Past-year physical or sexual IPV was associated with recent HIV acquisition and less
frequent viral load suppression. Preventing IPV is inherently imperative but eliminating
IPV could contribute to ending the HIV epidemic.
Enhancing UNHCR socioeconomic assessments: Developing a standardized education module
Household surveys are an important source of information for national and international policymakers. For UNHCR and our partners, the surveys also serve a critical function in planning and monitoring programmes. Analytically, survey data is especially valuable when specific topics, like education, can be cross-referenced with other household and individual characteristics, such as demographics, employment, income and access to services. This opens up opportunities for detailed analysis that is otherwise not possible. These insights are yet more powerful when matched with information from other sources, such as registration or facility records on the delivery of education, health and other basic services, or are repeated across time (panel data).