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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Shepard Smith Reporting 20180807 19:00:00

A newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day as they happen. said yes. we expect more detail. >> shepard: it's my understanding there was testimony about a time when paul manafort essentially ran out of money. >> he did. they're saying in 2014, when his former top client, who the mueller team described as manafort's golden goose, ukrainian president victor yanukovych. gates testified when he left it decreased the income stream. here's how much the income stream was down. gates testified that in 2016, manafort paid between $200,000 and $225,000 for yankees season tickets. but then, manafort asked gates to write a letter to the yankees saying that gates actually just borrowed manafort's credit card to make that huge purchase. this case that started with a lot of testimony and a lot of exhibits and ed showing that manafort lived a lavish lifestyle for several years has now evolved into a case about a former lobbyist and campaign and whether there was collusion between the trump campaign and russia to throw the election. todd dupree is former attorney general in the bush administration. listen here. >> i think what the president is keen on doing here, a few things. limiting the topic matters that mueller can get into. the president's team had an adamant they want the spotlight to be on things that happened before the election as opposed to after the president was inaugurated. >> mueller is insisting on asking questions about things that happened after the inauguration, specifically the michael flynn firing. all of the meetings that the president had with james cummings, the former -- james comey the fbi director and the circumstances under which comey was fired. and the conversations with jeff sessions that the president had about his recusal in the russia investigation. there were lots of questions about those topics in the list of 29 questions that mueller's team gave to the president's legal team in march. mueller has since reduce the number of questions and has agreed to accept some of the answers to them in writing. but he still wants to ask some questions to go to the issue of obstruction, in person. that's really what the president's attorneys are resisting here. the president is telling his attorneys to keep talking with mueller, to see if there is some sort of deal that can be struck. i'm told that one possible compromise might be ask the questions about russia, and possible collusion in person. and then have any questions about obstruction of justice. and the answers be in writing. the president continues to insist that he is innocent of all of this, he believes that sitting down with robert mueller could convince mueller of that. the president's attorneys continue to insist to the president that that is a bad idea. sources also tell fox news that they have not done any prep sessions with the president yet, either in bed minister this week or anything prior to that. the imminence of any interview with robert mueller, i would say, shep, is probably fairly low. >> shepard: john roberts, live at the white house. we've heard a lot about robert mueller's legal team. the president has called them a bunch of angry democrats. supporters note their wide range of experience unravelling complex cases. who are these lawyers? and is there really any evidence that they have an agenda besides getting to the truth? trace gallagher has been looking into that, and the facts of these men and women behind the special counsel. hey, trace. >> trace: we looked at 18 lawyers working the mueller probe, some playing a bigger role than others. all of them are very seasoned attorneys, with very high octane specialties. as for the big picture we should note that nine of them are former department of justice lawyers and eight were either u.s. attorneys or worked in the u.s. attorney's office. seven of them are registered democrats, four have no party declared. and we couldn't find the voter registration records of the others including robert mueller, though his wife is a registered republican. three of the special counsel lawyers worked in robert mueller's william hail law firm. as we noted, these are heavy hitters. but as it pertains to the trump investigation, some have very interesting backgrounds like michael drieben currently the deputy solicitor general overseeing the criminal dock elt of the d.o.j. one of less than ten lawyers in history to argue more than 100 cases before the supreme court. there's andrew weissmann, currently on leave from the d.o.j.'s fraud unit, he also headed up the enron task force that oversaw 34 prosecutions including kenneth lay and ceo jeffy skilling. jeanne reed of the willter hale law firm, represented hillary clinton in the 2013 lawsuit, and co-nated to clinton's campaign. aaron zebley former counterterrorism lawyer that testified at al qaeda terrorists. elizabeth prelegar is fluent in russian and fulbright collar in russia. she also clerjed for supreme court justices ruth bader begins berg and elena kag wren. ryan dickic was assistant u.s. attorney specializing in cyber crimes and fraud and prosecuted the romanian hacker. and greg andrés is an expert in foreign bribery, with vast experience prosecuting organized crime. the bottom line, we're talking about an array of specialties that may or may not be indicative of how wide this scope of the mueller probe is. >> shepard: interesting, thanks, trace, appreciate it. the number of available jobs in the country is closing in on an all-time record. turns out the number of people actually getting hired, is going down. so what does that mean if you look for work? that's next. later, investigators looking for the missing student molly tibbetts have been looking into her digital footprint to hunt for clues. molly's father said tech companies are refusing to help them out. her father joins us live with the latest on the desperate search coming up from the fox newsdesk. allergies with sinus congestion and pressure? you won't find relief here. go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritin-d. while the leading allergy spray relieves 6 symptoms... claritin-d relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more. with proskin technology intimates overnight for two times faster absorption so you can have worry free nights, and wake up feeling fresh and free for a free sample visit was hovering near record levels. the number of openings? about 6.66 million. after a small increase of 3,000 jobs available. hiring actually slipped a little bit, from 5.75 million to 5.65 million. not much but a little. that's 100,000 fewer hires for those of us who don't work in the math sector. let brzing in fox business network susan lake. see the point is, there are a lot of jobs that aren't getting filled. >> yes, no matter how you look at it, it is a strong, tight jobs market. you talked about it, 6.66 million jop job openings in the month of june, third highest on record. 