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Transcripts For CNNW New Day With Alisyn Camerota And John Berman 20191217

cnn's chief legal analyst, joe lockhart, former clinton white house press secretary and bianna golodryga. i want to start with where we sit this morning because, by tomorrow night, president trump will become the third u.s. president ever to be impeached, joe. in the new development overnight, to me, is more and more of these democrats in districts that president trump won. for whom this was supposed to be a very difficult vote. and maybe it is. but they're almost all coming out and saying they're going to vote to impeach president trump. joe cunningham of south carolina, glen mcadams, lee slotkin. and the list goes on and on and on. what do you see as happening here. why? >> you know, i think it's a tough political decision, and at the end of the day, they looked at and watched the hearings and read the depositions and just said, i'm just going to do what's right. i don't think it's more complicated than that. >> we have a little moment of slotkin, just what they've had to face in their own districts. it's interesting. in some ways they can't win because you see these town halls and people worked up in a lather who don't want to see her vote for impeachment and some who do. here's a little moment. >> what was fundamentally different for me is that the president decided to do this for his own political gain and not for the national security interests of the united states. >> just a general dim of discontent. >> and you know, good for her for speaking to her constituents publicly. there are some who may disagree with her. we saw some boos as well, but it also speaks to the larger point of her coming out saying, look, i am willing to put my future career here as a congresswoman on the line to defend something that i think was inappropriate the president did, and i'm standing up for saying that out loud. and given her background in national security, given her work in the cia, given her willingness to come out and say, i wasn't in favor of impeachment during the mueller investigation, right? so it wasn't one of these people elected stri ee eed strictly to president. you can ask the same questions of many republicans who may side with the president and don't go to town halls and shy away from cameras. she's speaking out. >> and it may be, too, the fact the polls are so evenly divided makes it easier to vote your conscience. when it's hard to vote your conscience is when 80% of your constituents are against you. that's a hard vote. when you are in a tough district and it's evenly divided anyway, you'll not get many of the opposing votes as it is so you might as well try to do what's right. >> and i will point out that the white house and republicans have been trying to spin for a long time that democrats who were voting for impeachment are in trouble. and we just don't necessarily see polling evidence of that. in our poll overnight and jeffrey, you stay out of this because you don't believe polls in general. >> i didn't say that. >> 15 battleground states. in the 15 battlegrounds states, theoretically in the places it should be more challenging, 46% approve impeaching and removing the president. 45% no. it's basically dead even there. so in these places where republicans claim democrats were going to be in big trouble, it's not necessarily seeing it. in some places you're seeing the opposite of that. in new jersey, jeff van drew is quitting the democratic party because he is against impeachment. he couldn't get renominated in his district. >> yeah, listen, and i think we've spent entirely too much time talking about jeff van drew. he's not a significant part of this. what we've not spent enough time on is the impact this is going to have on republicans when they face the voters next year. by the time the senate trial is over, they will have stuck their head in the sand for three full months. they'll have said facts don't matter. doesn't matter what the president said. you have rudy giuliani running around say hey, i can't believe you don't believe we're guilty. we're guilty. we're guilty. look at me. look at me. trust me. we climbed all over the place. and that could have -- and i think will have an impact on republicans, particularly as it moves to the senate to these vulnerable senators in colorado, maine, north carolina, and i think we've spent way too much time focusing on the peril to democrats and too little on the peril of -- to republicans. >> i think you need to separate what the president did, this impeachment process and his approval rating overall. you have few people, and i dare you to find many republicans, many people who are moderates in this country who will say cart blanchthe president did nothing wrong. when you have these democrats who are moderates, who are out there saying, listen, i have to do this. if it means i lose my job, i lose my job. so be it. that doesn't necessarily put her in peril with those who still support the president. it's very hard to defend what he did, which is why you even see republicans attacking the process and not necessarily what the president did. where you do get into trouble is telling the president that. according to even "the wall street journal" report last night, he doesn't just want to be acquitted. he wants to be vindicated. he wants people to say there was nothing wrong with what he did and that's very hard to do. >> can we move on to giuliani or do you want to talk more about what we'll see in the next 24 hours. >> i want to do what you want to do. >> i'm going to need this. >> rudy giuliani, i'll read to you. you know it because it's from "the new yorker." your colleague did this interview. here's what rudy giuliani said. i believe that i needed to get marie yovanovitch out of the way. she was going to make the investigations difficult for