the bookings for several dozen rooms. dozens of people. one couple from florida saying the cancelled room reservations couldr could cost them $20,000 as they try to find room revocations for their guests. they said it s upsetting how they are treating the american people. i agree with that. i think it s insane. i know you were married not too long ago. one of these couples had people flying in from all over the world. people from more exotic places. but how would you deal with this? this is not a trivial thing. tomi: this is the greatest nation in the world. if this happened to me i would be livid. i m already livid for the american people dealing with this. this isn t just wedding couples, this will be in every city, every town, every suburb. you can t have 6.5 million people coming in, 80,000 in one week. they have to go somewhere. make no mistake, this will be catastrophic and it will affect communities that are underserved. a lot of these illegals will be there and sucki
be livid. i m already livid for the american people dealing with this. this isn t just wedding couples, this will be in every city, every town, every suburb. you can t have 6.5 million people coming in, 80,000 in one week. they have to go somewhere. make no mistake, this will be catastrophic and it will affect communities that are underserved. a lot of these illegals will be there and sucking off those resources that were limited to begin with. but you get what you vote for. i hope the liberal cities know what they are in for. joey: this is a state and a city far away from the border. he has been tough on the government saying new york city