6.6 million people looking for work. there's a job for every person that's looking for work. >> shepard: what happened to computers and robots are taking over? >> people are not cutting head count. they're still hiring at this point. they're doing different things to find the right people with the right skill set for the right job. let me show you where they're hiring in terms of sectors. construction has a large job opening, they're hiring double last year's pace, american factories hiring at the fastest rate in 20 years. finance saw more job openings, education help services, geography, the south is the largest growing region, 2.4 million jobs available in the south. northeast, west, 1.48 million jobs. it is a strong jobs market. hopefully wages go up. >> shepard: usually when there are a lot of jobs wages go up. though there's a slight movement, not like wages have moved much since the 1980s. >> here's something interesting -- >> shepard: real, when accounting for inflation. >> inflation adjusted. you look at this, it shoets that the quits rate is near a record high, people are quitting at the fastest rate on record. when they leave their jobs, it's usually for higher pay. 5% to 10% higher pay. hopefully that shows up in wage growth and wage instation in the jobs numbers. >> shepard: i bet there's a lot of talks about this in the fox business network. >> you would think. >> shepard: i will be watching. susan li, thank you. coming up we'll talk live with the father of the missing college student molly tibets. now there's word on a person police questions and wouldn't take a lie detector. we'll ask him more. rvice and a boutique salon a place with all day arts and crafts it even has a day spa a place that's so much like home, because well... it is home home instead senior care when you need personalized care in the comfort of home. to severe plaque psoriasis find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me now. i'm still clear. how sexy are these elbows? 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>> you know, a lot of that is speculation and conjecture on my part. i am a father who wants to know his daughter is alive. i'm trying to think of logical scenarios where we can bring her home. that is certainly one of them. i know the authorities probably have a better handle on what is going on. i believe that every day that we don't find molly, hurt or harmed, that she's somewhere we can get her home safe and sound. >> shepard: you were very specific when you said i think she may have gotten into a car with some one. why is that? >> well, because she didn't get up and walk away. there's no sign of any sort of foul play that anyone can point to. there's a logical scenario, she left with some one she maybe knew. but that's all just speculation on my part. and a hope that she's somewhere, that she's still safe and healthy and we can get her home. >> shepard: did she have a relationship that was of interest to you, aside from that with her boyfriend that you have not discussed yet? >> no. >> shepard: it's not like -- >> we've been through all of those. >> shepard: let's talk about that night. molly is a regular runner, right? she runs daily? >> correct. >> shepard: and for how long? did she usually take the same route? >> well, if you've been to brooklyn, there's maybe a dozen treats in the entire -- streets in the town. you probably don't take the same route but there's not a lot of other options. >> shepard: does she run for a half hour, an hour and a half? >> an hour, 45 minutes. >> shepard: it was 7:30 you think the run began that night? >> well, people saw her running at around 7:30. that was typical, she would run late in the evening before it got dark. but once the heat started to subside. that was just her typical run, her routine. >> shepard: is it true as far as you know at 10:00 that night there was a selfie to her boyfriend inside the house? >> as far as i know she sent him a snapchat, there was a photograph and some comment that was, again, so totally routine that dalton told us he doesn't even remember what it was. >> shepard: that was 10:00 at night. that would have been lock after the run was complete -- long after the run was complete. >> well, as far as i know he opened it at 10:00. but that doesn't mean she sent it at 10:00. >> shepard: but with that social app there is a way to know when she sent it. do you know when she sent it? >> no, but that underscores the need to work in partnership with the technology companies. i wanted to correct something that you had said, that i was claiming that the technology companies were not cooperating. we don't know, i don't know that they're cooperating or not. the authorities are working with them. my concern was that based on previous episodes we've seen technology companies are reluctant to cooperate, citing privacy issues. i think in this instance when molly's line is on the line that we should expect the technology companies to work vigorously with the authorities, the same way the media and the community have stepped up. and so, it's not something that i know or am claiming. it's just a concern of mine. >> shepard: how's your communication with the authorities? >> terrific. they have been absolutely fabulous and they deal with us on a daily basis. they're concerned with our well being. how we're doing. how we're dealing with the psychological, emotionally. and giving us sort of general advice on how to cope and how to work with the media, for instance. but they are not willing to share information because they do not want to compromise the search and they do not want to put molly at harm. >> shepard: do they give you hope, do they dash hope, or do they not give you any of that? >> no, they give us hope and they give us hope in the fact that the men and women that are involved in this, that we have met with, tell us all that they have daughters that are molly's age and this is very personal for them. they are extremely good at what they do. but in this instance they're extreme lip motivated. >> shepard: you mention molly might have gotten into the car with some one, is that the sort of thing she's done before? >> no. well, she