The InterGroup Co. (NASDAQ:INTG – Free Report) was the target of a large decrease in short interest in June. As of June 15th, there was short interest totalling 900 shares, a decrease of 60.9% from the May 31st total of 2,300 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 500 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is […]
The InterGroup Co. (NASDAQ:INTG – Get Rating)’s stock price crossed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of $44.65 and traded as low as $33.97. The InterGroup shares last traded at $36.89, with a volume of 2,109 shares changing hands. Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth […]
The InterGroup Co. (NASDAQ:INTG – Get Rating)’s stock price crossed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of $44.65 and traded as low as $33.97. The InterGroup shares last traded at $36.89, with a volume of 2,109 shares changing hands. Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth […]
The InterGroup Co. (NASDAQ:INTG – Get Rating)’s share price passed above its 50 day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 50 day moving average of $43.35 and traded as high as $44.00. The InterGroup shares last traded at $44.00, with a volume of 490 shares traded. Wall Street Analyst Weigh […]
Despite religious protests and a restricted Pride march, the annual EuroPride event for the LGBTIQA+ community in Europe, went ahead in Belgrade and makes history as the first in the Balkans and South-East Europe.