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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181013 00:30:00

the climate is to bring energy solutions and reforestation. they create interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection and we're determined to build something here for the next generation global one dio's the multimedia environment series on d.w. . hello and welcome to your mix your lifestyle magazine on that. now hold onto your hats here's what's coming up in today's show. curtain up the world's most famous men are at a new stage show in the land. on the road famous europeans co-host a week of your mets. fans people for my mom is a talented pianist from in germany. philip treacy is regarded as the most famous hatmaker in the world not only do the british royals love his creations many celebrities adorn themselves with the unusual hats by the design as well such as madonna know me campbell and lady gaga now as work can be seen on stage philip treacy is a design director of the new show at burton's footage that palast he follows in the footsteps of his own poor guzzi who designed the costumes for the last show on thursday the vivid grandchild celebrated its premier. this is the new show that begins christmas stuff the last is a mix of acrobatics dance and song. the declaration of love to life itself and the astonishing has so created by irish designer philip treacy it's incredible is that you don't know where to look because this is just so much magic happening from every corner down from the ceiling from the side this is the best show i've seen in privileged pilaster ever ever ever. being the center of the sensational artist's good voice is great concept that this year could only be made by philip treacy it's so spectacular and crazy and creative he had. thursday evening at the bell and variety theater shortly before the premiere a new show is launching every two years and it always includes the work of famous designers this year it was philip treacy of iron and he's considered the most famous kitchen milena in the world his creations adorn the heads of some of the world's best known celebrities among them lady gaga and many members of the british royal family. but this is the first time he's designed headgear for the stage. it's a different approach it's a different visual it's a different community carries. terry it's. it's it's a visual feast for people coming in to experience a very. the cost multitalented. tracey created hundreds of pieces for the villain production his typical delicate style faced some challenges these hats have to also put up with a lot of abuse. it's high stress for the backstage crew at the finished last in charge of the final adjustments before the dances take the stage. they have to make sure the hearse will last through many performances to come. one hundred artists are involved in the production and many of them have to change after that several times the performance costumes headgear and choreography as one hummer hope putting it all together was the job of director krista moms and. it was a great challenge in finding the ways of integrating movement and athletic movement at times you know high risk acrobatics with heart design the weight of a hat how does the hat sit on the face how does it cover the eyes and is it ok that a covers it is the eyes because it creates a new something we've never seen before. this shows especially taxing for the dances. along with classical ballet hung up but had to work hard to build up the most holes in her throat and neck. there are up to eight performances a week. and several times an evening she'll be sporting a tracy creation that weighs a kilo and a half. to the first rehearsal with his head on my head i felt like my entire upper body was incased in concrete but you can actually move a fair bit. the thing with dancers is we want to use our arms but in this case i can't raise them about my shoulders. i do believe you audience in the field are stuck to last won't notice anything of the fs involved what they'll see is an explosion of color a philip treacy is design when i worked here for over a couple of years whenever i would. go from meeting to meeting but i would see the dancers and i thought that's the reason why we're here because they are exceptional they are highly talented they bring everything we create supply because without them they're just objects. to this grand show and billions of people stuck on us is set to plow it would insist for the coming two years thank. you can leave your hat on because now we are joining an event where the creations by philip treacy are also absolutely in fashion most of the ladies in the royal family left with hats on that and other topics from around europe coming up into this express. the queen's granddaughter princess eugenie of york mary commoner jack brooks bank on friday. the couple exchanged vows in windsor castle along with the queen prince philip and other members of the british royal family pop stars like robbie williams and ellie goulding were in attendance. the younger daughter of prince andrew and his ex-wife sarah ferguson eugenie is the ninth in line to the british throne. mitch winehouse the father of singer amy winehouse has announced that his little daughter will return to the stage as a hologram. for the first year or two video by me. if i make i'm on the right i have to run out the road you know it was very difficult for all of us you know. progression i was surrounded with i me i me stuff issues with me or gets on. many deceased artists including greek an opera diva maria carlos have been commemorated in concerts where they appear as three d. projection. amy winehouse died from alcohol poisoning when she was just twenty seven proceeds from the hologram to will benefit projects for young people suffering from drug addiction. the baby kiwi has hatched at the abbey found in the dutch town of alphen underlying . to tell you he is the first kiwi ever born in the netherlands very few of them are born in captivity only around sixty of the flightless birds live outside of new zealand where the endangered species is viewed as a national symbol. turning into your max is always a good idea but you should definitely not miss the upcoming special editions next week we were out and about here in europe to meet celebrities from different cultural fields to help us put together these special shows and co-hosted the program they include one of the world's best chefs a star fashion designer and also marc addict and more he has a little sneak peek behind the scenes. hello everybody and let me give you documenting roe hi my name is rankin of our song earth two i was a bitch of the field you're a city you're a much your next edition. for one week x. will be co-hosted by famous europeans for this special euro max edition art team traveled all over europe in london we met star photographer rankin. michelin starred chef to make our show this year's programme. and