downgraded shares of Natural Health Trends (NASDAQ:NHTC – Free Report) from a buy rating to a hold rating in a research report report published on Saturday. Natural Health Trends Stock Up 0.3 % Shares of NASDAQ:NHTC opened at $6.92 on Friday. The firm’s 50 day moving average price is $6.57 and its 200 day […]
Natural Health Trends Corp. (NASDAQ:NHTC – Get Rating) was the recipient of a significant decline in short interest in May. As of May 15th, there was short interest totalling 30,300 shares, a decline of 17.0% from the April 30th total of 36,500 shares. Currently, 0.4% of the company’s shares are short sold. Based on an […]
Natural Health Trends Corp. (NASDAQ:NHTC – Get Rating) announced a quarterly dividend on Monday, May 1st, Zacks reports. Shareholders of record on Tuesday, May 16th will be paid a dividend of 0.20 per share on Friday, May 26th. This represents a $0.80 annualized dividend and a yield of 14.10%. The ex-dividend date is Monday, May […]