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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20140921

slowing down. good evening, i'm ann notarangelo. >> and i'm brian hackney. there appears to be no stopping the king fire. it has burned more than 80,000 acres. the flames are just 10% contained. pollock pines is where four homes have been destroyed and thousands more are in danger. >> reporter: this is what was left behind on the king fire. rubble. homes that once stood here gone. cbs13 was at the exact same spot days ago. on saturday, there was nothing left. just to give you some perspective of how high these flames got, they went all the way up this tree and only at the very top can you still see some green. crews had to take down hundreds of trees marking the ones they believed are unsafe. and over at the evacuation shelter, evacuees still uncertain of what they will see when they get the chance to go home. >> you would never believe something like that would grow that big that fast. >> reporter: but bonnie miller says they have been making the northeast of it. bonnie has been sleeping in the back of her truck since tuesday. what she calls a tailgate without the party with others in the same situation. >> we sleep here. look at the stars. >> reporter: and pg&e is in the fire zone making sure gas and electric lines are safe. utility set up an emergency response trailer at the el dorado county fairgrounds and crews are working to fixed damaged lines in the white meadow area where several buildings were destroyed. >> it's devastating. it is tough to see when people lose their home. it is never an easy thing. so we are doing the best we can to rebuild our facilities so the home that did survive can regain power. >> they restored 30 poles and five miles of wire. vegetation crews were out removing trees that could fall online. they donated $35,000 to the red cross to help fire victims. >> those utility workers are based in forest hills. thousands of firefighters battling the king fire also come here. it is one of several stations being set up so the fire crews can rest up and refuel. >> we need a place to be able to have a hot meal, a hot shower, and a comfortable place to sleep. >> thousands of firefighters are working to fight the blaze. the man accused of starting the fire has pled not guilty and is held on $10 million bail. security is tighter than ever at the white house after two major breeches in less than 24 hours. sharon chin tells us the secret service is being watched closely tonight. >> reporter: in 15 seconds, one intruder did what no one has ever done. he made it inside the white house last night. another man tried to get in today. 42-year-old omar gonzalez is accused of jumping the fence, running across the lawn, and making it all the way into the white house before secret service tackled him. the president and his daughters had just left for camp david. >> everybody turn out, head out the gate. you have to go to 17th street. >> reporter: the white house was evacuated. an ambulance took. >> away. authorities found a folding knife away. agents lined up shoulder to shoulder combing the lawn looking for anything gonzalez left behind. this afternoon, another man drove up to the white house gates and refused to leave. he was arrested for trespassing. the secret service called for a full review of the security breach and the protocols of leaving the door unlocked. >> there is always a secret service with a gun at the door. >> reporter: so why didn't agents stop the man getting in the white house? it was a judgment call. he didn't appear to have a backpack or weapon. he was potentially mentally disturbed and the first family wasn't in the building. gonzalez appeared in court today facing a weapons charge, oneover his neighbors in texas believe he is a soldier suffering from post-traumatic stress. >> he thought people were watching him or his phone was tapped. >> reporter: president obama says he still has full confidence in the secret service's ability to protect him and his family. rand paul was already speaking like a candidate at the state gop commission in los angeles. he attacked secretary of state hillary clinton on benghazi though she hasn't entered the race either and offered a piece of advice to the republican party. >> when our party looks like america with earrings and without. with ponytails and without. with tattoos and without. when we look like the rest of america, white, black, brown, we will win again. >> the gop candidate for governor is slated to speak tomorrow. two men are dead after a shooting in richmond. police found one of the men after 6:00 after he responded to a shot spotter alert at fourth and vissel. the other victim could not be saved. investigators think both men were shot at the same place. there are no words on a superintendent or a motive. the family of a man shot and killed by a richmond police officer a week ago is accusing the officer of lying about what happened. the family of richard petty perez dispute the claim that there was a struggle. they think