and that would be a c: toda republican plan and it is along the lines i have talked te about, the l two-step process. , cuts now and deem limit increase into next year. tt t debt limit increase intot next year. i don t want to get into ife details of what it may or may not be. dails 23 i had the details i wouldnn be happy to their with you. we are not there yet. the s&p ratings agency says it will consider down gradingn f our debt even if the debt inc limit is increased if you end up with a short-term deal indicating washington isn t a serious about dealing with this issue.hat isn t that a concern that the markets could look at a trail-dollar cut and a short-term deal that kicks the can into next year and youer mar would get another markett s meltdown?hat i think it is important we l deal with our long-term problem. it is serious.ut whshington s spending has been out of control. and what has happened over theys last two years shows how muchot out of control it got. trillion
democratic approach. i and my republican colleagues in the house are prepared toe move on our own. today? today. and that would be a c: toda republican plan and it is along the lines i have talked te about, the l two-step process. , cuts now and deem limit increase into next year. tt t debt limit increase intot next year. i don t want to get into ife details of what it may or may not be. dails 23 i had the details i wouldnn be happy to their with you. we are not there yet. the s&p ratings agency says it will consider down gradingn f our debt even if the debt inc limit is increased if you end up with a short-term deal indicating washington isn t a serious about dealing with this issue.hat isn t that a concern that the markets could look at a trail-dollar cut and a short-term deal that kicks the can into next year and youer mar would get another markett s meltdown?hat i think it is important we l deal with our long-term problem. it is serious.ut whshington s spending has