designer marcel wonders he's announced today. we met andre rieu the king of waltz it is counseling must be a fashion designer not really a big joke to her apartment in rome and stark attacked david chipperfield in berlin and he did go oh my the idea behind your next edition is getting prominent europeans from the world of culture to create a show for your i max and we asked what interests them what topics are they excited about what inspires them you want to. michelin starred chef tim our reveals why he always travels with his own wine glasses he shows us where he buys are in berlin and takes us to his favorite shops. you are max edition with top chef tim wrote was often enough for me first because i love berlin and second because i love food so when a starred chef guides you through the city gives you tips and shows you little shops you never knew existed even though you live here it doesn't get any better than that live. in. five cities six troops six prominent guest co-hosts. for both the v.i.p.'s and the euro max team making the euro max editions was a huge adventure. the. challenge is that you constantly have to adapt to new locations and that you never know what's going to happen next. in london making. never dreamed she'd get to pose for a rank and. he's photographed opera altie like michael jackson and real royals like the queen now he's turned our host into a fashion model for me the highlight was a photo shoot with rank and matt i could imagine was going to happen my producer had the nerve to actually ask it wasn't planned it was completely spontaneous. in the your next edition lots of things turned out differently than my producer brain had planned. and we'd have preferred to keep these bloopers to ourselves. very. blueprints and. i did different things. to that. at one point the king of walt's andre snatch me up and really did a waltz with me that tripped me up a little but we got through. this guy lots of nice moments. are prominent guest presenters used the breaks between shows very different ways. so what pleased or surprised the euro marks grew the most. you can rank and i knew rankin as a photographer i know his picture his but i was pleasantly surprised that he had an opinion on a wide variety of topics about national bank of the glimpse into their working world really surprised me was often in love was one of the nicest people i've ever met and she and i had a real connection the second we met but almost for your max edition i also got the chance to try things out myself behind the scenes will be and i am very excited to introduce your honor to welcome to room. super happy and proud you started this special edition of your my space take you see my upset if you're not sufficient to do that. did mohsen is a gifted pianist making music has been his hobby since childhood then thanks to some of his friends he put his work on the internet in two thousand and ten they told him to make his compositions available for other us as soon as his first check to the sky was uploaded it reached first base on sancho's classical music list after was snoozing found an international fan base and moscow was ranked as germany's most played pianist on spotify we met up with his cell and musician. his emotional compositions have made an internet start but not so famous that people recognize him in the street. and people recognize my name but not my face it's happened the people i met through my work are really surprised to learn i was also a pianist whose name everyone knows that doesn't bother me though i actually like it because i don't need that stuff. marson doesn't earn his living primarily with music he still works as a programmer in the german city of. for a long time using remained just a personal pleasure but then six years ago friends convinced him to publish composition on line the response was overwhelming. there were comments like this is good for my soul. i love this piece it's wonderful your music is tremendous unbelievable this is the most beautiful song i've ever heard it feels like i'm floating down the river the most underestimated piano piece the. one explanation for the flood of praise is that most in himself use his pieces as a kind of musical diary open to individual interpretation. it's music that listeners can sink into and relax. and experience the composer himself can easily relate to. it was a big step for him to let others into the private personal world of his rehearsal room even after he found millions of dedicated admirers in the often anonymous universe of the internet. the first time i performed publicly there were seven people there after they said they were coming i said it was sold out. it was a really nice evening we drank wine i needed it to help calm me down but i didn't drink enough to affect my playing just enough to make it a relaxed comfortable evening. monson is currently on tour in germany but performances take place mostly on weekends during the week he still has his day job even though he could now easily live from his music. degree so not decrease without it was a right this obviously choir is the country's most popular tipple and has been a tradition for quite some time they've got about two hundred was the distilleries in greece eighteen of them are located on the island of les pauls which is set to have the best was all but liquor is not only suitable for drinking it also has its place in greek prison as well as in today's episode of all serious you know max i like cat. buso could be called the greek national drink the spirit is said to have originated on the greek island of lesbos. the prime ingredient in the occur is aniseed which flourishes here in volcanic soil rich in minerals that provide ideal growing conditions this is where the plant acquires its unique flavor . to the taste best on the rocks with a water chaser and of course with missing the greek appetizers. it's a spirit for all the senses. for the rest of losers as well as the smell of the businessmen will find this. is getting real crazy. on lesbos of course who's always also used for cooking it goes especially well with fish and seafood. marini said to be the birthplace of those over. leno he or she goes shopping along the waterfront here almost daily. purchase various menu changes from day to day depending on the catch me if i'm today she's preparing stuffed octopus. and all. those ended up sadie. the dishes the taste best with those who are fish and other seafood sort of. dried and smoked fish tend to taste salty and the sweeter provides a nice complement. and then you also this combination taste really excellent. her hockey bothers the band is on the island south coast implement which has a population of around three thousand typical dishes in the van as. are made of octopus that she dried in the sun. for her stuffed octopus lena needs the following ingredients. octopus. an olive oil chopped tomatoes purple onions star anise seed pine nuts and parsley finally chopped octopus rice