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Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181025 05:02:00

the last straw some plastic items could be on the way out in the e.u. including drinking straws as the european parliament votes to ban certain single use disposable products from. the u.s. fed is normally seen as the caretaker of the u.s. economy but now it seems to have made an enemy in a high place the white house. also ahead under-investment in a bad harvest take their toll on cuba's sugar industry deila nation turns to imports for the first time. i'm stephen beers limber lead welcome plastic may be cheap for producers but it's become an environmental menace now the e.u. parliament has voted through a ban on a range of single use plastic products environmentalist say it can't come soon enough. the mountain of waste on land and waterways and seas continues to grow the e.u. currently recycles only a quarter of the twenty five million tons of plastic waste it produces annually now european lawmakers say urgent action is needed to tackle the problem you need to yeah eight billion tons of plastic produced in less than sixty five years six billion tons of waste the figures speak for themselves more than four billion tons for europe alone all oceans have become dust bins and they are dying on the plastic accounts for more than eighty percent of marine waste and slow decomposition means that traces are often found in marine life as well as the seafood that ends up in supermarkets under the proposal ten single use plastic products would be banned directive aims at banning certain single use plastic products with alternatives that ideally available and affordable as it is to case for cooking but sticks bellows ticks cut thirty plates straws and still is welded is no do you know tentative material to plastics directives goal is to significantly reduce the use this will apply to cups and lids food containers and very light. the parliament must now hold talks with member states on the final rules to be adopted. if they agree next year the legislation should go into effect by two thousand and twenty one. shares on wall street were slammed in the final minutes of trading with the dow jones shedding more than six hundred points racing gains for all of twenty eighteen disappointing earnings reports fueled a sell off also in the background was a brewing fed controversy with u.s. president donald trump once again riled up over the fed signaling further interest rate hikes trump called the fed the single biggest threat to the american economy it's not the first time the president has attacked the fed and its chairman jerome powell for sticking to its own monetary policy. and here to shed more light on this is young's quarter our financial correspondent new york yes the president has of course targeted fed chairman powell in the past about rate hikes and he was being criticized for it so why does he keep doing it. yes actually the president increased the pressure here on wednesday when he is saying that he has the feeling that jerome palls of the fed chair seems to be happy each time that he increases interest rates well donald trump often in the past has fame to himself for being responsible not just for the good economy but also that stock markets are going from one record to another and now that stock markets are under heavy fire here on wednesday for instance blue chips lost by more than six hundred points or the nasdaq composite lost by more than four percent or so of donald trump claims that the federal reserve was those interest rate increases is the guilty party here for the heavy selling pressure on wall street so yes does the president maybe have a point there that. that is the fed wellington certainly when. well certainly i mean when interest rates are increasing then it can be a damper on the economy and actually that is also one reason why the fed increases interest rates to prevent an overheating of the economy or to prevent inflation getting out of target the so in that respect the president is not entirely false but the big question is not that the federal reserve is increasing interest rates where why and one big reason are the huge tax cuts from u.s. president donald trump that just would lead to inflation tendencies i'm here in the united states so he's not entirely wrong but actually he's the one who sort of put the federal reserve under pressure to keep interest rates rising so fears of an overheated economy there are there for us in new york thank you yes. more bad numbers for germany's biggest lender reporting a sixty five percent drop in year on your profit for the third quarter leadership says it needs time to right the ship but investors remain impatient and bank shares have fallen forty one percent since the beginning of the year in a letter to employees c.e.o. chris young savings said georgia is on track for its first profitable year since two thousand and fourteen once one of europe's leading financial institutions has struggled since the financial crisis. the european parliament has also agreed on that use twenty one thousand budget paving the way for final negotiations with member states lawmakers want members to fund one hundred forty nine billion euros in spending a bit more than governments had agreed to the plan preserves job creation schemes and add seven hundred million euros for education and youth employment programs. for the final budget will resume mid november. i tell you deputy prime minister matteo salvini says his government won't budge on its twenty one thousand budget despite e.u. demands he says italy no longer wants to be a quote servant to silly rules brussels rejected rome's draft proposal and has demanded a revised spending plan within three weeks credit ratings agency moody's has downgraded italy to a notch above junk status pointing to the country's significant debt load. now italy's planned budget includes a citizens wage the basic income scheme is aimed at pulling the poorest italians out of poverty but it will cost ten billion euros and is likely to drive up debt. inside a job center in a poor naples neighborhood dozens of people are filling out the same form. a team of five employees helps them but they use paper clips and piles of folders more than computers. soon the job centers will be launching a new welfare policy but no one's explain the details to local officials but. the overall seat by three we've met two or three times and labor minister luigi di maggio asked us to explain our difficulties that but every region has different problems look at these it didn't explain anything about the basic income scheme or how it will be implemented in the job centers i mean got a. bit on the basis of the outside money while they says he has no hope that jobs and i will find him work in the end it was the same for my father he was signed up here for more than thirty years and never received a phone call never. mind she was actually the unemployed greengrocer gets only a few hundred euros per month but under the new scheme his benefits will be much more generous up to seven hundred eighty euros per month. the government plans include investing large sums into modernizing job centers which will verify that recipients are actively looking for work. but currently only three percent of job seekers find employment with the help of the centers. the new policy is designed to lift five million italians out of poverty it's part of italy's proposed big spending budget aimed at boosting private consumption economic growth and tax revenues. but if the scheme fails some observers warn it could trigger another euro zone financial crisis. on to cuba which used to be a world leader in sugar production it once accounted for seventy five percent of cuban exports for the first time the communist nation is turning to imported sugar from as far away as france behind the shift is under investment and unpredictable weather. feliciano viro quickly noticed the curious turn of events when produced from kane as in cuba sugar tends to be brownish but the french version comes from beets and is white. and is on the sugar that has now been arriving is good it's very sweet and not very different from cuban sugar the main difference is the colors of. cuba sugar industry was once the flagship of the arms up of cultural exports fidel castro cutting sugar canes after the revolution illustrated the france importance to the nation. the soviet union used to buy most of cuba's sugar after the fall of communism in europe trade figures dwindled as did investments in seeds and fertilisers. more recently last year's hurrican devastated large parts of the country the subsequent harvest was one eighth of the size of nine hundred ninety. yeah. there's a lack of resources and a lack of money but i believe that there are also structural and organizational factors so the software that what it was. and most of what does get harvested has to be shipped abroad mostly to china due to longstanding contracts. to meet domestic demand forty thousand tons of french sugar were imported in the second quarter alone symbolizing a broader change sugar is no longer cuba's long flying. tourism and remittances from emigrants on now the major driving forces of the ons economy. and that's your business report i'm stephen beard thanks for joining us. now to. review. the touch. we've. we've. we al. fake hair and real starry. where i come from a lot of women like me have fake hair sometimes the hair style takes up to two days it's a lot of time that needs to be filled so people at the salon talk about what's happening in their lives. i became a journalist to be a storyteller and i always want to find those real authentic stories from everyday people who have something to share. with all of us i must find at the salon i know a good quality here when i see ads and a good story when i hear it it's my name is elizabeth and i work at steve's. woman in fighting for the case to be taken seriously in the world of work here's