would definitely get in a car with some one she knew. >> shepard: is there some one she knows who might have, as you put it at one point, made a bad decision, and you don't want to it get out of hand. is it your belief, now, that -- >> don't know. >> shepard: you don't know. i only ask because -- >> it's speculation that took on a life of its own. it's just that, i think it was something i said in an interview that took on a life of its own. it's just in general, there is a logic, a logical scenario where molly is still alive with some one and we can get her home. how she got to that point is totally up to speculation and i probably shouldn't have done hah. >> shepard: hmm. is there something that people can do for you that's not happening now? is there a place that you'd like to know more about or people you'd like for the police to talk to or anything like that? >> well, we started to do interviews with the media and i can't be more grateful to the media how sensitive they've been to our family and how terrific and effective they have been in driving tips and leads to the authorities. in parallel we started a reward fund that was with crimestoppers so that people could provide anonymous tips through crimestoppers. we started that fund last thursday, it's already up to almost $300,000 as of today. and we have generated 650 tipt and leads -- tips and leads in the three days we've been up and running. all of this effort between the media and the community is working effectively. >> shepard: some of our viewers have noted, and it's been my observation from the beginning, you've been a man who is very at ease and very strong in this role. i wonder, and i know how important you feel like it is to keep the discussion of your daughter who's missing alive. but i wonder where you find it in yourself to be at such ease and so easily communicating at such a difficult time. >> i tell you this, if it were anyone else in our family in this situation than molly, she would be in this chair. molly is the one with all of the poise and the public speaking skills. i am really not very good at this. i don't know how i'm doing it. but i'll tell anybody out there you do the same thing. >> shepard: i have heard you make an appeal, if what you hope is that she's with some one and that some one has made a mistake and won't let her go yet, you have offered up words for that person, if that person is paying any attention. have you thought about that more specifically, what you want to say to bring this to an end? >> well, to that person, you're probably very afraid, this isn't probably a situation that you anticipated, you don't know how to extricate yourself from this. but the best thing to do at this point is put an end to it. yes, there will be consequences for what you've done so far, but do not escalate this and do not drag this out one more day. let molly go and turn yourself in. >> shepard: mr. tibbetts, all the best to you and your family and friends, many thanks. >> thank you so much, to of one at fox, you've been teriffically helpful. >> shepard: we have the number up on the screen. it doesn't really matter in cases like this if you think, whatever little tide bit you have, if you don't think it's important. the police always say, let them make that decision. that's the number at the bottom. they're there now. imagine the family, can you? new pressure on the president's former fixer, a report that michael cohen is now under investigation with prosecutors looking at whether he committed tax fraud. and in two minutes, the story of a crazy crash caught on camera that somehow everybody survived. jardiance asked: when it comes to managing your type 2 diabetes, what matters to you? 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the s.u.v. pulled over but was sticking out in the road. a car came around the road, slammed night, the man went flying. he and three others caught in the crash are expected to be just fine. happened on saturday, we have the video from it. space x launching a communications satellite into orbit, the falcon 9 took off from florida cape canaveral and landed in the atlantaic. >> shepard: the feds investigating president trump's former fixer for tax fraud according to our corporate cousins at the "wall street journal." michael cohen faces other possible legal trouble for hush money payments to women before the 2016 e ligs. he admitted he gave $130,000 to stormy daniels, claim sheeg had sex with president trump a decade before he took office, the president denies it. now the wall street jump reporting that the feds are interested in whether michael cohen underreported income from his taxi business on his tax returns. michael cohen's attorney, lanie davis, tells fox news he can't respond because of the ongoing investigation. as we learn of possible legal trouble, more of it for cohen, will the former fishgser flip on his ex-boss, a new question. bob bianchi is here. what is this, what do you see? >> a squeeze play. once you get in there as a prosecutor and you find there could be potential criminal activity you push that. it's interesting, shep, how similar this is to the manafort case. a lot of money being made in the medallion business. >> shepard: the new york city taxi medallions. >> yes, let's try to find money, false bank accounts. but cohen has been screaming and yelling publicly, i want to cooperate, i want to be on the team usa working with the u.s. attorney, working with the special counsel. but it would seem to me that they haven't really gotten a lot of play. what does this do, this squeezes cohen even more into his scenario where he needs to cooperate. i think sunday, something actually happened, because the issue is, do prosecutors need him, do they want him, does he have something important to say. when president trump had tweeted out the thing about the trump tower meeting, what he basically sid was say, it was done for this reason and many would opine that is an illegal reason, attempting, even if you don't get a conspireing to get information from a foreign government to influence an election. in a's square one prosecutors -- that's square one prosecutors need. square two, cohen saying donald trump knew about this, as all of the other ones did, prior to the trump meeting, he's now valuable. >> shepard: president trump says he didn't know about this in advance. michael cohen said he did and he was in the room when he learned about it. >> right. so that makes michael cohen a valuable person, he will be greater incentivized with the fraud and tax evasion. >> shepard: if he's saying he wants to cooperate, let them cooperate, why