everybody. the investigations that he wanted to do and that these disgraced prosecutors who were known to be corrupt in ukraine wanted because they had decided that maybe we should look into the bidens, that that would curry favor with president trump. here's giuliani explaining that it was to get her out of the way what he wanted to do. >> first, there was the piece in the new yorker. then an interview with "the new york times." and this morning, rudy is tweeting about getting yovanovitch fired. it's just -- it's astonishing. and basically, he's accusing her of obstruction of justice because she wouldn't give visas to people who wanted to help donald trump. it is just so surreal. and, you know, it's just underlined that the facts are not in dispute here. the democrats kept saying that during the impeachment proceedings in the intelligence committee and judiciary committee because it's true. the idea that the president and his lawyer used the muscle of the presidency to aid his re-election campaign. it's just not in dispute. and as joe points out, republicans are going to have to defend that come november. >> i think the public and republicans haven't talked as much about the source of giuliani's -- the source were these two widely seen as corrupt prosecutors in ukraine. and part of it is that when police raided their team's homes and offices they found bags of diamonds. >> as one does. >> right. >> and cash. >> and cash. >> it happens. >> so i don't know about your payroll but that's not normally how people who are not accepting bribes are paid. and -- >> that's usually how it works. >> the source of rudy giuliani where he's getting his information, i don't think that republicans have been asked to answer for that that often. >> and in -- what makes this even more amazing is he's just continuing to talk about this. >> because it's so convoluted. and there was a pattern here. yes, it was stunning he admitted that but equally stunning is this corrupt prosecutor yuriy lutsenko said they tried to do this with yovanovitch's predecessor. but this time it worked. >> to bring it full circle, if i can. this gets to the real question here. it's not a matter of whether there is peril for democrats or peril for republicans. the question is, is there peril for the united states of america in all of this? and that's what members of congress have to decide determine when they vote. do they care that the president admitted to pressing the president of ukraine to investigate a political rival, joe biden? the president told us he did. do they care that the president, in relatively unprecedented fashion said obstruct everything to congress. cooperate zero percent here. has that ever happened as you know? >> it certainly has never happened. no, it's never happened under any circumstances. as joe says, bill clinton did cooperate with the investigation of the lewinsky matter. richard nixon allowed his aides to testify before congress. this blanket refusal to produce documents or witnesses has never happened. >> so peril for america. that is what the vote is. >> yeah. >> and that's what these members have. >> i think just one last word on giuliani. it seems like we all watch crime shows on tv and it's like the defense attorney during the prosecutor's close saying, stop, i've got better stuff for you. let me make -- but there is peril. we create the precedent. adam schiff has been particularly effective in arguing. if we create the precedent that what the president did was okay, then all hell breaks loose as far as campaigns go. and that's why i think in the short term, yes, there is focus and should be on the democrats and how they do this. but in the longer term, there is real peril for the republican party to have -- to put aside the constitution, put aside all these larger issues and to say, we don't care. we're with the president because that helps us. >> it makes us one step closer to becoming a banana republic. if this is okay with ukraine, imagine what's going to happen next with russia. there's so many questions we don't know about the president's relationship with these authoritarians around the world. saudi arabia, turkey. if we'll have fewer and fewer people there to regulate what the president does and monitor and check his actions, then we do become a banana republic. >> if they ever propose a script like this for "madlock," it would quiget rejected. >> how old are you? "madlock"? >> maybe if "south park" had some legal issues they would. >> i'm barely older than you and i hardly remember -- >> what he spends his weekends doing. >> by tomorrow, president trump will become the third president ever impeached in u.s. history. we're going to speak to the only member of congress who has played a role in the last three impeachment investigations. stick around. ♪this may not completely rhyme but i'd be totally lost without you. save on a gift that says it all. ♪ jared seaonly abreva cany to help sget rid of it in... little as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. abreva acts on it. so you can too. ( ♪ ) here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. less than one hour from now, the full house democratic caucus will meet as it moves one step closer to the histor iic impeachment vote against president trump. joining me now is california democratic congresswoman zoe lofgren and as has been noted, this is your third straight impeachment process. you worked on the judiciary committee for the impeachment process of richard nixon. you were on the judiciary committee for the impeachment of capitol hill clinton and again for this. i want you to reflect on how this compares to those two other moments that you witnessed. >> in the case of richard nixon, it was similar, but this is worse. nixon abused his presidential power and that's what high crimes and misdemeanors is about in the constitution. misuse of presidential powers that