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181024 23:02:00

the last straw some plastic items could be on the way out in the e.u. including drinking straws as the european parliament votes to ban certain single use disposable products. the u.s. fed is normally seen as the caretaker of the u.s. economy but now it seems to have made an enemy in a high place the white house. also ahead under-investment in a bad harvest take their toll on cuba's sugar industry the island nation turns to imports for the first time. i'm stephen beard limber len welcome plastic may be cheap for producers but it's become an environmental menace now the e.u. parliament has voted through a ban on a range of single use plastic products environmentalist say it can't come soon enough the mountain of waste on land and waterways and seas continues to grow the e.u. currently recycles only a quarter of the twenty five million tonnes of plastic waste it produces annually now european lawmakers say urgent action is needed to tackle the problem. you need to yeah eight billion tonnes of plastic produced in less than sixty five years six billion tons of waste the figures speak for themselves more than four billion tons for europe alone all oceans have become dust bins and they are dying on the plastic accounts for more than eighty percent of marine waste and slow decomposition means the traces are often found in marine life as well as the seafood that ends up in supermarkets under the proposal ten single use plastic products would be banned directive aims at banning certain single use plastic products with alternatives ideally available and affordable as it used to case for him but sticks bellows sticks cut thirty plates straws and still is welded is no do you know tentative material to plastics did a addictive the goal is to significantly reduce the use this will apply to cups and lids food containers and very light. the parliament must now hold talks with member states on the final rules to be adopted. if they agree next year the legislation should go into effect by two thousand and twenty one. shares on wall street were slammed in the final minutes of trading with the dow jones shedding more than six hundred points erasing gains for all of twenty eighteen disappointing earnings reports fueled the sell off also in the background was a brewing fed controversy with u.s. president donald trump once again wild up over the fed signaling further interest rate hikes trump called the fed the single biggest threat to the american economy it's not the first time the president has attacked the fed and its chairman jerome powell for sticking to its own monetary policy. now here to shed more light on this is us court our financial correspondent new york yes the president has of course targeted fed chairman powell in the past about rate hikes and he was being criticized for it so why does he keep doing it. yeah actually the president increased the pressure here on wednesday when he is saying that he has the feeling that your own policy of the fed chair seems to be happy each time that he increases interest rates well donald trump often in the past has fame to himself for being responsible not just for the good economy but also the stock markets are going from one record to another and now the stock markets are under heavy fire here on wednesday for instance blue chips lost by more than six hundred points of an as they composite lost by more than four percent of donald trump claims that the federal reserve was those interest rate increases is the guilty party here for the heavy selling pressure on wall street so yes does the president maybe have a point there that. that is the fed wellington's that when. well certainly i mean when interest rates are increasing then it can be a damper on the economy and actually that is also one reason why the fed increases interest rates to prevent an overheating of the economy or to prevent inflation getting out of target so the so in that respect the president is not entirely false but the big question is not that the federal reserve is increasing interest rates where why and one big reason are the huge tax cuts from the u.s. president donald trump just need to inflation tendencies i'm here in the united states so he's not entirely wrong but actually he's the one who sort of put the federal reserve under pressure to keep interest rates rising so fears of an overheated economy there are there for us in new york thank you yes. more bad numbers for deutsche bank germany's biggest lender reporting a sixty five percent drop in your own your profit for the third quarter leadership says it needs time to right the ship but investors remain impatient and bank shares have fallen forty one percent since the beginning of the year in a letter to employees c.e.o. christians a ving said georgia is on track for its first profitable year since two thousand and fourteen once one of europe's leading financial institutions has struggled since the financial crisis. the european parliament has also agreed on that use twenty nine thousand budget paving the way for final negotiations with member states lawmakers want members to fund one hundred forty nine billion euros in spending a bit more than governments had agreed to the plan preserves job creation schemes and add seven hundred million euros for education and youth employment programs goshi asians for the final budget will resume mid november. italian deputy prime minister matteo salvini says his government won't budge on its twenty one thousand budget despite e.u. demands he says italy no longer wants to be a quote servant to silly rules brussels rejected rome's draft proposal and has demanded a revised spending plan within three weeks credit ratings agency moody's has downgraded italy to a notch above junk status pointing to the country's significant. now italy's planned budget includes a citizens wage the basic income scheme is aimed at pulling the poorest italians out of poverty but it will cost ten billion euros and is likely to drive up debt. inside a job center in a poor naples neighborhood dozens of people are filling out the same form. a team of five employees helps them but they use paper clips and piles of folders more than computers. soon the job centers will be launching a new welfare policy but no one's explain the details to local officials but. be able to see by three we've met two or three times and labor minister luigi di maggio asked us to explain our difficulties and that but every region has different problems not getting all of these it didn't explain anything about the basic income scheme or how it will be implemented in the job centers i mean we've got a. minimum wage issue that outside of mine while they've already ali says he has no hope the jobs i will find him work in the end it was the same for my father he was signed up here for more than thirty years and never received a phone call never. mind she was actually the unemployed greengrocer gets only a few hundred euros per month but under the new scheme his benefits will be much more generous up to seven hundred eighty euros per month. the government plans include investing large sums into modernizing job centers which will verify that recipients are actively looking for work. but currently only three percent of job seekers find employment with the help of the centers. the new policy is designed to lift five million a talionis out of poverty it's part of italy's proposed big spending budget aimed at boosting private consumption economic growth and tax revenues. but if the scheme fails some observers warn it could trigger another euro zone financial crisis. on to cuba which used to be a world leader in sugar production it once accounted for seventy five percent of cuban exports for the first time the communist nation is turning to imported sugar from as far away as france behind the shift is under investment and unpredictable weather. feliciano viro quickly noticed a curious turn of events when produced from kane as in cuba sugar tends to be brownish but the french version comes from beets and is white. we weigh in on the sugar that has now been arriving is good it's very sweet and not very different from cuban sugar the main difference is the colors of. cuba sugar industry was once the flagship of the un's eye with cultural exports fidel castro cutting sugar canes after the revolution illustrated the france importance to the nation. the soviet union used to buy most of cuba sugar after the fall of communism in europe trade figures dwindled as did investments in seeds and fertilisers more recently last year's hurrican erma devastated large parts of the country the subsequent harvest was one eighth of the size of nine hundred ninety. yeah. there's a lack of resources and a lack of money but i believe that there are also structural and organizational factors so the thought of what it was. and most of what does get harvested has to be shipped abroad mostly to china due to longstanding contracts. to meet domestic demand forty thousand tons of french sugar were imported in the second quarter alone symbolizing a broader change sugar is no longer cuba's long flying. tourism and remittances from emigrants on now the major driving forces of the ons economy. and that's your business report i'm stephen beard thanks for joining us. now to the to. the to. the to . the to. the to . the to outlaw. much of it. surely to news from africa the moral story link to exceptional stories and discussions among us as easy as i want with say debbie to post you should join us on facebook. forgot. to ask if you ever have to cover up a murder the best way is to make the accidents. to a. family member rather like that's going to. the journalist to a church street. sleep. listen carefully. don't be simply trying to do good.


Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Stephanie Ruhle 20181129 14:00:00

putin. we'll see about today. >> we're looking for the united states to improve this computer glitch. >> that does it for us. we'll see you right back here tomorrow. in the meantime, stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage. >> good morning, everyone. i'm stephanie ruhle with a lot to cover today. starting with answers, e-mails and calls. some of president trump's response to robert mueller's questions now revealed has new details on the investigation emerged. late-night phone calls between donald trump and his associate roger stone and the president dangling a pardon for, guess who, paul manafort. emission failure. the va says it will not reimburse all veterans who were paid less due to a technical glitch. taking stock. markets surge after the fed chair suggests interest rate increases might slow down. now an expected meeting between trump and the leader xi jinping over the weekend. >> there's a possibility a deal can be made. having said that, some caveats as always. >> we begin with some of the very fest details about what the president told special counsel robert mueller about wikileaks in 2016. trump says he knew nothing about it. but does the evidence back it up? i have a great team to break it down. first, i want to explain what we know. two sources familiar with the matter tell nbc that the president's written answers to the special counsel included two critical denials regarding key evidence. the one, he says he did not know about the trump tower meeting with russias ahead of time. number two, he says his longtime friend roger stone did not tell him about wikileaks. i want to stop and talk about wikileaks because it is a critical part of the mueller investigation. mueller is looking into any indication that then candidate trump knew about russia's efforts to influence the 2016 election, if he can draw that line that is potential evidence of conspiracy. russia used ricky leaks to publicize e-mails stolen from the dnc and candidate hillary clinton and new e-mails suggest roger stone and the conspiracy theorist corsi communicated with wikileaks because they appear to have known when wikileaks was going to expose the stolen material. this morn, "the washington post" is reporting right around the same time stone was in regular contact with, guess who, then candidate trump. one of those conversations reportedly came the day after e-mails indication that corsi told stone that wikileaks was planning a major release of, quote, very damaging material. but stone says he doesn't talk to trump about it. >> i can honestly say that candidate trump, donald trump and i have never discussed the wikileaks disclosures before, during or after. >> you never had a single discussion about hillary clinton e-mails with him at all? >> that is correct. >> and that has been his story all along. wikileaks says it never collaborated with stone. stone diminished the importance of any phone records saying unless mueller has tape recordings of the phone calls, what would that prove? corsi and stone say they didn't have advance knowledge about the wikileaks e-mail revelations. all of this is still very much an open question for mueller, even if the president says it's a whole lot of nothing. i want to go right to the white house where kristen welker is standing by. you spoke to the president about those written answers. >> i talked to two sources familiar with the investigation, with the president's legal team, and they told me that the president answered the special counsel's questions to the best of his recollection. they say those questions were all about the russia investigation. just to recap those two key points, we're learning that president trump told the special counsel that he didn't know about that infamous trump tower meeting from 2016 between don jr. and the russian lawyer and roger stone never told him about the wikileaks before they happened. all of this comes as speculation is announcing that president trump may be considering a pardon for paul manafort. the plea agreement between manafort and mueller fell apart. with mueller accusing manafort of lying to investigators. an allegation manafort denies. the president about to leave for argentina for that g-20 summit. he's tweeting about russia. let me read you his tweets. did you ever see an investigation more in search of a crime? at the same time mueller and the angry democrats airport looking at the atrocious and pervasive crimes committed by crooked hillary clinton and the democrats, a total disgrace. second one, when will this illegal joseph mccarthy style witch hunt, that has shattered so many innocent lives, ever end? after wasting more than $40 million, is that possible, it has proven one thing, no collusion with russia, so ridiculous. now of course the investigation isn't over. we don't know what the investigation determined. in terms of president trump, he departs for argentina in just about an hour from now. a lot of critical issues are going to be on the table. he's also going to be meeting with the president of china to discuss trade. this will be looming over all of it. we're hoping to get a few questions before he departs. >> i want to bring in my panel. karen, a national reporter for "the washington post." glen kirsner, former federal president. and my friend eddie glaude, professor. karen, you are the one who wrote about these late-night calls. do we know if mueller knows what these calls were about or they happened? >> we don't know everything mueller knows. i wish we did. clearly what we know, i would call it a draft indictment, but it's really a draft plea agreement, what we know is mueller believes this call is critical or these series of calls between corsi e-mailing roger stone in august, early august, about wikileaks is going to be dumping some very damaging information. amazing for jerome corsi to know that. and mueller focusing on what happened next. august 3, according to roger stone, he has a phone conversation with then candidate trump. and not many days later, then candidate trump makes an announcement about some very unflattering things that are going to be coming out about hillary. it's a strong set of circumstances. could mueller know exactly what they discussed? i doubt it. unless stone told someone else or trump told someone else. >> glen, how significant is wikileaks in terms of the overall investigation? if there is a conspiracy, is this the most likely place for it to come from? >> i think it's one of the likely places. wiki leagues is arguably central to the mueller investigation in their attempts to see if there was a conspiracy between the trump campaign and russia. but let's not forget, the trump tower meeting is another area that is ripe for potential c conspiratorial conduct of those who attended the meeting. the folks from the campaign include ed manafort, kushner an don jr. it is not obviously related to wikileaks but, you know, perhaps most importantly steph, how many times have we heard, it's not the crime but it's the cover-up. boy, there sure looks like there's strong evidence there's a conspiracy to cover this up, which would also be a conspiracy to obstruct justice. i think there are multiple conspiracies in play here. >> it sure looks like that. then you look at a lot of senior members of the gop who remain silent on all of this. matt, stone says you would need tapes to prove he did anything wrong. is he right? what would it take to convince the public and congress here. >> weird thing to say. think about that. >> that's a great point. >> unless there are tapes of this -- you don't really say that, do you? you don't volunteer that bit of information? it's important to note in all of of this that most of the reporting has said robert mueller is not going to bring charges against a sitting president. so and then it's up to congress. so that makes a lot of these questions about -- and judgments about the behavior less criminal and more political. in that context, trump has tweeted about this nine times in the last three days. look at the story lines. they spent $30 million. it's now $40 million. >> in the last day, yesterday he said it was $30 million. today, i mean, the fact robert mueller dropped 10 million bucks on it, please. >> he said in the interview, oh, i have these fisa documents i could unseal that really hurt the democrats but i'm just waiting until after they go after me. that doesn't make any sense. you would have -- are you saying you're abetting a cover up? >> except for the fact there are people around the country who do not challenge the person in the oval office and they bleach it. so roger stone may be direct. unless you have tapes with my voice, this don't matter. >> it matters in a sense, by throwing everything against the wall forever, for the last 12 months on this stuff, and having the house republicans follow him down that road, it's made them less credible and made them less electable. now democrats run the house. president trump does not have a consistent believable story line about the mueller investigation. he's just saying mccarthyism and hillary clinton and maybe fusion gps. >> he's creating more chaos which only confuses people at home and actually gets them to tune out. why should this matter to the average person at home? they don't know who jerome corsi -- if i held up a picture, my mom would say, i don't know, the guy in line ahead of me at the deli. >> right. matters if it turns out that donald trump stole the election. he conspired to undermine our democracy. each my mother, retired woman on the coast of mississippi, right, who is losing faith in the very base, the various institutions of democracy. if she finds out the person who was the leader of the free world cole lulded with russia, it would matter to her. it has implications for our everyday life. this is important because people just around sellish. did not just preoccupy with their own self-interest. i want to believe they care about the country broadly. >> okay, is the future of our democracy hanging on these two dudes? i mean, let's talk about who they are. a known conspiracy theory. at best, roger stone, a political trickster. neither credible. >> you raise an excellent point. like why is everything hanging on a series of people who have given very inconsistent and that's charitable statements about what happened and also to your point. most americans have no however, what's important, in august, there's an e-mail from jerome corsi, professor you probably don't know and couldn't recognize on the street who basically says wikileaks is going to dump something. what people don't recognize is he references this is what the hackers are up to now. this is the hacker's game now. the president has said repetedly, hey, look, we didn't know russia was trying to help us except for the e-mail that said this is part of the russian governor's efforts to help you. this one, again, in corsi's e-mail, there is this reference to the hackers. the president has said we didn't know russia was trying to get these e-mails and wikileaks was using the fruits of a crime to interfere in the election. corsi seemed to know that on august 2nd, days before candidate trump basically telegraphed to all of his supporters that is what's happening. i think, you know, here your panel is right, these little bit players, who cares, but the larger issue was did this campaign know russia was trying to help? is that why the president currently is so friendly to vladimir putin when everyone else is in recoil at some of his actions? >> these joint defense agreements. you wrote about manafort sharing information with trump. corsi