pile on like this? >> that's hard to say. it's question whether or not he had data they needed. >> shepard: might have in another way. >> sometimes they want to hit you with everything and know everything, so you know when you go in there for a proffer session, this is everything we have against you, here's what the cooperation agreement looks like. it could be something of that magnitude. they'll wait it out. they really don't need it at this point in time get that tweet, really changed the dynamic. let's not forget, this is important. everybody keeps talking about whether the president knew about that meeting before. and remember there's other people significant jeopardy where the president can't be stopped, cannot be stopped as the witness. that is the prosecution of donald trump jr., jared kushner, and paul manafort who were also in the meeting. >> shepard: you expect indictments against them? >> i do. >> shepard: regarding that meeting or something else? >> to the extent that the meeting was done, now we know for the reason, the real reason, all of the deflection, all of the statements that were being put out there to make this look like russian adoptions. these are smoking guns for prosecutors, what we call consciousness of guilt. every single day that people tweet about it or going on another tv show to explain themselves they're giving voluntary statements that prosecutors are going to be able to use to say first it's this, then it's that, then the other thing. only people trying to deceive, manipulate these things this way. now we know from the president himself, this was about getting dirt on hillary clinton. again, that's piece one. piece two, cohen could provide. this is all known ahead of time. >> shepard: bob bianchi, good to talk to you. just after midnight it became official. trump restored sanctions against iran. and pulled the united states out of the nuclear deal. and today, he had a warning for our allies and trading partners. the president tweeted the iran sanctions have officially been cast. these are the most biting sanctions ever imposed. in november they ratchet up to yet another level. anyone doing business with iran will not be doing business with the united states. i am asking for world peace, nothing less. iran's president rouhani said that he's not coming back to the negotiating table if the sampgss are still in place. in a television interview, the iranian leader said, and i quote, you cannot expect to talk to a person after you stab him and leave the knife in his body. coming up, a brand new interstate from texas to georgia, it's just an idea right now but supporters say it could be a game changer for small towns all across the deep south. what is this southern express? that's coming up. talking about systems that control speed or steering. owners manuals warn drivers pay attention to the road despite the special features. president head of the insurance group notes that lots of people don't pay attention to the manual. >> it's kind of like, you know when you check on itunes or something, yes, i've read this, i accept all conditions. they say a lot of people treat car manuals as well. >> shepard: i have never read car manual. >> except when something breaks. >> shepard: that's different. >> the insurance institute for highway safety put out this report. it tested five different kinds of cars. tesla, mercedes, bmw and volvo. it just says if go go occur haves, hills, be careful, even if your car is called or has these features called pilot assist or auto assist. the bottom line is, you still need to pay attention. >> shepard: do they need to hell us to pay attention while operating a 2,000 pound vehicle, something bordering on comical. >> i know. >> shepard: i guess they do it for liability purposes? >> we reached out to the automakers that i mentioned, they had no comment, nobody got back to me about the specific report. >> shepard: be careful while you drive. >> it was just hey, these features are there to help you, they can save your life but you need to be attentive. >> shepard: you mentioned tesla, they suspended their stock? . their stock has been suspended because the founder and the ceo, elon musk who has since last spring had a kind of interesting way of interacting with the public on twitter, own earnings calls, basically implied that analyst questions about their cashflow and productivity were dry or boring. he was razzing the analysts calling in. he kind of tweeted out something, we had to verify it was him and not a prank, that he is taking tesla private. he's a 21% owner of tesla. there are 10 large institutional companies that might have our 401-k money or pension money, fidelity for example, t roe price is another. together, the 10 big companies own about 60% of tesla. elon musk saying i'm going private. >> shepard: that made the stock go up so much they suspended it? >> they suspend news pending. it's unclear. he also, as a joke, had tweeted out something about, well, maybe i'll just file for bankruptcy. what is interesting to note point of view as an investor, every year since this company has been public it's raised money. there were a lot of analysts saying the fact he's being extra flippant with the investment community, maybe he has another plan, going private may be the plan. >> shepard: we'll see you on the biz. >> yes, you will. >> shepard: five southern states, this new road, five southern states could be connected by a new highway, running from texas to augusta, georgia. and i don't know where we get money for the highways. but i'm glad, it would be a very interesting place, there's i-10 down there, but aside from that there's not a lot. all the way across. >> all the way, yeah. part of the idea is to help with the traffic congestion. you get with i-10 around new orleans, or i-20 around atlanta, so it would start over in western texas, go through texas, louisiana, mississippi, alabama, georgia. it would connect some of the already existing infrastructure, like interstate 10 over here, would connect. then start being built around the college station area. now, texas, louisiana, mississippi have signed off on this. they are okay with it, construction starting. but alabama and georgia are still waiting for their legislators to kind of get with the program on this. >> shepard: if you have nach', brook haven, laurel, does the interstate go through those towns? >> yes. a lot of them are farming, agricultural centers. having the interstate there would help them with the perishable goods they have to ship. a lot of this, these red boxes are categorized by the government as persistent poverty