the officer should be charged with murder. >> i raised my son well. he had respect for the law. he wasn't a saint by any means but i'm sure he is about close to being one right now. >> civil rights attorney john burez and the family are calling for a full investigation and may sue the san francisco police department. a man is under arrest for hitting and killing a person instockton. a woman was crossing the street, and the man had a green light, but he didn't wait for her to clear the crosswalk before making a left turn. he faces charges of vehicular manslaughter and failing to yield to a pedestrian. the victim's name has not been released. highway 37 in sonoma county is back open tonight well ahead of schedule. the road was closed between highway 121 and 29 for paving. it was supposed to reopen monday morning, but cal tran finished early about 8:00 tonight. another closure is planned for next weekend for more road work. >> beyond wonderland is just about wrapped up for the night in mountain view. 40 people have been arrested at the electronic dance music festival, but that is down from last year when police busted more than 100 at shoreline amphitheater. dozens of neighbors complained that the music was beyond loud last year. there were some changes and tonight, there were just eight noise complaints. >> we have moved the position of the stages to face the same direction as the amphitheater. so typically, when there is a show here, noise faces out in the direction of the amphitheater, so we positioned our stages to align with the amphitheater. >> beyond wonderlands will kick back up again tomorrow, but will close down by 10:00. well, a new development in oakland is breeding new life into a section of town. da lin says it has already hit. >> reporter: jack london square. a jewel along the oakland waterfront. a venue hope to turn it into the hottest east bay destination and attract big crowds. >> we have a venue that will seat up to a thousand. so this will be the beer garden. >> reporter: plank opened its garden at bachi courts this weekend. >> you are going to have to beat that. oh my gosh. >> reporter: the outdoor section is already winning people over. >> i think this is great. i'm enjoying this. this will be a come to place. >> reporter: neighbors say after barnes and noble and other businesses moved out in recent years, jack london lost its attraction. >> this has been a dead area. >> reporter: they believe this entertainment center along with the new restaurants will revitalize this area. >> i think it adds activity, and movement, and i think it is what the community is thirsty for. >> reporter: inside the old barnes and noble building, it is still closed. >> these are luxury lanes so we are priced to win. >> reporter: they have bowling, sports bar, restaurant, live music. >> this monopoly game is one of my favorites. >> reporter: even a separate gaming area for the kids. a lot of folks hope this will give oakland a big economic boost. the grand opening in and out will be in early october, i'm da lin, kpix5. coming up after the break, a dramatic river rescue caught on tape. bystanders flip an suv to save three teens trapped inside. >> whatever happens, happens, but we are going down the aisle. >> this couple, how they pulled off a wedding in spite of the wild fire. >> and rain, details after the break. i lochecked with my united mileageplus explorer card. i have saved $75 in checked bag fees. priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. i love to travel, no foreign transaction fees means real savings. we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the us. when i spend money on this card i can see brazil in my future. i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family which means a lot to me. ♪ to thank -- for saving their lives. their s-u-v crashed into a r in salt lake city... >> three teenagers in utah have a group of good samaritans to thank for saving their lives. their suv landed upside down and one man heard them screaming for help. he went into the water and you can see from the cell phone video what happened next. a bunch of people jumped in and helped flip the suv. >> as far as i know, a couple of kids get to live because of my actions. i feel like i'm somebody. >> good for him. police say the suv was speeding and swerved through some cars. it went through a bridge barrier and landed in the river. >> they are so lucky. a man who lived near the big king fire in the sierra is doing what he can to help firefighters. herve has plastered highway 50 with signs thanks the fire crews for their service. they don't always get the recognition, they deserve, he says, so all day, everyday, he sits on his van and waves to them. >> they are working and tired. i think i can sit for 14 hours easily. >> he has done this the past three days sun up to sun down and has no plans to stop. well an el dorado county couple said i do today in a ceremony that almost didn't happen. but fire or no fire, they were determined to walk down the fire. >> whatever happens happens, but we are going