ASUS has unleashed the new Zenbook 17 Fold OLED laptop in India. The device will be available for purchase from November 10 onwards, and those who would be interested to buy the new Zenbook can prebook the laptop from the official website of the company from today till November 9, 2022.
It looks like Apple is all set to release its iPhone 13 series into the market probably in September. Speculations are that the new iPhone 13 series launch event would take place on September 14. It is expected that the company will launch the iPhone 13 series in four new variants- iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max. These smartphones will range
iPhone 13 लवर्स के लिए बड़ी खुशखबरी है। दरअसल एक हालिया रिपोर्ट में ऐप्पल अपनी मोस्ट अवेटेड iPhone 13 सीरीज और नेक्स्ट जनरेशन AirPods की लॉन्च डेट का खुलासा हो गया है। आप भी देखिए.
Apple iPhone 13 series Release Date: iPhone 13 series is expected to launch globally next month. Ahead of the official launch, the alleged iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, Pro Max and iPhone 13 mini release date has been leaked. Check full details here.