areas. the interstate would help those communities, it would bring manufacturing and it would bring new hotels, restaurants. >> shepard: how we going to pay for this? . that's the one problem. >> shepard: i'd like a pony, also. that's an issue, i-14, we don't have the funds for that. >> not yet. but some college students, kid at georgia starting a sophomore year and two kids at auburn are leading the charge, talking to legislators, they have four local communities signing off on it. we could see it 450king up with them. texas, louisiana, mississippi have it. >> shepard: all right. you know how that goes, probably 104 by then. good to see you. >> thanks. >> shepard: an astronomer got a strange signal from space. some sort of signal. and scientists have not ruled out, really, anything as a source. coming up we'll talk to a physicist about where that signal could be coming from. what it might really mean. not the green men, but we'll see. with two times more geographic detail... ...ancestrydna can pinpoint where your ancestors are from... ...and the paths they took, to a new home. could their journey inspire yours? 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>> i tend to think like you mentioned, microwave oven gave that spurious signal to us years ago. they thought they picked up a microwave star when it was a microwave off in their laboratory. i think perhaps it's two colliding neutron stars. but you can't rule out the bizarre. the numbers don't seem to come out right. that's the problem. >> shepard: i don't have much time left, but there is a lower frequency that you hear. >> right, a few months ago they located, the location of one of these bursts. and 3 billion light years away in another galaxy, far, far away. then just this week, they found the lowest frequency of these bursters. we're just scratching our heads. what could cause a repeating burst and low end, low frequency burst. >> shepard: hit us up when you figure it out. appreciate it. >> um-hum. >> shepard: have a good one. exciting. firing up the starship, duh, kament kirk did it all the time. should news break out, we'll break in, if breaking news changes everything on fox news channel, "nor world" with neil cavuto, we'll be up on facebook watch for an update in three minutes. ♪motorcycle revving ♪ motorcycle revving ♪motorcycle revving ♪ motorcycle revving ♪ no matter who rides point, ♪ there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. ♪♪ and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands? 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Transcripts For DW DW News 20191029 06:00:00

room. booking travel now. this is news coming to you live from firefighters in california struggle to contain several wildfires the blaze ravaging northern california's wine country has doubled in size turning homes and framed one reason into ashes the separate fire in the los angeles area forced thousands to evacuate also coming up. british prime minister boris johnson vows to renew his push for an election on december 12th despite parliament defeating his plan for an early ballot this after the e.u. agrees to a delay which johnson says he doesn't want. and living with a noisy neighbor we visit the villagers who are stuck next to a new runway at international airport. and pakistan's baby boom for many talking about birth control is tough but the consequences for overwhelming many. hello i'm terry martin thanks for joining us firefighters in california are battling 2 massive blazes extreme winds have been fanning the flames and a statewide emergency has been declared official say the fire ripping through northern california in one country has now bubbled in size. nearly 200000 people under a back you waste in orders further sell another while pires threatening homes in the los angeles area somewhat wealthiest residents including basketball star le bron james and even the terminator himself. have been driven from their homes in the 405 freeway in los angeles the latest front in the california wildfires early monday morning a new fire broke out here sweeping through the hills thousands of people were forced to flee as the fire scorched the wealthy west side of the city authorities urged residents to heed the warnings and get out. if you're in the mandatory evacuation zone and you're still there watching this you're an idiot get the hell out it's way too dangerous people that stay behind are just a danger in themselves and not helping the worst affected area is sonoma county in northern california 88000 homes here are in danger 4000 firefighters are battling to get the blaze under control but there is new hope after days of strong winds conditions have improved but today's focus continues to be perimeter control and structure protection especially during this 24 hour window of opportunity we currently have with favorable weather conditions but time is of the essence forecasters are warning that this is just a brief rest bite wins us that's a pick up and fan the flames once more. we're starting to be ready for those another red flag event all right now it looks like that's going to start sometime midday tuesday into wednesday morning so we've got a kind of a quiet 24 right now and then we're going to go into another critical period tuesday night into wednesday it's now a race against time a battle against the blazes before that next critical period begins. earlier we spoke to jason kemp a donia from n.b.c. radio news about the situation in the greater los angeles area the fire this morning really a matter of no where it started about 2 o'clock in the morning and spread very very rapidly when we 1st got the call it was about $1.00 to $2.00 acres and literally about 20 minutes later it was already up around $100.00 and you give it another hour and then it was up over 400 so it spanned it spread really really rapidly and it's just chewing up the vegetation so people in that area had to go and they had to go quakers but as you can see the blanket of smoke that's behind me you can taste it you can smell it and it's bad it gets in your throat and i winds are really keeping this fire going and fire crews are given everything that they've got at it they've got a big airplanes want to drop in helicopters ground crews and they're just trying to keep this thing down because the winds are really expected it can come later this week. now to the u.k. he said he would rather die in a ditch that asked to delay bragg's it but british prime minister boris johnson has now agreed to a brags an extension until january 31st he's also been trying to persuade parliament to agree to a snap election in