down the aisle. it will be some aisle. >> reporter: even with an 80,000-acre wild fire, they were determined to make their wedding work. >> this is nothing something that would be abnormal for rowman and i. we are fly by the seat of our pants type people. >> reporter: when flames ripped through the pollock pines area, jamie and her soon to be husband staid the show must go on. jamie's identical twin sister julie land to hold the dinner in her backyard before the king fire forced her to leave her home. >> she had to stay with us during the evacuation. the fire has very much impacted us. those were the days when they were fretting with the ash and the smoke. >> reporter: but luckily, julie was welcomed back into her home and the wedding plans fell into place once again. >> i'm just happy for it all to turn out the way it has. >> reporter: the wedding was held in in camino. family and friends watched as the two said i do knowing their love for one another will outlast the fire that almost canceled their wedding. >> i now present to you mr. and mrs. rudy mckenna. >> the couple has known each other two years and got engaged last christmas. >> that is very sweet. we have weather on the way in the bay area with numbers that will be pretty much the same tomorrow as we had today. temperatures stay flat much of the week. a few little showers popped over the sierra. a little bit of the rain made its way into far eastern contra costa county earlier this evening. we have cloudy skies over the bay area tonight. as we look at the bay bridge and the numbers are all in the 60s for the bay area. 63 san jose, 62 santa rosa. 64 in concord. out the door in the morning, numbers mostly in the low 60s . 60 in the morning just after sunrise. by tomorrow afternoon, numbers recover nicely. 82 degrees inland. 76 around the bay. 69 at the coast with patchy low clouds. it will be a nice day for the international dragon boat festival at treasure island. forecast high under sunny skies, 67 degrees. here is what is happening. we have low pressure keeping the marine area thick at the shoreline. we get sunshine in the afternoon. even at the coast, later in the week, this trough lowers the height in the atmosphere, brings the moisture in the bay area. there is a chance of rain coming in thursday. tomorrow, usual low clouds. we will go with the stras quo. we will take what we can get. we are looking at numbers close to average for 80 degrees. 78. morgan hill will be in the mid 80s . 69 at pacifica. 70 degrees at san mateo. it is looking good, plenty of sun tomorrow, few high clouds. 83 at pittsburgh, 81 at fairfield. in dublin, 80 degrees and in beautiful down ton vallejo, 75. the numbers will be in the mid 70s in the north. 76 petaluma. in the shoreline, temperatures in the mid 60s . not the most ideal beach day, but not bad. ukiah, temperatures in the upper 80s . clear lake, upper 80s as well. nice and hot if you head up 101. we are looking for numbers in the low 80s tomorrow and will warm a little bit monday and tuesday, but then, increase the clouds and that will lead to a chance of a few sprinkles in the bay area. maybe even rain. on thursday, after that, we will turn it the other direction and we will look for things to be sunny next weekend and numbers the same as we had today. that, ladies and gentlemen, is weather. as for sports, here is ann. >> not quite yet. >> i knew that. >> now we are going to talk about thousands of people showing up for the annual walk to end alzheimers in san francisco. >> who is ready to lead this fight? [ cheers and applause ] >> the walk started and ended at mission creek park. kpix5 was well represented fielding a team of familiar faces including ken bastida, elizabeth cook, paul deanno, and roberta gonzales. dennis o'donnell was there for the 14th year. >> the walk began in 1989. there were nine chapters. they raised $150,000. $150,000 isn't going to get you a seat license at levi stadium. this walk today? this walk will raise over a million dollars. >> and dennis was right, it did. the kpix5 team raised more than 8500 of that. a colorful suite took to the waters of treasure island for san francisco's 19th annual international dragon races and festival. participants in the sport include everyone from high school students to seniors. and competitive athletes to cancer survivors. the admission for the event also features live entertainment, food and games for kids, and the festival continues tomorrow from 10:00 to 5:00. okay, so, some surprise finishes in college football. >> yeah. we will just leave it at that right now. yeah, definitely some good stuff. all right, the race to lock up a playoff spot continues. the as try to hang out and get past the phillies. and the giants waited until the 9th inning to get all of their runs. was it enough to beat the padres? a lot of sports coming up after the break. ,,,,,,,,,,,, wins in september, means you ood chance of play >> just lock up a win baby. that is what the wins were hoping for. wins in september means you have a chance of playing in october. jerome williams