and salt and pepper to taste for the stuffing lino first saw taste the onions and olive oil and. then she mixes in a shot of things all. the time then comes rice tomatoes and parsley. don't forget the salt and pepper. last comes the start nic to refine the taste and water. the mixture has to cook for about an hour. all the bottom of those when you cook with the alcohol evaporates leaving only the flavors that's what makes taste so good. that's why we use to cook with too many guests. just a couple spoonfuls of stuffing are enough for each octopus head. the ends have to be pinched together with toothpicks so the stuffing doesn't run out. finally have the rest of the tomato chunks and plenty of olive oil then let it simmer for about fifteen minutes more. if that were the type of veal see we couldn't even imagine greek cuisine without. we drink. and that's not going to change anytime soon. who is here to stay because we like it and it tastes good. as a snowball. as it gets and the name is protected. only double more distilled spirits from greece and cyprus can because. alcohol content in the drink ranges from forty to forty six percent. goes with pretty much any dish. but as a rule. alone. music is more or plates of food food. and good company. the best company. in the market that would be. cheers or at the same grease. alice and you can find out how to make that is on our website. now can you imagine that the famous danish german painter even an order was rejected by the academy of fine arts in munich in eight hundred ninety eight it's true his expressive style and boy use of color as seen it is high see painting we're not immediately understood but things changed today he's known as a trade off watercolor painting the sea is featured greatly in his work now an exhibition in northern germany pays tribute to him and this love of the sea. it's a glorious autumn day on the north sea today most people view the sea as a place for shipping holidays or fishing this isn't the sea a million old a song. the german danish painters view of the north and baltic sea is the focus of an exhibition on the island of fur that first no doubt always included a piece of coastline in the frame as a fixed point so the viewer had something to hold onto that soon changed. you know it had sights honestly didn't always life immuno to always chose to live and work along the north and baltic sea coast. give you a hot side so honestly all his life he stayed incredibly close to the sea all he wanted to since this elemental force of the primeval nature of the sea this me of. a moon olga hired a ship to take him out during a storm so he could experience its intensity with all his senses the wind nearly blew him away while the waves almost swept him overboard he got just what he wanted the full force of nature. and. it made such an impression on him that he drew inspiration from it for years the expression is interpreted and reinterpreted the storm at sea over and over with not a speck of land in sight. he took the viewer out into the sea itself. yet the painter was fascinated with one other aspect of the sea. the sky above it. the sky above the north and baltic sea has a very particular look and feel to it. behind every cloud a dramatic play of light may be lurking. in reality it only rarely looks as colorful as a no notice compositions. isn't kind of their decision are these are not realistic portrayals but they're quite fantastical when you consider that these works especially his watercolors are supposed to be set on the north involved. in. our own images of these places just can't be reconciled with notice images of them . and that's really a testament to his exuberant imagination. and to his need for self-expression the artist had little interest in how a place looked in reality but rather and how he could bring out its potential using shapes and colors. the song reminds us of something we often forget today that the sea is a force of nature that will never truly be tamed. here beautiful but europe has a lot more to offer we ask you to let us know where he would like to send us next thanks for all the entries maybe your dream destination will be featured in one of the upcoming editions of our x. such a serious why don't the participants as mohamed from egypt he would like to see more of the danish island bonhomme because he loves the sea and the landscape there you can look forward to receiving a year max watch from us and to everyone else don't worry you can enter the calendar on our website at www dot coms so good luck next time don't forget to tune in again tomorrow for our your most highlights of the week under them thanks for watching by. this time on your own the highlights show with young female farmers from the very europe and australia pose for an exciting new calendar. a russian order takes great art moscow into the forest. clear image in norway join us for this and more next on your i'm excited. the be. the best. the be. the be. the be. the be. european stars deliver rousing performances. be a good. song for music straight from the heart. the sour economy. one germany's most successful singers blows the be. above. culture. d.w. . more. forces are under pressure they're battling recruiting problems outdated and broken down equipment and limited budgets. all the talent is a huge mess in missouri not enough planes not enough transport helicopters were not enough tanks have temptations that don't have tanks on. innovation and modernization must serve them in a trade. so outsourcing and privatization are the order of the day in all areas but not composed dangers. this loophole is finished we want the risk of becoming too dependent on private contractors who may not provide the services they promised talking to slice them every day that it was all profit center businesses make more money with everything from recognizance drones to laundry facilities firms are all trading on forces in france against germany. during the stroke complex starts oct twentieth on d w.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20181013:00:52:00

a place for shipping holidays or fishing this isn't the sea a million old a song. the german danish painters view of the north and baltic sea is the focus of an exhibition on the island of fur that first no doubt always included a piece of coastline in the frame as a fixed point so the viewer had something to hold onto that soon changed. you know it had sights honestly didn't always life immuno to always chose to live and work along the north and baltic sea coast. give you a hot side so honestly all his life he stayed incredibly close to the sea all he wanted to since this elemental force of the primeval nature of the sea this me of. a moon olga hired a ship to take him out during a storm so he could experience its intensity with all his senses the wind nearly blew him away while the waves almost swept him overboard he got just what he wanted


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