undercuts the republic. he did that to benefit his election, and he was impeached by the committee and then resigned. in the case of president trump, he misused his presidential powers also to help his election. he also involved a foreign country which is even worse. that's something the founding fathers had grave concerns about the involvement of foreign countries in our elections. the other thing where president trump is even worse than nixon, nixon sent his employees over to testify. remember the famous john dean moment in the watergate hearings. he was the president's counsel. president trump has refused to send anyone and he's refused to send any piece of paper or document. it's an unprecedented refusal to send anything whatsoever to the congress. it's impeachable in and of itself. it's article two. in the case of clinton, you know, clinton lied under oath. probably a crime. certainly wrong, but it wasn't a misuse of presidential power. any husband caught being unfaithful to his spouse could lie under oath about it. it wasn't a misuse of presidential power. >> if you lie under oath you face -- >> of course. >> which the president is not subject to because of regulations. impeaching the president has got to be one of the most weighty things you can do as a member of congress. you've been there before. what does it feel like? >> it feels somber. the stakes are very high for our country. if this misconduct is permitted to stand, it changes the nature of the presidency moving forward. if it is okay to solicit foreign countries to help you in the election, it's katie bar the door in the future. if it's okay to say i refuse to cooperate at all with the congress of the united states, the three branches of government will be changed forever going forward. so this is important not just for president trump but for our country for the ages. >> you keep saying if, if, if. do you have any reasonable expectation that the outcome here isn't that the president will be impeached tomorrow in the house of representatives but then when it comes to the senate he'll be acquitted in a senate trial? >> well, i like to think that people are searching for consciences. i expect the vote to impeach tomorrow, given the number of congre congre congressmen and women who have made announcements over the weekend. i can't believe what i'm seeing in the senate. it's a trial and you're supposed to hear evidence and then take an oath to do a just verdict. it looks like senator mcconnell is rigging this trial. if i were the president, i'd be concerned. he wants to be exonerated. he's not going to be exonerated if the trial is rigged. everyone will know that he's guilty but got off through trickanery. >> chuck schumer in 1989 initially voted against new witnesses or hearing evidence in the senate trial. you know this flips every time a republican did something in '99 the other side of it is saying with democrats. and one thing republicans will say is that you had a chance to try to get mick mulvaney. you had a chance to subpoena john bolton, and you didn't in the investigation. so why should they do it in a senate trial if you didn't do it? >> they are essentially the grand jury. we had way more than we needed to reach a conclusion the president abused his power, and that's the basis for the article of impeachment. it's important to note that the president's counsel didn't assert privileges that could be adjudicated in court. he basically said we don't like this, and we're not sending anything over. how do you adjudicate that? >> and i want to go back to something you said before, the hypothetical if. if the president gets away with this as you basically say. katie bar the door. what makes this process worth it if the outcome is what it appears to be that he will be acquitted in the senate. how will you tell your constituents, how will you tell people the next time around that this process was worth it? >> well, we have our job to do here in the house which is to evaluate the evidence and decide whether the president has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. now the vote to impeach will be a stain on his record. he will only be the third president in history to have that record. i hope that the senate will take their obligation seriously, sort through the evidence and reach a verdict instead of just doing a political dance with the president. >> congresswoman zoe lofgren, thanks for joining us and talking about everything you've zeen in this process. now to this story. grounded. why boeing is suspending production on the troubled 737 max. what have they learned? and behind bombshell. the story about the scandal at fox news channel and the women who turned the tables on roger ails. >> am i witness w? >> yes. it's the 23rd letter in the alphabet. have 22 other women come forward since i spoke to you. >> the star of the film joins us live on "new day." ♪ (children playing) (dog barking) ♪ (music building) experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first month's payment. [ drathis holiday... ahhhhh!!! -ahhhhh!!! a distant friend returns... elliott. you came back! and while lots of things have changed... wooooah! -woah! it's called the internet. some things haven't. get ready for a reunion 3 million light years in the making. woohoo! -yeah! developing overnight, boeing announced plans to temporarily stop production of its 737 max plane. how will this affect the airline industry and the global economy? joining us now to discuss, richard quest, cnn business editor at large and host of "quest means business" and natalie kitriof. i think there are two giant issues here. we're talking about safety. flight safety. and talking about the economy. let's touch on safety first here, richard. boeing made this decision to stop even producing the 737 max now. why and what does that tell you? >> two reasons. first of all, they are running out of places to park them. they've made 400 of them since the grounding, and they've literally run out of spaces, air drones, desert space, all the places they'd park these planes. secondly, the faa is saying they'll individually certify the planes. although they'll require individual inspection of all the planes before they'll allow them to fly. you have 378 already delivered. 