says he's been doing the same thing. to me, that sounds insane. how can mueller clearly build a case, asuing every single thing he is discussing with these people is going straight back to the president who's been poisoning the well via twitter? >> mueller will build the case. he's going to do with that respect to all of the remaining grifters that need to be swept up in this like corsi and stone. i've never seen anything like this. you have the president and manafort entering into this information sharing agreement. they keep the agreement in place. now, mind you, that's not up ethical. it's really problematic. we can see the reason manafort did it is because he's trying to keep one foot in the mueller camp, one foot in the i hope president trump will pardon me camp and i think it's going to blow up on manafort. why? because, look -- >> why do you think it doesn't blow up on mueller? this is stunning all these guys are allowed to talk to one another. to me this almost looked like trump and that whole squad is outfoxing them. >> i don't think it was helpful if, particularly in all those interviews with manafort, he gave information mueller really would like to use in court. mueller probably lost the opportunity to use in court. >> why is this allowed? >> it's unusual but it's allowed. manafort's lawyers are there to do the best job they can for manafort. they apparently concluded that the best job they could do was to keep both of their options open. look, he was already sunk in connect with being convicted in virginia, facing another trial in which he was surely going to be convicted in d.c. so his lawyers decided they're going to keep this information sharing agreement in place so that he can still go back to the president hoping for a pardon. >> and that may be working. all of a sudden manafort is back in the news in the last 24 hours. his plea deal looks like it's getting blown up by mueller. as i'm flipping through page six, reading new york gossip, oh, president of the united states has an interview with the "new york post" and throws out there a pardon may not be off the table. isn't that exactly what manafort wants? >> of course. jerome corsi was on ari melber's show last night. they're doing a little advertising, please pardon me. that communication between manafort's legal team and trump's legal team after he had supposedly flipped towards mueller, that stuff is not protected by attorney/client privilege. if mueller wants to go after that communication, he can. then it's a question of, will whitaker let him go that far. second thing about all of this is tomorrow we're going to see a lot more of what mueller has because manafort's going to, in front of a judge, or his legal team is, be sentenced. he's going to have to spell out why we know he lied. if we're worried if anyone's worried about the mueller investigation, somehow going to be surprised by whitaker, by whoever, we'll see some of the mueller investigation i believe tomorrow. >> hanging out there regarding whitaker, over two weeks ago, he used to have conversations about his potential conflicts of interest. thus far, haven't answered a single question about that. quickly fact check. the president in the last 24 hours keeps making this comparison to mccarthy. i would love for someone to say that. explain to me, sir, how and why, because i bet he doesn't even know. walk us through this. >> makes no sense. it's a classic case of freudian projection. if you think about what trump has been doing. he doesn't talk about freudian projection much. he's been claiming about what he claims about the deep state. who's infiltrated the deep state. makes his claim about his influence on the country, he's directing it towards the state department. he's claiming that the deep state has been compromised by comb nichts in interesting sorts of ways. then creating this broad culture of suspicious. all those folks being accused leads to folk in hollywood being accused. lead to folk being neo cons. leads to all this stuff with democracy, is literally thrown into the trash bin. then this one moment when mccarthy in 1954 accuses a lawyer who's defending the army. he says, you have been -- you have communist ties and joseph welch says to him, have you no sense of decency? it seems to me the way we should respond to this tweet of donald trump is have you no sense of decency or shame because you m damn sure don't know anything about history. >> after that, we have to drop the mic. up next, nancy pelosi is overwhelmingly elected the next speaker of the house. encapsulating the moment with a quote from "the wire." if you come at the king, or in this case, the queen, you best not miss. so a tree falls on your brand-new car and totals it. and as if that wasn't bad enough, now your insurance won't replace it outright because of depreciation. if your insurance won't replace your car, what good is it? you'd be better off just taking your money and throwing it right into the harbor. i'm regret that. with new car replacement, if your brand-new car gets totaled, liberty mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ with lower expense ratios than comparable vanguard funds. and we're now offering zero expense ratio index funds. that's value you'll only find at fidelity. ♪ one thing leads another that's value you'll only find at fidelity. we really pride ourselvesglass, on making it easy to get your windshield fixed. with safelite, you can see exactly when we'll be there. saving you time for what you love most. >> kids: whoa! >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ unstopand it's strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. ...well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. we busted out of this commercial because we have breaking news. "new york times" correspondent michael schmidt on the phone. what is happening there? >> michael cohen, the president's longtime personal lawyer, is going to plead guilty to a new charge, new criminal charge this morning. in connection with robert mueller's investigation. he'll be pleading guilty, agreeing to cooperate with mueller's investigators. >> this is nothing new we heard of before? this is separate from everything that michael cohen has been involved with or been reported on until this morning, correct? >> correct. this is different. the last time we saw michael cohen, he was going into court to plead guilty to charges stemming from payments he made to women during the campaign for done nald trump, to keep the wo silent. this is related directly to mueller, to mueller, who's looking at questions of collusion. we'll have a better idea today as cohen is in court right now in new york and we'll have a better idea about the extent of what he is leading to and what the charges are. >> what he had pled to previously is eight counts of tax evasion, bank fraud and campaign finance violations back in august. so i know you only have limited information. he lied to congress. when, in what termed? >> we haven't seen the court document yet so we don't know the extent. cohen, there's been questions about cohen's tries to russia for some time. questions about whether he was truthful to congress. if you're looking at the ties between campaign and russia and you are trying to understand, cohen was a very important person to talk to. you would not want to close the investigation without talking to him. there were allegations in the dossier that had been given to mueller, the federal government, by the former british spy who looked at russia. there were a lot of different questions for that. for mueller to wrap things up, he needed to talk to cohen. it looks like this deal was put into place to make sure that happened. >> it was not mueller's team that was involved with michael cohen months ago, it was completely separate, correct? >> correct. that was different. prosecutors from the u.s. attorney's office in new york who had been investigating the payments that have been made to these women during the campaign. that was a campaign finance investigation that looked at also wrapped into other fraud charges that cohen had committed. this is mueller. this is related to the russia investigation. that's what it's centered on. >> i want to bring back glen r kirshner, former freederal prosecutor. >> this could be big. here's why. cohen we know in august pled guilty to eight counts. two of them directly implicated the president as what i will say a de facto. unindicted co-conspirator in these campaign finance violations for paying off a porn star and a playboy playmate. we already know michael cohen has implicated the president directly in court under oath when he entered his plea. this now coming in a separate case where he's going to go in and plead guilty again. it's not just a southern district of new york case. that suggests to me, i think we can infer, this could very well be a conspiracy obstruction piece. sounds like we'll know soon when those court documents drop. i have a feeling this could spell some real trouble on the russian front for his family and associates. >> i still have eddie. >> so much has happened this week after the president turned in his questions. when the president delivers his homework, suddenly mueller has a lot of fact checking to do and tools at his disposal. >> because he already knows the answers? >> maybe he doesn't but maybe he knows people who might have the answers. and can subpoena them because he has a lot of power. >> michael, what do you think about that? do you think a lot of this has happened because remember, it was five days ago, seven days ago, the president and his team handed in the written answers to robert mueller, you think that set this into motion? >> no, my guess is they've been working on this for a long time. cohelp had been in to meet with investigators for many hours in the last few months and mueller has a lot of different irons in the fire and working on a lot of different things. not sure it has anything to do with the responses. i'm not sure exactly how they would connect. there's a lot of movement, a lot of things that mueller is moving forward with. these are investigators that have been looking at these questions now since may of 201. the fbi for even longer than that. and there, you know, have been a lot of different threads they have pulled on and, you know, it's interesting in the case of cohen because when cohen went in to plead guilty over the summer, it was not sort of a global agreement with the justice department. it was just on one of the investigations. investigated really the president's payments to these women during the campaign, the campaign finance part of it. cohen is in a position where he's trying to prove to the justice department he can be a cooperator. he can be someone that can help them with their investigations. he doesn't want to go to prison. the more he can show the justice department he can help them, the more cooperation he can provide, willing to go to judges and say hey, you shouldn't put michael cohen in jail for many years. >> michael cohen is not 1 of the 32 who has a joint defense agreement with president trump's legal team. they're not off to the side in the background. >> i don't know that. i don't know whether -- my guess is cohen's lawyers were not in coordination with trump's lawyers on this. cohen has been adverse to trump in this since this summer. there was this unusual arrangement between paul manafort, the president's former campaign chairman and the president's voters in which they were getting sort of real-time updates in what's going on. i don't know about the extent of what agreements there were between cohen and the president. my guess is knowing how the relationship between the