december joelson lost that vote but undeterred today he will try again to convince opposition parties to support a general election he's hoping to capitalize on public anger over breakfast. can you that's the election by the end of this week this was the day boris johnson has pledged to deliver brags that by the end of october my job is to get outside on october 31st and that is what will you we are committed to all of us leaving the european union. all ok with a bus going to go you know if there's lots you. know there were more than a few obstacles on the road to breaks it and plenty of the still itty outside and inside parliament. with a new parliament who will sooner had he agreed to delete a brags than he was at the dispatch box pushing for a snap election time for other again or. by december 12th and then go to the people despite his pleas he couldn't muster anywhere near enough support. for maturity required has not been reached and there you have it for the opposition an election is a gamble he would rather not take. thank you mr speaker. the reason i am so cautious is quite simply because i do not trust the prime minister he said unconvinced and undetailed johnson says he'll make a fresh attempt on tuesday. because this house. any longer the country. millions of families and businesses cannot plan for the future as night fell it was a future that looted likely to involve a ballot box with hints that smaller opposition parties may be ready to back johnson's call in just hours the united kingdom could well be in campaign mode no s. no buts. for a while ago we spoke to did obvious london correspondent charlotte potts at the end of another day that didn't go as planned for the prime minister. once again rejected boris johnson's request for a general election so what happens now well boris johnson is going to try again through a different mechanism in which he just needs a simple majority and this time around it might just because the liberal democrats and the scottish national party support an election in principle so a pretty christmas election here in the u.k. might be in the cards boris johnson wants this election desperately to finally get his brakes to deal through parliament that he needs to shake up the numbers and get a fresh mandate from british voters and what does this all mean for breakfast well british vote might soon have a say again on whether they approve of boris johnson's strategy or whether they want a pro european parliament. some of the stories making headlines around the world today authorities in hong kong have barred pro-democracy activist wong from running in the next month's local elections says he's the only candidate who's been disqualified the electoral commission says his nomination is invalid. and the government protesters have again taken to the streets in the chilean capital santiago despite a cabinet shakeup by president sebastian pinera police clashed with demonstrators in the city center in europe replaced a cabinet ministers in an effort to calm the rest that has left at least 17 dead. the u.s. says it has disposed of the remains of. the leader of the so-called islamic state he was killed in a raid by u.s. forces on his syria hideout saturday world leaders have cautioned there could be reprisal attacks on. the iraqi military has declared a curfew to quell deadly protests but the demonstrators say they won't leave the streets and. an emergency government is in place there calling for an end to corruption inequality more than 230 people have been killed since the protests started earlier this month. another day of protests in iraq thousands took to the streets of baghdad and other cities on monday angry about corruption and the lack of jobs and public services and once again they were met with force security forces fired tear gas at the crowds of people marching in defiance of a warning from prime minister abdul mahdi not to join the demonstrations on sunday he said anyone disrupting businesses or schools would be punished protesters tried to cross the bridge leading to baghdad's fortified international zone which houses government buildings and foreign embassies. peaceful demonstrators are protests are peaceful those rulers harm the iraqi people no salaries no appointments no land their promises are lies and they're hitting us with tear gas bombs as if we were not iraqis. there are no job opportunities my son stay at home without a hope and that applies to all young people not only my sons this regime has been ruling us for 16 years but they offer us nothing we're fed up with them. students in the southern iraqi city of nasiriyah also took to the streets despite the warning they're demanding changes to the country's constitution and election laws. there were similar scenes in the holy shiite city of najaf as well authorities declared a curfew from midnight until 6 am state t.v. said it would be in effect until further notice. the world jewish congress has honored german chancellor merkel for her efforts to defeat anti semitism the president of the organization wrote ronald loud up presented michael with the theater prize at a ceremony in munich praised machall as a ball work against extremism hate and he semitism at a time when germany is seeing a sharp rise in attacks on jewish people and institutions earlier this month the man killed 2 people while attempting to attack a synagogue in eastern germany. well speaking to a news rival louder also called for a ban on german parties that support new nazi ideology i believe that anyone any party who is who shows anti-semitic feelings should not be in that point and i believe also there are some party small parties that are basically based on almost a new nazi theory they should be not allowed in marches like we had this endorsement although they did not with the signs of nazi germany there was no doubt with it where they were or in stadiums sports stadiums where the whole group of people stand up and give the hitler salute what does that say that's something the government has to handle the president of the world jewish congress ronald lauder speaking there earlier. now to moscow where the city's busiest airport has become even busier in september a 3rd runway opened sheremetyevo airport but it's right next to 2 villages and that's proving to be a noisy neighbor the villages were supposed to have been resettled and knocked down by the end of last year but there's no sign of that happening so far. the planes are too close for comfort and the garden backs directly on to shamita his newest runway. authorities promise to resettle everyone in one day's village dubrovsky