400 in storage. that's nearly 800 planes that boeing is going to have to inspect once the grounding is over. so they're preparing themes for that moment when they have to go back to those planes and get them ready to go back in the air. >> does this indicate it's challenging to convince the faa and maybe the american consumer that they are making these planes safe? >> i think it's going to be very difficult. i think boeing is going to have a real job on its hand. the name max may have to disappear. they may have to do a variety of different marketing tricks to make people want to fly this plane. i have no doubt when the faa say it's okay to fly, it will be safe to fly, but will the traveling public want to get on board? >> in terms of the economic impact and the effect on boeing, this is profound. this is a decision that will have a huge -- in certain ways, immediate impact, yes? >> it's hard to overstate the ripple effect that any boeing decision of this magnitude will have on the u.s. economy. remember, this is the largest american manufacturing exporter. there are 600 direct suppliers for the max. you're going to see an effect go all the way through the supply chain and boeing is going to try hard to minimize that, but it remains to be seen the damage that will be done. >> help explain that a little more because boeing is saying at least at first they're going to redistribute their own workers working on the 737 max so there won't be immediate job losses but that doesn't tell the whole story. >> you have 12,000 workers inside of boeing working directly on the max. they're saying we're going to keep them on. but at these hundreds of suppliers, you have big guys and small guys and the little ones are the ones that are going to hurt the most. boeing is going to try to keep the big ones healthy because they need to, when they ramp up, have the ability to get their supply chain going again. the smaller ones, the ones that have invested a lot and may not have any other big customers, there is where you'll see the pain. >> let me read a statement that boeing put out on all of this. safely returning the 737 max to service is our top priority. we know that the process of improving the return to service and determining appropriate training requirements must be extraordinarily thorough and robust to ensure that our regulators, customers and the flying public have confidence in the 737 max updates. >> where we are at the moment is that phrase, determining the appropriate training requirements. the faa is basically saying to boeing, we need pilots better trained to fly these machines. and this goes back to a core issue in the aviation industry at the moment. the planes are highly sophisticated, detailed and complex. can pilots fly them in an emergency. and i don't just mean the world's best pilots. i don't even mean pilots from the world's best airlines. if you think about the range of airlines that buy these aircraft, the ordinary, everyday pilot outside in the rest of the world needs to be able to fly that plane when something goes wrong and that's where the issue is at the moment. >> do you see that as the main question? if that's the main question, to what extent is boeing getting to yes on that? >> the faa has signaled very clearly that this plane is not going to fly until 2020. boeing was projecting it would fly by the end of the year. already you're seeing a delay, and there have been many delays. most outside observers think the max is going to play. whether it will require simulator training for pilots is still up in the air. that's been a lot of back and forth between the faa and boeing and we're really watching to see how that plays out. and it's a dispute that's gone into 2020 at this point. >> i have to say consumers when they're orggoing online checkin what equipment they're going to fly and boeing has to get over that hurdle. thanks for being here. alisyn? >> john, supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg weighing in on the impeachment trial. her word of warning to senators who say they've already made up their minds. that's next. finally a little quiet time, huh? oh my goodness. ♪ i love you, yes it's true ♪ there's no one else i'd choose ♪ ♪this may not completely rhyme but i'd be totally lost without you. save on a gift that says it all. ♪ jared quitting smoking is freaking, like quitting every monday hard. quitting feels so big. so, try making it smaller. and you'll be surprised at how easily starting small... ...can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette before we talk about tax-s-audrey's expecting... new? -twins! ♪ we'd be closer to the twins. change in plans. at fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. about an hour from now, former trump deputy campaign manager and top witness in the mueller probe, rick gates will be sentenced. evan perez is live outside the courthouse in washington. what do we expect? >> well, alisyn, you're right. rick gates has been one of the top witnesses if not the top witness in the mueller investigation. we're expecting today that prosecutors are going to tell the judge that he deserves to get probation, nothing else, for all of his cooperation that he's provided in this investigation. let me go through all of the things he has done. according to rick gates' own lawyers, he's provided more than 500 hours of testimony and interviews to the prosecutors at the justice department, and he has helped them in cases against paul manafort, his former boss, the former chairman of the trump