what does a animal like this eat? what s its prey? it is related to carnivores. a member of the order but it is an unusual carnivore in that we have only documented it eating fruit. just like a giant panda is a bear but eats bamboo it s a meat eater that prefers bananas. that s it. that s the olinguito right there. any other announcements? while we have you on andrea mitchell reports, we figured this was a good platform to break any news to all of america watching right now and some other species are you hiding in your back pocket? i m not telling yet but at the smithsonian, one of the things i do for a living is discover these new species and we have a long line-up coming and this isn t even the biggest one that we have in our pockets. give us a teaser. your next destination? almost always new guinea. island of new guinea. lots of discoveries. very cool. it is a pleasure to meet you. thanks so much and to the guest you brought here with you as well. prince, the