you re lucky if you forget. i would rather have forgotten everything. 9-1-1, what s your emergency? my wife and my son there they re both nicole had been shot in the back of the head, taylor had been shot in the face. this is a murder suicide. do you think taylor shot himself? i don t know. i waited and waited and waited for someone to be arrested for. this do you do have anything to do with this? with a killing your wife? you ve got to be out of your mind. you have three tapes, i want you to tear those up. i can do that. i thought they re going to come kill us. so, to threaten the lady, you know, you need to do this or we re going to hurt your child or something? they said i was so young that i couldn t have remembered anything. something like that doesn t go away. i saw what i saw. hello and welcome to dateline. when jason and nicole paint met, the attraction was instant. soon the bachelor and single mother of two web and their fami
Die Rosenheim-Cops Die Angestellten Jasmin Meisner (Ines Maria Schmiedt, M.) und Erich Münzinger (Bernhard Schmid, r.) haben ein Verhältnis miteinander. Hansen (Igor Jeftic, l.) glaubt, dass die beiden das Opfer erschlagen haben. ORF / ZDF / Christian A. Rieger Im Haus des Opfers findet Polizist Mohr (Max Müller, M.) einen Koffer mit mysteriösem Inhalt. Können die Kommissare Stadler (Dieter Fischer, l.) und Hansen (Igor Jeftic, r.) das Rätsel lösen? ORF / ZDF / Christian A. Rieger Stadler (Dieter Fischer, M.) und Hansen (Igor Jeftic, r.) wissen, dass Landau (Corinna Binzer, l.) betrogen hat. Ist sie deshalb zur Mörderin geworden?