campaign, and against roger stone, and there's also an ongoing investigation that they say that rick gates is still providing some cooperation. even after he gets sentenced. they expect he's going to continue to provide some help in that investigation. let's go back to february of 2018 which is when rick gates first pleaded guilty to two criminal counts. back then still inside the mueller investigation. it looked really bad for people associated with the president, perhaps even the president himself. fast forward to today and the president is about to be impeached on something we had no idea about back in february of 2018. and the democrats have decided not even to mention the obstruction charges or anything from the mueller investigation as part of the impeachment proceedings. so a lot has changed in the year and a half since rick gates decided to plead guilty. >> a lot of things have changed. some remain the same. this is one of the loose ends of the mueller investigation. it will be really interesting to see what is resolved today. overnight, ruths bader ginsburg speaking out about the impeachment process. the 86-year-old says she hopes there will be good people on both sides of the aisle to say let's stop this dysfunction. justice ginsburg also believes if the senator reveals bias, he or she should be disqualified from the trial. she made the remarks in new york while receiving the award for philosophy and culture. she plans to donate the $1 million prize to organizations to grow opportunities for women, something she has fought for her whole life. >> that's remarkable to give away your $1 million prize. >> when she says that if senators express bias, they should be disqualified, there have been senators who have come out and said they will not be impartial jurors. >> oh, there have been senators who say they are working hand in glove with the white house as they prepare for this. so i'm not sure they're taking her advice yet. meanwhile, the movie "bombshell" opens this friday. the star and producer, charlize theron, is here live to talk about the new film and how she prepared to play megyn kelly, as well as her exuberant reaction to some early awards buzz. first in the "impact your world," meet the sisters behind paper for water which turns the art of origami into clean water projects around the world. >> i feel like as a kid, sometimes adults underestimate us and what we can accomplish. my name is kathryn adams. >> i'm isabel adams. we're the founders of paper for water. in 2011, isabel was 8, i was 5. we learned that a child died around the world every 15 seconds from lack of clean water. and we really wanted to do something about it. so we took something that we love doing, which was folding origami and started taking donations for it. from then it just snowballed. most of the paper that we use is either donated or we get discounts for it. then we have volunteers who fold it. >> they go to either online store or to gift theirs where they are exchanged for donations. >> we have raised over $2 million and helped fund over 200 water projects in 20 different countries. >> living water international are drilling all of our wells overseas or it goes to dig deep here in the u.s. mostly on native american reservations. >> in 2017, we got to go visit some of our water projects, and it was an incredible experience to meet people firsthand and see what a huge impact the water project has been in their community. kids have an incredible ability to enact real change in the world. if they are just given the chance. this holiday season choose the longest lasting aa battery... 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>> no. >> the new movie "bombshell" tells the story of sexual harassment at fox news channel under former chief executive roger ailes. the film portrays his iron-fisted rule and repeated harassment until the women turned the tables and brought him down. joining us now is charlize theron who produced and starred in the movie as fox anchor megyn kelly. great to have you here. >> thank you for having me. >> this is an exciting week. i know it opened in new york and l.a. and big markets on friday. it's already getting tremendous buzz. and then this friday, nationwide. can we start, before we get to the substance of the film, can we just start with the physical transformation of it. that's getting a lot of attention, too. how did you transform? i read a little bit about the sort of wonder makeup artist you worked with. how did you transform into looking so much like megyn kelly? >> it's a process. and you just have to go through a lot of wrongs until you get the right one. we built a lot of pieces that just did nothing. i got further and further away from megyn and in some weird way closer to glenn close. >> you're talking about prosthetics. >> yes. >> you wore prosthetics. >> yes, build pieces that were glued onto my face. >> can you tell us more of what those were? >> i wore two pieces on my eyes that went from my eyelid to eyebrow because our eyes were just shaped so differently. and i would say those two pieces changed my face the most. we did a little bit at the bottom of the face as well and -- >> it changed your eye shape. did it lower your eyelid? >> i have a very deep eye bed. she doesn't. that just really helped change and then contact lens. she has this like beautiful indigo blue eyes. >> your eyes ain't bad. >> oh, thank you. >> and what about the voice. how did you get -- you really channeled megyn kelly's voice so well. what did you do? >> she has such a distinctive sound about her. so it felt like it was important. i think a lot of this stuff that you just kind of think comes with a human really, i find is there because of emotional stuff. and understanding her a little bit more really happened for me, why she sounded the way she did. i worked with this incredible woman carla meyer in los angeles. we