two of them deteriorated. the way the president has criticized cohen. the type of lawyer that was represented michael cohen, a longtime experienced new york prosecutor. i don't think he would have been working with the president's lawyers but we don't know that. >> let's reset for our audience. the man you were just seeing on the screen, michael cohen, president trump's former attorney, former fixer. the man who repeatedly said he puts president trump and his family's interest before his own. until just a few minutes ago when he pled guilty to eight counts of tax evasion, bank fraud and campaign finance violations back in august. well, new charges this morning tied to the mueller probe that michael cohen may have lied to congress. i want to bring carol back. just moments ago, the ap is reporting this is tied to a potential deal in russia. >> so what we know is this trump business deal in russia was extremely important to him. now it's been reported that cohen is confessing essentially he lied to congress about what he really -- what his role was in this moscow deal. remember candidate trump and former business developer trump was pursuing with great excitement a trump tower in moscow. >> we should remind our audience, we later found out he was pursuing a trump tower in moscow but it was a long period where he said that wasn't the case. >> that's true. in july 2016, he insisted i have zero investments in russia but actually he wash business associate they had named felix sader. it's interesting because remember, there were amazing e-mails that came out between them that said can you believe two guys from brooklyn are going to get a guy elected president and putin's going to help us put it all together? it was a pretty striking boast which seemed crazy at the time. if michael cohen has some new insites for robert mueller about what they really meant back then, when they were promising trump a trump power in moscow and boechting they were going to get a guy elected president. if there's a connect there, that's going to be fascinating. >> it's not a stretch to call all of these guys a human pack of liars. >> it sounds like he was still of the mind-set i will take a bullet for donald trump and now -- and you don't lie to congress about trump's business dealings in russia unless you know it's going to get you, cohen in criminal trouble, or it's going to get trump in a lot of criminal trouble. it sounds like michael cohen has now gone from taking a bullet for the president and lying to congress about the president's potential business dealings in russia when he was a candidate to maybe not being on the receiving end of those bull leslest bullets anymore. >> there was a lawyer connected to all this who, when cohen came out many months ago and said he would take a bullet for the president, said that it is often those who talk the toughest that are the quickest to flip. here we are now the second time michael cohen is accepting a plea agreement and agreeing to cooperate with the government in two separate investigations involving the president. >> that steele dossier is bec e becoming more interesting by the minute. >> i've always found it interesting. >> seems as if the bridge between russia and the u.s. is almost complete. what will be the american connections? seems hike day in, day out, we're seeing he's about to open that bad boy and see what the connections actually are. >> what do you think? >> i don't know. we've had a day that the collusion part of this was always one that seemed the most farfetched, hardest to prove at various points. this morning has built more of a case for a collusion argument than we've seen in a very long time. it's fascinating. >> even though michael cohen was president trump's fixer, said he would take a bullet for him for years, he's quite different, at least in the last few months, than stone and corsi. implicated as the unindicted co-conspirator. but in the last few months, he's on social media, complimenting michelle obama's book, trying to put forward that he's turned over a new leaf. and president trump has turned on michael cohen. minimizing him as he was a business guy, i knew him a little bit. so michael cohen has a very different relationship today and different hopes than maybe some of these other gentleman who still seem to be standing by the president. >> if we think back to the fourth of july, perhaps not coincidenceally, he declared his independence from donald trump. and, you know, i think we all look at that with a little bit of skepticism. now you're going to do right, now that all the heat's coming down on you. but unlike roger stone and unlike jerome corsi, michael cohen has had such inside access for so many years to the president, that he can give the president up hard i suspect. let me go back to the stones and the corsis. both of these men are on as saying, yes, i'll probably be indicted. i've never had an innocent person come out and say i suspect i'll be indicted. even if they turn down plea indictment plea offers which is what we saw in the case of corsi and the documents, he turned over, they may very well accept post indictment plea offers once they're both indicted and have a bunch of charges. >> holy cow, right now on your screen, that is the federal courthouse in downtown, man had manhatt manhattan. michael cohen made his way inside and that's where his guilty plea is taking place. walk us through -- we just lost carol. she's continuing to report on this story at this moment. matt, i do want to dig into the how well michael cohen knows president trump. while they really have gone through separate ways, remember, you can find a clip after clip of michael cohen, one of president trump's most agreesive defenders on the campaign trail truly who put that family before all else. >> it's always interesting to watch when and where the fire wall happens. there's a point i believe this spring where america media and the national inquirer suddenly said michael cohen, he's just a fraud. >> we have to remind our audience, owned by david pecker who also owns the national enquirer. a longtime friend of trump. trump was a source for his news outlets for years and years. he also has been tied up in all of this. don jr., kushner, all know david pecker very well. >> almost even before he flipped, as if they knew it was going to happen sooner or later. >> he certainly knows a lot of things about donald trump. he knows embarrassing things about donald trump because donald trump has behaved in embarrassing ways his entire public life. there's no chance he's not going to caught trouble with the prosecutor getting him in there. there have been other fire walls too. mannen for t m mannafort. why do these people -- >> if you want to speak to the president, you can't call 1-800-white house. you go on cable news. >> he said manafort, he's a congenital liar. he didn't have that much to do with the campaign. >> let's remind our audience, he was the campaign chairperson. specifically at the republican national convention. when trump secured the nomination. so don't let anyone ever tell you that paul manafort was a short-term volunteer on the campaign. >> when the walls are closing in this way and some of these people are turning on each other. corsi was kind of turning on roger stone yesterday here. we know there's a bunch of people who are kind of c-listers out there, d-listers, who is going to behave badly. they're going to get larry claimant to defend them. >> tell us who that is. >> he's the ahead of judicial watch which has done important work getting information from administrations and that kind of stuff. but you don't get a pro-trump guy to be your criminal defense attorney. you hire him to send a message to the president. when all these people turn on each other, that's one thing. they've been long-term kind of political hatchet men. michael cohen has been there with donald trump forever and knows a whole lot of things including about ordeals we haven't yet been looked at as far as we know by the special counsel so that is a source of much more worry i believe for the president than most anything else. >> okay, so glen, put yourself in rudy giuliani's shoes. he's had a lot to say to the media. he's kind of laughing things off, saying mueller is a joke, defending the fact that he and manafort's team has been defending themselves all along. when i found out he was legally allowed to talk to manafort's team, i thought it was pretty clever too. today this moment, what is rudy giuliani thinking? because michael cohen actually knows more than rudy does about what really goes on in the house of trump. >> mueller will not respond publicly. he'll respond in court by dropping iron-clad indictments and charges on people that are close to the president and who can give the president up. i think mueller is not the type to laugh but figuratively speaking, he's going to get the last laugh. i wouldn't be so quick to sell him short on the fact that manafort was two-timing with the president's team because it could be that manafort told the mueller investigation, look, the president didn't know anything in advance of the trump tower meeting. then what happened? manafort's attorneys go and report that to trump. then trump says, oh, yeah, that's right, i didn't know anything about the trump tower meeting in advance of that meeting. if mueller can prove that's false, you know what he's just done, he has caught manafort and trump and i hate to say potentially their legal teams in yet another conspiracy to cover up and on stress justice. so i wouldn't sell mueller short on manafort's shenanigans. >> day in, day out, people keep asking the question, whiy the president is so kind, only says positive things about putin, when the president is willing to take swings at absolutely everyone. there remains question after question, what are his business or financial ties to russia or russia oligarchs? as big as his portfolio has been over the years, he has been doing business with no u.s. banks. no u.s. commercial bank willing to take on president trump and his business as a client. he was doing some business with deutsche bank that has lower lending standards than those other banks. i know that, i worked there for eight years. deutsche bank, the one bank that stayed in russia after their crew sis. crisis. what we learned this morning is he has pled guilty to lying to congress related to statements he made about a potential project to build a trump tower in moscow. me lied about the scope and length in his involvement in such a deal. we know that deal never came to fruition. the fact that for many, many months the president and his team said we have absolutely no deal in russia, we have no financial ties. there was never any plans. then they change their story after it was reported maybe there was some tuck of it but it was really dismissed as sort of this pie in the sky idea that never turned into anything. well, it sounds like here, given what michael cohen is now agreeing to or pleading guilty to, he, in fact, lies about what those plans were. this is pretty big. >> this is huge. i'm trying to put it all together, these various pieces. we were trying to wrap our minds around the report about manafort and his connection to wikileaks and assange next what door, questioning the sources. now we have to wrap our mines around corsi -- >> tom winter is on the phone with a special report. >> -- aloe cuted and pled guilty to a single count on making a false statement. those false statements regarded the moscow project. i believe that is the project that involves a possible hotel to be built in moscow. cohen told the court he made false statements about the project. the timing of the