Stay. YeS. All right. YeS. YeS. Let not yOur be troubled. Troubl ItS fridaedy So you know meanS what that meanS. LetS welcome tonightS gueSt. SheS wItneSSe, S welcomS more n a caShier at a waffle houSe. HoSt Of outtake thiS morning. Charlie arnott got three thingS wrong. If It SeemS like heS judging you, thatS hiS jOf Itb. ThatS comedian vidS auguSt. Her huSband tried to convince bd her that talking iS bad for the baby. New york timeS beSt Selling Authorfor the baby. EStSell foxr kat timpf. And you need Sir Edmund See he haS dandruff. New york timeS beSt Selling author, comedian and formeff. R N World Champion tyron. All right, all right. All right. Ge right. All right. Before we get to Some newS StorieS, letS d So thiS. GregS leftoverS. Yeah, ItS leftoverS where i read jokeS. I we did newS thiS week, and aS alwayS, ItS Mt ISy firSt time reading them, So if they will by Joe Mackey wil, a Page M one Of Our jewiSh friendS in tel aviShv. Terrible Comedian ChriS Rock juSt endorSed Kamala H
So, obviously, my immediate question was, can we go? can we get there? setting it up with the ukrainians was not the hard bit. Actually, it was convincing my editors and, you know, layers of management back at the times that this was a safe thing to do, or that we could mitigate the risks involved in it. Because they weren t just about the danger there. They were also these legal risks about. . . . . The legal consequences of illegally crossing into russia, which is how the russian government have perceived the trip. But you obviously persuaded them, cos you went. Just to explain, then, who you did speak to and what the terms were. I suppose the question is, whether you were changing names to protect russians, because getting people, presumably, in russia to speak candidly to western journalists must be very hard? well, yeah, these are people who lived in a very quiet corner of russia, and probably had never had anything to do with a journalist, even a russian journalist, never mind a
To protect russians, to protect russians, because getting people, presumably, in russia to speak candidly to Western Journalists must be very hard . Well, yeah, these are people who lived in a very quiet corner of russia, and probably had never had anything to do with a journalist, even a russian journalist, never mind a foreign one. I gave them their choices. I used first names only. And, you know, gave them the choice. I also made. I made very sure to speak to them out of the earshot of ukrainian journalists as much. Ukraine and had taken aggressive action there. And you attended something that sounded very fascinating, which was that ukraines civilian Military Liaison Officers were showing films to local people about the invasion. And i wonder what the reaction was to the films as you were there . Yeah, i mean, that was extraordinary, and one of the most extraordinary things to watch. There was a small audience of older people who were watching it. I spoke to one of them afterwards,
Catherine philp is world affairs editor at the times. She s reported from war zones for decades, and recently accompanied ukrainian forces across the border into kursk. So, i was coming into ukraine for. . . I ve been coming on and off since before the invasion, and this was a longscheduled visit. Itjust so happened that it came at a time when ukrainian forces had crossed the border into russia. So, obviously, my immediate question was, can we go? can we get there? setting it up with the ukrainians was not the hard bit. Actually, it was convincing my editors and, you know, layers of management back at the times that this was a safe thing to do, or that we could mitigate the risks involved in it. Because they weren t just about the danger there. They were also these legal risks about. . . . . The legal consequences of illegally crossing into russia, which is how the russian government have perceived the trip. But you obviously persuaded them, cos you went. Just to explain, then, who you