow pmorning. Pthis is going to be a weaker psystem. Pbut it is another front. Pand then the thing that peverybody is going to be talking pabout in the forecast, all of a psudden we get much warmer here pon friday. Pbut it is going to come with pvery windy conditions. P31 akroncanton. Pa little chilly. Pnot a lot of wind with this psystem. Pand it was that heavy wet snow pthat stuck to everything. Pmade for a Winter Wonderland out pthere. Pwere at 31 downtown cleveland. Pwest wind at 10 moils iles an hour. Phere is the forecast through the pnight. Pit looks like well hold steady paround 30. Erhaps slipping into the mid p20s in downtown cleveland. Pand there you see when we get to p7 00 a. M. , a little light snow pon the way. Pit will be less than an inch of paccumulation. Pa lot of changes coming up in pthe seven day forecast. Pill have that for you at about p4 15 with all of the details. Pmark, romona, back to you. P now lets continue our team pcoverage today on