spent hours and hours kind of just listening to her voice and dissecting it and what it meant and why it sounded like that and why she would speed up the way she does or she'd get really deep. >> and was -- you had to lower your voice a few registers? >> i did. >> did it hurt your voice? >> it did. i kind of strained my vocal cords and was told i couldn't speak for like three weeks in order to heal it in time before we started shooting the film. >> how much fox news videos, how many fox news videos did you end up having to watch? >> i would always check out a little bit of fox every once in a while. i think it's a good thing to see how the other guy thinks. once i got the movie, i wasn't so much as i was watching fox as i really went through a lot of her kelly file show stuff because i knew we were going to have some of that in the film and i wasn't familiar with that show. so i spent more time kind of like watching that and trying to get in her head when she was doing that show. >> you have, i think, been candid about some ambivalence you felt playing the part. how did you reconcile all of that? >> i think that as an actor, you can't take anything on until you can make peace with yourself that you can get to a place where you can put your own personal preconceived ideas on the sideline because i think we are -- this is an empathetic thing we have to do as actors. we have to try and understand. doesn't mean i'm sympathetic, but i want to understand as best i can why somebody is behaving the way that they are. megyn and i just have very different political views. we just -- i think we're different people, and maybe have different points of view on a lot of things, i know we do because she has said things that have definitely upset me as a mother or just as a woman, but i don't think that i need to like her in order to believe that she deserves to be safe when she goes to work. i think that's what's so great about the subject matter. we don't -- we don't get to cherry pick this for people. i want all women to be safe. so that was really ultimately what this story was about. >> and so as we mentioned, you're also the producer of this movie. and you read the script. you brought the director on. why was this an important story you wanted to tell? >> at the time it came to me, it was months before the harvey weinstein story broke in "the new york times," and it was before me too. it was before time's up. and it just felt like -- in a weird way, it felt like a story that took place in its own silo, which i think it did because there was none of those support systems around. yet at the same time, there were these rumblings. i could hear conversation in my workplace of people talking about these stories that were coming out with harvey and it just felt there was this real cultural shift. and this conversation was on the tip of everybody's tongue, and it felt like -- how great to make a movie that feels that timely to the conversation that's happening right now. >> it couldn't be more timely. it just couldn't. you bet on the right horse. >> i don't think any of us could have -- yeah, i think we knew some of it but just for instance the nda conversation that's happening right nuin arbitration. none of that was talked about when we were making this film. so since roger ailes had his fall from fox news, obviously, there's been so many others between matt lauer, charlie rose, bill o'reilly, have you gotten any clarity on why many were able to do this with impunity for so long? >> i just never myself in my own industry for doing this for 25 years, i'd heard numerous stories during my career of, you know, inappropriate behavior coming from men in powerful positions. and it would be a story that kind of breaks and three months later it would be gone and nobody was talking about it anymore and that person would be back in that same position of power. >> and you had your own experience, am i right? >> yeah, yeah. >> with a director. >> yeah, and he's still making big movies. >> and have you ever wanted to say his name? >> i did for years i was very honest about who it was but journalists decided to protect him. and i won't -- i just refuse to have him take away from the power of this movie right now because of the news story but i have no desire to protect him. when the right time comes, i'll definitely say it and hopefully journalists will write it this time. >> understood. very quickly. when you found out you were nominated, i think this is for the golden globes. you were not dressed for the occasion so there was a moment where you find out, and you are -- i think we have it. you are on your bed in a robe. yes. it was very early. but note to self, i will wear underwear next time. that's so embarrassing. >> well, i'm glad you were so excited and i'm glad the movie is getting so much recognition. it's a fantastic movie. and i think that it has continued a really important conversation. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for being here. great to talk to you. john? >> just 24 hours away from a history making vote on impeachment. cnn newsroom with poppy harl low and jim sciutto is next. very good tuesday morning. it's quite a week. i'm jim sciutto. >> a big week. a big vote tomorrow. i'm poppy harlow. democrats are meeting behind closed doors. move to the house rules committee. this panel is setting the ground rules for the debate leading up to tomorrow's historic vote. this is all about whether or not the president applied political pressure for personal gain. >> today, we're hearing from the president's personal attorney rudy giuliani, who is accused of applying that very pressure and it seems, based on his activity, he's up to the same thing. on twitter, giuliani says that former u.s. ambassador to ukraine marie yovanovitch was obstructing justice. this apparently because she


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