project. he told the court he did not travel to moscow. he also said he made false statements regarding discussions with people in the trump administration. in the allocution, if this individual one is donald j. trump, he said his false statements had to do with russia contacts. with this project. he said there had been statements made, discussions for the moscow project ended prior to the iowa caucuses. he said that is not correct. additional said he took steps to discuss travel to russia with the president. in addition, michael cohen said he made these statements out of consistent political messaging and out of loyalty to trump. he said he spoke to somebody in the press secretary's office in the kremlin. the first time here donald j. trump's name has been named in open court, and this all had to do with the moscow project. one of the major headlines is discussions about that project continued into 2017. we don't know if this was in the transition or after the president had been inaugurated. we learn more about not only cohen's statements to congress but in addition to that, michael cohen's involvement in this moscow project and those discussions continued into 2017. >> holy cannoli. i want to bring in ken dilanian. what tom just walked us through was stunning. the fact that michael cohen is now saying that discussions had between cohen, the trump organization and russia about a potential project to build a trump tower in moscow didn't end prior to the campaign but continued into 2017. did i hear that correctly? >> you did. that is really incredible. this trump tower project, i feel like it gets forgotten among the torrent of news. >> slow it down and remind us. >> this was a project that was undisclosed during the campaign. that the organization were proposing to build a trump tower in moscow. enlisting the support of the putin government. e-mails where sader's talking about getting putin on board and building a relationship between trump and russia through this project. none of this was disclosed at the time. before, we had thought it was only going on during the republican primaries. now we know it was ongoing well beyond that and people were lying about it. this is a dramatic development, does not portend well for the president. >> i realize this sounds absurd but i'm putting myself in team trump's camp. that what happened in they response with, listen, the president was new to politics. it was a long shot he was going to win. there was a parallel strategy going on all along that had he not won, he was going to continue with his real estate business. then what? >> well, of course, there's nothing illegal about continuing with a real estate business. first of all, donald trump denied during the campaign that he had any business ties to meanwhile this project was ongoing and being proposed. secondly it remains to be seen where this figures in the dealings between russia and the trump team, if any, the outreach and the election interference. that's an unknown. it stands to reason that mueller knows and that michael cohen is having a lot to say about that right now. but that is an unanswered question that i think is very important. >> ken, i want you to stay there. i want you to bring tom winter back in. tom, you just broke that down in your special report. i'm stunned. i'm stunned by the fact that michael cohen is now admitting that he and team trump were lying about communications they had. he specifically names donald trump about information he had regarding this potential project to develop a trump tower in moscow and the fact that these conversations continued through 2017. are we going to learn why they lied? because if they were to make the argument president trump's personal business, his real estate business was in one side of the building and him running for office was on the other side of the building, they would have to explain why they lied about it. >> you're right, stephanie. at the moment, i don't know if we're going to get that. we haven't seen the criminal information, which is the document that michael cohen pled guilty to. we only know specific points today and those are the points you heard me bring up. so at this point, we don't know kind of the backstory, which is what i think you're referring to, as to why these discussions continued and why discussions, michael cohen said that discussions that he had with somebody in the press office in 2016, that that discussion was not either brought up or false statements were made about it. hopefully, we will get court paperwork, when that court paperwork comes out, the person listed in there is individual one. we know that is the president of the united states. that's the first time, really -- although michael cohen directly implicated the president in his earlier crimes and guilty plea here in new york this past summer in august, this is a new development in him specifically naming the president and now we see the president referred to not by name but we see the president referred to in federal court documents. i think that's a significant development. i think another thing here, stephanie, is that this case is brought by the special counsel's office. the special counsel's office team was here. and i understand that michael cohen -- >> tom, we see him walking out now. >> it's a little windy down here -- >> i want you to walk over there tom. stop talking to me, take your microphone and try to speak to michael cohen and see what he says. the reporters are surrounding him. let's listen in to see if he's answering questions. >> reporter: michael, how are you feeling today? >> not answering any questions. i want to bring carol back in from the washington post. take us back in time and give us a bit of a history lesson. president trump said in 2015, 2016. i remember when he sat down with lester holt and said i have no financial ties with russia. i'm not investing any money there. the game is that the russians have the dough, you have the brand. so the president was very, in his mind, carefully or cleverly wordsmithing it, that he was not ever investing in russia. but he was also alluding to the point that there was never any deal to happen. now, that has changed. why does it matter so much? >> i think the reason that this is such a big deal, that michael cohen is pleading to lying in the mueller case and lying to congress about this is that if michael cohen says i lied when i said we didn't have a business deal going, then that means that president trump was lying. remember president trump said i have zero investments in russia. when you put together the pieces of this crazy mosaic, cohen and sadr were pushing hard on a moscow trump tower. of course, the trump organization, the way they do this, they just license it. they don't put a lot of money in. but the branding is important and valuable to trump. he gets millions of dollars for every one of these licenses. so it's valuable to him. in 2015, these two people, cohen and sader are discussing, how can we get putin to say nice things about donald trump, the candidate? it's like an intertwining of his business and his candidacy. and if he -- if cohen is saying he lied, then that means trump lied. >> and that's how business gets done. we have to remind our audience, vladimir putin isn't just a government leader. he is one of the richest men in the world. in places like russia, oligarchs are very closely tied, intertwined with the government. ha vladimir putin wouldn't be that wealthy if he wasn't in the position that he is. when president trump went bankrupt four times it wasn't just because he was licensing his name. licensing his name is when he figured out the gold because he wasn't actually taking any risk. when he was actually putting his money into developing projects, that's when they went belly up. when he figured out the value of his brand, and that's from being a reality star and a known personality for 30 years, that brand is what made him the money. and he wasn't really taking the risk. those who are developing the projects and putting the money behind it were taking the real risks. i want to bring danny cevallas in on this. you haven't weighed in yet. >> michael cohen testifying before congress, but one thing these people often lie about are finances. they feel if they don't reveal the full story or give half truths, no one can find out where their money is parked, wherever it may be. it seems that's what we're looking at here. >> not only where their money is parked but who they owe money to. >> who they are financially involved with, especially -- >> donald trump still is in debt -- deutsche bank has a loan out to him to the tune of $300 million. that's jared kushner's banker. it's not just where they have their money parked but who they owe money to. >> that's right and you look at the mandate of special counsel mueller. first time mueller's team has brought charges against michael cohen. the prior charges were brought in the southern district of new york by the u.s. attorney's office for the southern district, charging crimes related to campaign finance. but the mere implication of these russians has a very significant impact because it tells us that this is within special counsel mueller's mandate. it may not be directly related to collusion or conspiracy to commit computer fraud, whatever the case may be, but it does relate to the mandate, which is investigate anything arising out of russia collusion and prosecute anything that you find therein. and that seems like it fits nicely within the mandate. >> nicely or as a complete disaster, depending on which way you look at it. >> as a defendant, a disaster. >> as a defendant, certainly a disaster. i want to bring hans nichols in at the white house. hans, the president is set to department for argentina for the g20 meeting any moment. no doubt he will be surrounded by you and other reporters. do we think he's going to say anything? i mean, he has to have some reaction to what's going on. >> reporter: the president before he gets on a long flight like this typically does talk to the cameras. i just heard marine one. it went quiet on the south lawn which means the president could be walking out and talking to reporters at any moment. really the challenge for him is how does he put distance between himself and the man that was his right-hand man for so often. we all remember that air force one comment when he was asked about one of those payments, i believe, to karen mcdougle and said you would have to check with michael about that. that was michael's deal and michael cohen later sharing the tapes in september of this year where trump was clearly aware of that payment. in the past, i believe in april, the president said cohen just did a tiny bit of legal work with him. >> that right there, doesn't this change the characterization of president trump's relationship with michael cohen? he has tried to downplay it and minimize it. he did a little bit of business with me. michael cohen is changing that narrative in a big way. i doubt there will be e-mails because president trump doesn't use e-mail but cohen is telling a different story and he's naming the president. >> the president makes a pattern of trying to distance himself with former aides who are cooperating or pled guilty. you remember what he said about paul manafort, he was briefly involved when, in fact, he was campaign chairman for almost a year. the idea that the president is going to put some space, it's something he does. >> i am going to leave you for this hour. what an hour this has been. michael cohen has now left the federal courthouse in downtown manhattan and arrived at 9:00 a.m. this morning where he pled guilty to lying to -- lying to congress.