before opening the airstrip but andre still doesn't know when exactly his family will have to leave and how much money the government will offer to buy him out of his house. we have no way out of the situation we have been living here for generations with the family who believe a whole year this is no holiday home good on them when you people here in the village have animals what are they supposed to do we can't be sure the government is protecting our interest if they don't talk to us this is an information vacuum we don't know what's going to happen next. the other villagers of dabrowski also want certainty around 50 households are currently in limbo a group of locals has been meeting with officials to push for information about their homes they tell us they're sad to lose this tight knit community but they know they can't live here long term. as we understand the government needs this they need to expand the airport this is he is expanding and people are traveling here but people need to be treated humanely we are potatoes in a field that can just be replanted. but the uncertainty isn't the only worry for the village of the russian consumer watchdog has warned that the pollution and noise here are a huge health risk. is already one of russia's biggest airports and now with this 3rd runway around $25.00 extra planes can land and take off here every hour construction of the runway began back in 2012 and was supposed to be finished in time for the world cup last year the deadline for the resettlement of nearby villages has been pushed back several times the author already has refused our interview request but pointed out they plan to resettle the towns and compensate and they and his neighbors by the end of the year. it's hard to be here the noise and the smell from the planes are landing and taking off don't allow you to live a full life. whole day and come home. fortress the place you can relax and gather strength. relax here. and when the motives of the. from now on that he is hoping the government will finally keep its promises and if not he says he's prepared to take the battle for his home to court. you're watching the news still to come. the equestrian event that runs on the most sustainable source of energy horse manure police play and help our keeps the lights in helsinki. argentina's center left president elect alberto fernandez has met the outgoing president maurice to discuss a transition period and just swept to power on sunday promising to fix argentina's broken economy he now faces the daunting task of dodging yet another damaging default. the celebrations in the streets of plano sideways happiness and hope sweep over crowds supporting the victory in vision a political outsider to fernandez but that was sunday night post-election monday the country's central bank has been the brakes on optimism by limiting the amount of dollars arjun tines can exchange. effective today we have reduced to $200.00 u.s. dollars monthly as the maximum amount that can be purchased by individuals with prior authorization from the central bank i know that this measure even being a temporary one is very strict and impacts a lot of people. the goal is protecting the peso it tumbles sharply in august when now president elect president mockery in the primaries fears over a ruling center left government prompted people to sell off their pesos address those concerns election night that is where we are of course going to work together as closely as possible. because the only thing that will concern us is stopping the suffering of argentinians once and for but the morning after brings mixed reactions . that the truth is that i am very happy with the change. we didn't want the government to stay in office and we hope that things change a bit because it has been really hot. not everyone is happy. or sad but it seems to me it ended up more like a football match than something political for a lot of people and that seems really horrible to me. it's not the way to vote well that's my way of looking at it. it's all an open question because they still haven't said anything they haven't proposed any policies because moving forward top monday's agenda with the presidential rivals working to calm market jitters showing a smooth transition of leadership it's a return to power for argentina center left and a gamble that voters hope will pull the country out of poverty. nicole has been covering the elections earlier we asked her about the challenges the new president will face rebuilding an economy in shambles will be the biggest challenge for argentina's new president after riding a wave of popular support toward a comfortable win in the presidential elections over to fernandez now has to get to work starting with what might be the most complicated task at hand restructuring the country's massive debt with the i.m.f. he has one person in particular to thank for his rise to power and that is controversial former president cristina fernandez a kitchener well now he has to step out of her shadow proving to citizens and bester is alike that it won't be her pulling the strings in their government finally he will have to unite his own party around his more moderate approach to traditional parent ism the friend to todos is made up of dozens of splinter groups that all want to push through their own agenda and want to see their ideas reflected in the new government he will have to prove true leadership skills in order to avoid internal bickering that could destabilize his government. now some of the other stories making news around the world today french police have arrested an 84 year old gunman suspected of wounding 2 men outside a mosque in the city of bayonne police say the men surprised the shooter as he tried to start a fire one report says he had links to the far right national rally party and u.s. congresswoman congress a u.s. congresswoman at the center of a revenge porn scandal has vowed to campaign to end the practice in a tearful video katie hill a rising star in the democratic party said that she would step down because private photos are being used to destroy her. well it's a subject that's still taboo in pakistan's conservative muslim societies sex education once married women face pressure to procreate fear of a backlash from islamic clerics discourage public discussion about family planning and access to contraceptives is limited only about a 3rd of pakistanis have access to them that means the whole population continues to boom there are more than 200000000 people in pakistan individual families often feel they can barely manage with so many mouths to feed. the