facing the as . derrick norris grounded into an inning ending double play. as continue to struggle with runners in scoring position. williams threw seven shut out innings. freddy galvis goes deep. a two-run blast. as offense continues to sputter. despite the loss, oakland stays in the top of the wild card spot right there on top. they have a half game lead on kansas city and are one game ahead of seattle. andrew cashner and the padres wearing the throw back uniforms. padres winning 1-0 when rene rivera double off petit. they scored two, giants lose their second straight in san diego. final tonight is 3-2. the dodges also lost tonight. so san francisco stayed three- and-a-half behind la in the nl west. giants remain one game ahead of pittsburgh in the wild card race. all right, don't go away. more sports in a minute. we are will find out if florida state survived. the bears were in tucson. a finish you will not believe. you have to stick around to see this. ,,,,,,,, it makes me happy to go on the computer. i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. 94 points... that's the >> and the only thing more exciting about scoring 93 points is scoring 94 points. that's the combined number that cal and arizona put up on the board tonight and the last six points were scored in the last second of the ball game. first quarter, 7-0 cal. goff finds bryce who catches it and says i'm going 80 yards. he makes it 14-0 cal. looked like this one was going to be a blow-out. a little over three minutes to go in the game. bears leading 21-6. goff throws to chris harper. cal led 28-6 in the half. down 35-37 with less than three minutes of play. caleb jones with the score and they went for two. didn't get it. 45-43 bears. arizona gets one last chance. here we go. rolling out and launches it for if hail mary. uh-huh. and austin hill, right in the back of the end zone. we thought it was over, but it wasn't. 47 yards on the touchdown there. arizona comes back to win it 49- 43 after being down 15 with five minutes left. cal now falls to 2-1. arizona state and minnesota taking on the golden gophers. blake found tyler winston on the screen. minnesota's lead cut 10-7. minnesota rolled the dice and went for the touchdown instead of a field goal. chris trevler scored. they would add another and go onto win it. and the spartans fall to 1-2 on the season. jameis winston came out with his pads though he was suspended. clemson in field goal range. florida state recovered and the game went into ot. carlos williams got free and scored from 19 yards out. florida state survivability. winston loved it. lsu has won 19 games in a row. we finish up with a little soccer. earthquakes in montreal looking for their first win since august 7. john bush stops one shot, but jack mchenry is there and he scores in the rebound. 1-0 montreal. and they go onto win it by the count of 2-0. the winless streak for the quakes is still at 9. but we are still talking about the cal finish. >> well that was just nuts. you guys really thought it was over. >> it just kept going back and fourth and back and forth. and with basically, you know, a minute to go, they have the lead, but arizona got the ball back. >> that was something. >> and winston thought if i show up in my pads they will put me in and not realize i have been suspended? >> no, you have been suspended. do not show up. >> we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,, it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we are asking the music city which 100-calorie strawberry greek yogurt is the next big thing. i'm a random lady with a table full of yogurt. want some greek yogurt? can i ask you a question? tell us what tastes best. this one is definitely the winner. that one is good. a is great. yoplait greek 100! that's the stuff right there. you want to see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani yes! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself! it is a beautiful day for yogurt. ened in the stan >> all right, you got to look at this. the most impressive catch at the mets braves game in atlanta happened in the stands. a home run ball was headed straight for a fan in the right field stands and he caught it in his bucket of popcorn. take another look in slow motion. look mom, no hands. >> he did, and he got some butter and salt in his eyes. >> a great souvenir. >> that could be in highlights for you. >> good job doing sports. >> thank you very much. good to have you here. thank you very much for watching. our next newscast is tomorrow morning at 7:30. have a good night. ,, ,,,,,, (watch beeps) (beeping continues) what the hell is that? oh, sorry. i set my alarm so i could go home before jake wakes up. turn it off! i'm trying, but my arm's asleep. aah. there. whew. i can't believe you have a watch alarm. yeah, it's a timex. well, a really nice knockoff. even has indiglo. see? oh! oh, for god's sake, it's 6:00 a.m. oh, i know, sorry. we agreed we don't want our kids to know about us. yeah, yeah, good-bye. bye.


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