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181222 03:02:00

not long ago opec and other oil exporting countries agreed to cut production they wanted prices but the oil cartel is finding it harder than they thought as crude prices continue to fall also coming up the u.s. justice department here is trying out of economic espionage charges to chinese nationals as the trade war between the two economic superpowers opens a new frocks and how a hand sized mollusk provides a billion dollars line for a struggling region. welcome to the program the price of french crude recovered slightly on friday after having slipped to its lowest level in fifteen months earlier oil prices have been steadily sliding for weeks dropping more than twenty five dollars since the beginning of october when they were hovering around eighty dollars investors had hoped to supply cuts from opec or prop up prices of the cartel of oil producing countries is finding that easier said than done. earlier this month oil cartel opec and its partner countries agreed to cut production to one point two million barrels a day from january. to reduce supply and boost prices the price of a barrel of bread has been dragged down by a combination of factors the global macro economic outlook isn't shining on the oil industry and this week's rate hike from the u.s. federal reserve has exacerbated investor fears of an economic slowdown but oversupply remains the biggest challenge for the industry increasing crude production in the u.s. which is now a top producer worldwide makes it more difficult for opec to control the global market. so while the downward trend that oil prices may be welcome news for drivers it spells trouble for opec an inability to influence price may mean its effectiveness as a cartel is diminishing. well earlier we asked spencer welsh oil market analyst at i.h.s. market in london whether opec countries were looking to strike a balance deal or if they were just out to maximize profits they are trying to to to find the right balance they would probably like the price to be somewhere around seventy or eighty dollars per barrel compared with the current price which is fifty three however even just two months ago there was worried that the market was overheating the prices it eighty six people worried it was going to hit one hundred and opec a worried about that one hundred number because then that stimulates competition from from other fuels and actually back in june because of the high price opec released their production constraints because they're worried about the price going too high so there's been an incredible change in the market in just two months or a market analyst spencer well speaking there according paris has slapped a half a million euro fine on french oil company total after finding it guilty of paying bribes to win a huge gas contract in iran and nine hundred ninety seven the court says total paid thirty million dollars in bribes to middlemen for help in securing the look at this south pars gas concession five years ago to tal had to pay almost four hundred million dollars to settle a similar case before it went to trial in the united states. now let's get a quick check up on financial markets with our wall street correspondent and scored against wall street's has been having a wild week we've seen huge losses even strong consumer data couldn't break the slump on friday why. you know what a day what a week what a month at the beginning of the day when we got those good economic data here out of the united states of the blue chips traded up by more than three hundred points but then the mood got sore and by the end of the day we lost a good four hundred points for the week we're down by about seven percent the worst week for wall street since october two thousand and eight so in the midst of the financial crisis and then for the month so far blue chips are down by a good twelve percent meaning that would be the worst december since nine hundred thirty one well a lot of factors are playing a role here so we have the outlook for more interest rate increases for next year then we have the possible shutdown of the u.s. government that played a role and then we also had trade advisor peter in a very old saying that he's skeptical that a deal can be reached in the trade dispute between the united states and china and then on top of it we have all those various that the global economy might cool next year and against previous boss codes maker nike was one of the few winners on friday tell us more at least one bright spot in a sea of red stock of the nikkei gained seven percent was by far the best winner in the dow jones industrial average we got quarterly results from nike and they came in better than expected in every region and almost every contemporary and especially china was hot and that was not necessarily to be expected expected by the management from nike is saying that they see zero sign of any cooling of demand in china at least that seems to be true for nike and scored in new york thank you. europe's biggest carmaker fox wagon apparently wants to cut around seven thousand jobs in the coming years according to media reports v.w. plans in hanover an end and will be affected that's because the production of electric cars requires fewer people than the production of vehicles with combustion engines so the company plans to offer older employees part time work but even then thousands of jobs might still be cut looks like and declined to comment. now for a couple of hours of looked like former nissan chief call it a go no would be getting out of jail but before the gate even opened for him japan's state prosecutor's office has issued a fresh warrant for his detention prosecutors now say that going dumb to millions of his own personal debt onto a new sound accounts it was originally arrested on november nineteenth then prosecutors allege golan declared far too little income and personally and rich himself using company funds. china's foreign ministry says it to resolutely opposes u.s. accusations of economic espionage beijing called the claims slanderous the u.s. justice department has indicted two chinese nationals accusing them of cyber spying now the alleged hacking operation dates back over ten years but is putting more pressure on already strained u.s. trying to relations. the chinese group called a p t ten advanced persistent threat ten allegedly breach the networks of more than forty five u.s. high tech companies and government agencies like nasa the justice department says it stole several gigabytes of sensitive data from two thousand and six on words. these are the men said to be behind this cyber attacks. and junk she long u.s. prosecutors say they're linked to china's ministry of state security but that's something that chinese authorities deny. me from. the u.s. side is making groundless accusations against china on cyber security by fabricating facts and making up a story out of fin area that the u.s. is charging to chinese in the name of so-called cyber theft this move seriously harms china u.s. cooperation and is in essence extremely nasty but the u.s. is not alone australia britain and new zealand also say they were targeted in what they called a global campaign of intellectual property theft. as evidenced by this investigation the threats we face have never been more severe or more pervasive or more potentially damaging to our national security and no country poses a broader more severe long term threat to our nation's economy and cyber infrastructure than china. the alleged chinese hackers have been indicted although they're not in the u.s. a move that will only worsen the sour relations between washington and beijing. now if scallops are going to be part of your holiday feast there's a good chance that's thanks to a couple of fisherman in peru the bail set shura in the north of the country provides an ideal environment for a scallop farming industry has only been there for fifteen years but nowadays the golden nuggets of the sea as they call them provide a lifeline for an entire region. the locals regard them as gold nuggets because they provide a living for many people here there are plenty of scallops in the bay of such. they are easy to harvest because the water is shallow so no diving is required. when they swim now i hear this is a privilege bay that we have an equal in the area of security which in all species . all varieties of seafood especially scallops is. that was how many. about eighty percent of the starlets come from such a bay off the northwestern pacific coast three hundred companies have settled here in the past fifteen years. they export the seafood to france spain the united states and canada much of it also goes to china. you know when you get the only thing we need to know is how to develop the market better how to open more markets for example europe is not as big a market as china. oh if we could or if the sanitation authority could open china as a market we'd be able to have much more potential for export them with a needle and with them i could on. according to official statistics around eighteen thousand tons of scallops were harvested in peru this year and four and a half thousand tons were exported around a quarter went to france that resulted in revenue of more than fifty six million dollars. thanks to the scholarships everything just refined to lines you see more restaurants small cars on the road small bus lines we had all citrus whole economic system to thrive. the region benefits enormously the locals hope the high demand will continue and that the ecosystem for the sensitive seafood remains ideal. an awesome scallops over the holidays and some ghosts and some wine that's all so if you want more go ahead and check out all social media feeds on twitter and facebook but more importantly at herself a merry christmas and a happy new year across the whole burma lent thanks for watching see you back here in twenty nine t. . want . to. control. the before. natural richardson a little precious resources. and a rewarding investment move from the farm land has been called the ethiopian is green and gold the for the country has an abundant supply of food and leases it to international giants the government is after high export revenues for corporations profit margins. but not everyone benefits from the booming business. going to show an environmental destruction starvation the best selling out of a country dead donkey. most starts december twenty ninth on t.w.