reports. standing up to make a difference child are soon rule is a community health worker in the town of picher in sindh province in a conservative muslim society she reaches out to women pakistan's public health system fails to reach today she's speaking about family planning and reproductive health but it's not an easy sell i mean it does yeah the mit kind of authentic people are more aware of family planning these days but they're often reluctant because they're myths and misconceptions about using contraceptives some women are afraid that it will make them infertile forever others think it's against their religion scheider is not a trained nurse or a doctor but she lives and works in the community so when she refers them to the local government run hospital they trust her enough to go and get professional help . rima is a mother of 2 this is her 1st ever visit seeking advice on birth control the doctor takes a medical history and advises her on her options and injection for a 3 month gap bills for daily use contraception as well as implant method for 5 to 10 year contraception but unlike her most women in pakistan are not allowed to make these choices order says more than the women it's her in-laws and the husband who call. the shots as doctors we have to talk to the families because without their consent women usually can say no to having babies. no wonder then pakistanis produce more babies than any other country in south asia except of gonna stand millions of these children will never go to school they will be malnourished because their parents can't afford a decent meal for their large families boys may have a better chance of survival but girls will most likely face a bleak future. the question is where could this lead pakistan a nuclear armed country lagging way behind its neighbors in human development to find out i have come to meet the men of disapproval community at this village meeting people see benefit in family planning but this is a fear of a backlash from islamic clerics is the major obstacle. has promised that he will provide food for. this either family planning is a sin and who are you to interfere. but then we try to explain to them that it is not against the. muslim countries control but they hear the mission mean there is no carbonation of conflict that at the top in my time here is a doctor i have never seen a family planning official visit to unless your investment community is going for. community. it's true that decades of militarism and corruption has taken a big toll on pakistan's fishel development but it now seems the biggest long term trick to the country may not be external but could come from its unchecked population growth. now to the horse show that takes horse power to a whole new level and eventually helsinki has shown its environmental credentials by generating all its energy from horse manure. at. this equestrian show in finland the horses do more than jump over obstacles they're responsible for powering the entire event from the school board to the lights inside the arena. and it comes not from the horse's mouth but rather it's behind all of them in your produce during the show is corrected up and turned into electricity all the people we get here even though i do it week to day we use to get all the energy and electronic music like our day we get the power from my social events but it was also pretty much the whole helsinki area. finland with its 75000 horses is a 1st tile ground for the project the idea to get more from your manure started 5 years ago the waste is transported by a local energy company mixed with words and then burns to create energy was meant as a template for the future was comparable to say goodbye having roughly 1.5 nickel tells . us that we as a. whole to a horses are needed to produce a more definitive that one single father people feel requires for food. there are more benefits to horse power it generates less carbon dioxide than other bio energy sources environmentally friendly excretion that proves the saying you should never look at gift horse in the mouth. this is news and these are our top stories thousands of pirate fighters are battling 2 massive blazes across california a new fire broke out in west all signs of us on monday but the worst hit area is sonoma county in northern california more than 200000 people there have been told to evacuate. british prime minister boris johnson has lost a vote of hold an early election on december 12th he called the boat after failing to arrange britain's exit from the e.u. by october 31st on tuesday johnson will make another attempt to force a lecture. authorities in hong kong have barred prominent pro-democracy activists joshua walang from standing in local elections next month the electoral commission says wong's nomination is. antigovernment protesters have again taken to the streets of the chilean capital santiago despite a cabinet shake up by president sebastian pinera he replaced 8 ministers in a bid to calm the rest of his left at least 17 dead. this is news from berlin for more follow us on twitter at d w news or visit our website at www dot com. you're watching d.w. news coming to you live from berlin doha elbows will be here in just a moment with your business update i'm terry martin thanks for being with us. to. kick off. happy days folklorist the mention flux of finding nothing special at the top of the bonus he got the win at home against i'm tom franks. samoud is not so great a bio make up to an unconvincing when it counts on the dog's new in the next displacement true champions look likes to go 66 w. . i subscribe to d w books or something more in the world than a book. maybe after 5. books are known to. come along. the adventures of the famous naturalist and explorer. to celebrate clicks on the phone books from 250. working on the for each of discovery. expedition in boyd on dino. luxury behind the mirror humans are exploited and animals cruelly slaughtered. big brands have committed to fear working conditions in sustainable production. but who is monitoring the some contractors. and investigative documentary goes to italy and china and looks behind the glamorous facades of fashion houses. luxury murder starts no membership own t.w. . no deal in the sun russia and ukraine fail to agree on a new long time gas transit contract which has europeans fearing they'll be the ones ending up sitting in the cold. and lebanon central bank wants out to corruption protests could cause the economy it's a collapse but demonstrators say the bank is part of the problem. this is


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