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181222 01:02:00

not long ago opec and other oil exporting countries agreed to cut production they wanted prices but the oil cartel is finding it harder than they thought at school prices continue to fall also coming up the u.s. justice department accuses china of economic espionage charges to chinese nationals as the trade war between the two economic superpowers opens a new frocks and how a hand sized mollusk provides a billion dollars line for a struggling region. i'm first of call welcome to the program the price of frank crude recovered slightly on friday after having slipped to its lowest level in fifteen months earlier oil prices have been steadily sliding for weeks dropping more than twenty five dollars since the beginning of october when they were hovering around eighty dollars investors had hoped to supply cuts from opec or prop up prices of the cartel of oil producing countries is finding that easier said than done. earlier this month the oil cartel opec and its partner countries agreed to cut production to one point two million barrels a day from january. to reduce supply and boost prices the price of a barrel of bread has been dragged down by a combination of factors the global macro economic outlook isn't shining on the oil industry and this week's rate hike from the u.s. federal reserve has exacerbated investor fears of an economic slowdown but oversupply remains the biggest challenge for the industry increasing crude production in the u.s. which is now a top producer worldwide makes it more difficult for opec to control the global market. so while the downward trend in oil prices may be welcome news for drivers it spells trouble for opec an inability to influence price may mean its effectiveness as a cartel is diminishing. well earlier we asked spencer welsh oil market analyst at i.h.s. market in london whether opec countries were looking to strike a balance deal or if they were just out to maximize profits they are trying to to to find the right balance they would probably like the price to be somewhere around seventy or eighty dollars per barrel compared with the current price which is fifty three however even just two months ago there was worried that the market was overheating the prices it eighty six people worried it was going to hit one hundred and opec a worried about that one hundred number because then that stimulates competition from from other fuels and actually back in june because of the high price opec released their production constraints because they're worried about the price going to high so there's been incredible change in the markets in just two months. well market analyst spencer well speaking there according paris has slapped a half a million euro fine on french oil company total after finding it guilty of paying bribes to win a huge gas contract in iran and nine hundred ninety seven the court says total paid thirty million dollars in bribes to middlemen for help in securing the new chris south pars gas concession five years ago to tal had to pay almost four hundred million dollars to settle a similar case before it went to trial in the united states. now let's get a quick check up on financial markets without wall street correspondent and scored against wall street's has been having a wild week we've seen huge losses even strong consumer data couldn't break the slump on friday why. you know what a day what a week or what a month at the beginning of the day when we got those good economic data he all of the united states of the blue chips traded up by more than three hundred points but then the mood got sore and by the end of the day we lost a good four hundred points for the week we're down by about seven percent the worst week for wall street since october two thousand and eight so in the midst of the financial crisis and then for the month so far blue chips are down by a good twelve percent meaning that would be the worst december since nine hundred thirty one well a lot of factors are playing a role here so we have the outlook for more interest rate increases for next year then we have the possible shutdown of the u.s. government that played a role and then we also had trade advisor peter in a very old saying that he's skeptical that a deal can be reached in the trade dispute between the united states and china and then on top of it we have all those various that the global economy might cool next year and against previous boss goods maker nike was one of the few winners on friday tell us more. at least one bright spot in a sea of red stock of nike gained a good seven percent was by far the best winner in the dow jones industrial average we got quarterly results from nike and they came in better than expected in every region and almost every contemporary and specially china was hot and that was not necessarily to be expected expected but the management from nike is saying that they see zero sign of any cooling of demand in china at least that seems to be true for nike and scored in new york thank you europe's biggest carmaker fox wagon apparently wants to cut around seven thousand jobs in the coming years according to media reports v.w. plans in hand over an end and will be affected that's because the production of electric cars requires fewer people than the production of vehicles with combustion engines the company plans to offer older employees part time work but even then thousands of jobs might still be cut folks like and declined to comment. now for a couple of hours of looked like former nissan chief call of the go no would be getting out of jail but before the gate even opened for him japan's state prosecutor's office has issued a fresh warrant for his detention prosecutors now say that going dumb to millions of his own personal debt on to nissan accounts it was originally arrested on november nineteenth then prosecutors allege golan declared far too little income and personally and rich himself using company funds. china's foreign ministry says it to resolutely opposes u.s. accusations of economic espionage beijing called the claims slanderous the u.s. justice department has indicted two chinese nationals accusing them of cyber spying now the alleged hacking operation dates back over ten years but is putting more pressure on already strained us trying our relations. with the chinese group called a p t ten advanced persistent threat ten allegedly breach the networks of more than forty five u.s. high tech companies and government agencies like nonstop the justice department says it's still several gigabytes of sensitive data from two thousand and six on words. these are the men said to be behind the cyber attacks. and junk she long u.s. prosecutors say they're linked to china's ministry of state security but that's something that chinese authorities deny. me from you so she's saying that the u.s. side is making groundless accusations against china on cyber security by fabricating facts and making up a story out of finny or the u.s. is charging two chinese in the name of so-called cyber theft this move seriously harms china u.s. cooperation and is in essence extremely nasty but the u.s. is not alone australia britain and new zealand also say they were targeted in what they called a global campaign of intellectual property theft as evidence by this investigation the threats we face have never been more severe or more pervasive or more potentially damaging to our national security and no country poses a broader more severe long term threat to our nation's economy and cyber infrastructure that china. the alleged chinese hackers have been indicted although they're not in the u.s. a move that will only worsen the sour relations between washington and beijing. now if scallops are going to be a part of your holiday feast there's a good chance that's thanks to a couple of fisherman in peru the bay are said shore up in the north of the country provides an ideal environment for scallops farming the industry has only been there for fifteen years but nowadays the golden nuggets of the sea as they call them provide a lifeline for an entire region. the locals regard them as gold nuggets because they provide a living for many people here there are plenty of scallops in the bay of such. they are easy to harvest because the water is shallow so no diving is required. when they swim though i.e. this is a privilege bay that we haven't heard in the area of security which in all species . all varieties of seafood especially scallops. that was how many. about eighty percent of the scallops come from such a bay off the north western pacific coast three hundred companies have settled here in the past fifteen years. they export the seafood to france spain the united states and canada much of it also goes to china. but when you get the only thing we need to know is how to develop a market better how to open more markets for example europe is not as big a market as china. so if we could or if the sanitation authority could open china as a market we'd be able to have much more potential for export it wasn't even looking and with all my time. according to official statistics around eighteen thousand tonnes of scallops were harvested in peru this year and four and a half thousand tons were exported around a quarter went to france that resulted in revenue of more than fifty six million dollars. thanks to the scholarships everything is free find some lines to you see more restaurant small cars on the road small bus lines we have all citrus whole economic system to thrive. the region benefits enormously the locals hope the high demand will continue and that the ecosystem for the sensitive seafood remains ideal. an awesome scallops over the holidays and some ghosts and some wine that's our show if you want more go ahead and check out all social media feeds some twitter and facebook but more importantly ever self a merry christmas and a happy new year impressive holbourne valenti thanks for watching see you back here in twenty nine to. morrow. twenty. come to. the starting whistle he's about to settle the premier event of the first kickoff has had a look see and identify the favorites coleman shawn coaches players fans and up close personal. twenty nine teams. the big kickoff series starts december twenty seventh t.w. . if you ever have to cover up a murder best way is to make a lot of accidents raring to. go from memorandum of my christmas. list to a german streets. time for an upgrade. our furniture their clothes. our house with.


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240604 20:19:00

down back some of our interest rate increases. you would expect that then to flow through to cheaper mortgages for american families. >> neil: let me ask you about given some of the inflation numbers we've seen and the robust economic numbers we've seen, market rates have been backing up over which the fed has no direct control. i am wondering now whether this has pushed off those expected rate cuts to either late next year or not at all this year. >> the data is going to guide us, we've been surprised in a concerning way about the first 3 months inflation data this year. the first half of last year we saw a lot of progress add -- as inflation fell back toward our target. they give us optimism that may be taught was i inflation is around the corner. now thanks seem to have stalled out. in my view we just need to sit and be patient until we see the data. hopefully will get convinced that inflation continues to fall back down the good news is as you indicated the economy


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